Beispiel #1
  void Decoration::parseBoundingQuadSize(const char* modelFileName) 
	 boundingQuadSizeX = 0.0f;
	 boundingQuadSizeY = 0.0f;

			IStorm3D_Model *model = visualObject->getStormModel();
				const AABB &aabb = model->GetBoundingBox();

				boundingQuadSizeX = (aabb.mmax.x - aabb.mmin.x) * .5f;
				boundingQuadSizeY = (aabb.mmax.z - aabb.mmin.z) * .5f;
	  // damn this would be ALOT easier with stl :)
	  char xSize[16];
	  char ySize[16];
	  memset(xSize, 0, sizeof(xSize));
	  memset(ySize, 0, sizeof(ySize));
	  int len = strlen(modelFileName) - 1;
	  int i;
	  for(i = len; i > 0; i--) {
		if(modelFileName[i] == '_')
	  if(i == 0) {
		 // decoration model file name doesn't have boundaries
		 boundingQuadSizeX = 0.0f;
		 boundingQuadSizeY = 0.0f;
	  i++; // skip _
	  int a = 0;
	  for(i; i < len; i++) {
		if((modelFileName[i] == 'x') || (modelFileName[i] == 'X'))
		xSize[a++] = modelFileName[i];
	  if(i == len) {
		 // decoration model file name doesn't have Y boundaries
		 boundingQuadSizeX = 0.0f;
		 boundingQuadSizeY = 0.0f;
	  i++; // skip x
	  a = 0;
	  for(i; i < len; i++) {
		if((modelFileName[i] == '.'))
		ySize[a++] = modelFileName[i];
	  boundingQuadSizeX = static_cast<float>(atof(xSize));
	  boundingQuadSizeY = static_cast<float>(atof(ySize));
void TargetDisplayWindowUpdator::risingMessage( game::Unit* unit, const std::string& text, int style )
	if( unit == NULL )
		Logger::getInstance()->error( "TargetDisplayWindowUpdator::risingMessage() - could not create a message for a null unit" );

	std::list< Unit* >::iterator i = std::find( risingMessages.begin(), risingMessages.end(), unit );
	if( i == risingMessages.end() )
		float updateDistance = updateItemsInsideDistance * updateItemsInsideDistance;

		float distance = calculateDistance( unit->getPosition(), game );
		if( distance < updateDistance )
			if(unit && unit->getVisualObject() && unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel())
				IStorm3D_Model *m = unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel();
				Rect rect = getScreenArea(m->GetBoundingBox(), game);

				// hack: allow rising messages on units with highlight
				void *p = ((char *)unit) + 1;
				if(window->setRisingText( p, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, ( distance / updateDistance ), style ) )
					window->setText(p, text );	

				risingMessages.push_back( unit );

		// TODO log a warning message
		// Logger::getInstance()->Warning( );
void TargetDisplayWindowUpdator::update()
	TargetDisplayButtonManager *manager = window->getManager();
	// rect tmp = getTargetScreenRect( game );
	// window->setRect( 0, tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.w, tmp.h );
		float updateDistance = itemDistance * itemDistance;

		std::list< Item* >::iterator it;
		for( it = itemsToBeUpdated.begin(); it != itemsToBeUpdated.end(); ++it )
			//Point tmp = convertVC3toScreen( (*it)->getPosition(), game );
			Item *item = *it;

			float distance = calculateDistance( item->getPosition(), game );
			if( distance < updateDistance )

				if(item && item->getVisualObject() && item->getVisualObject()->getStormModel())
					IStorm3D_Model *m = item->getVisualObject()->getStormModel();
					Rect rect = getScreenArea(m->GetBoundingBox(), game);

					if(window->setRect(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, ( distance / updateDistance ), item->getHighlightStyle()))
							window->setText(item, item->getHighlightText());

					if( false ) // items cant have health thus they cant have the health bar
						window->setSliderValue( item, 1.0f, 1.0f );

				if( window->setRect( (*it), tmp.x - 12, tmp.y - 8, 35, 35, (int)( ( distance / updateDistance ) * 100.0f ), (*it)->getStyle() ) )
					if( (*it)->hasStyleText() )
						window->setText( (*it), (*it)->getStyleText() );	

		float updateDistance = unitDistance * unitDistance;

		std::list< Unit* >::iterator it;
		for( it = unitsToBeUpdated.begin(); it != unitsToBeUpdated.end(); ++it )
			//point tmp = convertVC3toScreen( (*it)->getPosition(), game );
			float distance = calculateDistance( (*it)->getPosition(), game );
			if( distance < updateDistance )
				Unit *unit = *it;
				if(unit && unit->getVisualObject() && unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel())
					UnitType *ut = unit->getUnitType();

					IStorm3D_Model *m = unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel();
					Rect rect;

					// two rects, one for highlight and another for target lock rect
					for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
						void *p = unit;
						int style = unit->getHighlightStyle();
						float rect_scale = 1.0f;
						const char *text = NULL;
						// target lock rect
						if(i == 1)
							int max = unit->getTargetLockCounterMax();
							if(unit->getTargetLockCounter() <= 0)
								// no target lock
							else if(unit->getTargetLockCounter() < max)
								style = 5;
								rect_scale = 2.0f - 1.0f * (unit->getTargetLockCounter() / (float) max);
								text = NULL;
								style = 6;
								rect_scale = 1.0f;
								text = "gui_target_locked";

							p = ((char *)unit) + 2;

						const TargetDisplayButtonManager::ButtonCreator &bc = window->getManager()->getButtonStyle( style );
						if(bc.rect_style == 0)
							rect = getScreenArea(m->GetBoundingBox(), game);
						else if(bc.rect_style == 1)
							// unit size based rect
							IStorm3D_Scene *scene = game->getGameScene()->getStormScene();
							IStorm3D_Camera *cam = scene->GetCamera();

							VC3 pos = m->GetPosition() + VC3(0, ut->getSize() * ut->getTargetRectHeightScale(), 0);
							VC3 pos_screen = VC3(0,0,0);
							VC3 pos_screen2 = VC3(0,0,0);
							float rhw = 0;
							float real_z = 0;
							bool visible = cam->GetTransformedToScreen(pos, pos_screen, rhw, real_z); 

							pos += cam->GetUpVecReal() * ut->getSize() * 0.5f;
							visible = cam->GetTransformedToScreen(pos, pos_screen2, rhw, real_z); 

							VC3 diff = pos_screen - pos_screen2;
							float radius = rect_scale * ut->getTargetRectScale() * sqrtf(diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y);

							pos_screen.x *= 1024.0f;
							pos_screen.y *= 768.0f;

							rect.x = (int)(pos_screen.x - radius * 1024.0f);
							rect.y = (int)(pos_screen.y - radius * 768.0f);
							rect.w = (int)(radius * 1024.0f * 2.0f);
							rect.h = (int)(radius * 768.0f * 2.0f);

						if(window->setRect(p, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, ( distance / updateDistance ), style ))
							if(unit->hasHighlightText() )
								window->setText(p, unit->getHighlightText() );	
								window->setText(p, text );	


						window->setSliderValue(p, ( (float)unit->getHP() / (float)unit->getMaxHP() ), unit->getUnitType()->getHealthSliderScale() );

		float updateDistance = itemDistance * itemDistance;

		std::list< Unit* >::iterator it;
		for( it = risingMessages.begin(); it != risingMessages.end(); )
			Unit *unit = *it;
			float distance = calculateDistance( unit->getPosition(), game );
			if(unit && unit->getVisualObject() && unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel()
				&& distance < updateDistance)
				IStorm3D_Model *m = unit->getVisualObject()->getStormModel();
				Rect rect = getScreenArea(m->GetBoundingBox(), game);

				// hack: allow rising messages on units with highlight
				void *p = ((char *)unit) + 1;
				if(window->setRect(p, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, ( distance / updateDistance ), risingMessageStyle ))
					/*if(unit->hasHighlightText() )
						window->setText(p, unit->getHighlightText() );	
				// keep rising message visible even if unit was blown up
				// hack: allow rising messages on units with highlight
				void *p = ((char *)unit) + 1;

			// hack: allow rising messages on units with highlight
			void *p = ((char *)(*it)) + 1;
			if( window->hasEnded( p ) == false )
				std::list< Unit* >::iterator remove = it;
				risingMessages.erase( remove );


	if( currentFrame >= removeUnnessary )
		currentFrame = 0;

	if( currentFrame%updateTargets == 0 )
