// Read one field for a body
InputFront::readBody(emf_ObjectData_X* od)
  static UserInterface* gui = theControlCenter->getGui();
  strstream strm1, strm2;

  static ecif_Body_X tx;
  static ecif_BodyLayer_X tx_layer;

  static int current_layer_tag = NO_INDEX;
  static char* current_layer_name = NULL;

  static IdArray edge_tags;
  static IdArray edge_group_tags;
  static IdArray vertex_groups;
  static IdArray vertex_tags;
  static int vertex_group_id = 0;
  static int layer = 0;
  static bool new_layer = false;

  static Body* body = NULL;
  static BodyLayer* bl = NULL;

  const char* fn = od->field_name;

  // This is the field id (when it make sense!)
  int id;
  LibFront::setNumericData(id, 0);

  bool isEgf = isEgfInput;
  bool isEmf = isEmfInput;

  // New body object started
  // =======================
  if (od->is_object_start) {

     // Init tx data

    current_layer_tag = NO_INDEX;
    delete[] current_layer_name;
    current_layer_name = NULL;
    bl = NULL;

    tx.tag = od->object_id;
    tx.is_checked = geometryIsChecked();

  // ---------------
  // Body level data
  // ---------------

  //-Body name
  if ( LibFront::in(EMF_NAME, fn) ) {
    //update_dyna_string(tx.name, (char*) od->data);
    readName(od, tx.name);

  //-Body type
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_TYPE, fn) ) {
    if ( LibFront::in("Open", (char*) od->data) ) {
      tx.is_open = true;
    } else if ( LibFront::in("Bem", (char*) od->data) ) {
      tx.is_checked = true;
      tx.is_bem = true;
    } else if ( LibFront::in("Virtual", (char*) od->data) ) {
      tx.is_checked = true;
      tx.is_virtual = true;

  //-Body color
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_COLOR, fn) ) {
    if ( readColor(od, tx.color) ) {
      tx.has_color = true;

  //-Body Force id
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_BODY_FORCE, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.body_force_id, 0);

  //-Body Parameter id
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_BODY_PARAMETER, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.body_param_id, 0);

   //-Equation id
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_EQUATION, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.equation_id, 0);

  //-Initial condition
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_INITIAL_CONDITION, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.init_cond_id, 0);

  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_MATERIAL, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.material_id, 0);

  //-Edge groups (for virtual body)
  else if ( LibFront::in("Edge Groups", fn) ||
            LibFront::in("Element Groups", fn)
          ) {

    int tag;
    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tag, i);

  // ----------------
  // Layer level data
  // ----------------

  //-Layer tag
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_LAYER, fn) ||
            LibFront::in(EMF_LAYER_TAG, fn)
          ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(current_layer_tag, 0);

  //-Layer type
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_LAYER_TYPE, fn) ) {
    if ( LibFront::in("Open", (char*) od->data) ) {
      tx_layer.is_open = true;

   //-Layer name
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_LAYER_NAME, fn) ) {
    tx_layer.has_name = true;
    update_dyna_string(current_layer_name, (char*) od->data);

  //-Layer color
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_LAYER_COLOR, fn) ) {
    if ( readColor(od, tx_layer.color) ) {
      tx_layer.has_color = true;

  //-Element loop tags
  // EMF_EDGE_LOOPS (egf-style)
  // EMF_ELEMENT_LOOPS (emf-style)
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_EDGE_LOOPS, fn) ||
            LibFront::in(EMF_ELEMENT_LOOPS, fn)
          ) {
    new_layer = true;

    tx_layer.nof_elem_loops = od->data_length;
    delete[] tx_layer.elem_loop_tags;
    tx_layer.elem_loop_tags = NULL;

    if ( tx_layer.nof_elem_loops > 0 ) {
      tx_layer.elem_loop_tags = new int[tx_layer.nof_elem_loops];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx_layer.elem_loop_tags[i], i);

  //-Body vertices as tags (short egf-style)
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_VERTICES, fn) ||
            LibFront::in(EMF_POLYGON, fn)
          ) {

    new_layer = true;


    int tag, first_tag;

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tag, i);

      if ( i == 0) {
        first_tag = tag;

    // Close the loop if given as open!
    if ( tag != first_tag ) {

  //-Edge tags
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_EDGES, fn) ) {

    new_layer = true;

    int tag;
    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tag, i);

  //-Grid parameter ids
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_GRID_PARAMETER_IDS, fn) ) {
    tx_layer.nof_grid_param_ids = od->data_length;
    tx_layer.grid_param_ids = new int[od->data_length];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx_layer.grid_param_ids[i], i);

    if ( bl != NULL ) {

  //-Excluded mesh indices
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_EXCLUDED_MESH_INDICES, fn) ) {
    tx_layer.nof_excluded_meshes = od->data_length;
    tx_layer.excluded_mesh_indices = new int[od->data_length];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx_layer.excluded_mesh_indices[i], i);

    if ( bl != NULL ) {


  //-Grid parameter mesh indices
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_GRID_PARAMETER_MESH_INDICES, fn) ) {
    tx_layer.grid_param_mesh_indices = new int[od->data_length];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx_layer.grid_param_mesh_indices[i], i);

    if ( bl != NULL ) {


  //-Unknown field
  else {
    unknownFieldMsg(od, IS_FATAL);

  //----Body and the first layer or some additional layer is ready
  if ( new_layer ) {

    // First layer --> a new body
    if ( layer == 0 ) {
      body = model->getBodyByTag(tx.tag);

    // Add new layer to the body
    // =========================
    if ( body != NULL ) {

      tx_layer.tag = current_layer_tag;
      update_dyna_string(tx_layer.name, current_layer_name);

      tx_layer.body_id = body->Id();
      tx_layer.body_tag = body->Tag();

      body->addElementLoopTags(layer, tx_layer.nof_elem_loops, tx_layer.elem_loop_tags);

      int nof_edges = edge_tags.size();
      int nof_vertices = vertex_tags.size();

      // Store edges as pending elements (will be resolved later when
      // the whole file is read
      if ( nof_edges > 0 ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nof_edges; i++) {
          body->addPendingElement(layer, edge_tags[i]);

      // Store vertices as pending start-end points (will be resolved later when
      // the whole file is read
      if ( nof_vertices > 0 ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nof_vertices; i++) {
          body->addPendingVertex(layer, vertex_groups[i], vertex_tags[i]);
        vertex_group_id = 0;

      bl = body->getLayer(layer);

      new_layer = false;

  // Reset for the next body
  if ( od->is_object_end ) {

    int nof_edge_groups = edge_group_tags.size();

    if ( !tx.is_virtual && nof_edge_groups > 0 ) {
      strm1 << "***ERROR in definition for Body " << tx.tag << ends;
      strm2 << "Edge Groups are valid only for virtual bodies (Type=virtual)" << ends;

      goto error;

    if ( !tx.is_virtual && body == NULL ) {
      strm1 << "***ERROR in definition for Body " << tx.tag << ends;
      strm2 << "No geometry defined for the body!" << ends;

      goto error;

    if ( tx.is_virtual && body == NULL && nof_edge_groups == 0) {
      strm1 << "***ERROR in definition for Body " << tx.tag << ends;
      strm2 << "No edge groups defined for a virtual body!" << ends;

      goto error;

    // If body not yet created (a virtual body)
    if ( body == NULL ) {
      body = model->getBodyByTag(tx.tag);

    // Add possible pending group tags
    if ( body != NULL && nof_edge_groups > 0 ) {
      for (int i = 0; i < nof_edge_groups; i++) {

    body = NULL;
    bl = NULL;
    layer = 0;
    new_layer = false;


  return isOk;

  // Error
  return notOk;
// Read one field for a face
InputFront::readFace(emf_ObjectData_X* od)
  static UserInterface* gui = theControlCenter->getGui();
  strstream strm1;
  strstream strm2;
  int i;

  int rc = isOk;

  static IdArray edge_tags;
  static IdArray vertex_tags;

  const char* fn = od->field_name;

  static ecif_Element_X tx;

  //---New element is started
  if (od->is_object_start) {

    // Init tx data
    tx.tag = od->object_id;
    tx.bndr_tag = NO_INDEX;
    tx.tplg_type = ECIF_FACE;

  // Parse fields
  // ============

  //-No data for the element (but id)
  if ( od->field_name_length == 0) {
    ; // Do nothing!

  //-Boundary tag
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_BOUNDARY_TAG, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.bndr_tag, 0);

  //-Boundary Condition id
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_BOUNDARY_CONDITION, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.bndr_cond_id, 0);

  //-Boundary Parameter id
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_BOUNDARY_PARAMETER, fn) ) {
    LibFront::setNumericData(tx.bndr_param_id, 0);

  //-Boundary name
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_NAME, fn) ) {
    //update_dyna_string(tx.name, (char*) od->data);
    readName(od, tx.name);

  //-Edge tags
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_EDGES, fn) ) {
    int tag;
    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tag, i);

  //-Vertex tags
  // NOTE: This is for mesh bodies which may not have any edges
  // but we still want to store some vertices in the model
  else if ( LibFront::in(EMF_VERTICES, fn) ) {
    int tag;
    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tag, i);

  //-Grid parameter ids
  else if ( LibFront::in("Gridh Ids", fn) ) {
    tx.nof_gridh_ids = od->data_length;
    tx.gridh_ids = new int[od->data_length];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx.gridh_ids[i], i);

  //-GridH mesh indices
  else if ( LibFront::in("Gridh Mesh Indices", fn) ) {
    tx.gridh_mesh_indices = new int[od->data_length];

    for (int i = 0; i < od->data_length; i++) {
      LibFront::setNumericData(tx.gridh_mesh_indices[i], i);

  if (rc != isOk)
    return !isOk;

  //----Element is ready
  if ( od->is_object_end ) {


    // Add possible pending edge definitions
    // into the created face bodyelement
    BodyElement* be = model->getBodyElementByTag(OT_FACE, tx.tag);

    if ( be != NULL ) {

      // Store edges as pending elements (will be resolved later when
      // the whole file is read
      int nof_edges = edge_tags.size();
      if ( nof_edges > 0 ) {
        for (i = 0; i < nof_edges; i++)

      // Store vertices as pending elements (will be resolved later when
      // the whole file is read
      int nof_vertices = vertex_tags.size();
      if ( nof_vertices > 0 ) {
        for (i = 0; i < nof_vertices; i++)


  return isOk;