Beispiel #1
void Pulsar::RemoveBaseline::Each::transform (Archive* archive)
  const unsigned nsub = archive->get_nsubint();
  const unsigned nchan = archive->get_nchan();
  const unsigned npol = archive->get_npol();

  bool pscrunch = (archive->get_state() == Signal::Coherence ||
		   archive->get_state() == Signal::PPQQ);

  for (unsigned isub=0; isub < nsub; isub++)
    Integration* subint = archive->get_Integration (isub);
    for (unsigned ichan=0; ichan < nchan; ichan++)
      Reference::To<Profile> profile = subint->get_Profile (0,ichan);
      if (pscrunch)
	profile = profile->clone();
	profile->sum (subint->get_Profile (1,ichan));

      Reference::To<PhaseWeight> baseline = profile->baseline();

      for (unsigned ipol=0; ipol < npol; ipol++)
	Profile* p = subint->get_Profile(ipol, ichan);
	baseline->set_Profile (p);
	p->offset (-baseline->get_mean().val);
Beispiel #2
/*! Upon completion, the flux of the archive will be normalized with
  respect to the flux of the calibrator, such that a FluxCalibrator
  simply scales the archive by the calibrator flux. */
void Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate (Archive* arch) try
  if (verbose > 2)
    cerr << "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate" << endl;

  calibration_setup (arch);

  if (arch->get_npol() == 4)
    BackendCorrection correct_backend;
    correct_backend (arch);

    if (verbose > 2)
      cerr << "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate Archive::transform" <<endl;

    arch->transform (response);
    arch->set_poln_calibrated (true);

    if (receiver)
      Receiver* rcvr = arch->get<Receiver>();
      if (!rcvr)
	throw Error (InvalidState, "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate",
		     "Archive has no Receiver Extension");
      rcvr->set_basis_corrected (true);
  else if (arch->get_npol() == 1)
    if (Archive::verbose)
      cerr << "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate WARNING"
	" calibrating only absolute gain" << endl;

    unsigned nsub = arch->get_nsubint ();
    unsigned nchan = arch->get_nchan ();

    for (unsigned isub=0; isub < nsub; isub++)
      Integration* subint = arch->get_Integration (isub);
      for (unsigned ichan=0; ichan < nchan; ichan++)
	double gain = abs(det( response[ichan] ));
	Profile* profile = subint->get_Profile (0, ichan);

	profile -> scale (gain);
	profile -> set_weight ( profile->get_weight() / gain );
    throw Error (InvalidParam, "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate",
		 "Archive::npol == %d not yet implemented", arch->get_npol());

  arch->set_scale (Signal::ReferenceFluxDensity);
catch (Error& error)
  throw error += "Pulsar::PolnCalibrator::calibrate";
Beispiel #3
void Pulsar::UVMArchive::load_header (const char* filename)
  int newscan = 0;

  uvm_header* header = new uvm_header;
  header_ptr = header;
  if (uvm_getheader (filename, &program, &newscan, header) < 0)
    throw Error (InvalidState, "Pulsar::UVMArchive::load_header",
		 "%s is not a UVM archive", filename);

  cerr << "newscan=" << newscan << endl;

  char buffer[80];
  uvm_get_source (header, buffer);
  source = buffer;

  uvm_get_observatory (header, buffer);
  telescope = buffer;
  telescope = "Arecibo";

  uvm_get_windows (header, buffer);
  cerr << "Pulsar::UVMArchive::load_header windows=" << buffer
       << " nwins=" << header->nwins << endl;

  centre_frequency = header->obfreq;
  bandwidth = header->abandwd;

  npol = header->anumsbc;
  if (npol == 4)
    set_state (Signal::Stokes);

  cerr << "anumsbc=" << header->anumsbc << endl;

  if (header->apoladd)
    npol = 1;

  dispersion_measure = header->adm;
  rotation_measure = header->arm;

  if (header->nwins == 0)
    nbin = header->apbins;
    cerr << "nbin = apbins = " << nbin;
    nbin = 0;
    for (int iwin=0; iwin < header->nwins; iwin++)
      cerr << "nbin += " <<  header->nwbins[iwin] << endl;
      nbin += header->nwbins[iwin];

  nchan = 1;
  if (Profile::no_amps)
    cerr << "no amps" << endl;

  cerr << "date (dddyy)=" << header->date << endl;
  cerr << "start sec=" << header->startime << endl;

  utc_t utc;
  utc.tm_yday = header->date / 100;
  utc.tm_year = 1900 + header->date % 100;
  utc.tm_min = header->scantime / 60;
  utc.tm_sec = header->scantime - utc.tm_min * 60;
  utc.tm_hour = utc.tm_min / 60;
  utc.tm_min -= utc.tm_hour * 60;

  MJD mjd_start (utc);

  // load all BasicIntegration attributes and data from filename
  uvm_data data;
  unsigned loaded_subints = 0;

  while (uvm_getdata (program, header, &data) >= 0)
    loaded_subints ++;
    resize (loaded_subints);

    Integration* integration = get_Integration(loaded_subints-1);

    // cerr << "start usec=" << header->scantime << endl;
    epoch = mjd_start + header->scantime * 1e-6;
    integration->set_folding_period (header->period);
    integration->set_duration (header->period);
    integration->set_epoch (epoch);
    integration->set_centre_frequency(0, centre_frequency);

    // scaleI is the scale to convert to microJy
    double scale = header->scaleI * 1e-3;
    double offset = header->baseval;
    for (unsigned ipol=0; ipol < get_npol(); ipol++)
      float* amps = integration->get_Profile(ipol, 0) -> get_amps();

      for (unsigned ibin=0; ibin < get_nbin(); ibin++)
	amps[ibin] = ([ipol][ibin] + offset) * scale;
Beispiel #4
void Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator () (Archive* arch) const try
  Backend* backend = arch->get<Backend>();

  if (!backend || backend->get_corrected())

  Signal::State state = arch->get_state();
  Signal::Basis basis = arch->get_basis();
  Signal::Hand hand = backend->get_hand();
  Signal::Argument argument = backend->get_argument();

  bool correct_lsb = must_correct_lsb (backend, arch);

  if (Archive::verbose > 2)
    cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator basis=" << basis
	 << " hand=" << hand << " phase=" << argument
	 << " lsb=" << correct_lsb << endl;

    complex conjugation due to lower sideband downconversion and
    backend convention have the same effect; the following lines
    effect an exclusive or operation.
  if (correct_lsb)
    if (Archive::verbose > 2)
      cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator down conversion" << endl;
    if (argument == Signal::Conjugate)
      argument = Signal::Conventional;
      argument = Signal::Conjugate;

  unsigned npol = arch->get_npol();

  if (npol < 2)

  bool swap01 = false;
  bool flip[4] = { false, false, false, false };

  if (npol == 4)
    if (argument == Signal::Conjugate)
      if (Archive::verbose > 2)
	cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator phase convention" << endl;
      if (state == Signal::Stokes && basis == Signal::Circular)
	flip[2] = !flip[2];   // Flip Stokes U
	flip[3] = !flip[3];   // Flip Stokes V or Im[AB]

    if (hand == Signal::Left) 
      if (Archive::verbose > 2)
	cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator hand" << endl;
      if (state == Signal::Stokes && basis == Signal::Circular)
	flip[2] = !flip[2];   // Flip Stokes U and ...
      else if (state == Signal::Stokes && basis == Signal::Linear)
	flip[1] = !flip[1];   // Flip Stokes Q and ...
      else if (state == Signal::PseudoStokes)
	flip[1] = !flip[1];   // Flip AA-BB and ...
      flip[3] = !flip[3];     // Flip Stokes V or Im[AB]

  // If state == Coherence or PPQQ ...
  if (hand == Signal::Left && 
      (state == Signal::Coherence || state == Signal::PPQQ))
    swap01 = true;

  bool flip_something = false;
  for (unsigned ipol=0; ipol < npol; ipol++)
    if (flip[ipol])
      if (Archive::verbose > 2)
	cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator flip " << ipol << endl;
      flip_something = true;

  if (swap01 && Archive::verbose > 2)
    cerr << "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator swap 0 and 1" << endl;

  if (flip_something || swap01)
    for (unsigned isub=0; isub < arch->get_nsubint(); isub++)
      Integration* integration = arch->get_Integration(isub);
      for (unsigned ichan=0; ichan < arch->get_nchan(); ichan++)
	for (unsigned ipol=0; ipol < npol; ipol++)
	  if (flip[ipol])
	    integration->get_Profile(ipol, ichan)->scale(-1);
	if (swap01)
	  integration->expert()->swap_profiles(0, ichan, 1, ichan);

  backend->set_corrected ();
catch (Error& error)
  throw error += "Pulsar::BackendCorrection::operator";