Beispiel #1
bool Sphere::Sample(const Interaction &ref, const Point2f &sample,
                    Interaction *it) const {
    // Compute coordinate system for sphere sampling
    Point3f pCenter = (*ObjectToWorld)(Point3f(0, 0, 0));
    Point3f pOrigin =
        OffsetRayOrigin(ref.p, ref.pError, ref.n, pCenter - ref.p);
    Vector3f wc = Normalize(pCenter - ref.p);
    Vector3f wcX, wcY;
    CoordinateSystem(wc, &wcX, &wcY);

    // Sample uniformly on sphere if $\pt{}$ is inside it
    if (DistanceSquared(pOrigin, pCenter) <= 1.0001f * radius * radius)
        return Sample(sample, it);

    // Sample sphere uniformly inside subtended cone
    Float sinThetaMax2 = radius * radius / DistanceSquared(ref.p, pCenter);
    Float cosThetaMax =
        std::sqrt(std::max((Float)0., (Float)1. - sinThetaMax2));
    SurfaceInteraction isectSphere;
    Float tHit;
    Ray r = ref.SpawnRay(UniformSampleCone(sample, cosThetaMax, wcX, wcY, wc));
    if (!Intersect(r, &tHit, &isectSphere)) return false;
    *it = isectSphere;
    if (ReverseOrientation) it->n *= -1.f;
    return true;
Beispiel #2
Spectrum DiffuseAreaLight::Sample_Le(const Point2f &u1, const Point2f &u2,
                                     Float time, Ray *ray, Normal3f *nLight,
                                     Float *pdfPos, Float *pdfDir) const {
    ProfilePhase _(Prof::LightSample);
    // Sample a point on the area light's _Shape_, _pShape_
    Interaction pShape = shape->Sample(u1, pdfPos);
    pShape.mediumInterface = mediumInterface;
    *nLight = pShape.n;

    // Sample a cosine-weighted outgoing direction _w_ for area light
    Vector3f w;
    if (twoSided) {
        Point2f u = u2;
        // Choose a side to sample and then remap u[0] to [0,1] before
        // applying cosine-weighted hemisphere sampling for the chosen side.
        if (u[0] < .5) {
            u[0] = std::min(u[0] * 2, OneMinusEpsilon);
            w = CosineSampleHemisphere(u);
        } else {
            u[0] = std::min((u[0] - .5f) * 2, OneMinusEpsilon);
            w = CosineSampleHemisphere(u);
            w.z *= -1;
        *pdfDir = 0.5f * CosineHemispherePdf(std::abs(w.z));
    } else {
        w = CosineSampleHemisphere(u2);
        *pdfDir = CosineHemispherePdf(w.z);

    Vector3f v1, v2, n(pShape.n);
    CoordinateSystem(n, &v1, &v2);
    w = w.x * v1 + w.y * v2 + w.z * n;
    *ray = pShape.SpawnRay(w);
    return L(pShape, w);
Beispiel #3
Float Shape::Pdf(const Interaction &ref, const Vector3f &wi) const {
    // Intersect sample ray with area light geometry
    Ray ray = ref.SpawnRay(wi);
    Float tHit;
    SurfaceInteraction isectLight;
    // Ignore any alpha textures used for trimming the shape when performing
    // this intersection. Hack for the "San Miguel" scene, where this is used
    // to make an invisible area light.
    if (!Intersect(ray, &tHit, &isectLight, false)) return 0;

    // Convert light sample weight to solid angle measure
    Float pdf = DistanceSquared(ref.p, isectLight.p) /
                (AbsDot(isectLight.n, -wi) * Area());
    if (std::isinf(pdf)) pdf = 0.f;
    return pdf;
Beispiel #4
Spectrum DiffuseAreaLight::Sample_Le(const Point2f &u1, const Point2f &u2,
                                     Float time, Ray *ray, Normal3f *nLight,
                                     Float *pdfPos, Float *pdfDir) const {
    Interaction pShape = shape->Sample(u1);
    pShape.mediumInterface = mediumInterface;
    Vector3f w = CosineSampleHemisphere(u2);
    *pdfDir = CosineHemispherePdf(w.z);
    // Transform cosine-weighted direction to normal's coordinate system
    Vector3f v1, v2, n(pShape.n);
    CoordinateSystem(n, &v1, &v2);
    w = w.x * v1 + w.y * v2 + w.z * n;
    *ray = pShape.SpawnRay(w);
    *nLight = pShape.n;
    *pdfPos = shape->Pdf(pShape);
    return L(pShape, w);
Beispiel #5
Spectrum DiffuseAreaLight::Sample_Le(const Point2f &u1, const Point2f &u2,
                                     Float time, Ray *ray, Normal3f *nLight,
                                     Float *pdfPos, Float *pdfDir) const {
    // Sample a point on the area light's _Shape_, _pShape_
    Interaction pShape = shape->Sample(u1);
    pShape.mediumInterface = mediumInterface;
    *pdfPos = shape->Pdf(pShape);
    *nLight = pShape.n;

    // Sample a cosine-weighted outgoing direction _w_ for area light
    Vector3f w = CosineSampleHemisphere(u2);
    *pdfDir = CosineHemispherePdf(w.z);
    Vector3f v1, v2, n(pShape.n);
    CoordinateSystem(n, &v1, &v2);
    w = w.x * v1 + w.y * v2 + w.z * n;
    *ray = pShape.SpawnRay(w);
    return L(pShape, w);
Beispiel #6
Spectrum EstimateDirect(const Interaction &it, const Point2f &uScattering,
                        const Light &light, const Point2f &uLight,
                        const Scene &scene, Sampler &sampler,
                        MemoryArena &arena, bool handleMedia, bool specular) {
    BxDFType bsdfFlags =
        specular ? BSDF_ALL : BxDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR);
    Spectrum Ld(0.f);
    // Sample light source with multiple importance sampling
    Vector3f wi;
    Float lightPdf = 0, scatteringPdf = 0;
    VisibilityTester visibility;
    Spectrum Li = light.Sample_Li(it, uLight, &wi, &lightPdf, &visibility);
    if (lightPdf > 0 && !Li.IsBlack()) {
        // Compute BSDF or phase function's value for light sample
        Spectrum f;
        if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) {
            // Evaluate BSDF for light sampling strategy
            const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it;
            f = isect.bsdf->f(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags) *
                AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n);
            scatteringPdf = isect.bsdf->Pdf(isect.wo, wi, bsdfFlags);
        } else {
            // Evaluate phase function for light sampling strategy
            const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it;
            Float p = mi.phase->p(mi.wo, wi);
            f = Spectrum(p);
            scatteringPdf = p;
        if (!f.IsBlack()) {
            // Compute effect of visibility for light source sample
            if (handleMedia)
                Li *= visibility.Tr(scene, sampler);
            else if (!visibility.Unoccluded(scene))
                Li = Spectrum(0.f);

            // Add light's contribution to reflected radiance
            if (!Li.IsBlack()) {
                if (IsDeltaLight(light.flags))
                    Ld += f * Li / lightPdf;
                else {
                    Float weight =
                        PowerHeuristic(1, lightPdf, 1, scatteringPdf);
                    Ld += f * Li * weight / lightPdf;

    // Sample BSDF with multiple importance sampling
    if (!IsDeltaLight(light.flags)) {
        Spectrum f;
        bool sampledSpecular = false;
        if (it.IsSurfaceInteraction()) {
            // Sample scattered direction for surface interactions
            BxDFType sampledType;
            const SurfaceInteraction &isect = (const SurfaceInteraction &)it;
            f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(isect.wo, &wi, uScattering, &scatteringPdf,
                                     bsdfFlags, &sampledType);
            f *= AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n);
            sampledSpecular = sampledType & BSDF_SPECULAR;
        } else {
            // Sample scattered direction for medium interactions
            const MediumInteraction &mi = (const MediumInteraction &)it;
            Float p = mi.phase->Sample_p(mi.wo, &wi, uScattering);
            f = Spectrum(p);
            scatteringPdf = p;
        if (!f.IsBlack() && scatteringPdf > 0) {
            // Account for light contributions along sampled direction _wi_
            Float weight = 1;
            if (!sampledSpecular) {
                lightPdf = light.Pdf_Li(it, wi);
                if (lightPdf == 0) return Ld;
                weight = PowerHeuristic(1, scatteringPdf, 1, lightPdf);

            // Find intersection and compute transmittance
            SurfaceInteraction lightIsect;
            Ray ray = it.SpawnRay(wi);
            Spectrum Tr(1.f);
            bool foundSurfaceInteraction =
                handleMedia ? scene.IntersectTr(ray, sampler, &lightIsect, &Tr)
                            : scene.Intersect(ray, &lightIsect);

            // Add light contribution from material sampling
            Spectrum Li(0.f);
            if (foundSurfaceInteraction) {
                if (lightIsect.primitive->GetAreaLight() == &light)
                    Li = lightIsect.Le(-wi);
            } else
                Li = light.Le(ray);
            if (!Li.IsBlack()) Ld += f * Li * Tr * weight / scatteringPdf;
    return Ld;