Beispiel #1
void VotingWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 20, 80, m_w-40, 100, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    VoteButton *voteYes = new VoteButton();
    voteYes->SetProperties( "yes", 40, 90, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_yes", false, true );
    voteYes->m_vote = Vote::VoteYes;
    voteYes->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteYes );

    VoteButton *voteNo = new VoteButton();
    voteNo->SetProperties( "no", 40, 120, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_no", false, true );
    voteNo->m_vote = Vote::VoteNo;
    voteNo->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteNo );

    VoteButton *voteAbstain = new VoteButton();
    voteAbstain->SetProperties( "abstain", 40, 150, 30, 20, " ", "tooltip_vote_abstain", false, true );
    voteAbstain->m_vote = Vote::VoteAbstain;
    voteAbstain->m_voteId = m_voteId;
    RegisterButton( voteAbstain );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w/2 - 50, m_h - 25, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );
Beispiel #2
void BadKeyWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h-70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

#if !defined(RETAIL_DEMO)
    if( m_offerDemo )
        PlayDemoButton *demo = new PlayDemoButton();
        demo->SetProperties( "Play Demo", m_w - 330, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_play_demo", " ", true, false );
        demo->m_forceVisible = true;
        RegisterButton( demo );

#if !defined(RETAIL)
   // BuyNowButton *buyNow = new BuyNowButton();
  //  buyNow->SetProperties( "Buy Now", m_w - 220, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_buy_now", " ", true, false );    
   // buyNow->m_closeOnClick = false;
   // RegisterButton( buyNow );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w - 110, m_h - 30, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );
Beispiel #3
void ConnectingWindow::Create()
    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h-70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    AbortButton *abort = new AbortButton();
    abort->SetProperties( "Abort", m_w/2-50, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_abort", "dialog_abort_current_connection", true, true );
    RegisterButton( abort );
Beispiel #4
void AuthKeyWindow::Create()

    InvertedBox *invert = new InvertedBox();
    invert->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 30, m_w-20, m_h - 70, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( invert );
    AuthInputField *input = new AuthInputField();
    input->SetProperties( "Key", 40, 50, 620, 30, " ", " ", false, false );
    input->RegisterString( m_key );
    RegisterButton( input );

	// Only show the paste button on platforms with a paste implementation
#if defined(TARGET_MSVC) || defined(TARGET_OS_MACOSX)
    PasteKeyButton *paste = new PasteKeyButton();
    paste->SetProperties( "Paste", 10, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_paste", "dialog_paste_tooltip", true, true );
    RegisterButton( paste );
    ApplyKeyButton *apply = new ApplyKeyButton();
    apply->SetProperties( "Apply", m_w-220, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_apply", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( apply );

    PlayDemoButton *demo = new PlayDemoButton();
    demo->SetProperties( "Play Demo", m_w/2-50, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_play_demo", " ", true, false );
    demo->m_forceVisible = false;
    RegisterButton( demo );

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w-110, m_h-30, 100, 20, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );

    // Auto-select the chat box if the key is empty

    char authKey[256];
    Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
    if( stricmp(authKey, "authkey not found") == 0 ||
        strlen(authKey) < 3 )
Beispiel #5
void NetworkWindow::Create()

    if( g_app->GetServer() )
        int maxClients = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("MaxTeams") +

        int boxH = maxClients * 20 + 15;
        SetSize( m_w, 170 + boxH );
        InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
        box->SetProperties( "invert", 10, 110, m_w-20, boxH, " ", " ", false, false );
        RegisterButton( box );
Beispiel #6
void AlliancesWindow::Create()

    float xPos = 20;
    float yPos = 60;
    float width = m_w - 270;
    float height = 30;
    float gap = 7;

    int permitDefection = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue( "PermitDefection" );
    int sharingRadar = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("RadarSharing");

    // Invert box

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
    box->SetProperties( "box", xPos-10, yPos-10, width+20, (height+gap) * g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size() + 15, " ", " ", false, false );
    RegisterButton( box );

    // Buttons for each team

    for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
        char name[256];
        sprintf( name, "Team %d", i );

        AllianceTeamButton *team = new AllianceTeamButton();
        team->SetProperties( name, xPos, yPos, width, height, " ", " ", false, false );
        team->m_teamIndex = i;
        RegisterButton( team );

        if( permitDefection )
            sprintf( name, "ceasfire %d", i );
            RequestCeasefireButton *ceasefire = new RequestCeasefireButton();
            ceasefire->SetProperties( name, xPos + 295, yPos+5, 18, 18, " ", " ", false, false );
            ceasefire->m_teamIndex = i;
            RegisterButton( ceasefire );

        if( sharingRadar == 2 )
            sprintf( name, "shareradar %d", i );
            RequestShareRadarButton *shareRadar = new RequestShareRadarButton();
            shareRadar->SetProperties( name, xPos + 235, yPos+5, 18, 18, " ", " ", false, false );
            shareRadar->m_teamIndex = i;
            RegisterButton( shareRadar );
        yPos += height;
        yPos += gap;

    yPos += gap * 2;

    // Join / Leave / Kick button
    if( permitDefection )
        JoinLeaveButton *joinLeave = new JoinLeaveButton();
        joinLeave->SetProperties( "JoinLeave", xPos+width/2 - 120, yPos, 240, 23, " ", " ", false, false );
        RegisterButton( joinLeave );

    yPos += 25;
    yPos += gap;
    height = 40;

    // Close button

    CloseButton *close = new CloseButton();
    close->SetProperties( "Close", m_w - 110, m_y - 25, 100, 18, "dialog_close", " ", true, false );
    RegisterButton( close );

    // Once button for each vote

    for( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; ++i )
        char name[256];
        sprintf( name, "Vote %d", i );

        AllianceVoteButton *vote = new AllianceVoteButton();
        vote->SetProperties( name, xPos, yPos, width, height, " ", " ", false, false );
        vote->m_voteIndex = i;
        RegisterButton( vote );

        yPos += height;
        yPos += gap;
void PrefsKeybindingsWindow::Create()

	int fontSize = GetMenuSize(11);
	int y = GetClientRectY1();
	int border = GetClientRectX1() + GetMenuSize(5);
	int x = m_w * 2 / 3;
	int buttonH = GetMenuSize(20);
	int buttonW = m_w - border * 2 - x;
	int h = buttonH + border;

	if ( 0 == m_controlMethod )
		s_indices = s_gesture_controls;
		s_indices = s_icon_controls;

    ControlMethodDropDownMenu *controlMethod = new ControlMethodDropDownMenu();
    controlMethod->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("newcontrols_prefsoption"), x, y+=border, buttonW, buttonH );
    controlMethod->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("newcontrols_prefs_gestures"), 0 );
    controlMethod->AddOption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("newcontrols_prefs_icons"), 1 );
    controlMethod->RegisterInt( &m_controlMethod );
	controlMethod->m_fontSize = GetMenuSize(11);
    RegisterButton( controlMethod );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( controlMethod );

    InvertedBox *box = new InvertedBox();
	unsigned num_controls = 0;
	while ( s_indices[num_controls] >= 0 ) { num_controls++; }
    box->SetShortProperties( "invert", 10, y+h, m_w - 20, (num_controls * h) + border);
    RegisterButton( box );

    y += border;

    for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_controls; ++j)
		int i = s_indices[ j ];
		ChangeKeybindingButton *but = new ChangeKeybindingButton( i, s_controls[i].instant );
		char const *eventName = LANGUAGEPHRASE( s_controls[i].name );
		but->SetShortProperties(eventName, x, y+=h, buttonW, buttonH);
		but->m_fontSize = GetMenuSize(15);
		but->m_centered = true;
		char const *keyName =  m_bindings[i]->noun.c_str();
		strcpy(but->m_caption, keyName);
		m_buttonOrder.PutData( but );

	DropDownMenu *numMouseButtons = new DropDownMenu();
    numMouseButtons->SetShortProperties( " ", x, y+=h, buttonW, buttonH );
    numMouseButtons->AddOption( "1", 1 );
    numMouseButtons->AddOption( "3", 3 );
    numMouseButtons->RegisterInt( &m_numMouseButtons );
    RegisterButton( numMouseButtons );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( numMouseButtons );

	y = m_h - (h+5);

	RestoreDefaultsButton *restore = new RestoreDefaultsButton();
	restore->SetShortProperties(LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_restoredefaults"), border, y - h, m_w - border*2, buttonH);
	restore->m_fontSize = fontSize;
	restore->m_centered = true;
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( restore );

	int buttonW2 = m_w / 2 - border * 2;

    CloseButton *cancel = new CloseButton();
    cancel->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_close"), border, y, buttonW2, buttonH );
    cancel->m_fontSize = fontSize;
    cancel->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( cancel );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( cancel );

    ApplyKeybindingsButton *apply = new ApplyKeybindingsButton();
    apply->SetShortProperties( LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_apply"), m_w - buttonW2 - border, y, buttonW2, buttonH );
    apply->m_fontSize = fontSize;
    apply->m_centered = true;
    RegisterButton( apply );
	m_buttonOrder.PutData( apply );