Beispiel #1
    Ip Address::ip(Ip ip)
#ifdef WINDOWS
        unsigned long address = inet_addr(ip.c_str());

        if (address == INADDR_NONE)
            stringstream error;
            error << "[ip] with [ip=" << ip << "] Invalid ip address provided";
            throw SocketException(error.str());
            this->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = address;
        if (inet_aton(ip.c_str(), &this->sin_addr) == 0)
            stringstream error;
            error << "[ip] with [ip=" << ip << "] Invalid ip address provided";
            throw SocketException(error.str());
        return this->ip();
Beispiel #2
void LinkScheduler::on_ip_schedule(evutil_socket_t sock, short event, void *arg)
    IpContext *ipContext = (IpContext*)arg;
    HttpProcessor *httpProcessor = ipContext->linkTable->getLinkScheduler()->_httpProcessor;
    Ip ip;
    Site site;
    UrlContext *urlContext = NULL;
    bool isIpContextObsolete = ipContext->linkTable->select(ipContext, ip, site, urlContext);
    LOG_F(DEBUG, "pop ip=%s site=%s url=%s urlContext:%p",
          ip.c_str(), site.c_str(), urlContext->url.c_str(), urlContext);


    // select()可能delete掉ipContext
    if (!isIpContextObsolete) {
        struct event *ipScheduleEvent = ipContext->ipScheduleEvent;
        struct timeval t = {ipContext->scheduleInterval, 0 };
        evtimer_add(ipScheduleEvent, &t);