Beispiel #1
void IrSensor::process(const double dt)

   int numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();
   if (numRecords > 0) {
      AngleOnlyTrackManager* tm = static_cast<AngleOnlyTrackManager*>(getTrackManager());
      if (tm != nullptr) {
         numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();

         // Send on all messages EXCEPT those with signal below threshold and those merged
         // into another signal. Those will simply be ignored and unreferenced.

         for (int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) {
            IrQueryMsg* msg = storedMessagesQueue.get();
            if (msg->getQueryMergeStatus() != IrQueryMsg::MERGED_OUT) {
               if (msg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() > getThreshold())
                  tm->newReport(msg, msg->getSignalToNoiseRatio());
void MergingIrSensor::mergeIrReturns()
   int numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();
   if (numRecords > 0) {

      //int* deleteArray = new int [numRecords];
      //if (deleteArray == 0) {
      //   if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_ERROR)) {
      //      std::cerr << "Error: Allocation memory failure in IrSensor::mergeIrReturns" << std::endl;
      //   }
      //else {
         //for (int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) {
         //   deleteArray[i] = 0;

         // Traverse the stored message queue using peek (). Examine every
         // message. Compare every stored message against every OTHER stored
         // message. If the two are too close together, merge the two signals
         // and mark the second message in the delete array.
         // Proceed through the loop, ignoring all messages marked "deleted"
         // in the delete array.
         numRecords = storedMessagesQueue.entries();

         if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_DEBUG)) {
            std::cout << "IrSensor: numRecords returned " << numRecords << std::endl;

         for (int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) {
               //if (deleteArray[i] == 0) {  // Do not bother processing those marked
               // for deletion -- these have already been
               // merged and must be ignored.

            IrQueryMsg* currentMsg = storedMessagesQueue.peek0(i);

            // Do not bother processing those marked
            // for deletion -- these have already been
            // merged and must be ignored.
            if (currentMsg->getQueryMergeStatus()!= IrQueryMsg::MERGED_OUT) {

               for (int j = i+1; j < numRecords; j++) {

                  IrQueryMsg* nextMsg = storedMessagesQueue.peek0(j);
                  double azimuthDelta = currentMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() - nextMsg->getRelativeAzimuth();
                  double elevationDelta = currentMsg->getRelativeElevation()
                     - nextMsg->getRelativeElevation();

                  if (azimuthDelta < 0)
                     azimuthDelta = -azimuthDelta;

                  if (elevationDelta < 0)
                     elevationDelta = -elevationDelta;

                  if ((azimuthDelta < azimuthBin) &&
                     (elevationDelta < elevationBin)) { // two signals are too close together
                    // for the sensor to distinguish between them;
                    // we will merge the two signals based
                    // on their weighted signal-to-noise.
                    double currentRatio = 0.0;
                    double nextRatio = 0.0;

                    // find current ratio.
                    if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_DEBUG)) {
                       std::cout << "IrSensor: merging target " <<  nextMsg->getTarget()->getName()->getString()
                                 << " into target " <<currentMsg->getTarget()->getName()->getString()  << std::endl;

                    if (currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() >
                       currentMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio()) {

                          currentRatio = currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() +

                    } else {
                       if (currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() < 0) {
                          currentRatio = -currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } else {
                          currentRatio = -currentMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } // signaltonoise < 0

                    } // if current signal > background

                    //now do the same thing for the next message.
                    if (nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() >
                       nextMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio()) {
                          nextRatio = nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() +
                    } else {
                       if (nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() < 0) {
                          nextRatio = -nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } else {
                          nextRatio = -nextMsg->getSignalToNoiseRatio() -
                       } // signaltonoise < 0

                    } // if next signal > background

                    // use ratios to find weights.
                    double sumRatio = currentRatio + nextRatio;

                    const double currentWeight = currentRatio / sumRatio;
                    const double nextWeight = 1.0 - currentWeight;

                    //combine line-of-sight vector using weights
                    currentMsg->setLosVec((currentMsg->getLosVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getLosVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine position
                    currentMsg->setPosVec((currentMsg->getPosVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getPosVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine velocity
                    currentMsg->setVelocityVec((currentMsg->getVelocityVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getVelocityVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine acceleration
                    currentMsg->setAccelVec((currentMsg->getAccelVec() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getAccelVec() * nextWeight));

                    // combine signal to noise ratios.
                    sumRatio = sumRatio - currentMsg->getBackgroundNoiseRatio();
                    if (sumRatio < 0)
                       sumRatio = -sumRatio;


                    //combine Azimuth and Elevation.
                    currentMsg->setAzimuthAoi((currentMsg->getAzimuthAoi() * currentWeight) +
                       nextMsg->getAzimuthAoi() * nextWeight);

                    currentMsg->setElevationAoi((currentMsg->getElevationAoi()* currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getElevationAoi() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setAngleAspect((currentMsg->getAngleAspect() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getAngleAspect() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setRelativeAzimuth((currentMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getRelativeAzimuth() * nextWeight));

                    currentMsg->setRelativeElevation((currentMsg->getRelativeElevation() * currentWeight) +
                       (nextMsg->getRelativeElevation() * nextWeight));

                    // signal that this report has merged targets

                    //deleteArray[j] = 1;  // now that we have merged this signal with the
                    // Ith signal, it must be deleted. It will not
                    // be passed on to the track manager.

                    //if (isMessageEnabled(MSG_INFO)) {
                    //std::cout << "IrSensor: End Merge" << std::endl;

                  } // if we merge
               } // end for j = i + 1;
            } // End if delete Array
            else { // debug - this target ws merged into another
               int x=0;
         } // end for i = 0;
         //delete[] deleteArray;
      //} // newArray is not null.
   } // numRecords > 0