bool WCachedParticles::Attempt(const string& filename, int submode, int & error) { JFileSystem* fileSys = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSys->OpenFile(WResourceManager::Instance()->graphicsFile(filename))) { error = CACHE_ERROR_404; return false; } SAFE_DELETE(particles); particles = NEW hgeParticleSystemInfo; // We Skip reading the pointer as it may be larger than 4 bytes in the structure void *dummyPointer; fileSys->ReadFile(&dummyPointer, 4); // we're actually trying to read more than the file size now, but it's no problem. // Note that this fix is only to avoid the largest problems, filling a structure // by directly reading a file, is really a bad idea ... fileSys->ReadFile(&(particles->nEmission), sizeof(hgeParticleSystemInfo) - sizeof(void*)); fileSys->CloseFile(); particles->sprite = NULL; error = CACHE_ERROR_NONE; return true; }
bool JSpline::Load(const char *filename, float xscale, float yscale) { JFileSystem *fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (fileSystem == NULL) return false; if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(filename)) return false; int size = fileSystem->GetFileSize(); char *xmlBuffer = new char[size]; fileSystem->ReadFile(xmlBuffer, size); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(xmlBuffer); mCount = 0; mMidPoints.clear(); mPixels.clear(); TiXmlNode* node = 0; //TiXmlElement* todoElement = 0; TiXmlElement* element; node = doc.RootElement(); float xx, yy; for(element = node->FirstChildElement(); element; element = element->NextSiblingElement()) { xx = 0.0f; yy = 0.0f; element->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &xx); element->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &yy); Point pt(xx*xscale, yy*yscale); AddControlPoint(pt); } fileSystem->CloseFile(); delete[] xmlBuffer; return true; }
bool JResourceManager::LoadResource(const string& resourceName) { string path = /*mResourceRoot + */resourceName; // TiXmlDocument doc(path.c_str()); // // if (!doc.LoadFile()) return false; JGE *engine = JGE::GetInstance(); if (engine == NULL) return false; JFileSystem *fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (fileSystem == NULL) return false; if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(path.c_str())) return false; int size = fileSystem->GetFileSize(); char *xmlBuffer = new char[size]; fileSystem->ReadFile(xmlBuffer, size); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(xmlBuffer); TiXmlNode* resource = 0; TiXmlNode* node = 0; TiXmlElement* element = 0; resource = doc.FirstChild("resource"); if (resource) { element = resource->ToElement(); printf("---- Loading %s:%s\n", element->Value(), element->Attribute("name")); for (node = resource->FirstChild(); node; node = node->NextSibling()) { element = node->ToElement(); if (element != NULL) { if (strcmp(element->Value(), "texture")==0) { CreateTexture(element->Attribute("name")); } else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "quad")==0) { string quadName = element->Attribute("name"); string textureName = element->Attribute("texture"); float x = 0.0f; float y = 0.0f; float width = 16.0f; float height = 16.0f; float value; float hotspotX = 0.0f; float hotspotY = 0.0f; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) x = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) y = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("width", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) width = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("height", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) height = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("w", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) width = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("h", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) height = value; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("hotspot.x", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) hotspotX = value; else hotspotX = width/2; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("hotspot.y", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) hotspotY = value; else hotspotY = height/2; // if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("regx", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) // hotspotX = width/2; // // if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("regy", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) // hotspotY = height/2; int id = CreateQuad(quadName, textureName, x, y, width, height); if (id != INVALID_ID) { GetQuad(id)->SetHotSpot(hotspotX, hotspotY); } } else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "font")==0) { } else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "music")==0) { LoadMusic(element->Attribute("name")); } else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "sample")==0) { LoadSample(element->Attribute("name")); } // else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "effect")==0) // { // RegisterParticleEffect(element->Attribute("name")); // } // else if (strcmp(element->Value(), "motion_emitter")==0) // { // RegisterMotionEmitter(element->Attribute("name")); // } } } } fileSystem->CloseFile(); delete[] xmlBuffer; // JGERelease(); return true; }
void GameApp::Create() { srand((unsigned int) time(0)); // initialize random #if !defined(QT_CONFIG) && !defined(IOS) #if defined (WIN32) _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #elif defined (PSP) pspFpuSetEnable(0); //disable FPU Exceptions until we find where the FPU errors come from pspDebugScreenPrintf("Wagic:Loading resources..."); #endif #endif //QT_CONFIG //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(368); LOG("starting Game"); string systemFolder = "Res/"; string foldersRoot = ""; //Find the Res folder ifstream mfile("Res.txt"); string resPath; if (mfile) { bool found = false; while (!found && std::getline(mfile, resPath)) { if (resPath[resPath.size() - 1] == '\r') resPath.erase(resPath.size() - 1); //Handle DOS files string testfile = resPath + systemFolder; testfile.append("graphics/simon.dat"); ifstream tempfile(testfile.c_str()); if (tempfile) { found = true; tempfile.close(); foldersRoot = resPath; } } mfile.close(); } LOG("init Res Folder at " + foldersRoot); JFileSystem::init(foldersRoot + "User/", foldersRoot + systemFolder); // Create User Folders (for write access) if they don't exist { const char* folders[] = { "ai", "ai/baka", "ai/baka/stats", "campaigns", "graphics", "lang", "packs", "player", "player/stats", "profiles", "rules", "sets", "settings", "sound", "sound/sfx", "themes", "test"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(folders)/sizeof(folders[0]); ++i) { JFileSystem::GetInstance()->MakeDir(string(folders[i])); } } LOG("Loading Modrules"); //Load Mod Rules before everything else gModRules.load("rules/modrules.xml"); LOG("Loading Unlockables"); //Load awards (needs to be loaded before any option are accessed) Unlockable::load(); //Link this to our settings manager. options.theGame = this; //Ensure that options are partially loaded before loading files. LOG("options.reloadProfile()"); options.reloadProfile(); //Setup Cache before calling any gfx/sfx functions WResourceManager::Instance()->ResetCacheLimits(); LOG("Checking for music files"); //Test for Music files presence JFileSystem * jfs = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); HasMusic = jfs->FileExists(WResourceManager::Instance()->musicFile("Track0.mp3")) && jfs->FileExists(WResourceManager::Instance()->musicFile("Track1.mp3")); LOG("Init Collection"); MTGAllCards::getInstance(); LOG("Loading rules"); Rules::loadAllRules(); LOG("Loading Textures"); LOG("--Loading menuicons.png"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("menuicons.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); #if !defined (PSP) WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("miconslarge.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); #endif LOG("---Gettings menuicons.png quads"); //Load all icons from gModRules and save in manaIcons -> todo. Change the icons positions on menuicons.png to avoid use item->mColorId vector<ModRulesBackGroundCardGuiItem *>items = gModRules.cardgui.background; for(size_t i= 0; i < items.size(); i ++) { ModRulesBackGroundCardGuiItem * item = items[i]; if (item->mMenuIcon == 1) { manaIcons.push_back(WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("menuicons.png", 2 + (float)item->mColorId * 36, 38, 32, 32, "c_" + item->MColorName, RETRIEVE_MANAGE)); Constants::MTGColorStrings.push_back(item->MColorName.c_str()); } } Constants::NB_Colors = (int)Constants::MTGColorStrings.size(); items.erase(items.begin(),items.end()); for (int i = manaIcons.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) if (manaIcons[i].get()) manaIcons[i]->SetHotSpot(16, 16); LOG("--Loading back.jpg"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("back.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); JQuadPtr jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("back.jpg", 0, 0, 0, 0, kGenericCardID, RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq.get()) jq->SetHotSpot(jq->mWidth / 2, jq->mHeight / 2); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("back_thumb.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("back_thumb.jpg", 0, 0, MTG_MINIIMAGE_WIDTH, MTG_MINIIMAGE_HEIGHT, kGenericCardThumbnailID, RETRIEVE_MANAGE); LOG("--Loading particles.png"); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("particles.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("particles.png", 0, 0, 32, 32, "particles", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(16, 16); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("particles.png", 64, 0, 32, 32, "stars", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(16, 16); LOG("--Loading fonts"); string lang = options[Options::LANG].str; std::transform(lang.begin(), lang.end(), lang.begin(), ::tolower); WResourceManager::Instance()->InitFonts(lang); Translator::GetInstance()->init(); // The translator is ready now. LOG("--Loading various textures"); // Load in this function only textures that are used frequently throughout the game. These textures will constantly stay in Ram, so be frugal WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("phasebar.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("wood.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("gold.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("goldglow.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("backdrop.jpg", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("handback.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveTexture("shadows.png", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 2, 2, 16, 16, "white", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 20, 2, 16, 16, "shadow", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("shadows.png", 38, 2, 16, 16, "extracostshadow", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); if (jq) jq->SetHotSpot(8, 8); jq = WResourceManager::Instance()->RetrieveQuad("phasebar.png", 0, 0, 0, 0, "phasebar", RETRIEVE_MANAGE); LOG("Creating Game States"); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DECK_VIEWER] = NEW GameStateDeckViewer(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DECK_VIEWER]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU] = NEW GameStateMenu(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DUEL] = NEW GameStateDuel(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_DUEL]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_SHOP] = NEW GameStateShop(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_SHOP]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_OPTIONS] = NEW GameStateOptions(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_OPTIONS]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_AWARDS] = NEW GameStateAwards(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_AWARDS]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_STORY] = NEW GameStateStory(this); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_STORY]->Create(); mGameStates[GAME_STATE_TRANSITION] = NULL; mCurrentState = NULL; mNextState = mGameStates[GAME_STATE_MENU]; //Set Audio volume JSoundSystem::GetInstance()->SetSfxVolume(options[Options::SFXVOLUME].number); JSoundSystem::GetInstance()->SetMusicVolume(options[Options::MUSICVOLUME].number); DebugTrace("size of MTGCardInstance: " << sizeof(MTGCardInstance)); DebugTrace("size of MTGCard: "<< sizeof(MTGCard)); DebugTrace("size of CardPrimitive: "<< sizeof(CardPrimitive)); DebugTrace("size of ExtraCost: " << sizeof(ExtraCost)); DebugTrace("size of ManaCost: " << sizeof(ManaCost)); LOG("Game Creation Done."); }
bool JGBKFont::Init(const char* engFileName, const char* chnFileName, int fontsize, bool smallEnglishFont) { mSmallEnglishFont = smallEnglishFont; mFontSize = fontsize; mCacheImageWidth = 256; mCacheImageHeight = 256; mBytesPerRow = (mFontSize+7)/8; mBytesPerChar = mBytesPerRow*mFontSize; mCol = mCacheImageWidth/mFontSize; mRow = mCacheImageHeight/mFontSize; mCacheSize = mCol*mRow; mSprites = new JQuad*[mCacheSize]; mGBCode = new int[mCacheSize]; #if defined (WIN32) || defined (LINUX) mCharBuffer = new DWORD[mFontSize*mFontSize]; #endif mTexture = mRenderer->CreateTexture(mCacheImageWidth, mCacheImageHeight, true); int index = 0; for (int y=0;y<mRow;y++) { for (int x=0;x<mCol;x++) { mGBCode[index] = -1; mSprites[index] = new JQuad(mTexture, static_cast<float>(x*mFontSize), static_cast<float>(y*mFontSize), static_cast<float>(mFontSize), static_cast<float>(mFontSize)); mSprites[index]->SetHotSpot(static_cast<float>(mFontSize/2), static_cast<float>(mFontSize/2)); index++; } } int size; JFileSystem *fileSys = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSys->OpenFile(engFileName)) return false; size = fileSys->GetFileSize(); mEngFont = new BYTE[size]; fileSys->ReadFile(mEngFont, size); fileSys->CloseFile(); if (!fileSys->OpenFile(chnFileName)) return false; size = fileSys->GetFileSize(); mChnFont = new BYTE[size]; fileSys->ReadFile(mChnFont, size); fileSys->CloseFile(); return true; }
bool JParticleEffect::Load(const char* filename) { mX = 0.0f; mY = 0.0f; mEmitterCount = 0; JFileSystem *fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (fileSystem == NULL) return false; if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(filename)) return false; int size = fileSystem->GetFileSize(); char *xmlBuffer = new char[size]; fileSystem->ReadFile(xmlBuffer, size); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(xmlBuffer); TiXmlNode* effect = 0; TiXmlNode* emitter = 0; TiXmlNode* param = 0; TiXmlNode* key = 0; TiXmlElement* element = 0; float keyTime; float value; float baseValue; int int_value; // // enum ParticleField // { // FIELD_SPEED, // FIELD_SIZE, // FIELD_ROTATION, // FIELD_ALPHA, // FIELD_RED, // FIELD_GREEN, // FIELD_BLUE, // FIELD_COUNT // }; char* lifeValues[] = { "speed", "size", "rotation", "alpha", "red", "green", "blue", "radial_accel", "tangential_accel", "gravity" }; char* typeNames[] = { "POINT", "AREA", "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICAL", "CIRCLE" }; char* modeNames[] = { "REPEAT", "ONCE", "NTIMES", "CONTINUOUS" }; int i; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // One effect per file only, well, we may extend it later to permit // multiple effect definitions: // // for (effect = doc.FirstChild("effect"); effect; effect = effect->NextSibling()) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// effect = doc.FirstChild("effect"); if (effect) { element = effect->ToElement(); printf("%s:%s\n", element->Value(), element->Attribute("name")); for (emitter = effect->FirstChild("emitter"); emitter && mEmitterCount < MAX_EMITTER; emitter = emitter->NextSibling()) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount] = new JParticleEmitter(this); element = emitter->ToElement(); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("life", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mLife = value; for (param = emitter->FirstChild(); param; param = param->NextSibling()) { element = param->ToElement(); if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "settings")==0) { if (strcmp(element->Attribute("blend"), "NORMAL")==0) mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->SetBlending(BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("blend"), "ADDITIVE")==0) mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->SetBlending(BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, BLEND_ONE); for (i=0;i<sizeof(modeNames)/sizeof(char*);i++) { if (strcmp(element->Attribute("mode"), modeNames[i])==0) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mEmitterMode = i; #if defined (_DEBUG) printf("emitter mode:%s\n", modeNames[i]); #endif break; } } for (i=0;i<sizeof(typeNames)/sizeof(char*);i++) { if (strcmp(element->Attribute("type"), typeNames[i])==0) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mType = i; #if defined (_DEBUG) printf("emitter type:%s\n", typeNames[i]); #endif break; } } string quadName = element->Attribute("image"); JQuad* quad = mResourceManager->GetQuad(quadName); if (quad != NULL) mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->SetQuad(quad); // if (element->QueryIntAttribute("image", &int_value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) // { // mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mQuadIndex = int_value; // // } if (element->QueryIntAttribute("width", &int_value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mWidth = int_value; } if (element->QueryIntAttribute("height", &int_value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mHeight = int_value; } if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &int_value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mId = int_value; } if (element->QueryIntAttribute("repeat_count", &int_value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mRepeatTimes = int_value; } } else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "quantity")==0) { for (key = param->FirstChild(); key; key = key->NextSibling()) { element = key->ToElement(); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("timeslice", &keyTime) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("value", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mQuantity.AddKey(keyTime, value); } } } else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "lifex")==0) { if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("base", &baseValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("max", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mLifeBase = baseValue; mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mLifeMax= value; } } else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "anglex")==0) { if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("base", &baseValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("max", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mAngleBase = baseValue*DEG2RAD; mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mAngleMax= value*DEG2RAD; } } else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "speedx")==0) { if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("base", &baseValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("max", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mSpeedBase = baseValue; mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mSpeedMax= value; } } else if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), "sizex")==0) { if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("base", &baseValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("max", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mSizeBase = baseValue; mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mSizeMax= value; } } else { for (int i=0;i<FIELD_COUNT;i++) { if (strcmp(element->Attribute("name"), lifeValues[i])==0) { for (key = param->FirstChild(); key; key = key->NextSibling()) { element = key->ToElement(); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("lifeslice", &keyTime) == TIXML_SUCCESS && element->QueryFloatAttribute("value", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { if (i==FIELD_ROTATION) value *= DEG2RAD; mParticleEmitters[mEmitterCount]->mData[i].AddKey(keyTime, value); } } break; } } } } mEmitterCount++; } } fileSystem->CloseFile(); delete[] xmlBuffer; return true; }
string ResourceManagerImpl::cardFile(const string& filename) { char buf[512]; string::size_type i = 0; string set; JFileSystem* fs = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); //Check the theme folder. string theme = options[Options::ACTIVE_THEME].str; if (theme != "" && theme != "Default") { //Does this theme use custom cards? if (bThemedCards) { //Check zipped first. Discover set name. for (i = 0; i < filename.size(); i++) { if (filename[i] == '\\' || filename[i] == '/') break; } if (i != filename.size()) set = filename.substr(0, i); if (set.size()) { char zipname[512]; sprintf(zipname, "themes/%s/sets/%s/", theme.c_str(), set.c_str(), set.c_str()); if (fs->AttachZipFile(zipname)) return filename.substr(i + 1); } sprintf(buf, "themes/%s/sets/%s", theme.c_str(), filename.c_str()); if (fileOK(buf)) return buf; //Themed, unzipped. } } //FIXME Put back when we're using modes. /* //Failure. Check mode string mode = options[Options::ACTIVE_MODE].str; if(mode != "" && mode != "Default"){ sprintf(buf,"modes/%s/sets/%s",mode.c_str(),filename.c_str()); if(fileOK(buf,true)) return buf; } */ //Failure. Assume it's in a zip file? if (!set.size()) { //Didn't fill "set" string, so do it now. for (i = 0; i < filename.size(); i++) { if (filename[i] == '\\' || filename[i] == '/') break; } if (i != filename.size()) set = filename.substr(0, i); } if (set.size()) { char zipname[512]; sprintf(zipname, "sets/%s/", set.c_str(), set.c_str()); if (fs->AttachZipFile(zipname)) return filename.substr(i + 1); } //Failure. Check for unzipped file in sets char defdir[512]; sprintf(defdir, "sets/%s", filename.c_str()); if (fileOK(defdir)) return defdir; //Complete failure. return ""; }
bool JOBJModel::Load(const char *modelName, const char *textureName) { JFileSystem* fileSys = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSys->OpenFile(modelName)) return false; int size = fileSys->GetFileSize(); char *buffer = new char[size]; fileSys->ReadFile(buffer, size); fileSys->CloseFile(); Vector3D vert; vector<Face> faceList; vector<Vector3D> normalList; vector<Vector3D> texList; vector<Vector3D> vertList; normalList.reserve(32); texList.reserve(32); vertList.reserve(32); faceList.reserve(32); int filePtr = 0; char tmpLine[256]; char s1[256]; int count; while (filePtr < size) { filePtr = ReadLine(tmpLine, buffer, filePtr, size); { if ((tmpLine[0] == '#') || (strlen(tmpLine) < 3)) { } else if (tmpLine[0] == 'v') { count = sscanf(tmpLine, "%s %f %f %f", s1, &vert.x, &vert.y, &vert.z); if (count == 4) { if (strcmp(s1, "vn") == 0) normalList.push_back(vert); else if (strcmp(s1, "vt") == 0) texList.push_back(vert); else if (strcmp(s1, "v") == 0) vertList.push_back(vert); } else if (count == 3) { if (strcmp(s1, "vt") == 0) texList.push_back(vert); } } else if (tmpLine[0] == 'f') { Face face; face.mVertCount = 0; char *p = strchr(tmpLine, ' '); char *pNext = p; int vertIdx, texIdx, norIdx; while (p != NULL) { while (((*p) == ' ') || ((*p) == '\n') || ((*p) == '\t')) ++p; strcpy(s1, p); count = sscanf(s1, "%d/%d/%d", &vertIdx, &texIdx, &norIdx); if (count == 3) { if (face.mVertCount < 4) { face.mVertIdx[face.mVertCount] = vertIdx - 1; face.mTexIdx[face.mVertCount] = texIdx - 1; face.mNormalIdx[face.mVertCount] = norIdx - 1; face.mVertCount++; } } else if (count == 2) { if (face.mVertCount < 4) { face.mVertIdx[face.mVertCount] = vertIdx - 1; face.mTexIdx[face.mVertCount] = texIdx - 1; face.mNormalIdx[face.mVertCount] = 0; face.mVertCount++; } } else if (count == 1) { if (face.mVertCount < 4) { face.mVertIdx[face.mVertCount] = vertIdx - 1; face.mTexIdx[face.mVertCount] = 0; face.mNormalIdx[face.mVertCount] = 0; face.mVertCount++; } } pNext = strchr(p, ' '); p = pNext; } if (face.mVertCount == 3) // we do triangles only ;) faceList.push_back(face); } else if (tmpLine[0] == 'g') { } else if (tmpLine[0] == 'u') { } } } mPolycount = faceList.size(); mPolygons = new Vertex3D[mPolycount*3]; int idx = 0; for (int i=0;i<mPolycount;i++) { for (int j=0;j<3;j++) { mPolygons[idx].u = texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[j]].x; mPolygons[idx].v = 1.0f-texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[j]].y; mPolygons[idx].x = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[j]].x; mPolygons[idx].y = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[j]].y; mPolygons[idx].z = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[j]].z; idx++; } /* mPolygons[idx].u = texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[0]].x; mPolygons[idx].v = 1.0-texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[0]].y; mPolygons[idx].x = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[0]].x; mPolygons[idx].y = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[0]].y; mPolygons[idx].z = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[0]].z; idx++; mPolygons[idx].u = texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[1]].x; mPolygons[idx].v = 1.0-texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[1]].y; mPolygons[idx].x = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[1]].x; mPolygons[idx].y = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[1]].y; mPolygons[idx].z = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[1]].z; idx++; mPolygons[idx].u = texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[2]].x; mPolygons[idx].v = 1.0-texList[faceList[i].mTexIdx[2]].y; mPolygons[idx].x = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[2]].x; mPolygons[idx].y = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[2]].y; mPolygons[idx].z = vertList[faceList[i].mVertIdx[2]].z; idx++; */ } if (textureName != NULL) mTexture = JRenderer::GetInstance()->LoadTexture(textureName); return true; }
JLBFont::JLBFont(const char *fontname, int lineheight, bool useVideoRAM) { mRenderer = JRenderer::GetInstance(); mHeight = 0; mScale = 1.0f; mRotation = mSpacing = 0.0f; mTracking = 0.0f; mColor = ARGB(255,255,255,255); mTexture = NULL; mQuad = NULL; mBase = 0; char filename[256]; short buffer[1024]; sprintf(filename, "%s.dat", fontname); //FILE *file; JFileSystem *fileSys = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSys->OpenFile(filename)) return; fileSys->ReadFile((u8 *)buffer, 2048); fileSys->CloseFile(); sprintf(filename, "%s.png", fontname); mTexture = mRenderer->LoadTexture(filename, useVideoRAM); if (mTexture == NULL) return; mHeight = (float) lineheight; mQuad = new JQuad(mTexture, 0.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f, mHeight); float a, b, c; float y = 0.0f; float x; // there are 16x16 characters in the texture map. float cellHeight = mTexture->mHeight/16.0f; int n = 0; for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { for (int j=0;j<16;j++) { x = (float)buffer[n*4]; // x offset a = (float)buffer[n*4+1]; // character width b = (float)buffer[n*4+2]; c = (float)buffer[n*4+3]; mXPos[n] = x; mYPos[n] = y; mCharWidth[n] = a+b+c; n++; } y += cellHeight; } }
bool JAnimator::Load(const char* scriptFile) { JFileSystem *fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (fileSystem == NULL) return false; if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(scriptFile)) return false; int size = fileSystem->GetFileSize(); char *xmlBuffer = new char[size]; fileSystem->ReadFile(xmlBuffer, size); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(xmlBuffer); TiXmlNode* script = 0; TiXmlNode* frame = 0; TiXmlNode* obj = 0; TiXmlNode* param = 0; TiXmlElement* element = 0; float defaultTime = 0.033f; script = doc.FirstChild("script"); if (script) { element = script->ToElement(); printf("---- Loading %s:%s\n", element->Value(), element->Attribute("name")); char *type[] = { "ANIMATION_TYPE_LOOPING", "ANIMATION_TYPE_ONCE_AND_STAY", "ANIMATION_TYPE_ONCE_AND_BACK", "ANIMATION_TYPE_ONCE_AND_GONE", "ANIMATION_TYPE_PINGPONG" }; const char* aniType = element->Attribute("type"); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) if (strcmp(type[i], aniType)==0) { SetAnimationType(i); break; } float fps; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("framerate", &fps) != TIXML_SUCCESS) fps = 30.0f; defaultTime = 1/fps; for (frame = script->FirstChild("frame"); frame; frame = frame->NextSibling()) { JAnimatorFrame *aniFrame = new JAnimatorFrame(this); float duration; element = frame->ToElement(); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("time", &duration) != TIXML_SUCCESS) duration = defaultTime; aniFrame->SetFrameTime(duration); for (obj = frame->FirstChild(); obj; obj = obj->NextSibling()) { for (param = obj->FirstChild(); param; param = param->NextSibling()) { element = param->ToElement(); if (element != NULL) { if (strcmp(element->Value(), "settings")==0) { const char* quadName = element->Attribute("quad"); JQuad* quad = mResource->GetQuad(quadName); float x, y; float vsize, hsize; float angle; int a, r, g, b; int value; bool flipped = false; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &x) != TIXML_SUCCESS) x = 0.0f; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &y) != TIXML_SUCCESS) y = 0.0f; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("hsize", &hsize) != TIXML_SUCCESS) hsize = 1.0f; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("vsize", &vsize) != TIXML_SUCCESS) vsize = 1.0f; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("rotation", &angle) != TIXML_SUCCESS) angle = 0.0f; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("a", &a) != TIXML_SUCCESS) a = 255; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("r", &r) != TIXML_SUCCESS) r = 255; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("g", &g) != TIXML_SUCCESS) g = 255; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("b", &b) != TIXML_SUCCESS) b = 255; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("flip", &value) == TIXML_SUCCESS) flipped = (value==1); JAnimatorObject *object = new JAnimatorObject(); object->SetQuad(quad); object->SetPosition(x, y); object->SetHScale(hsize); object->SetVScale(vsize); object->SetRotation(angle); object->SetColor(ARGB(a,r,g,b)); object->SetFlip(flipped); aniFrame->AddObject(object); } } } } mFrames.push_back(aniFrame); } } fileSystem->CloseFile(); delete[] xmlBuffer; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // loads MD2 model bool JMD2Model::Load(char *filename, char *textureName) { //FILE *filePtr; // file pointer int fileLen; // length of model file char *buffer; // file buffer modelHeader_t *modelHeader; // model header stIndex_t *stPtr; // texture data frame_t *frame; // frame data Vector3D *pointListPtr; // index variable mesh_t *triIndex, *bufIndexPtr; // index variables int i, j; // index variables // open the model file JFileSystem* fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(filename)) return false; //filePtr = fopen(filename, "rb"); //if (filePtr == NULL) // return false; // find length of file //fseek(filePtr, 0, SEEK_END); //fileLen = ftell(filePtr); //fseek(filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET); fileLen = fileSystem->GetFileSize(); // read entire file into buffer buffer = (char*)malloc(fileLen + 1); //fread(buffer, sizeof(char), fileLen, filePtr); fileSystem->ReadFile(buffer, fileLen); fileSystem->CloseFile(); // extract model file header from buffer modelHeader = (modelHeader_t*)buffer; // allocate memory for model data mModel = (modelData_t*)malloc(sizeof(modelData_t)); if (mModel == NULL) return false; // allocate memory for all vertices used in model, including animations mModel->pointList = (Vector3D *)malloc(sizeof(Vector3D)*modelHeader->numXYZ * modelHeader->numFrames); // store vital model data mModel->numPoints = modelHeader->numXYZ; mModel->numFrames = modelHeader->numFrames; mModel->frameSize = modelHeader->framesize; // loop number of frames in model file for(j = 0; j < modelHeader->numFrames; j++) { // offset to the points in this frame frame = (frame_t*)&buffer[modelHeader->offsetFrames + modelHeader->framesize * j]; // calculate the point positions based on frame details pointListPtr = (Vector3D *)&mModel->pointList[modelHeader->numXYZ * j]; for(i = 0; i < modelHeader->numXYZ; i++) { pointListPtr[i].x = frame->scale[0] * frame->fp[i].v[0] + frame->translate[0]; pointListPtr[i].y = frame->scale[1] * frame->fp[i].v[1] + frame->translate[1]; pointListPtr[i].z = frame->scale[2] * frame->fp[i].v[2] + frame->translate[2]; } } JTexture *tex = mRenderer->LoadTexture(textureName); if (tex) mModel->modelTex = tex; else { free(mModel); mModel = NULL; free(buffer); return false; } float texWidth = (float)tex->mWidth; float texHeight = (float)tex->mHeight; // allocate memory for the model texture coordinates mModel->st = (texCoord_t*)malloc(sizeof(texCoord_t)*modelHeader->numST); // store number of texture coordinates mModel->numST = modelHeader->numST; // set texture pointer to texture coordinate offset stPtr = (stIndex_t*)&buffer[modelHeader->offsetST]; // calculate and store the texture coordinates for the model for (i = 0; i < modelHeader->numST; i++) { mModel->st[i].s = (float)stPtr[i].s / texWidth; mModel->st[i].t = (float)stPtr[i].t / texHeight; } // allocate an index of triangles triIndex = (mesh_t*)malloc(sizeof(mesh_t) * modelHeader->numTris); // set total number of triangles mModel->numTriangles = modelHeader->numTris; mModel->triIndex = triIndex; // point to triangle indexes in buffer bufIndexPtr = (mesh_t*)&buffer[modelHeader->offsetTris]; // create a mesh (triangle) list for (j = 0; j < mModel->numFrames; j++) { // for all triangles in each frame for(i = 0; i < modelHeader->numTris; i++) { triIndex[i].meshIndex[0] = bufIndexPtr[i].meshIndex[0]; triIndex[i].meshIndex[1] = bufIndexPtr[i].meshIndex[1]; triIndex[i].meshIndex[2] = bufIndexPtr[i].meshIndex[2]; triIndex[i].stIndex[0] = bufIndexPtr[i].stIndex[0]; triIndex[i].stIndex[1] = bufIndexPtr[i].stIndex[1]; triIndex[i].stIndex[2] = bufIndexPtr[i].stIndex[2]; } } // close file and free memory //fclose(filePtr); free(buffer); mModel->currentFrame = 0; mModel->nextFrame = 1; mModel->interpol = 0.0; CheckNextState(); return true; }
char loadWaveData(WAVDATA* p_wav, char* fileName, char memLoad) // WAVE加载, memLoad-是否加载至内存 { JFileSystem* fileSystem = JFileSystem::GetInstance(); if (!fileSystem->OpenFile(fileName)) return 0; memset(p_wav, 0, sizeof(WAVDATA)); //SceUID fd = sceIoOpen(fileName, PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777); char head[256]; memset(head, 0, 256); //sceIoRead(fd, head, 20); fileSystem->ReadFile(head, 20); char string[8]; memset(string, 0, 8); memcpy(string, head, 4); if (0!=strcmp(string, "RIFF")) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } memset(string, 0, 8); memcpy(string, head+8, 4); if (0!=strcmp(string, "WAVE")) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } memset(string, 0, 8); memcpy(string, head+12, 3); if (0!=strcmp(string, "fmt")) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } int fmtSize = 0; memcpy(&fmtSize, head+16, 4); //sceIoRead(fd, head+20, fmtSize); fileSystem->ReadFile(head+20,fmtSize ); p_wav->headSize = 20+fmtSize; while (1) { //sceIoRead(fd, head+p_wav->headSize, 4); fileSystem->ReadFile(head+p_wav->headSize, 4); memset(string, 0, 8); memcpy(string, head+p_wav->headSize, 4); p_wav->headSize += 4; if (0!=strcmp(string, "data")) { //sceIoRead(fd, head+p_wav->headSize, 4); fileSystem->ReadFile(head+p_wav->headSize, 4); memcpy(&fmtSize, head+p_wav->headSize, 4); p_wav->headSize += 4; //sceIoRead(fd, head+p_wav->headSize, fmtSize); fileSystem->ReadFile(head+p_wav->headSize, fmtSize); p_wav->headSize += fmtSize; } else { //sceIoRead(fd, head+p_wav->headSize, 4); fileSystem->ReadFile(head+p_wav->headSize, 4); p_wav->headSize += 4; break; } if (p_wav->headSize>191) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } } strcpy(p_wav->fullName, fileName); memcpy(&p_wav->fileSize, head+4, 4); memcpy(&p_wav->format, head+20, 2); memcpy(&p_wav->channelCount, head+22, 2); if (p_wav->channelCount!=1 && p_wav->channelCount!=2) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } memcpy(&p_wav->samplePerSecond, head+24, 4); memcpy(&p_wav->bytePerSecond, head+28, 4); memcpy(&p_wav->bytePerSample, head+32, 2); p_wav->bytePerSample = p_wav->bytePerSample / p_wav->channelCount; if (p_wav->bytePerSample!=1 && p_wav->bytePerSample!=2) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } p_wav->nSample = 44100 / p_wav->samplePerSecond; p_wav->sizeStep = 4096 / p_wav->nSample * p_wav->channelCount / 2 * p_wav->bytePerSample / 2; memcpy(&p_wav->soundSize, head+p_wav->headSize-4, 4); if (memLoad) { if (p_wav->soundSize>4096000) { //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); return 0; } p_wav->buffer = (char*)malloc(p_wav->soundSize); memset(p_wav->buffer, 0, p_wav->soundSize); //sceIoRead(fd, p_wav->buffer, p_wav->soundSize); fileSystem->ReadFile(p_wav->buffer, p_wav->soundSize); p_wav->bytePosition = 0; p_wav->fd = -1; //sceIoClose(fd); fileSystem->CloseFile(); } else { p_wav->bytePosition = p_wav->headSize; //p_wav->fd = fd; // no file mode... p_wav->fd = -1; } return 1; }