// disconnect from camera service
// It's okay to call this when the native camera context is already null.
// This handles the case where the user has called release() and the
// finalizer is invoked later.
static void android_hardware_Camera_release(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
    // TODO: Change to LOGV
    LOGV("release camera");
    JNICameraContext* context = NULL;
    sp<Camera> camera;
        Mutex::Autolock _l(sLock);
        context = reinterpret_cast<JNICameraContext*>(env->GetIntField(thiz, fields.context));

        // Make sure we do not attempt to callback on a deleted Java object.
        env->SetIntField(thiz, fields.context, 0);

    // clean up if release has not been called before
    if (context != NULL) {
        camera = context->getCamera();
        LOGV("native_release: context=%p camera=%p", context, camera.get());

        // clear callbacks
        if (camera != NULL) {

        // remove context to prevent further Java access
// disconnect from camera service
// It's okay to call this when the native camera context is already null.
// This handles the case where the user has called release() and the
// finalizer is invoked later.
static void android_hardware_Camera_release(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
    // TODO: Change to ALOGV
    ALOGV("release camera");
    JNICameraContext* context = NULL;
    sp<Camera> camera;
        Mutex::Autolock _l(sLock);
        context = reinterpret_cast<JNICameraContext*>(env->GetIntField(thiz, fields.context));

        // Make sure we do not attempt to callback on a deleted Java object.
        env->SetIntField(thiz, fields.context, 0);

    // clean up if release has not been called before
    if (context != NULL) {
        camera = context->getCamera();
        ALOGV("native_release: context=%p camera=%p", context, camera.get());

#if 1
        ALOGD("(tid:%d)[native_release] + context=%p camera=%p \n", ::gettid(), context, camera.get());
        // clear callbacks
        if (camera != NULL) {
            ALOGD("[native_release] context->getStrongCount(%d) camera->getStrongCount(%d) \n", context->getStrongCount(), camera->getStrongCount());
            camera = NULL;
        ALOGD("(tid:%d)[native_release] - context=%p camera=%p \n", ::gettid(), context, camera.get());
        // clear callbacks
        if (camera != NULL) {

        // remove context to prevent further Java access

    ALOGD("(tid:%d)[release camera] - X context=%p \n", ::gettid(), context);
sp<Camera> get_native_camera(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, JNICameraContext** pContext)
    sp<Camera> camera;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(sLock);
    JNICameraContext* context = reinterpret_cast<JNICameraContext*>(env->GetIntField(thiz, fields.context));
    if (context != NULL) {
        camera = context->getCamera();
    LOGV("get_native_camera: context=%p, camera=%p", context, camera.get());
    if (camera == 0) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Method called after release()");

    if (pContext != NULL) *pContext = context;
    return camera;