Beispiel #1
js::Allocate(ExclusiveContext* cx, AllocKind kind, size_t nDynamicSlots, InitialHeap heap,
             const Class* clasp)
    static_assert(mozilla::IsConvertible<T*, JSObject*>::value, "must be JSObject derived");
    size_t thingSize = Arena::thingSize(kind);

    MOZ_ASSERT(thingSize == Arena::thingSize(kind));
    MOZ_ASSERT(thingSize >= sizeof(JSObject_Slots0));
    static_assert(sizeof(JSObject_Slots0) >= CellSize,
                  "All allocations must be at least the allocator-imposed minimum size.");

    // Off-main-thread alloc cannot trigger GC or make runtime assertions.
    if (!cx->isJSContext())
        return GCRuntime::tryNewTenuredObject<NoGC>(cx, kind, thingSize, nDynamicSlots);

    JSContext* ncx = cx->asJSContext();
    JSRuntime* rt = ncx->runtime();
    if (!rt->gc.checkAllocatorState<allowGC>(ncx, kind))
        return nullptr;

    if (ncx->nursery().isEnabled() && heap != TenuredHeap) {
        JSObject* obj = rt->gc.tryNewNurseryObject<allowGC>(ncx, thingSize, nDynamicSlots, clasp);
        if (obj)
            return obj;

        // Our most common non-jit allocation path is NoGC; thus, if we fail the
        // alloc and cannot GC, we *must* return nullptr here so that the caller
        // will do a CanGC allocation to clear the nursery. Failing to do so will
        // cause all allocations on this path to land in Tenured, and we will not
        // get the benefit of the nursery.
        if (!allowGC)
            return nullptr;

    return GCRuntime::tryNewTenuredObject<allowGC>(cx, kind, thingSize, nDynamicSlots);
Beispiel #2
 * Since memory has been exhausted, avoid the normal error-handling path which
 * allocates an error object, report and callstack. If code is running, simply
 * throw the static atom "out of memory". If code is not running, call the
 * error reporter directly.
 * Furthermore, callers of js_ReportOutOfMemory (viz., malloc) assume a GC does
 * not occur, so GC must be avoided or suppressed.
js_ReportOutOfMemory(ThreadSafeContext *cxArg)
     * OOMs are non-deterministic, especially across different execution modes
     * (e.g. interpreter vs JIT). In more-deterministic builds, print to stderr
     * so that the fuzzers can detect this.
    fprintf(stderr, "js_ReportOutOfMemory called\n");

    if (cxArg->isForkJoinContext()) {

    if (!cxArg->isJSContext())

    JSContext *cx = cxArg->asJSContext();
    cx->runtime()->hadOutOfMemory = true;

    /* Report the oom. */
    if (JS::OutOfMemoryCallback oomCallback = cx->runtime()->oomCallback) {
        AutoSuppressGC suppressGC(cx);
        oomCallback(cx, cx->runtime()->oomCallbackData);

    if (JS_IsRunning(cx)) {

    /* Get the message for this error, but we don't expand any arguments. */
    const JSErrorFormatString *efs =
        js_GetLocalizedErrorMessage(cx, nullptr, nullptr, JSMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
    const char *msg = efs ? efs->format : "Out of memory";

    /* Fill out the report, but don't do anything that requires allocation. */
    JSErrorReport report;
    report.flags = JSREPORT_ERROR;
    report.errorNumber = JSMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    PopulateReportBlame(cx, &report);

    /* Report the error. */
    if (JSErrorReporter onError = cx->errorReporter) {
        AutoSuppressGC suppressGC(cx);
        onError(cx, msg, &report);

     * We would like to enforce the invariant that any exception reported
     * during an OOM situation does not require wrapping. Besides avoiding
     * allocation when memory is low, this reduces the number of places where
     * we might need to GC.
     * When JS code is running, we set the pending exception to an atom, which
     * does not need wrapping. If no JS code is running, no exception should be
     * set at all.
Beispiel #3
jit::Bailout(BailoutStack* sp, BaselineBailoutInfo** bailoutInfo)
    JSContext* cx = GetJSContextFromJitCode();

    // We don't have an exit frame.
    MOZ_ASSERT(IsInRange(FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT, 0, 0x1000) &&
               IsInRange(FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT + sizeof(CommonFrameLayout), 0, 0x1000),
               "Fake jitTop pointer should be within the first page.");
    cx->runtime()->jitTop = FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT;

    JitActivationIterator jitActivations(cx->runtime());
    BailoutFrameInfo bailoutData(jitActivations, sp);
    JitFrameIterator iter(jitActivations);
    CommonFrameLayout* currentFramePtr = iter.current();

    TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime());
    TraceLogTimestamp(logger, TraceLogger_Bailout);

    JitSpew(JitSpew_IonBailouts, "Took bailout! Snapshot offset: %d", iter.snapshotOffset());


    *bailoutInfo = nullptr;
    uint32_t retval = BailoutIonToBaseline(cx, bailoutData.activation(), iter, false, bailoutInfo,
                                           /* excInfo = */ nullptr);
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR ||
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OVERRECURSED);
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OK, *bailoutInfo != nullptr);

    if (retval != BAILOUT_RETURN_OK) {
        JSScript* script = iter.script();
        probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->functionNonDelazifying(),
                           /* popSPSFrame = */ false);


    // This condition was wrong when we entered this bailout function, but it
    // might be true now. A GC might have reclaimed all the Jit code and
    // invalidated all frames which are currently on the stack. As we are
    // already in a bailout, we could not switch to an invalidation
    // bailout. When the code of an IonScript which is on the stack is
    // invalidated (see InvalidateActivation), we remove references to it and
    // increment the reference counter for each activation that appear on the
    // stack. As the bailed frame is one of them, we have to decrement it now.
    if (iter.ionScript()->invalidated())

    // NB: Commentary on how |lastProfilingFrame| is set from bailouts.
    // Once we return to jitcode, any following frames might get clobbered,
    // but the current frame will not (as it will be clobbered "in-place"
    // with a baseline frame that will share the same frame prefix).
    // However, there may be multiple baseline frames unpacked from this
    // single Ion frame, which means we will need to once again reset
    // |lastProfilingFrame| to point to the correct unpacked last frame
    // in |FinishBailoutToBaseline|.
    // In the case of error, the jitcode will jump immediately to an
    // exception handler, which will unwind the frames and properly set
    // the |lastProfilingFrame| to point to the frame being resumed into
    // (see |AutoResetLastProfilerFrameOnReturnFromException|).
    // In both cases, we want to temporarily set the |lastProfilingFrame|
    // to the current frame being bailed out, and then fix it up later.
    if (cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled(cx->runtime()))

    return retval;
Beispiel #4
jit::InvalidationBailout(InvalidationBailoutStack* sp, size_t* frameSizeOut,
                         BaselineBailoutInfo** bailoutInfo)

    JSContext* cx = GetJSContextFromJitCode();

    // We don't have an exit frame.
    cx->runtime()->jitTop = FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT;

    JitActivationIterator jitActivations(cx->runtime());
    BailoutFrameInfo bailoutData(jitActivations, sp);
    JitFrameIterator iter(jitActivations);
    CommonFrameLayout* currentFramePtr = iter.current();

    TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime());
    TraceLogTimestamp(logger, TraceLogger_Invalidation);

    JitSpew(JitSpew_IonBailouts, "Took invalidation bailout! Snapshot offset: %d", iter.snapshotOffset());

    // Note: the frame size must be computed before we return from this function.
    *frameSizeOut = iter.frameSize();


    *bailoutInfo = nullptr;
    uint32_t retval = BailoutIonToBaseline(cx, bailoutData.activation(), iter, true, bailoutInfo,
                                           /* excInfo = */ nullptr);
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR ||
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OVERRECURSED);
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OK, *bailoutInfo != nullptr);

    if (retval != BAILOUT_RETURN_OK) {
        // If the bailout failed, then bailout trampoline will pop the
        // current frame and jump straight to exception handling code when
        // this function returns.  Any SPS entry pushed for this frame will
        // be silently forgotten.
        // We call ExitScript here to ensure that if the ionScript had SPS
        // instrumentation, then the SPS entry for it is popped.
        // However, if the bailout was during argument check, then a
        // pseudostack frame would not have been pushed in the first
        // place, so don't pop anything in that case.
        JSScript* script = iter.script();
        probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->functionNonDelazifying(),
                           /* popSPSFrame = */ false);

        JitFrameLayout* frame = iter.jsFrame();
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "Bailout failed (%s): converting to exit frame",
                (retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) ? "Fatal Error" : "Over Recursion");
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   orig calleeToken %p", (void*) frame->calleeToken());
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   orig frameSize %u", unsigned(frame->prevFrameLocalSize()));
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   orig ra %p", (void*) frame->returnAddress());


        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   new  calleeToken %p", (void*) frame->calleeToken());
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   new  frameSize %u", unsigned(frame->prevFrameLocalSize()));
        JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "   new  ra %p", (void*) frame->returnAddress());


    // Make the frame being bailed out the top profiled frame.
    if (cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled(cx->runtime()))

    return retval;
Beispiel #5
jit::InvalidationBailout(InvalidationBailoutStack *sp, size_t *frameSizeOut,
                         BaselineBailoutInfo **bailoutInfo)

    JSContext *cx = GetJSContextFromJitCode();

    // We don't have an exit frame.
    cx->mainThread().jitTop = FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT;
    gc::AutoSuppressGC suppress(cx);

    JitActivationIterator jitActivations(cx->runtime());
    IonBailoutIterator iter(jitActivations, sp);
    JitActivation *activation = jitActivations->asJit();

    TraceLogger *logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime());
    TraceLogTimestamp(logger, TraceLogger::Invalidation);

    IonSpew(IonSpew_Bailouts, "Took invalidation bailout! Snapshot offset: %d", iter.snapshotOffset());

    // Note: the frame size must be computed before we return from this function.
    *frameSizeOut = iter.topFrameSize();


    *bailoutInfo = nullptr;
    uint32_t retval = BailoutIonToBaseline(cx, activation, iter, true, bailoutInfo);
              retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR ||
              retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OVERRECURSED);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OK, *bailoutInfo != nullptr);

    if (retval != BAILOUT_RETURN_OK) {
        // If the bailout failed, then bailout trampoline will pop the
        // current frame and jump straight to exception handling code when
        // this function returns.  Any SPS entry pushed for this frame will
        // be silently forgotten.
        // We call ExitScript here to ensure that if the ionScript had SPS
        // instrumentation, then the SPS entry for it is popped.
        JSScript *script = iter.script();
        probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->functionNonDelazifying(),

        IonJSFrameLayout *frame = iter.jsFrame();
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "Bailout failed (%s): converting to exit frame",
                (retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) ? "Fatal Error" : "Over Recursion");
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   orig calleeToken %p", (void *) frame->calleeToken());
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   orig frameSize %u", unsigned(frame->prevFrameLocalSize()));
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   orig ra %p", (void *) frame->returnAddress());


        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   new  calleeToken %p", (void *) frame->calleeToken());
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   new  frameSize %u", unsigned(frame->prevFrameLocalSize()));
        IonSpew(IonSpew_Invalidate, "   new  ra %p", (void *) frame->returnAddress());


    return retval;
Beispiel #6
    while (true) {
        if (data_.activations_.done()) {
            data_.state_ = DONE;

        Activation *activation = data_.activations_.activation();

        // If JS_SaveFrameChain was called, stop iterating here (unless
        // GO_THROUGH_SAVED is set).
        if (data_.savedOption_ == STOP_AT_SAVED && activation->hasSavedFrameChain()) {
            data_.state_ = DONE;

        // Skip activations from another context if needed.
        if (data_.contextOption_ == CURRENT_CONTEXT && activation->cx() != data_.cx_) {

        // If the caller supplied principals, only show activations which are subsumed (of the same
        // origin or of an origin accessible) by these principals.
        if (data_.principals_) {
            JSContext *cx = data_.cx_->asJSContext();
            if (JSSubsumesOp subsumes = cx->runtime()->securityCallbacks->subsumes) {
                if (!subsumes(data_.principals_, activation->compartment()->principals)) {

#ifdef JS_ION
        if (activation->isJit()) {
            data_.jitFrames_ = jit::JitFrameIterator(data_.activations_);

            // Stop at the first scripted frame.
            while (!data_.jitFrames_.isScripted() && !data_.jitFrames_.done())

            // It's possible to have an JitActivation with no scripted frames,
            // for instance if we hit an over-recursion during bailout.
            if (data_.jitFrames_.done()) {

            data_.state_ = JIT;

        if (activation->isAsmJS()) {
            data_.asmJSFrames_ = AsmJSFrameIterator(data_.activations_->asAsmJS());

            if (data_.asmJSFrames_.done()) {

            data_.state_ = ASMJS;

        // ForkJoin activations don't contain iterable frames, so skip them.
        if (activation->isForkJoin()) {


        InterpreterActivation *interpAct = activation->asInterpreter();
        data_.interpFrames_ = InterpreterFrameIterator(interpAct);

        // If we OSR'ed into JIT code, skip the interpreter frame so that
        // the same frame is not reported twice.
        if (data_.interpFrames_.frame()->runningInJit()) {
            if (data_.interpFrames_.done()) {

        data_.pc_ = data_.interpFrames_.pc();
        data_.state_ = INTERP;
Beispiel #7
BaselineFrame::initForOsr(InterpreterFrame *fp, uint32_t numStackValues)

    scopeChain_ = fp->scopeChain();

    if (fp->hasCallObjUnchecked())
        flags_ |= BaselineFrame::HAS_CALL_OBJ;

    if (fp->isEvalFrame()) {
        flags_ |= BaselineFrame::EVAL;
        evalScript_ = fp->script();

    if (fp->script()->needsArgsObj() && fp->hasArgsObj()) {
        flags_ |= BaselineFrame::HAS_ARGS_OBJ;
        argsObj_ = &fp->argsObj();

    if (fp->hasReturnValue())

    // If the interpreter pushed an SPS frame when it entered the function, the
    // interpreter will pop it after the OSR trampoline returns.  In order for
    // the Baseline frame to have its SPS flag set, it must have its own SPS
    // frame, which the Baseline code will pop on return.  Note that the
    // profiler may have been enabled or disabled after the function was entered
    // but before OSR.
    JSContext *cx = GetJSContextFromJitCode();
    SPSProfiler *p = &(cx->runtime()->spsProfiler);
    if (p->enabled()) {
        p->enter(fp->script(), fp->maybeFun());
        flags_ |= BaselineFrame::HAS_PUSHED_SPS_FRAME;

    frameSize_ = BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset +
        BaselineFrame::Size() +
        numStackValues * sizeof(Value);

    MOZ_ASSERT(numValueSlots() == numStackValues);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numStackValues; i++)
        *valueSlot(i) = fp->slots()[i];

    if (cx->compartment()->debugMode()) {
        // In debug mode, update any Debugger.Frame objects for the
        // InterpreterFrame to point to the BaselineFrame.

        // The caller pushed a fake return address. ScriptFrameIter, used by the
        // debugger, wants a valid return address, but it's okay to just pick one.
        // In debug mode there's always at least 1 ICEntry (since there are always
        // debug prologue/epilogue calls).
        JitFrameIterator iter(cx);
        MOZ_ASSERT(iter.returnAddress() == nullptr);
        BaselineScript *baseline = fp->script()->baselineScript();

        if (!Debugger::handleBaselineOsr(cx, fp, this))
            return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #8
js::XDRAtom(XDRState<mode> *xdr, MutableHandleAtom atomp)
    if (mode == XDR_ENCODE) {
        static_assert(JSString::MAX_LENGTH <= INT32_MAX, "String length must fit in 31 bits");
        uint32_t length = atomp->length();
        uint32_t lengthAndEncoding = (length << 1) | uint32_t(atomp->hasLatin1Chars());
        if (!xdr->codeUint32(&lengthAndEncoding))
            return false;

        JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
        return atomp->hasLatin1Chars()
               ? xdr->codeChars(atomp->latin1Chars(nogc), length)
               : xdr->codeChars(const_cast<char16_t*>(atomp->twoByteChars(nogc)), length);

    /* Avoid JSString allocation for already existing atoms. See bug 321985. */
    uint32_t lengthAndEncoding;
    if (!xdr->codeUint32(&lengthAndEncoding))
        return false;

    uint32_t length = lengthAndEncoding >> 1;
    bool latin1 = lengthAndEncoding & 0x1;

    JSContext *cx = xdr->cx();
    JSAtom *atom;
    if (latin1) {
        const Latin1Char *chars = reinterpret_cast<const Latin1Char *>(xdr->;
        atom = AtomizeChars(cx, chars, length);
    } else {
        /* Directly access the little endian chars in the XDR buffer. */
        const char16_t *chars = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t *>(xdr-> * sizeof(char16_t)));
        atom = AtomizeChars(cx, chars, length);
         * We must copy chars to a temporary buffer to convert between little and
         * big endian data.
        char16_t *chars;
        char16_t stackChars[256];
        if (length <= ArrayLength(stackChars)) {
            chars = stackChars;
        } else {
             * This is very uncommon. Don't use the tempLifoAlloc arena for this as
             * most allocations here will be bigger than tempLifoAlloc's default
             * chunk size.
            chars = cx->runtime()->pod_malloc<char16_t>(length);
            if (!chars)
                return false;

        JS_ALWAYS_TRUE(xdr->codeChars(chars, length));
        atom = AtomizeChars(cx, chars, length);
        if (chars != stackChars)
#endif /* !IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN */

    if (!atom)
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #9
     JS_SetErrorReporter(cx->runtime(), prevReporter);
Beispiel #10
 explicit SuppressErrorsGuard(JSContext* cx)
   : cx(cx),
     prevReporter(JS_SetErrorReporter(cx->runtime(), nullptr)),
Beispiel #11
jit::Bailout(BailoutStack *sp, BaselineBailoutInfo **bailoutInfo)
    JSContext *cx = GetJSContextFromJitCode();

    // We don't have an exit frame.
    MOZ_ASSERT(IsInRange(FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT, 0, 0x1000) &&
               IsInRange(FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT + sizeof(CommonFrameLayout), 0, 0x1000),
               "Fake jitTop pointer should be within the first page.");
    cx->mainThread().jitTop = FAKE_JIT_TOP_FOR_BAILOUT;

    JitActivationIterator jitActivations(cx->runtime());
    BailoutFrameInfo bailoutData(jitActivations, sp);
    JitFrameIterator iter(jitActivations);

    TraceLogger *logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime());
    TraceLogTimestamp(logger, TraceLogger::Bailout);

    JitSpew(JitSpew_IonBailouts, "Took bailout! Snapshot offset: %d", iter.snapshotOffset());


    *bailoutInfo = nullptr;
    bool poppedLastSPSFrame = false;
    uint32_t retval = BailoutIonToBaseline(cx, bailoutData.activation(), iter, false, bailoutInfo,
                                           /* excInfo = */ nullptr, &poppedLastSPSFrame);
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_FATAL_ERROR ||
               retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OVERRECURSED);
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(retval == BAILOUT_RETURN_OK, *bailoutInfo != nullptr);

    if (retval != BAILOUT_RETURN_OK) {
        // If the bailout failed, then bailout trampoline will pop the
        // current frame and jump straight to exception handling code when
        // this function returns.  Any SPS entry pushed for this frame will
        // be silently forgotten.
        // We call ExitScript here to ensure that if the ionScript had SPS
        // instrumentation, then the SPS entry for it is popped.
        // However, if the bailout was during argument check, then a
        // pseudostack frame would not have been pushed in the first
        // place, so don't pop anything in that case.
        bool popSPSFrame = iter.ionScript()->hasSPSInstrumentation() &&
                           (SnapshotIterator(iter).bailoutKind() != Bailout_ArgumentCheck) &&
        JSScript *script = iter.script();
        probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->functionNonDelazifying(), popSPSFrame);


    // This condition was wrong when we entered this bailout function, but it
    // might be true now. A GC might have reclaimed all the Jit code and
    // invalidated all frames which are currently on the stack. As we are
    // already in a bailout, we could not switch to an invalidation
    // bailout. When the code of an IonScript which is on the stack is
    // invalidated (see InvalidateActivation), we remove references to it and
    // increment the reference counter for each activation that appear on the
    // stack. As the bailed frame is one of them, we have to decrement it now.
    if (iter.ionScript()->invalidated())

    return retval;