Beispiel #1
void BiasedLocking::preserve_marks() {
  if (!UseBiasedLocking)

  assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must only be called while at safepoint");

  assert(_preserved_oop_stack  == NULL, "double initialization");
  assert(_preserved_mark_stack == NULL, "double initialization");

  // In order to reduce the number of mark words preserved during GC
  // due to the presence of biased locking, we reinitialize most mark
  // words to the class's prototype during GC -- even those which have
  // a currently valid bias owner. One important situation where we
  // must not clobber a bias is when a biased object is currently
  // locked. To handle this case we iterate over the currently-locked
  // monitors in a prepass and, if they are biased, preserve their
  // mark words here. This should be a relatively small set of objects
  // especially compared to the number of objects in the heap.
  _preserved_mark_stack = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP) GrowableArray<markOop>(10, true);
  _preserved_oop_stack = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP) GrowableArray<Handle>(10, true);

  ResourceMark rm;
  Thread* cur = Thread::current();
  for (JavaThread* thread = Threads::first(); thread != NULL; thread = thread->next()) {
    if (thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
      RegisterMap rm(thread);
      for (javaVFrame* vf = thread->last_java_vframe(&rm); vf != NULL; vf = vf->java_sender()) {
        GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*> *monitors = vf->monitors();
        if (monitors != NULL) {
          int len = monitors->length();
          // Walk monitors youngest to oldest
          for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            MonitorInfo* mon_info = monitors->at(i);
            oop owner = mon_info->owner();
            if (owner != NULL) {
              markOop mark = owner->mark();
              if (mark->has_bias_pattern()) {
                _preserved_oop_stack->push(Handle(cur, owner));
void ZeroStack::handle_overflow(TRAPS) {
  JavaThread *thread = (JavaThread *) THREAD;

  // Set up the frame anchor if it isn't already
  bool has_last_Java_frame = thread->has_last_Java_frame();
  if (!has_last_Java_frame) {
    intptr_t *sp = thread->zero_stack()->sp();
    ZeroFrame *frame = thread->top_zero_frame();
    while (frame) {
      if (frame->is_shark_frame())

      if (frame->is_interpreter_frame()) {
        interpreterState istate =
        if (istate->self_link() == istate)

      sp = ((intptr_t *) frame) + 1;
      frame = frame->next();

    if (frame == NULL)
      fatal("unrecoverable stack overflow");

    thread->set_last_Java_frame(frame, sp);

  // Throw the exception
  switch (thread->thread_state()) {
  case _thread_in_Java:

  case _thread_in_vm:
    Exceptions::throw_stack_overflow_exception(thread, __FILE__, __LINE__);


  // Reset the frame anchor if necessary
  if (!has_last_Java_frame)
 void doit() {
   ResourceMark rmark; // _thread != Thread::current()
   RegisterMap rm(_thread, false);
   // There can be a race condition between a VM_Operation reaching a safepoint
   // and the target thread exiting from Java execution.
   // We must recheck the last Java frame still exists.
   if (!_thread->is_exiting() && _thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
     javaVFrame* vf = _thread->last_java_vframe(&rm);
     assert(vf != NULL, "must have last java frame");
     Method* method = vf->method();
     _method_id = method->jmethod_id();
     _bci = vf->bci();
   } else {
     // Clear current location as the target thread has no Java frames anymore.
     _method_id = (jmethodID)NULL;
     _bci = 0;
// For Forte Analyzer AsyncGetCallTrace profiling support - thread is
// currently interrupted by SIGPROF
bool JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(frame* fr_addr,
  void* ucontext, bool isInJava) {

  assert(Thread::current() == this, "caller must be current thread");
  assert(this->is_Java_thread(), "must be JavaThread");

  JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread *)this;

  // If we have a last_Java_frame, then we should use it even if
  // isInJava == true.  It should be more reliable than ucontext info.
  if (jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
    *fr_addr = jt->pd_last_frame();
    return true;

  // At this point, we don't have a last_Java_frame, so
  // we try to glean some information out of the ucontext
  // if we were running Java code when SIGPROF came in.
  if (isInJava) {
    ucontext_t* uc = (ucontext_t*) ucontext;

    intptr_t* ret_fp;
    intptr_t* ret_sp;
    ExtendedPC addr = os::Solaris::fetch_frame_from_ucontext(this, uc,
      &ret_sp, &ret_fp);
    if (addr.contained_pc() == NULL || ret_sp == NULL || ret_fp == NULL) {
      // ucontext wasn't useful
      return false;

    frame ret_frame(ret_sp, ret_fp, addr.pc());
    if (!ret_frame.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
      // nothing else to try if the frame isn't good
      return false;
    *fr_addr = ret_frame;
    return true;

  // nothing else to try
  return false;
Beispiel #5
extern "C" void ps() { // print stack
  if (Thread::current() == NULL) return;
  Command c("ps");

  // Prints the stack of the current Java thread
  JavaThread* p = JavaThread::active();
  tty->print(" for thread: ");

  if (p->has_last_Java_frame()) {
    // If the last_Java_fp is set we are in C land and
    // can call the standard stack_trace function.
#ifdef PRODUCT
  } else {
    tty->print_cr("Cannot find the last Java frame, printing stack disabled.");
#else // !PRODUCT
  } else {
Beispiel #6
extern "C" void ps() { // print stack
  Command c("ps");

  // Prints the stack of the current Java thread
  JavaThread* p = JavaThread::active();
  tty->print(" for thread: ");

  if (p->has_last_Java_frame()) {
    // If the last_Java_fp is set we are in C land and
    // can call the standard stack_trace function.
  } else {
    frame f = os::current_frame();
    RegisterMap reg_map(p);
    f = f.sender(&reg_map);
    tty->print("(guessing starting frame id=%#p based on current fp)\n",;
    p->trace_stack_from(vframe::new_vframe(&f, &reg_map, p));

 //  true when the thread was suspended with a pointer to the last Java frame.
 bool has_last_frame()                     {
     return _thread->has_last_Java_frame();
// For Forte Analyzer AsyncGetCallTrace profiling support - thread is
// currently interrupted by SIGPROF
bool JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(frame* fr_addr,
                                                     void* ucontext,
                                                     bool isInJava) {
  assert(Thread::current() == this, "caller must be current thread");
  assert(this->is_Java_thread(), "must be JavaThread");

  JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread *)this;

  if (!isInJava) {
    // make_walkable flushes register windows and grabs last_Java_pc
    // which can not be done if the ucontext sp matches last_Java_sp
    // stack walking utilities assume last_Java_pc set if marked flushed

  // If we have a walkable last_Java_frame, then we should use it
  // even if isInJava == true. It should be more reliable than
  // ucontext info.
  if (jt->has_last_Java_frame() && jt->frame_anchor()->walkable()) {
    *fr_addr = jt->pd_last_frame();
    return true;

  ucontext_t* uc = (ucontext_t*) ucontext;

  // At this point, we don't have a walkable last_Java_frame, so
  // we try to glean some information out of the ucontext.
  intptr_t* ret_sp;
  ExtendedPC addr =
    os::fetch_frame_from_context(uc, &ret_sp,
                                 NULL /* ret_fp only used on X86 */);
  if (addr.pc() == NULL || ret_sp == NULL) {
    // ucontext wasn't useful
    return false;

  if (UseSharedSpaces && MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_region(addr.pc(), MetaspaceShared::md)) {
    // In the middle of a trampoline call. Bail out for safety.
    // This happens rarely so shouldn't affect profiling.
    return false;

  // we were running Java code when SIGPROF came in
  if (isInJava) {
    // If we have a last_Java_sp, then the SIGPROF signal caught us
    // right when we were transitioning from _thread_in_Java to a new
    // JavaThreadState. We use last_Java_sp instead of the sp from
    // the ucontext since it should be more reliable.
    if (jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
      ret_sp = jt->last_Java_sp();
    // Implied else: we don't have a last_Java_sp so we use what we
    // got from the ucontext.

    frame ret_frame(ret_sp, frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());
    if (!ret_frame.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
      // nothing else to try if the frame isn't good
      return false;
    *fr_addr = ret_frame;
    return true;

  // At this point, we know we weren't running Java code. We might
  // have a last_Java_sp, but we don't have a walkable frame.
  // However, we might still be able to construct something useful
  // if the thread was running native code.
  if (jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
    assert(!jt->frame_anchor()->walkable(), "case covered above");

    if (jt->thread_state() == _thread_in_native) {
      frame ret_frame(jt->last_Java_sp(), frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());
      if (!ret_frame.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
        // nothing else to try if the frame isn't good
        return false;
      *fr_addr = ret_frame;
      return true;

  // nothing else to try
  return false;
Beispiel #9
void AsyncGetCallTrace(ASGCT_CallTrace *trace, jint depth, void* ucontext) {

// This is if'd out because we no longer use thread suspension.
// However if someone wanted to backport this to a 5.0 jvm then this
// code would be important.
#if 0
  if (SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing()) {
    // The safepoint mechanism is trying to synchronize all the threads.
    // Since this can involve thread suspension, it is not safe for us
    // to be here. We can reduce the deadlock risk window by quickly
    // returning to the SIGPROF handler. However, it is still possible
    // for VMThread to catch us here or in the SIGPROF handler. If we
    // are suspended while holding a resource and another thread blocks
    // on that resource in the SIGPROF handler, then we will have a
    // three-thread deadlock (VMThread, this thread, the other thread).
    trace->num_frames = ticks_safepoint; // -10

  JavaThread* thread;

  if (trace->env_id == NULL ||
    (thread = JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(trace->env_id)) == NULL ||
    thread->is_exiting()) {

    // bad env_id, thread has exited or thread is exiting
    trace->num_frames = ticks_thread_exit; // -8

  if (thread->in_deopt_handler()) {
    // thread is in the deoptimization handler so return no frames
    trace->num_frames = ticks_deopt; // -9

  assert(JavaThread::current() == thread,
         "AsyncGetCallTrace must be called by the current interrupted thread");

  if (!JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) {
    trace->num_frames = ticks_no_class_load; // -1

  if (Universe::heap()->is_gc_active()) {
    trace->num_frames = ticks_GC_active; // -2

  switch (thread->thread_state()) {
  case _thread_new:
  case _thread_uninitialized:
  case _thread_new_trans:
    // We found the thread on the threads list above, but it is too
    // young to be useful so return that there are no Java frames.
    trace->num_frames = 0;
  case _thread_in_native:
  case _thread_in_native_trans:
  case _thread_blocked:
  case _thread_blocked_trans:
  case _thread_in_vm:
  case _thread_in_vm_trans:
      frame fr;

      // param isInJava == false - indicate we aren't in Java code
      if (!thread->pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(&fr, ucontext, false)) {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_not_Java;  // -3 unknown frame
      } else {
        if (!thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
          trace->num_frames = 0; // No Java frames
        } else {
          trace->num_frames = ticks_not_walkable_not_Java;    // -4 non walkable frame by default
          forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thread, trace, depth, fr);

          // This assert would seem to be valid but it is not.
          // It would be valid if we weren't possibly racing a gc
          // thread. A gc thread can make a valid interpreted frame
          // look invalid. It's a small window but it does happen.
          // The assert is left here commented out as a reminder.
          // assert(trace->num_frames != ticks_not_walkable_not_Java, "should always be walkable");

  case _thread_in_Java:
  case _thread_in_Java_trans:
      frame fr;

      // param isInJava == true - indicate we are in Java code
      if (!thread->pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(&fr, ucontext, true)) {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_Java;  // -5 unknown frame
      } else {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_not_walkable_Java;  // -6, non walkable frame by default
        forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thread, trace, depth, fr);
    // Unknown thread state
    trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_state; // -7
bool JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame(frame* fr_addr,
  void* ucontext, bool isInJava, bool makeWalkable) {
  assert(this->is_Java_thread(), "must be JavaThread");

  JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread *)this;

  if (!isInJava && makeWalkable) {
    // make_walkable flushes register windows and grabs last_Java_pc
    // which can not be done if the ucontext sp matches last_Java_sp
    // stack walking utilities assume last_Java_pc set if marked flushed

  // If we have a walkable last_Java_frame, then we should use it
  // even if isInJava == true. It should be more reliable than
  // ucontext info.
  if (jt->has_last_Java_frame() && jt->frame_anchor()->walkable()) {
    *fr_addr = jt->pd_last_frame();
    return true;

  ucontext_t* uc = (ucontext_t*) ucontext;

  // At this point, we don't have a walkable last_Java_frame, so
  // we try to glean some information out of the ucontext.
  intptr_t* ret_sp;
  ExtendedPC addr = os::Solaris::fetch_frame_from_ucontext(this, uc,
    &ret_sp, NULL /* ret_fp only used on Solaris X86 */);
  if (addr.pc() == NULL || ret_sp == NULL) {
    // ucontext wasn't useful
    return false;

  if (UseSharedSpaces && MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_region(addr.pc(), MetaspaceShared::md)) {
    // In the middle of a trampoline call. Bail out for safety.
    // This happens rarely so shouldn't affect profiling.
    return false;

  frame ret_frame(ret_sp, frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());

  // we were running Java code when SIGPROF came in
  if (isInJava) {

    // If the frame we got is safe then it is most certainly valid
    if (ret_frame.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
      *fr_addr = ret_frame;
      return true;

    // If it isn't safe then we can try several things to try and get
    // a good starting point.
    // On sparc the frames are almost certainly walkable in the sense
    // of sp/fp linkages. However because of recycling of windows if
    // a piece of code does multiple save's where the initial save creates
    // a real frame with a return pc and the succeeding save's are used to
    // simply get free registers and have no real pc then the pc linkage on these
    // "inner" temporary frames will be bogus.
    // Since there is in general only a nesting level like
    // this one deep in general we'll try and unwind such an "inner" frame
    // here ourselves and see if it makes sense

    frame unwind_frame(ret_frame.fp(), frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());

    if (unwind_frame.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
      *fr_addr = unwind_frame;
      return true;

    // Well that didn't work. Most likely we're toast on this tick
    // The previous code would try this. I think it is dubious in light
    // of changes to safe_for_sender and the unwind trick above but
    // if it gets us a safe frame who wants to argue.

    // If we have a last_Java_sp, then the SIGPROF signal caught us
    // right when we were transitioning from _thread_in_Java to a new
    // JavaThreadState. We use last_Java_sp instead of the sp from
    // the ucontext since it should be more reliable.

    if (jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
      ret_sp = jt->last_Java_sp();
      frame ret_frame2(ret_sp, frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());
      if (ret_frame2.safe_for_sender(jt)) {
        *fr_addr = ret_frame2;
        return true;

    // This is the best we can do. We will only be able to decode the top frame

    *fr_addr = ret_frame;
    return true;

  // At this point, we know we weren't running Java code. We might
  // have a last_Java_sp, but we don't have a walkable frame.
  // However, we might still be able to construct something useful
  // if the thread was running native code.
  if (jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
    assert(!jt->frame_anchor()->walkable(), "case covered above");

    frame ret_frame(jt->last_Java_sp(), frame::unpatchable, addr.pc());
    *fr_addr = ret_frame;
    return true;

  // nothing else to try but what we found initially

  *fr_addr = ret_frame;
  return true;
Beispiel #11
void AsyncGetCallTrace(ASGCT_CallTrace *trace, jint depth, void* ucontext) {
  JavaThread* thread;

  if (trace->env_id == NULL ||
    (thread = JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(trace->env_id)) == NULL ||
    thread->is_exiting()) {

    // bad env_id, thread has exited or thread is exiting
    trace->num_frames = ticks_thread_exit; // -8

  if (thread->in_deopt_handler()) {
    // thread is in the deoptimization handler so return no frames
    trace->num_frames = ticks_deopt; // -9

  assert(JavaThread::current() == thread,
         "AsyncGetCallTrace must be called by the current interrupted thread");

  if (!JvmtiExport::should_post_class_load()) {
    trace->num_frames = ticks_no_class_load; // -1

  if (Universe::heap()->is_gc_active()) {
    trace->num_frames = ticks_GC_active; // -2

  switch (thread->thread_state()) {
  case _thread_new:
  case _thread_uninitialized:
  case _thread_new_trans:
    // We found the thread on the threads list above, but it is too
    // young to be useful so return that there are no Java frames.
    trace->num_frames = 0;
  case _thread_in_native:
  case _thread_in_native_trans:
  case _thread_blocked:
  case _thread_blocked_trans:
  case _thread_in_vm:
  case _thread_in_vm_trans:
      frame fr;

      // param isInJava == false - indicate we aren't in Java code
      if (!thread->pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(&fr, ucontext, false)) {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_not_Java;  // -3 unknown frame
      } else {
        if (!thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
          trace->num_frames = 0; // No Java frames
        } else {
          trace->num_frames = ticks_not_walkable_not_Java;    // -4 non walkable frame by default
          forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thread, trace, depth, fr);

          // This assert would seem to be valid but it is not.
          // It would be valid if we weren't possibly racing a gc
          // thread. A gc thread can make a valid interpreted frame
          // look invalid. It's a small window but it does happen.
          // The assert is left here commented out as a reminder.
          // assert(trace->num_frames != ticks_not_walkable_not_Java, "should always be walkable");

  case _thread_in_Java:
  case _thread_in_Java_trans:
      frame fr;

      // param isInJava == true - indicate we are in Java code
      if (!thread->pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler(&fr, ucontext, true)) {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_Java;  // -5 unknown frame
      } else {
        trace->num_frames = ticks_not_walkable_Java;  // -6, non walkable frame by default
        forte_fill_call_trace_given_top(thread, trace, depth, fr);
    // Unknown thread state
    trace->num_frames = ticks_unknown_state; // -7