Beispiel #1
QStringList IconThemesConfig::findThemeDirs(const QString &archiveName)
  QStringList foundThemes;

  KTar archive(archiveName);;
  const KArchiveDirectory* themeDir =;

  KArchiveEntry* possibleDir = 0L;
  KArchiveDirectory* subDir = 0L;

  // iterate all the dirs looking for an index.theme or index.desktop file
  QStringList entries = themeDir->entries();
  for (QStringList::Iterator it = entries.begin();
       it != entries.end();
       ++it) {
    possibleDir = const_cast<KArchiveEntry*>(themeDir->entry(*it));
    if (possibleDir->isDirectory()) {
      subDir = dynamic_cast<KArchiveDirectory*>( possibleDir );
      if (subDir && (subDir->entry("index.theme") != NULL ||
                     subDir->entry("index.desktop") != NULL))

  return foundThemes;
Beispiel #2
QStringList KEmoticons::installTheme(const QString &archiveName)
    QStringList foundThemes;
    KArchiveEntry *currentEntry = 0L;
    KArchiveDirectory* currentDir = 0L;
    KArchive *archive = 0L;

    QString localThemesDir(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("emoticons", QString()));

    if (localThemesDir.isEmpty()) {
        kError() << "Could not find a suitable place in which to install the emoticon theme";
        return QStringList();

    const QString currentBundleMimeType = KMimeType::findByPath(archiveName, 0, false)->name();

    if (currentBundleMimeType == "application/zip" ||
            currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-zip" ||
            currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-zip-compressed") {
        archive = new KZip(archiveName);
    } else if (currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-compressed-tar" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-xz-compressed-tar" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-gzip" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-bzip" ||
               currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-lzma" ||
	       currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-xz") {
        archive = new KTar(archiveName);
    } else if (archiveName.endsWith(QLatin1String("jisp")) || archiveName.endsWith(QLatin1String("zip"))) {
        archive = new KZip(archiveName);
    } else {
        archive = new KTar(archiveName);

    if (!archive || !archive->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        kError() << "Could not open" << archiveName << "for unpacking";
        delete archive;
        return QStringList();

    const KArchiveDirectory* rootDir = archive->directory();

    // iterate all the dirs looking for an emoticons.xml file
    const QStringList entries = rootDir->entries();
    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) {
        currentEntry = const_cast<KArchiveEntry*>(rootDir->entry(*it));

        if (currentEntry->isDirectory()) {
            currentDir = dynamic_cast<KArchiveDirectory*>(currentEntry);

            for (int i = 0; i < d->m_loaded.size(); ++i) {
                QString fName = d->>property("X-KDE-EmoticonsFileName").toString();

                if (currentDir && currentDir->entry(fName) != NULL) {

    if (foundThemes.isEmpty()) {
        kError() << "The file" << archiveName << "is not a valid emoticon theme archive";
        delete archive;
        return QStringList();

    for (int themeIndex = 0; themeIndex < foundThemes.size(); ++themeIndex) {
        const QString &theme = foundThemes[themeIndex];

        currentEntry = const_cast<KArchiveEntry *>(rootDir->entry(theme));
        if (currentEntry == 0) {
            kDebug() << "couldn't get next archive entry";

        if (currentEntry->isDirectory()) {
            currentDir = dynamic_cast<KArchiveDirectory*>(currentEntry);

            if (currentDir == 0) {
                kDebug() << "couldn't cast archive entry to KArchiveDirectory";

            currentDir->copyTo(localThemesDir + theme);

    delete archive;

    return foundThemes;