/** Called for: double click, return, Open */
void BaseTreeView::slotSelectFile(QListViewItem *item)
  KFileTreeViewItem* kftvi = currentKFileTreeViewItem();
  if (!kftvi || kftvi->isDir()) return;

  KURL urlToOpen = kftvi->url();
  if (!urlToOpen.isEmpty())
    if ( QuantaCommon::checkMimeGroup(urlToOpen,"text") )
      emit openFile(urlToOpen);
    else if ( QuantaCommon::checkMimeGroup(urlToOpen, "image") ) //it may be an image
         emit openImage( urlToOpen);
      else if ( expandArchiv(kftvi)) //it may be an archiv
        else //it is an unknown type, maybe binary
          if (QuantaCommon::denyBinaryInsert(this) == KMessageBox::Yes)
            emit openFile(urlToOpen);
void BaseTreeView::slotPropertiesApplied()
  if (! propDlg) return;
  // check if renamed
  KURL url = currentURL();
  if (url != propDlg->kurl())
    itemRenamed(url, propDlg->kurl());
  KFileTreeViewItem *kftvi = currentKFileTreeViewItem();
  if (fileInfoDlg && kftvi)
    // has description changed?
    QString newDesc = fileInfoDlg->fileDesc->text();
    if (kftvi->text(1) != newDesc)
      itemDescChanged(kftvi, newDesc);
  BaseTreeViewItem * btvi = dynamic_cast<BaseTreeViewItem *> (kftvi);
  if (btvi)
/*  not working as expected
  if (kftvi && kftvi->url().isLocalFile()) {
    slotReloadAllTrees();  // refresh the icons for local url's, they might have changed
Beispiel #3
KURL K3bFileTreeView::selectedUrl() const
  KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(selectedItem());
  if( treeItem ) {
    if( !d->branchDeviceMap.contains( treeItem->branch() ) )
      return treeItem->url();
  return KURL();
Beispiel #4
K3bDevice::Device* K3bFileTreeView::selectedDevice() const
  KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(selectedItem());
  if( treeItem ) {
    if( d->branchDeviceMap.contains( treeItem->branch() ) )
      return d->branchDeviceMap[treeItem->branch()];
  return 0;
bool BaseTreeView::acceptDrag(QDropEvent* e ) const
  QPoint p (contentsToViewport(e->pos()));
  QListViewItem *atpos = itemAt(p);
  KFileTreeViewItem *kftvi = dynamic_cast <KFileTreeViewItem *> (atpos);
  if (kftvi)
    return (KFileTreeView::acceptDrag(e) && kftvi->isDir());  //  accept only on folders
    return (KFileTreeView::acceptDrag(e));
Beispiel #6
void K3bFileTreeView::slotItemExecuted( QListViewItem* item )
  KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(item);
  if( d->branchDeviceMap.contains( treeItem->branch() ) &&
      treeItem == treeItem->branch()->root() ) {
    K3bDevice::Device* dev = d->branchDeviceMap[treeItem->branch()];
      k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( dev );
    emit deviceExecuted( dev );
    emit urlExecuted( treeItem->url() );
void BaseTreeBranch::addOpenFolder(QStringList* openFolder)
  if (! openFolder)  // just in case
  KFileTreeViewItem *newItem;
  KFileTreeViewItem *item = root();
  while (item) {
    if (item->isDir() && item->isOpen()) {
      openFolder->append( item->url().url() );
      // dive into the tree first
      newItem = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->firstChild());
      if (newItem) {
        // found child go ahead
        item = newItem;
    // move up in the tree
    while (item && item != root())
      if (item->nextSibling())
        item = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->nextSibling());
        item = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->parent());
    if (item == root())
void BaseTreeBranch::updateOpenFolder()
  KFileTreeViewItem *newItem;
  KFileTreeViewItem *item = root();
  while (item) {
    if (item->isDir() && item->isOpen()) {
      updateDirectory( item->url() );
      kapp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput | QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers);
      // dive into the tree first
      newItem = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->firstChild());
      if (newItem) {
        // found child go ahead
        item = newItem;
    // go up if no sibling available
    if (! item->nextSibling())
      item = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->parent());
    if (item == root())
    if (item)
      item = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(item->nextSibling());
Beispiel #9
void KFileTreeBranch::slotRefreshItems( const KFileItemList& list )
    KFileItemListIterator it( list );
    kdDebug(250) << "Refreshing " << list.count() << " items !" << endl;
    KFileItem *currItem;
    KFileTreeViewItem *item = 0;

    while ( (currItem = it.current()) != 0 )
        item = findTVIByURL(currItem->url());
        if (item) {
            item->setPixmap(0, item->fileItem()->pixmap( TDEIcon::SizeSmall ));
            item->setText( 0, item->fileItem()->text());
Beispiel #10
void BaseTreeBranch::reopenFolder()
  if (folderToOpen.isEmpty())
  KFileTreeViewItem *item;
  for (QStringList::Iterator it = folderToOpen.begin(); it != folderToOpen.end(); ++it) {
    KURL url( (*it) );
    item = findTVIByURL(url);
    if (item) {
      // erase the url in the list
      (*it) = "";
      // open the folder
Beispiel #11
void BaseTreeView::slotDocumentClosed(const KURL& url)
  KFileTreeViewItem * item;
  KFileTreeBranchIterator it( branches() );
  for ( ; it.current(); ++it)
    item = (*it)->findTVIByURL(url);
    if (item)
/*  QListViewItemIterator iter(this);
  for ( ; iter.current(); ++iter )
Beispiel #12
void BaseTreeView::itemRenamed(const KURL& oldURL, const KURL& newURL)
  KFileTreeViewItem *curItem = currentKFileTreeViewItem();
  if (! curItem) return;

  if (curItem->isDir())
    KURL n = newURL;
    KURL o = oldURL;
    emit renamed(o, n);
    emit renamed(oldURL, newURL);
Beispiel #13
void K3bFileTreeView::slotContextMenu( KListView*, QListViewItem* item, const QPoint& p )
  KFileTreeViewItem* treeItem = dynamic_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(item);
  if( treeItem ) {
    K3bDevice::Device* device = 0;
    QMap<KFileTreeBranch*, K3bDevice::Device*>::iterator devIt =
      d->branchDeviceMap.find( treeItem->branch() );
    if( devIt != d->branchDeviceMap.end() )
      device = devIt.data();

    setCurrentItem( treeItem );
    setSelected( treeItem, true);

    if( device ) {
      k3bappcore->appDeviceManager()->setCurrentDevice( device );
      emit contextMenu( device, p );
      emit contextMenu( treeItem->url(), p );
    kdWarning() << "(K3bFileTreeView) found viewItem that is no KFileTreeViewItem!" << endl;
Beispiel #14
void BaseTreeViewToolTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos )
    if ( !parentWidget() || !m_view || !m_view->showToolTips() )

    QListViewItem *item = m_view->itemAt(pos);
    if (!item)
    QString text;
    KFileTreeViewItem * kftvi = dynamic_cast<BaseTreeViewItem *> (item);
    if (kftvi) {
      QString desc = kftvi->text(1);
      text = kftvi->fileItem()->getToolTipText();
      if ( !desc.isEmpty() )
        text.prepend("&nbsp;<i>" + desc + "</i><br>");
    } else
    {  // show something for the branchroot
      text = item->text(0);
      if ( ! item->text(1).isEmpty() )
        text.append( "<br>" + item->text(1));
    if ( !text.isEmpty() )
      tip(m_view->itemRect(item), text);
Beispiel #15
 * The signal that tells that a directory was deleted may arrive before the signal
 * for its children arrive. Thus, we must walk through the children of a dir and
 * remove them before removing the dir itself.
void KFileTreeBranch::slotDeleteItem( KFileItem *it )
    if( !it ) return;
    kdDebug(250) << "Slot Delete Item hitted for " << it->url().prettyURL() << endl;

    KFileTreeViewItem *kfti = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(it->extraData(this));

    if( kfti )
        kdDebug( 250 ) << "Child count: " << kfti->childCount() << endl;
        if( kfti->childCount() > 0 )
            KFileTreeViewItem *child = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(kfti->firstChild());

            while( child )
                kdDebug(250) << "Calling child to be deleted !" << endl;
                KFileTreeViewItem *nextChild = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(child->nextSibling());
                slotDeleteItem( child->fileItem());
                child = nextChild;

        kdDebug(250) << "Found corresponding KFileTreeViewItem" << endl;
        if( m_lastFoundURL.equals(it->url(), true ))
          m_lastFoundURL = KURL();
          m_lastFoundItem = 0L;
        delete( kfti );
        kdDebug(250) << "Error: tdefiletreeviewitem: "<< kfti << endl;
Beispiel #16
void KFileTreeBranch::slCompleted( const KURL& url )
    kdDebug(250) << "SlotCompleted hit for " << url.prettyURL() << endl;
    KFileTreeViewItem *currParent = findTVIByURL( url );
    if( ! currParent ) return;

    kdDebug(250) << "current parent " << currParent << " is already listed: "
                 << currParent->alreadyListed() << endl;

    emit( populateFinished(currParent));
    emit( directoryChildCount(currParent, currParent->childCount()));

    /* This is a walk through the children of the last populated directory.
     * Here we start the dirlister on every child of the dir and wait for its
     * finish. When it has finished, we go to the next child.
     * This must be done for non local file systems in dirOnly- and Full-Mode
     * and for local file systems only in full mode, because the stat trick
     * (see addItem-Method) does only work for dirs, not for files in the directory.
    /* Set bit that the parent dir was listed completely */

    kdDebug(250) << "recurseChildren: " << m_recurseChildren << endl;
    kdDebug(250) << "isLocalFile: " << m_startURL.isLocalFile() << endl;
    kdDebug(250) << "dirOnlyMode: " << dirOnlyMode() << endl;

    if( m_recurseChildren && (!m_startURL.isLocalFile() || ! dirOnlyMode()) )
        bool wantRecurseUrl = false;
        /* look if the url is in the list for url to recurse */
        for ( KURL::List::Iterator it = m_openChildrenURLs.begin();
              it != m_openChildrenURLs.end(); ++it )
            /* it is only interesting that the url _is_in_ the list. */
            if( (*it).equals( url, true ) )
                wantRecurseUrl = true;

        KFileTreeViewItem    *nextChild = 0;
        kdDebug(250) << "Recursing " << url.prettyURL() << "? " << wantRecurseUrl << endl;

        if( wantRecurseUrl && currParent )

            /* now walk again through the tree and populate the children to get +-signs */
            /* This is the starting point. The visible folder has finished,
               processing the children has not yet started */
            nextChild = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>

            if( ! nextChild )
                /* This happens if there is no child at all */
                kdDebug( 250 ) << "No children to recuse" << endl;

            /* Since we have listed the children to recurse, we can remove the entry
             * in the list of the URLs to see the children.

        if( nextChild ) /* This implies that idx > -1 */
            /* Next child is defined. We start a dirlister job on every child item
             * which is a directory to find out how much children are in the child
             * of the last opened dir

            /* Skip non directory entries */
            while( nextChild )
                if( nextChild->isDir() && ! nextChild->alreadyListed())
                    KFileItem *kfi = nextChild->fileItem();
                    if( kfi && kfi->isReadable())
                        KURL recurseUrl = kfi->url();
                        kdDebug(250) << "Starting to recurse NOW " << recurseUrl.prettyURL() << endl;
                        openURL( recurseUrl, true );
                nextChild = static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem*>(static_cast<TQListViewItem*>(nextChild->nextSibling()));
                // kdDebug(250) << "Next child " << m_nextChild << endl;
        kdDebug(250) << "skipping to recurse in complete-slot" << endl;
Beispiel #17
void KFileTreeBranch::addItems( const KFileItemList& list )
    KFileItemListIterator it( list );
    kdDebug(250) << "Adding " << list.count() << " items !" << endl;
    KFileItem *currItem;
    KFileTreeViewItemList treeViewItList;
    KFileTreeViewItem *parentItem = 0;

    while ( (currItem = it.current()) != 0 )
        parentItem = parentKFTVItem( currItem );

        /* Only create a new KFileTreeViewItem if it does not yet exist */
        KFileTreeViewItem *newKFTVI =
            static_cast<KFileTreeViewItem *>(currItem->extraData( this ));

        if( ! newKFTVI )
            newKFTVI = createTreeViewItem( parentItem, currItem );
            if (!newKFTVI)
                // TODO: Don't fail if parentItem == 0
            currItem->setExtraData( this, newKFTVI );

            /* Cut off the file extension in case it is not a directory */
            if( !m_showExtensions && !currItem->isDir() )	/* Need to cut the extension */
                TQString name = currItem->text();
                int mPoint = name.findRev( '.' );
                if( mPoint > 0 )
                    name = name.left( mPoint );
                newKFTVI->setText( 0, name );

        /* Now try to find out if there are children for dirs in the treeview */
        /* This stats a directory on the local file system and checks the */
        /* hardlink entry in the stat-buf. This works only for local directories. */
        if( dirOnlyMode() && !m_recurseChildren && currItem->isLocalFile( ) && currItem->isDir() )
            KURL url = currItem->url();
            TQString filename = url.directory( false, true ) + url.fileName();
            /* do the stat trick of Carsten. The problem is, that the hardlink
             *  count only contains directory links. Thus, this method only seem
             * to work in dir-only mode */
            kdDebug(250) << "Doing stat on " << filename << endl;
            KDE_struct_stat statBuf;
            if( KDE_stat( TQFile::encodeName( filename ), &statBuf ) == 0 )
                int hardLinks = statBuf.st_nlink;  /* Count of dirs */
                kdDebug(250) << "stat succeeded, hardlinks: " << hardLinks << endl;
                // If the link count is > 2, the directory likely has subdirs. If it's < 2
                // it's something weird like a mounted SMB share. In that case we don't know
                // if there are subdirs, thus show it as expandable.

                if( hardLinks != 2 )
                if( hardLinks >= 2 ) // "Normal" directory with subdirs
                    kdDebug(250) << "Emitting for " << url.prettyURL() << endl;
                    emit( directoryChildCount( newKFTVI, hardLinks-2)); // parentItem, hardLinks-1 ));
                kdDebug(250) << "stat of " << filename << " failed !" << endl;

        treeViewItList.append( newKFTVI );

    emit newTreeViewItems( this, treeViewItList );
Beispiel #18
void BaseTreeView::slotReload()
  KFileTreeViewItem *curItem = currentKFileTreeViewItem();
  if (curItem)
    reload(dynamic_cast<BaseTreeBranch *>(curItem->branch()));