Beispiel #1
void FsmAp::fillGaps( StateAp *state )
	if ( state->outList.length() == 0 ) {
		/* Add the range on the lower and upper bound. */
		attachNewTrans( state, 0, keyOps->minKey, keyOps->maxKey );
	else {
		TransList srcList;
		srcList.transfer( state->outList );

		/* Check for a gap at the beginning. */
		TransList::Iter trans = srcList, next;
		if ( keyOps->minKey < trans->lowKey ) {
			/* Make the high key and append. */
			Key highKey = trans->lowKey;

			attachNewTrans( state, 0, keyOps->minKey, highKey );

		/* Write the transition. */
		next =;
		state->outList.append( trans );

		/* Keep the last high end. */
		Key lastHigh = trans->highKey;

		/* Loop each source range. */
		for ( trans = next; trans.lte(); trans = next ) {
			/* Make the next key following the last range. */
			Key nextKey = lastHigh;

			/* Check for a gap from last up to here. */
			if ( nextKey < trans->lowKey ) {
				/* Make the high end of the range that fills the gap. */
				Key highKey = trans->lowKey;

				attachNewTrans( state, 0, nextKey, highKey );

			/* Reduce the transition. If it reduced to anything then add it. */
			next =;
			state->outList.append( trans );

			/* Keep the last high end. */
			lastHigh = trans->highKey;

		/* Now check for a gap on the end to fill. */
		if ( lastHigh < keyOps->maxKey ) {
			/* Get a copy of the default. */

			attachNewTrans( state, 0, lastHigh, keyOps->maxKey );
Beispiel #2
void CodeGenData::newTrans( int snum, int tnum, Key lowKey, 
		Key highKey, long targ, long action )
	/* Get the current state and range. */
	RedStateAp *curState = allStates + snum;
	RedTransList &destRange = curState->outRange;

	if ( curState == redFsm->errState )

	/* Make the new transitions. */
	RedStateAp *targState = targ >= 0 ? (allStates + targ) : 
			wantComplete ? redFsm->getErrorState() : 0;
	RedAction *actionTable = action >= 0 ? (allActionTables + action) : 0;
	RedTransAp *trans = redFsm->allocateTrans( targState, actionTable );
	RedTransEl transEl( lowKey, highKey, trans );

	if ( wantComplete ) {
		/* If the machine is to be complete then we need to fill any gaps with
		 * the error transitions. */
		if ( destRange.length() == 0 ) {
			/* Range is currently empty. */
			if ( keyOps->minKey < lowKey ) {
				/* The first range doesn't start at the low end. */
				Key fillHighKey = lowKey;

				/* Create the filler with the state's error transition. */
				RedTransEl newTel( keyOps->minKey, fillHighKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
				destRange.append( newTel );
		else {
			/* The range list is not empty, get the the last range. */
			RedTransEl *last = &destRange[destRange.length()-1];
			Key nextKey = last->highKey;
			if ( nextKey < lowKey ) {
				/* There is a gap to fill. Make the high key. */
				Key fillHighKey = lowKey;

				/* Create the filler with the state's error transtion. */
				RedTransEl newTel( nextKey, fillHighKey, redFsm->getErrorTrans() );
				destRange.append( newTel );

	/* Filler taken care of. Append the range. */
	destRange.append( RedTransEl( lowKey, highKey, trans ) );
Beispiel #3
/* Check if we can extend the current range by displacing any ranges
 * ahead to the singles. */
bool RedFsmAp::canExtend( const RedTransList &list, int pos )
	/* Get the transition that we want to extend. */
	RedTransAp *extendTrans = list[pos].value;

	/* Look ahead in the transition list. */
	for ( int next = pos + 1; next < list.length(); pos++, next++ ) {
		/* If they are not continuous then cannot extend. */
		Key nextKey = list[next].lowKey;
		if ( list[pos].highKey != nextKey )

		/* Check for the extenstion property. */
		if ( extendTrans == list[next].value )
			return true;

		/* If the span of the next element is more than one, then don't keep
		 * checking, it won't be moved to single. */
		unsigned long long nextSpan = keyOps->span( list[next].lowKey, list[next].highKey );
		if ( nextSpan > 1 )
	return false;
Beispiel #4
bool FsmAp::outListCovers( StateAp *state )
	/* Must be at least one range to cover. */
	if ( state->outList.length() == 0 )
		return false;
	/* The first must start at the lower bound. */
	TransList::Iter trans = state->outList.first();
	if ( keyOps->minKey < trans->lowKey )
		return false;

	/* Loop starts at second el. */

	/* Loop checks lower against prev upper. */
	for ( ; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
		/* Lower end of the trans must be one greater than the
		 * previous' high end. */
		Key lowKey = trans->lowKey;
		if ( trans->prev->highKey < lowKey )
			return false;

	/* Require that the last range extends to the upper bound. */
	trans = state->outList.last();
	if ( trans->highKey < keyOps->maxKey )
		return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #5
/* Merge neighboring transitions go to the same state and have the same
 * transitions data. */
void FsmAp::compressTransitions()
	for ( StateList::Iter st = stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) {
		if ( st->outList.length() > 1 ) {
			for ( TransList::Iter trans = st->outList, next =; next.lte();  ) {
				Key nextLow = next->lowKey;
				if ( trans->highKey == nextLow && trans->toState == next->toState &&
					CmpActionTable::compare( trans->actionTable, next->actionTable ) == 0 )
					trans->highKey = next->highKey;
					st->outList.detach( next );
					detachTrans( next->fromState, next->toState, next );
					delete next;
					next =;
				else {