Beispiel #1
// Mapmaker's try-to-find-a-point-in-a-keyframe code. This is used to update
// data association if a bad measurement was detected, or if a point
// was never searched for in a keyframe in the first place. This operates
// much like the tracker! So most of the code looks just like in
// TrackerData.h.
bool MapMakerServerBase::ReFind_Common(KeyFrame& kf, MapPoint& point)
  // abort if either a measurement is already in the map, or we've
  // decided that this point-kf combo is beyond redemption
  if (point.mMMData.spMeasurementKFs.count(&kf) || point.mMMData.spNeverRetryKFs.count(&kf))
    return false;

  if (point.mbBad)
    return false;

  if (kf.mpParent->mbBad)
    return false;

  // debug
  static GVars3::gvar3<int> gvnCrossCamera("CrossCamera", 1, GVars3::HIDDEN | GVars3::SILENT);
  if (!*gvnCrossCamera && kf.mCamName != point.mpPatchSourceKF->mCamName)
    return false;

  static PatchFinder finder;
  TooN::Vector<3> v3Cam = kf.mse3CamFromWorld * point.mv3WorldPos;

  TaylorCamera& camera = mmCameraModels[kf.mCamName];
  TooN::Vector<2> v2Image = camera.Project(v3Cam);

  if (camera.Invalid())
    return false;

  CVD::ImageRef irImageSize = kf.maLevels[0].image.size();
  if (v2Image[0] < 0 || v2Image[1] < 0 || v2Image[0] > irImageSize[0] || v2Image[1] > irImageSize[1])
    return false;

  TooN::Matrix<2> m2CamDerivs = camera.GetProjectionDerivs();
  finder.MakeTemplateCoarse(point, kf.mse3CamFromWorld, m2CamDerivs);

  if (finder.TemplateBad())
    return false;

  int nScore;
  bool bFound = finder.FindPatchCoarse(CVD::ir(v2Image), kf, 4, nScore);  // Very tight search radius!
  if (!bFound)
    return false;

  // If we found something, generate a measurement struct and put it in the map
  Measurement* pMeas = new Measurement;
  pMeas->nLevel = finder.GetLevel();
  pMeas->eSource = Measurement::SRC_REFIND;

  if (finder.GetLevel() > 0)
    finder.IterateSubPixToConvergence(kf, 8);
    pMeas->v2RootPos = finder.GetSubPixPos();
    pMeas->bSubPix = true;
    pMeas->v2RootPos = finder.GetCoarsePosAsVector();
    pMeas->bSubPix = false;

  if (kf.mmpMeasurements.count(&point))
    ROS_BREAK();  // This should never happen, we checked for this at the start.

  kf.AddMeasurement(&point, pMeas);

  // kf.mmpMeasurements[&point] = pMeas;
  // point.mMMData.spMeasurementKFs.insert(&kf);

  return true;
Beispiel #2
// Tries to make a new map point out of a single candidate point
// by searching for that point in another keyframe, and triangulating
// if a match is found.
bool MapMakerServerBase::AddPointEpipolar(KeyFrame& kfSrc, KeyFrame& kfTarget, int nLevel, int nCandidate)
  // debug
  static GVars3::gvar3<int> gvnCrossCamera("CrossCamera", 1, GVars3::HIDDEN | GVars3::SILENT);
  if (!*gvnCrossCamera && kfSrc.mCamName != kfTarget.mCamName)
    return false;

  TaylorCamera& cameraSrc = mmCameraModels[kfSrc.mCamName];
  TaylorCamera& cameraTarget = mmCameraModels[kfTarget.mCamName];

  int nLevelScale = LevelScale(nLevel);
  Candidate& candidate = kfSrc.maLevels[nLevel].vCandidates[nCandidate];
  CVD::ImageRef irLevelPos = candidate.irLevelPos;
  TooN::Vector<2> v2RootPos = LevelZeroPos(irLevelPos, nLevel);  // The pixel coords of the candidate at level zero

  TooN::Vector<3> v3Ray_SC =
    cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos);  // The pixel coords unprojected into a 3d half-line in the source kf frame
  TooN::Vector<3> v3LineDirn_TC =
    kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld.get_rotation() * (kfSrc.mse3CamFromWorld.get_rotation().inverse() *
        v3Ray_SC);  // The direction of that line in the target kf frame
  TooN::Vector<3> v3CamCenter_TC =
    kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld *
    kfSrc.mse3CamFromWorld.inverse().get_translation();  // The position of the source kf in the target kf frame
  TooN::Vector<3> v3CamCenter_SC =
    kfSrc.mse3CamFromWorld *
    kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld.inverse().get_translation();  // The position of the target kf in the source kf frame

  double dMaxEpiAngle = M_PI / 3;  // the maximum angle spanned by two view rays allowed
  double dMinEpiAngle = 0.05;      // the minimum angle allowed

  // Want to figure out the min and max depths allowed on the source ray, which will be determined by the minimum and
  // maximum allowed epipolar angle
  // See diagram below, which shows the min and max epipolar angles.
   *              /\
   *             / m\
   *            /  i \
   *           /`. n  \
   *          / m `.   \
   *         /  a   `.  \
   *        /   x     `. \
   *       /____________`.\
   *    Source           Target

  double dSeparationDist = norm(v3CamCenter_SC);
  double dSourceAngle =
    acos((v3CamCenter_SC * v3Ray_SC) / dSeparationDist);  // v3Ray_SC is unit length so don't have to divide

  double dMinTargetAngle = M_PI - dSourceAngle - dMaxEpiAngle;
  double dStartDepth = dSeparationDist * sin(dMinTargetAngle) / sin(dMaxEpiAngle);

  double dMaxTargetAngle = M_PI - dSourceAngle - dMinEpiAngle;
  double dEndDepth = dSeparationDist * sin(dMaxTargetAngle) / sin(dMinEpiAngle);

  if (dStartDepth < 0.2)  // don't bother looking too close
    dStartDepth = 0.2;

  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("dStartDepth: " << dStartDepth << " dEndDepth: " << dEndDepth);

  TooN::Vector<3> v3RayStart_TC =
    v3CamCenter_TC + dStartDepth * v3LineDirn_TC;  // The start of the epipolar line segment in the target kf frame
  TooN::Vector<3> v3RayEnd_TC =
    v3CamCenter_TC + dEndDepth * v3LineDirn_TC;  // The end of the epipolar line segment in the target kf frame

  // Project epipolar line segment start and end points onto unit sphere and check for minimum distance between them
  TooN::Vector<3> v3A = v3RayStart_TC;
  TooN::Vector<3> v3B = v3RayEnd_TC;
  TooN::Vector<3> v3BetweenEndpoints = v3A - v3B;

  if (v3BetweenEndpoints * v3BetweenEndpoints < 0.00000001)
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("MapMakerServerBase: v3BetweenEndpoints too small.");
    return false;

  // Now we want to construct a bunch of hypothetical point locations, so we can warp the source patch
  // into the target KF and look for a match. To do this, need to partition the epipolar arc in the target
  // KF equally, rather than the source ray equally. The epipolar arc lies at the intersection of the epipolar
  // plane and the unit circle of the target KF. We will construct a matrix that projects 3-vectors onto
  // the epipolar plane, and use it to define the start and stop coordinates of a unit circle by
  // projecting the ray start and ray end vectors. Then it's just a matter of partitioning the unit circle, and
  // projecting each partition point onto the source ray (keeping in mind that the source ray is in the
  // epipolar plane too).

  // Find the normal of the epipolar plane
  TooN::Vector<3> v3PlaneNormal = v3A ^ v3B;
  TooN::Vector<3> v3PlaneI =
    v3A;  // Lets call the vector we got from the start of the epipolar line segment the new coordinate frame's x axis
  TooN::Vector<3> v3PlaneJ = v3PlaneNormal ^ v3PlaneI;  // Get the y axis

  // This will convert a 3D point to the epipolar plane's coordinate frame
  TooN::Matrix<3> m3ToPlaneCoords;
  m3ToPlaneCoords[0] = v3PlaneI;
  m3ToPlaneCoords[1] = v3PlaneJ;
  m3ToPlaneCoords[2] = v3PlaneNormal;

  TooN::Vector<2> v2PlaneB = (m3ToPlaneCoords * v3B).slice<0, 2>();  // The vector we got from the end of the epipolar
  // line segment, in epipolar plane coordinates
  TooN::Vector<2> v2PlaneI = TooN::makeVector(1, 0);

  double dMaxAngleAlongCircle =
    acos(v2PlaneB * v2PlaneI);  // The angle between point B (now a 2D point in the plane) and the x axis

  // For stepping along the circle
  double dAngleStep = cameraTarget.OnePixelAngle() * LevelScale(nLevel) * 3;
  int nSteps = ceil(dMaxAngleAlongCircle / dAngleStep);
  dAngleStep = dMaxAngleAlongCircle / nSteps;

  TooN::Vector<2> v2RayStartInPlane = (m3ToPlaneCoords * v3RayStart_TC).slice<0, 2>();
  TooN::Vector<2> v2RayEndInPlane = (m3ToPlaneCoords * v3RayEnd_TC).slice<0, 2>();
  TooN::Vector<2> v2RayDirInPlane = v2RayEndInPlane - v2RayStartInPlane;

  // First in world frame, second in camera frame
  std::vector<std::pair<TooN::Vector<3>, TooN::Vector<3>>> vMapPointPositions;
  TooN::SE3<> se3WorldFromTargetCam = kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld.inverse();
  for (int i = 0; i < nSteps + 1; ++i)  // stepping along circle
    double dAngle = i * dAngleStep;                                  // current angle
    TooN::Vector<2> v2CirclePoint = TooN::makeVector(cos(dAngle), sin(dAngle));  // point on circle

    // Backproject onto view ray, this is the depth along view ray where we intersect
    double dAlpha = (v2RayStartInPlane[0] * v2CirclePoint[1] - v2RayStartInPlane[1] * v2CirclePoint[0]) /
                    (v2RayDirInPlane[1] * v2CirclePoint[0] - v2RayDirInPlane[0] * v2CirclePoint[1]);

    TooN::Vector<3> v3PointPos_TC = v3RayStart_TC + dAlpha * v3LineDirn_TC;
    TooN::Vector<3> v3PointPos = se3WorldFromTargetCam * v3PointPos_TC;
    vMapPointPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(v3PointPos, v3PointPos_TC));

  // This will be the map point that we place at the different depths in order to generate warped patches
  MapPoint point;
  point.mpPatchSourceKF = &kfSrc;
  point.mnSourceLevel = nLevel;
  point.mv3Normal_NC = TooN::makeVector(0, 0, -1);
  point.mirCenter = irLevelPos;
  point.mv3Center_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos);
  point.mv3OneRightFromCenter_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos + vec(CVD::ImageRef(nLevelScale, 0)));
  point.mv3OneDownFromCenter_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos + vec(CVD::ImageRef(0, nLevelScale)));


  PatchFinder finder;
  int nMaxZMSSD = finder.mnMaxSSD + 1;
  int nBestZMSSD = nMaxZMSSD;
  int nBest = -1;
  TooN::Vector<2> v2BestMatch = TooN::Zeros;

  std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, TooN::Vector<2>>> vScoresIndicesBestMatches;

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < vMapPointPositions.size(); ++i)  // go through all our hypothesized map points
    point.mv3WorldPos = vMapPointPositions[i].first;

    TooN::Vector<2> v2Image = cameraTarget.Project(vMapPointPositions[i].second);

    if (cameraTarget.Invalid())

    if (!kfTarget.maLevels[0].image.in_image(CVD::ir(v2Image)))

    // Check if projected point is in a masked portion of the target keyframe
    if (kfTarget.maLevels[0].mask.totalsize() > 0 && kfTarget.maLevels[0].mask[CVD::ir(v2Image)] == 0)

    TooN::Matrix<2> m2CamDerivs = cameraTarget.GetProjectionDerivs();

    int nSearchLevel = finder.CalcSearchLevelAndWarpMatrix(point, kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld, m2CamDerivs);
    if (nSearchLevel == -1)


    if (finder.TemplateBad())

    int nScore;
    bool bExhaustive =
      false;  // Should we do an exhaustive search of the target area? Should maybe make this into a param
    bool bFound = finder.FindPatchCoarse(CVD::ir(v2Image), kfTarget, 3, nScore, bExhaustive);

    if (!bFound)

    vScoresIndicesBestMatches.push_back(std::make_tuple(nScore, i, finder.GetCoarsePosAsVector()));

    if (nScore < nBestZMSSD)
      nBestZMSSD = nScore;
      nBest = i;
      v2BestMatch = finder.GetCoarsePosAsVector();

  if (nBest == -1)
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("No match found.");
    return false;

  std::sort(vScoresIndicesBestMatches.begin(), vScoresIndicesBestMatches.end(), compScores);

  // We want matches that are unambigous, so if there are many good matches along the view ray,
  // we can't say for certain where the best one really is. Therefore, implement the following rule:
  // Best zmssd has to be 10% better than nearest other, unless that nearest other is 1 index away
  // from best

  int nResizeTo = 1;
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < vScoresIndicesBestMatches.size(); ++i)
    if (std::get<0>(vScoresIndicesBestMatches[i]) > nBestZMSSD * 0.9)  // within 10% of best

  // Too many high scoring points, since the best can be within 10% of at most two other points.
  // We can't be certain of what is best, get out of here
  if (nResizeTo > 3)
    return false;

  vScoresIndicesBestMatches.resize(nResizeTo);  // chop!

  // All the points left in vScoresIndicesBestMatches should be within 1 idx of best, otherwise our matches are ambigous
  // Test index distance:
  for (unsigned i = 1; i < vScoresIndicesBestMatches.size(); ++i)
    if (abs(std::get<1>(vScoresIndicesBestMatches[i]) - nBest) > 1)  // bad, index too far away, get out of here
      return false;

  // Now all the points in vScoresIndicesBestMatches can be considered potential matches

  TooN::Vector<2> v2SubPixPos = TooN::makeVector(-1, -1);
  bool bGotGoodSubpix = false;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < vScoresIndicesBestMatches.size(); ++i)  // go through all potential good matches
    int nCurrBest = std::get<1>(vScoresIndicesBestMatches[i]);
    TooN::Vector<2> v2CurrBestMatch = std::get<2>(vScoresIndicesBestMatches[i]);

    point.mv3WorldPos = vMapPointPositions[nCurrBest].first;

    TooN::Matrix<2> m2CamDerivs = cameraTarget.GetProjectionDerivs();

    finder.CalcSearchLevelAndWarpMatrix(point, kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld, m2CamDerivs);

    // Try to get subpixel convergence
    bool bSubPixConverges = finder.IterateSubPixToConvergence(kfTarget, 10);

    if (!bSubPixConverges)

    // First one to make it here wins. Keep in mind that vScoresIndicesBestMatches is ordered by
    // score, so we're trying the points in descent order of potential
    bGotGoodSubpix = true;
    v2SubPixPos = finder.GetSubPixPos();

  // None of the candidates had subpix converge? Bad match...
  if (!bGotGoodSubpix)
    return false;

  // Now triangulate the 3d point...
  TooN::Vector<3> v3New;
  v3New = kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld.inverse() *
          ReprojectPoint(kfSrc.mse3CamFromWorld * kfTarget.mse3CamFromWorld.inverse(), cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos),

  MapPoint* pPointNew = new MapPoint;

  pPointNew->mv3WorldPos = v3New;

  // Patch source stuff:
  pPointNew->mpPatchSourceKF = &kfSrc;
  pPointNew->mnSourceLevel = nLevel;
  pPointNew->mv3Normal_NC = TooN::makeVector(0, 0, -1);
  pPointNew->mirCenter = irLevelPos;
  pPointNew->mv3Center_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos);
  pPointNew->mv3OneRightFromCenter_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos + vec(CVD::ImageRef(nLevelScale, 0)));
  pPointNew->mv3OneDownFromCenter_NC = cameraSrc.UnProject(v2RootPos + vec(CVD::ImageRef(0, nLevelScale)));



  Measurement* pMeasSrc = new Measurement;
  pMeasSrc->eSource = Measurement::SRC_ROOT;
  pMeasSrc->v2RootPos = v2RootPos;
  pMeasSrc->nLevel = nLevel;
  pMeasSrc->bSubPix = true;

  Measurement* pMeasTarget = new Measurement;
  *pMeasTarget = *pMeasSrc;  // copy data
  pMeasTarget->eSource = Measurement::SRC_EPIPOLAR;
  pMeasTarget->v2RootPos = v2SubPixPos;

  // Record map point and its measurement in the right places
  kfSrc.AddMeasurement(pPointNew, pMeasSrc);
  kfTarget.AddMeasurement(pPointNew, pMeasTarget);

  // kfSrc.mmpMeasurements[pPointNew] = pMeasSrc;
  // kfTarget.mmpMeasurements[pPointNew] = pMeasTarget;
  // pPointNew->mMMData.spMeasurementKFs.insert(&kfSrc);
  // pPointNew->mMMData.spMeasurementKFs.insert(&kfTarget);


  return true;