std::vector<cv::Mat> SiftMatcher::compute(Keypoints& keypoints) { std::vector<cv::Mat> descriptors(keypoints.size()); cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor; for (size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); ++i) { extractor.compute(m_images[i], keypoints[i], descriptors[i]); } return descriptors; }
bool FeatureAlgorithm::extractFeatures(const cv::Mat& image, Keypoints& kp, Descriptors& desc) const { assert(!image.empty()); if (featureEngine) { (*featureEngine)(image, cv::noArray(), kp, desc); } else { detector->detect(image, kp); if (kp.empty()) return false; extractor->compute(image, kp, desc); } return kp.size() > 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // main // ------------------------------------------------------------------- int fake_main(int argc, char** argv, float edgeThreshold) { int first = -1 ; int octaves = -1 ; int levels = 3 ; float threshold = 0.04f / levels / 2.0f ; //float edgeThreshold = 10.0f; float magnif = 3.0 ; int nodescr = 0 ; int noorient = 0 ; int stableorder = 0 ; int savegss = 0 ; int verbose = 0 ; int binary = 0 ; int haveKeypoints = 0 ; int unnormalized = 0 ; int fp = 0 ; string outputFilenamePrefix ; string outputFilename ; string descriptorsFilename ; string keypointsFilename ; static struct option longopts[] = { { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "prefix", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "first-octave", required_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "keypoints", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "octaves", required_argument, NULL, 'O' }, { "levels", required_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "threshold", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "edge-threshold", required_argument, NULL, 'e' }, { "magnif", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "binary", no_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "no-descriptors", no_argument, &nodescr, 1 }, { "no-orientations", no_argument, &noorient, 1 }, { "stable-order", no_argument, &stableorder, 1 }, { "save-gss", no_argument, &savegss, 1 }, { "unnormalized", no_argument, &unnormalized, 1 }, { "floating-point", no_argument, &fp, 1 }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int ch ; try { while ( (ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "vho:p:f:k:O:S:t:e:b", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case '?' : VL_THROW("Invalid option '"<<argv[optind-1]<<"'.") ; break; case ':' : VL_THROW("Missing argument of option '"<<argv[optind-1]<<"'.") ; break; case 'h' : std::cout << argv[0] << " [--verbose|=v] [--help|-h]" << endl << " [--output|-o NAME] [--prefix|-p PREFIX] [--binary|-b] [--save-gss] " << endl << " [--no-descriptors] [--no-orientations] " << endl << " [--levels|-S NUMBER] [--octaves|-O NUMBER] [--first-octave|-f NUMBER] " << endl << " [--threshold|-t NUMBER] [--edge-threshold|-e NUMBER] " << endl << " [--floating-point] [--unnormalized] " << endl << " IMAGE [IMAGE2 ...]" << endl << endl << "* Options *" << endl << " --verbose Be verbose"<< endl << " --help Print this message"<<endl << " --output=NAME Write to this file"<<endl << " --prefix=PREFIX Derive output filename prefixing this string to the input file"<<endl << " --binary Write descriptors to a separate file in binary format"<<endl << " --keypoints=FILE Reads keypoint frames from here; do not run SIFT detector" << endl << " --save-gss Save Gaussian scale space on disk" << endl << " --octaves=O Number of octaves" << endl << " --levels=S Number of levels per octave" << endl << " --first-octave=MINO Index of the first octave" << endl << " --threshold=THR Keypoint strength threhsold" << endl << " --magnif=MAG Keypoint magnification" << endl << " --edge-threshold=THR On-edge threshold" << endl << " --no-descriptors Do not compute descriptors" << endl << " --no-orientations Do not compute orientations" << endl << " --stable-order Do not reorder keypoints" << endl << " --unnormalzied Do not normalize descriptors" << endl << " --floating-point Save floating point descriptors" << endl << endl << " * Examples *" << endl << argv[0] << " [OPTS...] image.pgm" << endl << argv[0] << " [OPTS...] image.pgm --output=file.key" << endl << argv[0] << " [OPTS...] image.pgm --keypoints=frames.key" << endl << argv[0] << " [OPTS...] *.pgm --prefix=/tmp/" << endl << argv[0] << " [OPTS...] *.pgm --prefix=/tmp/ --binary" << endl << endl << " * This build: " ; #if defined VL_USEFASTMATH std::cout << "has fast approximate math" ; #else std::cout << "has slow accurate math" ; #endif std::cout << " (fp datatype is '" << VL_EXPAND_AND_STRINGIFY(VL_FASTFLOAT) << "') *"<<endl ; return 0 ; verbose = 1 ; case 'f': // first octave { std::istringstream iss(optarg) ; iss >> first ; if( ) VL_THROW("Invalid argument '" << optarg << "'.") ; } break ; case 'O' : // octaves { std::istringstream iss(optarg) ; iss >> octaves ; if( ) VL_THROW("Invalid argument '" << optarg << "'.") ; if( octaves < 1 ) { VL_THROW("The number of octaves cannot be smaller than one."); } } break ; case 'S' : // levels { std::istringstream iss(optarg) ; iss >> levels ; if( ) VL_THROW("Invalid argument '" << optarg << "'.") ; if( levels < 1 ) { VL_THROW("The number of levels cannot be smaller than one.") ; } } break ; case 't' : // threshold { std::istringstream iss(optarg) ; iss >> threshold ; if( ) VL_THROW("Invalid argument '" << optarg << "'.") ; } break ; case 0 : // all other options break ; default: assert(false) ; } } if(outputFilename.size() !=0 && outputFilenamePrefix.size() !=0) { VL_THROW("--output cannot be used in combination with --prefix.") ; } /* end option try-catch block */ } catch( VL::Exception const & e ) { cerr << "siftpp: error: " << e.msg << endl ; exit(1) ; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop over input images // ----------------------------------------------------------------- string name(argv[0]) ; try { VL::PgmBuffer buffer ; // compute the output filenames: // // 1) if --output is specified, then we just use the one provided // by the user // // 2) if --output is not specified, we derive the output filename // from the input filename by // - removing the extension part from the output filename // - and if outputFilenamePrefix is non void, removing // the directory part and prefixing outputFilenamePrefix. // // 3) in any case we derive the binary descriptor filename by // removing from the output filename the .key extension (if any) // and adding a .desc extension. if(outputFilename.size() == 0) { // case 2) above outputFilename = name ; // if we specify an output directory, then extract // the basename if(outputFilenamePrefix.size() != 0) { char * tmp = new char [outputFilename.length()+1] ; strcpy(tmp, outputFilename.c_str()) ; outputFilename = outputFilenamePrefix + std::string(basename(tmp)) ; delete [] tmp ; } // remove .pgm extension, add .key outputFilename = removeExtension(outputFilename, ".pgm") ; outputFilename += ".key" ; outputFilename = "/tmp/" + outputFilename; } // remove .key extension, add .desc descriptorsFilename = removeExtension(outputFilename, ".key") ; descriptorsFilename += ".desc" ; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Load PGM image // --------------------------------------------------------------- verbose && cout << "siftpp: lodaing PGM image '" << name << "' ..." << flush; try { ifstream in(name.c_str(), ios::binary) ; if(! in.good()) VL_THROW("Could not open '"<<name<<"'.") ; extractPgm(in, buffer) ; } catch(VL::Exception const& e) { throw VL::Exception("PGM read error: "+e.msg) ; } verbose && cout << " read " << buffer.width <<" x " << buffer.height <<" pixels" << endl ; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Gaussian scale space // --------------------------------------------------------------- verbose && cout << "siftpp: computing Gaussian scale space" << endl ; int O = octaves ; int const S = levels ; int const omin = first ; float const sigman = .5 ; float const sigma0 = 1.6 * powf(2.0f, 1.0f / S) ; // optionally autoselect the number number of octaves // we downsample up to 8x8 patches if(O < 1) { O = std::max (int (std::floor (log2 (std::min(buffer.width,buffer.height))) - omin -3), 1) ; } verbose && cout << "siftpp: number of octaves : " << O << endl << "siftpp: first octave : " << omin << endl << "siftpp: levels per octave : " << S << endl ; // initialize scalespace VL::Sift sift(, buffer.width, buffer.height, sigman, sigma0, O, S, omin, -1, S+1) ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: Gaussian scale space completed" << endl ; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Save Gaussian scale space // --------------------------------------------------------------- if(savegss) { verbose && cout<<"siftpp: saving Gaussian scale space"<<endl ; string imageBasename = removeExtension(outputFilename, ".key") ; for(int o = omin ; o < omin + O ; ++o) { for(int s = 0 ; s < S ; ++s) { ostringstream suffix ; suffix<<'.'<<o<<'.'<<s<<".pgm" ; string imageFilename = imageBasename + suffix.str() ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: octave " << setw(3) << o << " level " << setw(3) << s << " to '" << imageFilename << "' ..." << flush ; ofstream fout(imageFilename.c_str(), ios::binary) ; if(!fout.good()) VL_THROW("Could not open '"<<imageFilename<<'\'') ; VL::insertPgm(fout, sift.getLevel(o,s), sift.getOctaveWidth(o), sift.getOctaveHeight(o)) ; fout.close() ; verbose && cout << " done." << endl ; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Run SIFT detector // ------------------------------------------------------------- if( ! haveKeypoints ) { verbose && cout << "siftpp: running detector "<< endl << "siftpp: threshold : " << threshold << endl << "siftpp: edge-threshold : " << edgeThreshold << endl ; sift.detectKeypoints(threshold, edgeThreshold) ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: detector completed with " << sift.keypointsEnd() - sift.keypointsBegin() << " keypoints" << endl ; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Run SIFT orientation detector and descriptor // ------------------------------------------------------------- /* set descriptor options */ sift.setNormalizeDescriptor( ! unnormalized ) ; sift.setMagnification( magnif ) ; if( verbose ) { cout << "siftpp: " ; if( ! noorient & nodescr) cout << "computing keypoint orientations" ; if( noorient & ! nodescr) cout << "computing keypoint descriptors" ; if( ! noorient & ! nodescr) cout << "computing orientations and descriptors" ; if( noorient & nodescr) cout << "finalizing" ; cout << endl ; } { // open output file ofstream out(outputFilename.c_str(), ios::binary) ; if( ! out.good() ) VL_THROW("Could not open output file '" << outputFilename << "'.") ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: write keypoints to : '" << outputFilename << "'" << endl << "siftpp: floating point descr. : " << (fp ? "yes" : "no") << endl << "siftpp: binary descr. : " << (binary ? "yes" : "no") << endl << "siftpp: unnormalized descr. : " << (unnormalized ? "yes" : "no") << endl << "siftpp: descr. magnif. : " << setprecision(3) << magnif << endl ; out.flags(ios::fixed) ; /* If a keypoint file is provided, then open it now */ auto_ptr<ifstream> keypointsIn_pt ; if( haveKeypoints ) { keypointsIn_pt = auto_ptr<ifstream> (new ifstream(keypointsFilename.c_str(), ios::binary)) ; if( ! keypointsIn_pt->good() ) VL_THROW("Could not open keypoints file '" << keypointsFilename << "'.") ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: read keypoints from : '" << keypointsFilename << "'" << endl ; } /* If the descriptors are redirected to a binary file, then open it now */ auto_ptr<ofstream> descriptorsOut_pt ; if( binary ) { descriptorsOut_pt = auto_ptr<ofstream> (new ofstream(descriptorsFilename.c_str(), ios::binary)) ; if( ! descriptorsOut_pt->good() ) VL_THROW("Could not open descriptors file '" << descriptorsFilename << "'.") ; verbose && cout << "siftpp: write descriptors to : '" << descriptorsFilename << "'" << endl ; } if( haveKeypoints ) { // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads keypoint from file, compute descriptors // ------------------------------------------------------------- Keypoints keypoints ; while( !keypointsIn_pt->eof() ) { VL::float_t x,y,sigma,th ; /* read x, y, sigma and th from the beginning of the line */ (*keypointsIn_pt) >> x >> y >> sigma >> th ; /* skip the rest of the line */ (*keypointsIn_pt).ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n') ; /* break the loop if end of file reached */ if( keypointsIn_pt->eof() ) break ; /* trhow an error if something wrong */ if( ! keypointsIn_pt->good() ) VL_THROW("Error reading keypoints file.") ; /* compute integer components */ VL::Sift::Keypoint key = sift.getKeypoint(x,y,sigma) ; Keypoints::value_type entry ; entry.first = key ; entry.second = th ; keypoints.push_back(entry) ; } /* sort keypoints by scale if not required otherwise */ if(! stableorder) sort(keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end(), cmpKeypoints) ; // process in batch for(Keypoints::const_iterator iter = keypoints.begin() ; iter != keypoints.end() ; ++iter) { VL::Sift::Keypoint const& key = iter->first ; VL::float_t th = iter->second ; /* write keypoint */ out << setprecision(2) << key.x << " " << setprecision(2) << key.y << " " << setprecision(2) << key.sigma << " " << setprecision(3) << th ; /* compute descriptor */ VL::float_t descr [128] ; sift.computeKeypointDescriptor(descr, key, th) ; /* save to appropriate file */ if( descriptorsOut_pt.get() ) { ostream& os = *descriptorsOut_pt.get() ; insertDescriptor(os, descr, true, fp) ; } else { insertDescriptor(out, descr, false, fp) ; } /* next keypoint */ out << endl ; } // next keypoint } else { // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Run detector, compute orientations and descriptors // ------------------------------------------------------------- for( VL::Sift::KeypointsConstIter iter = sift.keypointsBegin() ; iter != sift.keypointsEnd() ; ++iter ) { // detect orientations VL::float_t angles [4] ; int nangles ; if( ! noorient ) { nangles = sift.computeKeypointOrientations(angles, *iter) ; } else { nangles = 1; angles[0] = VL::float_t(0) ; } // compute descriptors for(int a = 0 ; a < nangles ; ++a) { out << setprecision(2) << iter->x << ' ' << setprecision(2) << iter->y << ' ' << setprecision(2) << iter->sigma << ' ' << setprecision(3) << angles[a] ; /* compute descriptor */ VL::float_t descr_pt [128] ; sift.computeKeypointDescriptor(descr_pt, *iter, angles[a]) ; /* save descriptor to to appropriate file */ if( ! nodescr ) { if( descriptorsOut_pt.get() ) { ostream& os = *descriptorsOut_pt.get() ; insertDescriptor(os, descr_pt, true, fp) ; } else { insertDescriptor(out, descr_pt, false, fp) ; } } /* next line */ out << endl ; } // next angle } // next keypoint } out.close() ; if(descriptorsOut_pt.get()) descriptorsOut_pt->close(); if(keypointsIn_pt.get()) keypointsIn_pt->close(); verbose && cout << "siftpp: job completed"<<endl ; } argc-- ; argv++ ; outputFilename = string("") ; }
bool performEstimation ( const FeatureAlgorithm& alg, const ImageTransformation& transformation, const cv::Mat& sourceImage, std::vector<FrameMatchingStatistics>& stat ) { Keypoints sourceKp; Descriptors sourceDesc; cv::Mat gray; if (sourceImage.channels() == 3) cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); else if (sourceImage.channels() == 4) cv::cvtColor(sourceImage, gray, CV_BGRA2GRAY); else if(sourceImage.channels() == 1) gray = sourceImage; if (!alg.extractFeatures(gray, sourceKp, sourceDesc)) return false; std::vector<float> x = transformation.getX(); stat.resize(x.size()); const int count = x.size(); cv::Mat transformedImage; Keypoints resKpReal; Descriptors resDesc; Matches matches; // To convert ticks to milliseconds const double toMsMul = 1000. / cv::getTickFrequency(); #pragma omp parallel for private(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc, matches) for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { float arg = x[i]; FrameMatchingStatistics& s = stat[i]; transformation.transform(arg, gray, transformedImage); int64 start = cv::getTickCount(); alg.extractFeatures(transformedImage, resKpReal, resDesc); // Initialize required fields s.isValid = resKpReal.size() > 0; s.argumentValue = arg; if (!s.isValid) continue; if (alg.knMatchSupported) { std::vector<Matches> knMatches; alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, 2, knMatches); ratioTest(knMatches, 0.75, matches); // Compute percent of false matches that were rejected by ratio test s.ratioTestFalseLevel = (float)(knMatches.size() - matches.size()) / (float) knMatches.size(); } else { alg.matchFeatures(sourceDesc, resDesc, matches); } int64 end = cv::getTickCount(); Matches correctMatches; cv::Mat homography; bool homographyFound = ImageTransformation::findHomography(sourceKp, resKpReal, matches, correctMatches, homography); // Some simple stat: s.isValid = homographyFound; s.totalKeypoints = resKpReal.size(); s.consumedTimeMs = (end - start) * toMsMul; // Compute overall percent of matched keypoints s.percentOfMatches = (float) matches.size() / (float)(std::min(sourceKp.size(), resKpReal.size())); s.correctMatchesPercent = (float) correctMatches.size() / (float)matches.size(); // Compute matching statistics computeMatchesDistanceStatistics(correctMatches, s.meanDistance, s.stdDevDistance); } return true; }
void PointsToKeyPoints(const Points2f& ps, Keypoints& kps) { kps.clear(); for (const auto& p : ps) { kps.push_back(KeyPoint(p, 1.0f)); } }