Beispiel #1
bool TaskSpaceRegion::Initialize(EnvironmentBasePtr penv_in)
    _volume = 0;
    _sumbounds = 0;
    _dimensionality = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        //compute volume in whatever dimensionality this defines                
        //when Bw values are backwards, it signifies an axis flip (not an error)
        if(Bw[i][1] != Bw[i][0])
            _volume = _volume * fabs(Bw[i][1] - Bw[i][0]);
            _sumbounds = _sumbounds + fabs(Bw[i][1] - Bw[i][0]);

    if( stricmp(relativebodyname.c_str(), "NULL") == 0 )
        KinBodyPtr pobject;
        pobject = penv_in->GetKinBody(relativebodyname.c_str());
        if(pobject.get() == NULL)
            RAVELOG_INFO("Error: could not find the specified object to attach frame\n");
            return false;
        //find the link
        vector<KinBody::LinkPtr> vlinks = pobject->GetLinks();
        bool bGotLink = false;
        for(int j =0; j < vlinks.size(); j++)
            if(strcmp(relativelinkname.c_str(), vlinks[j]->GetName().c_str()) == 0 )
                RAVELOG_INFO("frame link: %s:%s\n",vlinks[j]->GetParent()->GetName().c_str(),vlinks[j]->GetName().c_str() );
                prelativetolink = vlinks[j];
                bGotLink = true;
            RAVELOG_INFO("Error: could not find the specified link of the object to attach frame\n");
            return false;

    return true;
 object GetLinkVelocities(PyKinBodyPtr pykinbody)
     KinBodyPtr pbody = openravepy::GetKinBody(pykinbody);
     if( pbody->GetLinks().size() == 0 ) {
         return numeric::array(boost::python::list());
     std::vector<std::pair<Vector,Vector> > velocities;
     if( !_pPhysicsEngine->GetLinkVelocities(pbody,velocities) ) {
         return object();
     npy_intp dims[] = { velocities.size(),6};
     PyObject *pyvel = PyArray_SimpleNew(2,dims, sizeof(dReal)==8 ? PyArray_DOUBLE : PyArray_FLOAT);
     dReal* pfvel = (dReal*)PyArray_DATA(pyvel);
     for(size_t i = 0; i < velocities.size(); ++i) {
         pfvel[6*i+0] = velocities[i].first.x;
         pfvel[6*i+1] = velocities[i].first.y;
         pfvel[6*i+2] = velocities[i].first.z;
         pfvel[6*i+3] = velocities[i].second.x;
         pfvel[6*i+4] = velocities[i].second.y;
         pfvel[6*i+5] = velocities[i].second.z;
     return static_cast<numeric::array>(handle<>(pyvel));
Beispiel #3
KinBody::LinkPtr GetCppLink(py::object py_link, EnvironmentBasePtr env) {
  KinBodyPtr parent = GetCppKinBody(py_link.attr("GetParent")(), env);
  int idx = py::extract<int>(py_link.attr("GetIndex")());
  return parent->GetLinks()[idx];