Beispiel #1
int LDAPProtocol::asyncSearch( LDAPUrl &usrc ) 
  char **attrs = 0;
  int msgid;
  LDAPControl **serverctrls = 0, **clientctrls = 0;
  int count = usrc.attributes().count();
  if ( count > 0 ) {
    attrs = static_cast<char**>( malloc((count+1) * sizeof(char*)) );
    for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
      attrs[i] = strdup( (*usrc.attributes().at(i)).utf8() );
    attrs[count] = 0;
  int retval, scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
  switch ( usrc.scope() ) {
    case LDAPUrl::Base:
      scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE;
    case LDAPUrl::One:
      scope = LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL;
    case LDAPUrl::Sub:
      scope = LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE;

  controlsFromMetaData( &serverctrls, &clientctrls );

  kdDebug(7125) << "asyncSearch() dn=\"" << usrc.dn() << "\" scope=" << 
    usrc.scope() << " filter=\"" << usrc.filter() << "\" attrs=" << usrc.attributes() << 
  retval = ldap_search_ext( mLDAP, usrc.dn().utf8(), scope, 
    usrc.filter().isEmpty() ? TQCString() : usrc.filter().utf8(), attrs, 0, 
    serverctrls, clientctrls,
    0, mSizeLimit, &msgid );

  ldap_controls_free( serverctrls );
  ldap_controls_free( clientctrls );

  // free the attributes list again
  if ( count > 0 ) {
    for ( int i=0; i<count; i++ ) free( attrs[i] );
  if ( retval == 0 ) retval = msgid;
  return retval;
Beispiel #2
void LDAPProtocol::LDAPEntry2UDSEntry( const TQString &dn, UDSEntry &entry, 
  const LDAPUrl &usrc, bool dir )
  UDSAtom atom;
  int pos;
  atom.m_uds = UDS_NAME;
  atom.m_long = 0;
  TQString name = dn;
  if ( (pos = name.find(",")) > 0 )
    name = name.left( pos );
  if ( (pos = name.find("=")) > 0 )
    name.remove( 0, pos+1 );
  name.replace(' ', "_");
  if ( !dir ) name += ".ldif";
  atom.m_str = name;
  entry.append( atom );

  // the file type
  atom.m_uds = UDS_FILE_TYPE;
  atom.m_str = "";
  atom.m_long = dir ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG;
  entry.append( atom );
  // the mimetype
  if (!dir) {
    atom.m_uds = UDS_MIME_TYPE;
    atom.m_long = 0;
    atom.m_str = "text/plain";
    entry.append( atom );

  atom.m_uds = UDS_ACCESS;
  atom.m_long = dir ? 0500 : 0400;
  entry.append( atom );

  // the url
  atom.m_uds = UDS_URL;
  atom.m_long = 0;
  LDAPUrl url;

  url.setScope( dir ? LDAPUrl::One : LDAPUrl::Base );
  atom.m_str = url.prettyURL();
  entry.append( atom );
Beispiel #3
void LDAPProtocol::changeCheck( LDAPUrl &url )
  bool critical;
  bool tls = ( url.hasExtension( "x-tls" ) );
  int ver = 3;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "x-ver" ) ) 
    ver = url.extension( "x-ver", critical).toInt();
  bool authSASL = url.hasExtension( "x-sasl" );
  TQString mech;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "x-mech" ) ) 
    mech = url.extension( "x-mech", critical).upper();
  TQString realm;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "x-realm" ) ) 
    mech = url.extension( "x-realm", critical).upper();
  TQString bindname;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "bindname" ) ) 
    bindname = url.extension( "bindname", critical).upper();
  int timelimit = 0;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "x-timelimit" ) )
    timelimit = url.extension( "x-timelimit", critical).toInt();
  int sizelimit = 0;
  if ( url.hasExtension( "x-sizelimit" ) )
    sizelimit = url.extension( "x-sizelimit", critical).toInt();
  if ( !authSASL && bindname.isEmpty() ) bindname = mUser;
  if ( tls != mTLS || ver != mVer || authSASL != mAuthSASL || mech != mMech ||
    mRealm != realm || mBindName != bindname || mTimeLimit != timelimit ||
    mSizeLimit != sizelimit ) {
    mTLS = tls;
    mVer = ver;
    mAuthSASL = authSASL;
    mMech = mech;
    mRealm = realm;
    mBindName = bindname;
    mTimeLimit = timelimit;
    mSizeLimit = sizelimit;
    kdDebug(7125) << "parameters changed: tls = " << mTLS << 
      " version: " << mVer << "SASLauth: " << mAuthSASL << endl;
    if ( mAuthSASL ) {
      url.setUser( mUser );
    } else {
      url.setUser( mBindName );
  } else {
    if ( !mLDAP ) openConnection();
Beispiel #4
void LdapClient::startQuery( const QString& filter )
  LDAPUrl url;

  url.setProtocol( "ldap" );
  url.setUser( d->bindDN );
  url.setPass( d->pwdBindDN );
  url.setHost( mHost );
  url.setPort( mPort.toUInt() );
  url.setDn( mBase );
  url.setAttributes( mAttrs );
  url.setScope( mScope == "one" ? LDAPUrl::One : LDAPUrl::Sub );
  url.setFilter( "("+filter+")" );

  kdDebug(5700) << "Doing query: " << url.prettyURL() << endl;

  mActive = true;
  mJob = KIO::get( url, false, false );
  connect( mJob, SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray& ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotData( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray& ) ) );
  connect( mJob, SIGNAL( infoMessage( KIO::Job*, const QString& ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotInfoMessage( KIO::Job*, const QString& ) ) );
  connect( mJob, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotDone() ) );