Beispiel #1
// virtual
void LLViewerAssetStorage::_queueDataRequest(
	const LLUUID& uuid,
	LLAssetType::EType atype,
	LLGetAssetCallback callback,
	void *user_data,
	BOOL duplicate,
	BOOL is_priority)
	if (mUpstreamHost.isOk())
		// stash the callback info so we can find it after we get the response message
		LLViewerAssetRequest *req = new LLViewerAssetRequest(uuid, atype);
		req->mDownCallback = callback;
		req->mUserData = user_data;
		req->mIsPriority = is_priority;
		if (!duplicate)
			// Only collect metrics for non-duplicate requests.  Others 
			// are piggy-backing and will artificially lower averages.
			req->mMetricsStartTime = LLViewerAssetStatsFF::get_timestamp();
		if (!duplicate)
			// send request message to our upstream data provider
			// Create a new asset transfer.
			LLTransferSourceParamsAsset spa;
			spa.setAsset(uuid, atype);

			// Set our destination file, and the completion callback.
			LLTransferTargetParamsVFile tpvf;
			tpvf.setAsset(uuid, atype);
			tpvf.setCallback(downloadCompleteCallback, req);

			LL_DEBUGS("AssetStorage") << "Starting transfer for " << uuid << llendl;
			LLTransferTargetChannel *ttcp = gTransferManager.getTargetChannel(mUpstreamHost, LLTCT_ASSET);
			ttcp->requestTransfer(spa, tpvf, 100.f + (is_priority ? 1.f : 0.f));

			LLViewerAssetStatsFF::record_enqueue_main(atype, false, false);
		// uh-oh, we shouldn't have gotten here
		llwarns << "Attempt to move asset data request upstream w/o valid upstream provider" << llendl;
		if (callback)
			callback(mVFS, uuid, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE, LL_EXSTAT_NO_UPSTREAM);
Beispiel #2
// *NOTE:  Logic here is replicated in LLViewerAssetStorage::_queueDataRequest.
// Changes here may need to be replicated in the viewer's derived class.
void LLAssetStorage::_queueDataRequest(const LLUUID& uuid, LLAssetType::EType atype,
									   LLGetAssetCallback callback,
									   void *user_data, BOOL duplicate,
									   BOOL is_priority)
	if (mUpstreamHost.isOk())
		// stash the callback info so we can find it after we get the response message
		LLAssetRequest *req = new LLAssetRequest(uuid, atype);
		req->mDownCallback = callback;
		req->mUserData = user_data;
		req->mIsPriority = is_priority;
		if (!duplicate)
			// send request message to our upstream data provider
			// Create a new asset transfer.
			LLTransferSourceParamsAsset spa;
			spa.setAsset(uuid, atype);

			// Set our destination file, and the completion callback.
			LLTransferTargetParamsVFile tpvf;
			tpvf.setAsset(uuid, atype);
			tpvf.setCallback(downloadCompleteCallback, req);

			//LL_INFOS() << "Starting transfer for " << uuid << LL_ENDL;
			LLTransferTargetChannel *ttcp = gTransferManager.getTargetChannel(mUpstreamHost, LLTCT_ASSET);
			ttcp->requestTransfer(spa, tpvf, 100.f + (is_priority ? 1.f : 0.f));
		// uh-oh, we shouldn't have gotten here
		LL_WARNS() << "Attempt to move asset data request upstream w/o valid upstream provider" << LL_ENDL;
		if (callback)
			add(sFailedDownloadCount, 1);
			callback(mVFS, uuid, atype, user_data, LL_ERR_CIRCUIT_GONE, LL_EXSTAT_NO_UPSTREAM);