void LLViewerMediaFocus::focusZoomOnMedia(LLUUID media_id)
	LLViewerMediaImpl* impl = LLViewerMedia::getMediaImplFromTextureID(media_id);
		// Get the first object from the media impl's object list.  This is completely arbitrary, but should suffice.
		LLVOVolume *obj = impl->getSomeObject();
			// This media is attached to at least one object.  Figure out which face it's on.
			S32 face = obj->getFaceIndexWithMediaImpl(impl, -1);
			// We don't have a proper pick normal here, and finding a face's real normal is... complicated.
			LLVector3 normal = obj->getApproximateFaceNormal(face);
				// If that didn't work, use the inverse of the camera "look at" axis, which should keep the camera pointed in the same direction.
//				llinfos << "approximate face normal invalid, using camera direction." << llendl;
				normal = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis();
				normal *= (F32)-1.0f;
			// Attempt to focus/zoom on that face.
			setFocusFace(obj, face, impl, normal);
U32 linesegment_box(const LLVector3 &point_a, const LLVector3 &point_b,
                    const LLVector3 &box_center, const LLVector3 &box_scale, const LLQuaternion &box_rotation,
                    LLVector3 &intersection, LLVector3 &intersection_normal)
    LLVector3 direction = point_b - point_a;
    if (direction.isNull())
        return NO_SIDE;

    F32 segment_length = direction.normVec();
    U32 box_side = ray_box(point_a, direction, box_center, box_scale, box_rotation, intersection, intersection_normal);
    if (NO_SIDE == box_side  ||  segment_length < (intersection - point_a).magVec())
        return NO_SIDE;

    return box_side;