BOOL LLDriverParamInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node)
	llassert( node->hasName( "param" ) && node->getChildByName( "param_driver" ) );

	if( !LLViewerVisualParamInfo::parseXml( node ))
		return FALSE;

	LLXmlTreeNode* param_driver_node = node->getChildByName( "param_driver" );
	if( !param_driver_node )
		return FALSE;

	for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = param_driver_node->getChildByName( "driven" );
		 child = param_driver_node->getNextNamedChild())
		S32 driven_id;
		static LLStdStringHandle id_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("id");
		if( child->getFastAttributeS32( id_string, driven_id ) )
			F32 min1 = mMinWeight;
			F32 max1 = mMaxWeight;
			F32 max2 = max1;
			F32 min2 = max1;

			//	driven    ________							//
			//	^        /|       |\						//
			//	|       / |       | \						//
			//	|      /  |       |  \						//
			//	|     /   |       |   \						//
			//	|    /    |       |    \					//
			//-------|----|-------|----|-------> driver		//
			//  | min1   max1    max2  min2

			static LLStdStringHandle min1_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min1");
			child->getFastAttributeF32( min1_string, min1 ); // optional
			static LLStdStringHandle max1_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("max1");
			child->getFastAttributeF32( max1_string, max1 ); // optional
			static LLStdStringHandle max2_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("max2");
			child->getFastAttributeF32( max2_string, max2 ); // optional
			static LLStdStringHandle min2_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min2");
			child->getFastAttributeF32( min2_string, min2 ); // optional

			// Push these on the front of the deque, so that we can construct
			// them in order later (faster)
			mDrivenInfoList.push_front( LLDrivenEntryInfo( driven_id, min1, max1, max2, min2 ) );
			LL_ERRS() << "<driven> Unable to resolve driven parameter: " << driven_id << LL_ENDL;
			return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
bool LLViewerFolderDictionary::initEnsemblesFromFile()
	std::string xml_filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_APP_SETTINGS,"foldertypes.xml");
	LLXmlTree folder_def;
	if (!folder_def.parseFile(xml_filename))
		llerrs << "Failed to parse folders file " << xml_filename << llendl;
		return false;

	LLXmlTreeNode* rootp = folder_def.getRoot();
	for (LLXmlTreeNode* ensemble = rootp->getFirstChild();
		 ensemble = rootp->getNextChild())
		if (!ensemble->hasName("ensemble"))
			llwarns << "Invalid ensemble definition node " << ensemble->getName() << llendl;

		S32 ensemble_type;
		static LLStdStringHandle ensemble_num_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("foldertype_num");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeS32(ensemble_num_string, ensemble_type))
			llwarns << "No ensemble type defined" << llendl;

		if (ensemble_type < S32(LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_START) || ensemble_type > S32(LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_END))
			llwarns << "Exceeded maximum ensemble index" << LLFolderType::FT_ENSEMBLE_END << llendl;

		std::string xui_name;
		static LLStdStringHandle xui_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("xui_name");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(xui_name_string, xui_name))
			llwarns << "No xui name defined" << llendl;

		std::string icon_name;
		static LLStdStringHandle icon_name_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("icon_name");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(icon_name_string, icon_name))
			llwarns << "No ensemble icon name defined" << llendl;

		std::string allowed_names;
		static LLStdStringHandle allowed_names_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("allowed");
		if (!ensemble->getFastAttributeString(allowed_names_string, allowed_names))

		// Add the entry and increment the asset number.
		const static std::string new_ensemble_name = "New Ensemble";
		addEntry(LLFolderType::EType(ensemble_type), new ViewerFolderEntry(xui_name, new_ensemble_name, icon_name, allowed_names));

	return true;
Beispiel #3
// loadNodeArchetype(): loads <archetype> node from XML tree
BOOL LLGenePool::loadNodeArchetype( LLXmlTreeNode* node )
	llassert( node->hasName( "archetype" ) );

	LLAppearance* archetype = new LLAppearance();
	BOOL success = TRUE;

	LLVOAvatar* avatar = gAgent.getAvatarObject();
	if( !avatar )
		delete archetype;
		return FALSE;

	LLXmlTreeNode* child;
	for (child = node->getChildByName( "param" );
		 child = node->getNextNamedChild())
		F32 value;
		static LLStdStringHandle value_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("value");
		if( !child->getFastAttributeF32( value_string, value ) )
			llwarns << "avatar genepool file: <param> missing value attribute" << llendl;
			success = FALSE;
		S32 id;
		static LLStdStringHandle id_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("id");
		if( !child->getFastAttributeS32( id_string, id ) )
			llwarns << "avatar genepool file: <param> missing id attribute" << llendl;
			success = FALSE;

		LLVisualParam* param = avatar->getVisualParam( id );
		if( param )
			archetype->addParam( id, value );
			llwarns << "avatar genepool file: ignoring invalid <param> with id: " << id << llendl;
	for (child = node->getChildByName( "texture" );
		 child = node->getNextNamedChild())
		LLUUID uuid;
		static LLStdStringHandle uuid_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("uuid");
		if( !child->getFastAttributeUUID( uuid_string, uuid ) )
			llwarns << "avatar genepool file: <texture> missing uuid attribute" << llendl;
			success = FALSE;
		S32 te;
		static LLStdStringHandle te_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("te");
		if( !child->getFastAttributeS32( te_string, te ) )
			llwarns << "avatar genepool file: <texture> missing te attribute" << llendl;
			success = FALSE;

		archetype->addTexture( te, uuid );

	if( success )
		mArchetypes.put( archetype );
		delete archetype;
	return success;