Beispiel #1
int luaGetH(lua_State *L)
	float x=(float)lua_tonumber(L, 1);
	float z=(float)lua_tonumber(L, 2);
	BOOL hit;
	FLOAT dist;
	WORD*            pIndices;
	D3DVERTEX*    pVertices;
	if(m_pLandMesh==NULL) {
		return 1;
	m_pLandMesh->GetSysMemMesh()->GetVertexBuffer( &pVB );
	m_pLandMesh->GetSysMemMesh()->GetIndexBuffer( &pIB );
	pIB->Lock( 0, 0, (BYTE**)&pIndices, 0 );
	pVB->Lock( 0, 0, (BYTE**)&pVertices, 0 );
	D3DXVECTOR3 v1,v2;
	GVector dir2=GVector(0,-1,0);
	if(!hit) dist=-100000.0f;
	else dist=100000.0f-dist;
	return 1;

Beispiel #2
// Name: 
// Desc: 
VOID CMyD3DApplication::ComputeTangentsAndBinormals()
    EMBOSSVERTEX* pVertices;
    WORD*         pIndices;
    DWORD         dwNumVertices;
    DWORD         dwNumIndices;

    // Gain access to the object's vertex and index buffers
    m_pObject->GetSysMemMesh()->GetVertexBuffer( &pVB );
    pVB->Lock( 0, 0, (BYTE**)&pVertices, 0 );
    dwNumVertices = m_pObject->GetSysMemMesh()->GetNumVertices();

    m_pObject->GetSysMemMesh()->GetIndexBuffer( &pIB );
    pIB->Lock( 0, 0, (BYTE**)&pIndices, 0 );
    dwNumIndices  = m_pObject->GetSysMemMesh()->GetNumFaces() * 3;

    // Allocate space for the vertices' tangents and binormals
    m_pTangents  = new D3DXVECTOR3[dwNumVertices];
    m_pBinormals = new D3DXVECTOR3[dwNumVertices];
    ZeroMemory( m_pTangents,  sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3)*dwNumVertices );
    ZeroMemory( m_pBinormals, sizeof(D3DXVECTOR3)*dwNumVertices );

    // Generate the vertices' tangents and binormals
    for( DWORD i=0; i<dwNumIndices; i+=3 )
        WORD a = pIndices[i+0];
        WORD b = pIndices[i+1];
        WORD c = pIndices[i+2];

        // To find a tangent that heads in the direction of +tv(texcoords),
        // find the components of both vectors on the tangent surface ,
        // and add a linear combination of the two projections that head in the +tv direction
        m_pTangents[a] += ComputeTangentVector( pVertices[a], pVertices[b], pVertices[c] );
        m_pTangents[b] += ComputeTangentVector( pVertices[b], pVertices[a], pVertices[c] );
        m_pTangents[c] += ComputeTangentVector( pVertices[c], pVertices[a], pVertices[b] );

    for( i=0; i<dwNumVertices; i++ )
        // Normalize the tangents
        D3DXVec3Normalize( &m_pTangents[i], &m_pTangents[i] );

        // Compute the binormals
        D3DXVec3Cross( &m_pBinormals[i], &pVertices[i].n, &m_pTangents[i] );

    // Unlock and release the vertex and index buffers
Beispiel #3
BRUSH* ConvertXModelToBrushFormat ( char* szFilename, BRUSH* pBrush, int* piCount, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 lpDevice )
	// takes an x model and converts it into brushes

	// check the pointers are valid
	if ( !szFilename || !piCount )
		return NULL;

	// used to access vertex data
	struct sMeshData
		float x, y, z;
		float nx, ny, nz;
		float tu, tv;

	// variable declarations
	tagModelData*			ptr;				// model data
	LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 pMeshVertexBuffer;	// vertex buffer
	LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER8  pMeshIndexBuffer;	// index buffer
	sMeshData*				pMeshVertices;		// mesh vertices
	WORD*					pMeshIndices;		// mesh indices
	sMesh*					pMesh;				// mesh data
	int						iCount;
	// load the model
	Constructor ( lpDevice );
	ptr = Load ( 1, szFilename );

	pMesh = ptr->m_Object.m_Meshes;

	// count the number of brushes so we can allocate enough memory for them
	iCount = 0;

	while ( pMesh )
		pMesh = pMesh->m_Next;

	// store the number of models in the brush count pointer
	*piCount = iCount;

	// now setup the brushes
	pBrush = new BRUSH [ iCount ];	// allocate memory
	// set the mesh pointer back to the original mesh
	pMesh = ptr->m_Object.m_Meshes;

	// run through all meshes and store the brush data
	// first off set iCount to 0 so we know which brush
	// we are dealing with
	iCount = 0;

	while ( pMesh )
		int   iInd          = 0;
		DWORD dwNumVertices = pMesh->m_Mesh->GetNumVertices ( );
		DWORD dwNumFaces	= pMesh->m_Mesh->GetNumFaces ( );

		pBrush [ iCount ].Faces      = new POLYGON [ dwNumFaces ];
		pBrush [ iCount ].FaceCount  = dwNumFaces;
		pBrush [ iCount ].Bounds.Max = D3DXVECTOR3 (  150.0f,  150.0f,  150.0f );
		pBrush [ iCount ].Bounds.Min = D3DXVECTOR3 ( -150.0f, -150.0f, -150.0f );
		pBrush [ iCount ].BSPTree    = NULL;

		pMesh->m_Mesh->GetVertexBuffer ( &pMeshVertexBuffer );
		pMesh->m_Mesh->GetIndexBuffer  ( &pMeshIndexBuffer );

		DWORD dwFVF = pMesh->m_Mesh->GetFVF ( );

		pMeshVertexBuffer->Lock ( 0, pMesh->m_Mesh->GetNumVertices  ( ) * sizeof ( sMeshData ), ( BYTE** ) &pMeshVertices, 0 );
		pMeshIndexBuffer->Lock  ( 0, 3 * pMesh->m_Mesh->GetNumFaces ( ) * sizeof ( WORD ),      ( BYTE** ) &pMeshIndices,  0 );
		for ( int iTemp = 0; iTemp < dwNumFaces; iTemp++ )
			char szX [ 256 ];
			char szY [ 256 ];
			char szZ [ 256 ];

			int iA = pMeshIndices [ iInd + 0 ];
			int iB = pMeshIndices [ iInd + 1 ];
			int iC = pMeshIndices [ iInd + 2 ];

			WORD wIndices [ ] = { 0, 1, 2 };
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].IndexCount   = 3;
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].TextureIndex = 0;
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].VertexCount  = 3;
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Indices      = new WORD      [ 3 ];
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices     = new D3DVERTEX [ 3 ];

			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ 0 ] = SetupVertex ( pMeshVertices [ iA ].x, pMeshVertices [ iA ].y, pMeshVertices [ iA ].z, pMeshVertices [ iA ].tu, pMeshVertices [ iA ].tv );
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ 1 ] = SetupVertex ( pMeshVertices [ iB ].x, pMeshVertices [ iB ].y, pMeshVertices [ iB ].z, pMeshVertices [ iB ].tu, pMeshVertices [ iB ].tv );
			pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ 2 ] = SetupVertex ( pMeshVertices [ iC ].x, pMeshVertices [ iC ].y, pMeshVertices [ iC ].z, pMeshVertices [ iC ].tu, pMeshVertices [ iC ].tv );

			for ( int iChar = 0; iChar < 3; iChar++ )
				sprintf ( szX, "%.1f", pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].x );
				sprintf ( szY, "%.1f", pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].y );
				sprintf ( szZ, "%.1f", pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].z );

				pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].x = atof ( szX );
				pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].y = atof ( szY );
				pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Vertices [ iChar ].z = atof ( szZ );
			memcpy ( pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ].Indices, wIndices, sizeof ( wIndices ) );
			CalculateNormal ( &pBrush [ iCount ].Faces [ iTemp ] );

			iInd += 3;

		SetBlockPosition ( &pBrush [ iCount ], 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
		pMeshVertexBuffer->Unlock ( );
		pMeshIndexBuffer->Unlock  ( );


		pMesh = pMesh->m_Next;

	iCount = 0;
	pMesh  = ptr->m_Object.m_Meshes;

	for ( int iTemp = ptr->m_Object.m_NumFrames; iTemp > 0; iTemp-- )
		sFrame* pFrame = ptr->m_Object.m_Frames->FindFrame ( iTemp );

		if ( pFrame )
			pBrush [ iCount ].Matrix._41 = pFrame->m_matOriginal._41;
			pBrush [ iCount ].Matrix._42 = pFrame->m_matOriginal._42;
			pBrush [ iCount ].Matrix._43 = pFrame->m_matOriginal._43;

	return pBrush;