Beispiel #1
bool CCreateRayFX::Update( float tmFrameTime )
	//track our performance
	CTimedSystemBlock TimingBlock(g_tsClientFXCreateRayFX);

	//update our base object
	//we only want to create the effect as we become active
	if(IsInitialFrame() && (GetProps()->m_nNumToCreate > 0))
		//determine the object position and orientation of our object
		LTVector vObjPos;
		LTRotation rObjRot;

		GetCurrentTransform(GetUnitLifetime(), vObjPos, rObjRot);

		//handle two special pipelines to gain performance when there is no scattering
		if(MATH_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(GetProps()->m_fRandomCone) < 1.0f)
			LTRigidTransform tHitTrans;
			HOBJECT hHitObj;

			//no scattering, just do a single intersection for all effects
			if(DetermineIntersection(vObjPos, rObjRot.Forward(), hHitObj, tHitTrans))
				//and now generate all of our effects
				for(uint32 nCurrEffect = 0; nCurrEffect < GetProps()->m_nNumToCreate; nCurrEffect++)
					CLIENTFX_CREATESTRUCT CreateStruct("", GetProps()->m_nFXFlags, hHitObj, tHitTrans);
			//we need to scatter

			//extract our vectors from the orientation
			LTVector vObjRight, vObjUp, vObjForward;
			rObjRot.GetVectors(vObjRight, vObjUp, vObjForward);

			//and now generate all of our effects
			for(uint32 nCurrEffect = 0; nCurrEffect < GetProps()->m_nNumToCreate; nCurrEffect++)
				LTRigidTransform tHitTrans;
				HOBJECT hHitObj;

				//now build up the forward within a specified cone

				//first off spin it randomly around the forward
				float fPlaneAngle = GetRandom(0.0f, MATH_CIRCLE);
				LTVector vPlaneVector = vObjRight * cosf(fPlaneAngle) + vObjUp * sinf(fPlaneAngle);

				//now tilt it away from the forward vector
				float fTiltPercent	= powf(GetRandom(0.0f, 1.0f), GetProps()->m_fCenterBias);
				float fTiltAngle	= fTiltPercent * GetProps()->m_fRandomCone;
				LTVector vRandomForward = vObjForward * cosf(fTiltAngle) + vPlaneVector * sinf(fTiltAngle);

				if(DetermineIntersection(vObjPos, vRandomForward, hHitObj, tHitTrans))
					CLIENTFX_CREATESTRUCT CreateStruct("", GetProps()->m_nFXFlags, hHitObj, tHitTrans);

	//we always return false because we always want to be placed into a shutting down state since
	//we just emit and then do nothing
	return false;