Beispiel #1
	//called when a capsule shape is encounered. This will provide the two end points of the capsule
	//relative to the transform heirarchy and the radius of the capsule
	virtual void HandleCapsule(const LTVector& vPt1, const LTVector& vPt2, float fRadius, float fMassKg, float fDensityG)		
		m_fTotalMassKg += fMassKg;

		float fVolume, fSurfaceArea;
		LTVector vApplyAt;

		//determine the lenght of the capsule axis
		float fLength = vPt1.Dist(vPt2);

		if(ApplyCapsuleBuoyancy(vPt1, vPt2, fLength, fRadius, m_SurfacePlane, fVolume, vApplyAt, fSurfaceArea))
			m_fSurfaceArea += fSurfaceArea;
			float fWaterDensity = CalcCapsuleWaterDensity(m_fDensity, fRadius, fLength, fMassKg, fDensityG);
			LTVector vForce = CalcBuoyancyForceVector(m_vGravity, fWaterDensity, fVolume);
			if( LTIsNaN( vForce ) || vForce.MagSqr() > 1000000.0f * 1000000.0f )
				LTERROR( "Invalid force detected." );
				vForce.Init( 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f );
			g_pLTBase->PhysicsSim()->ApplyRigidBodyForceWorldSpace(m_hRigidBody, vApplyAt, vForce);
Beispiel #2
void CAIMovement::SetupJump( EnumAnimMovement eMovementType )
	LTVector vOrigin = m_pAI->GetPosition();

	// Calc distance for jumping up or down.
	// Figure out how long it takes to fly to the dest.
	LTFLOAT fJumpTime;

	switch( eMovementType )
		case kAM_JumpOver:
				fDist = vOrigin.Dist( m_vDest );
				fJumpTime = fDist / m_pAI->GetJumpOverSpeed();

		case kAM_JumpUp:
				// Move dest to be directly above origin.

				m_vDest.x = vOrigin.x;
				m_vDest.z = vOrigin.z;

				fDist = m_vDest.y - vOrigin.y;
				fJumpTime = fDist / m_pAI->GetJumpSpeed();

		case kAM_Fall:
				// Move dest to be directly above origin.

				m_vDest.x = vOrigin.x;
				m_vDest.z = vOrigin.z;

				fDist = vOrigin.y - m_vDest.y;
				fJumpTime = fDist / m_pAI->GetFallSpeed();

				AIASSERT( 0, m_pAI->GetHOBJECT(), "Unknown Movement type!" );
	// Find the length of the fly animation.

	LTFLOAT fAnimLength = m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->GetCurAnimationLength();

	// Calculate how fast to play the fly animation.

	m_fAnimRate = fAnimLength / fJumpTime;
	m_pAI->GetAnimationContext()->SetAnimRate( m_fAnimRate );

	m_bIgnoreVolumes = LTTRUE;