void ImageQualityController::set(RenderObject* object, LayerSizeMap* innerMap, const void* layer, const LayoutSize& size)
    if (innerMap)
        innerMap->set(layer, size);
    else {
        LayerSizeMap newInnerMap;
        newInnerMap.set(layer, size);
        m_objectLayerSizeMap.set(object, newInnerMap);
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(
    const LayoutObject& object,
    Image* image,
    const void* layer,
    const LayoutSize& layoutSize,
    double lastFrameTimeMonotonic) {
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we
    // just paint at high quality.
    if (!image || !image->isBitmapImage())
        return false;

    if (!layer)
        return false;

    if (object.style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast)
        return true;

    if (LocalFrame* frame = object.frame()) {
        if (frame->settings() &&
            return false;

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    ObjectLayerSizeMap::iterator i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(&object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = nullptr;
    bool objectIsResizing = false;
    if (i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end()) {
        innerMap = &i->value.layerSizeMap;
        objectIsResizing = i->value.isResizing;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    if (layoutSize == image->size()) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can
        // just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // If an animated resize is active for this object, paint in low quality and
    // kick the timer ahead.
    if (objectIsResizing) {
        bool sizesChanged = oldSize != layoutSize;
        set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, sizesChanged);
        if (sizesChanged)
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == layoutSize) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, false);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer->isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, true);
    return true;
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(GraphicsContext* context, RenderObject* object, Image* image, const void *layer, const LayoutSize& layoutSize)
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we just paint at high
    // quality.
    if (!image || !image->isBitmapImage() || context->paintingDisabled())
        return false;

    if (object->style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast)
        return true;

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    ObjectLayerSizeMap::iterator i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end() ? &i->value : 0;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    const AffineTransform& currentTransform = context->getCTM();
    bool contextIsScaled = !currentTransform.isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped();

    // Make sure to use the unzoomed image size, since if a full page zoom is in effect, the image
    // is actually being scaled.
    LayoutSize scaledImageSize = currentTransform.mapSize(image->size());
    LayoutSize scaledLayoutSize = currentTransform.mapSize(roundedIntSize(layoutSize));

    // If the containing FrameView is being resized, paint at low quality until resizing is finished.
    if (Frame* frame = object->document()->frame()) {
        bool frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize = frame->view() && frame->view()->inLiveResize();
        if (frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize) {
            set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
            m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive = true;
            return true;
        if (m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive) {
            // Live resize has ended, paint in HQ and remove this object from the list.
            removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
            return false;

    if (!contextIsScaled && scaledLayoutSize == scaledImageSize) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // If an animated resize is active, paint in low quality and kick the timer ahead.
    if (m_animatedResizeIsActive) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == scaledLayoutSize) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer.isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
    m_animatedResizeIsActive = true;
    return true;
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(GraphicsContext* context, RenderBoxModelObject* object, Image* image, const void *layer, const LayoutSize& size)
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we just paint at high
    // quality.
    if (!image || !(image->isBitmapImage() || image->isPDFDocumentImage()) || context->paintingDisabled())
        return false;

    switch (object->style().imageRendering()) {
    case ImageRenderingOptimizeSpeed:
    case ImageRenderingCrispEdges:
        return true;
    case ImageRenderingOptimizeQuality:
        return false;
    case ImageRenderingAuto:

    // Make sure to use the unzoomed image size, since if a full page zoom is in effect, the image
    // is actually being scaled.
    IntSize imageSize(image->width(), image->height());

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    auto i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end() ? &i->value : 0;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    // If the containing FrameView is being resized, paint at low quality until resizing is finished.
    if (Frame* frame = object->document().frame()) {
        bool frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize = frame->view() && frame->view()->inLiveResize();
        if (frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize) {
            set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
            m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive = true;
            return true;
        if (m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive)
            return false;

    const AffineTransform& currentTransform = context->getCTM();
    bool contextIsScaled = !currentTransform.isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped();
    if (!contextIsScaled && size == imageSize) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // There is no need to hash scaled images that always use low quality mode when the page demands it. This is the iChat case.
    if (m_renderView.frame().page()->inLowQualityImageInterpolationMode()) {
        double totalPixels = static_cast<double>(image->width()) * static_cast<double>(image->height());
        if (totalPixels > cInterpolationCutoff)
            return true;

    // If an animated resize is active, paint in low quality and kick the timer ahead.
    if (m_animatedResizeIsActive) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == size) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer.isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
    m_animatedResizeIsActive = true;
    return true;