// This method calculates the exitPoint from the startingRect and the entryPoint into the candidate rect.
// The line between those 2 points is the closest distance between the 2 rects.
void entryAndExitPointsForDirection(FocusDirection direction, const LayoutRect& startingRect, const LayoutRect& potentialRect, LayoutPoint& exitPoint, LayoutPoint& entryPoint)
    switch (direction) {
    case FocusDirectionLeft:
    case FocusDirectionUp:
    case FocusDirectionRight:
    case FocusDirectionDown:

    switch (direction) {
    case FocusDirectionLeft:
    case FocusDirectionRight:
        if (below(startingRect, potentialRect)) {
        } else if (below(potentialRect, startingRect)) {
        } else {
            exitPoint.setY(std::max(startingRect.y(), potentialRect.y()));
    case FocusDirectionUp:
    case FocusDirectionDown:
        if (rightOf(startingRect, potentialRect)) {
        } else if (rightOf(potentialRect, startingRect)) {
        } else {
            exitPoint.setX(std::max(startingRect.x(), potentialRect.x()));
void LayoutSliderContainer::layout()
    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node()->shadowHost());
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    mutableStyleRef().setFlexDirection(isVertical ? FlowColumn : FlowRow);
    TextDirection oldTextDirection = style()->direction();
    if (isVertical) {
        // FIXME: Work around rounding issues in RTL vertical sliders. We want them to
        // render identically to LTR vertical sliders. We can remove this work around when
        // subpixel rendering is enabled on all ports.

    Element* thumbElement = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderThumb());
    Element* trackElement = input->userAgentShadowRoot()->getElementById(ShadowElementNames::sliderTrack());
    LayoutBox* thumb = thumbElement ? thumbElement->layoutBox() : 0;
    LayoutBox* track = trackElement ? trackElement->layoutBox() : 0;

    SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(*this);
    // Force a layout to reset the position of the thumb so the code below doesn't move the thumb to the wrong place.
    // FIXME: Make a custom layout class for the track and move the thumb positioning code there.
    if (track)


    // These should always exist, unless someone mutates the shadow DOM (e.g., in the inspector).
    if (!thumb || !track)

    double percentageOffset = sliderPosition(input).toDouble();
    LayoutUnit availableExtent = isVertical ? track->contentHeight() : track->contentWidth();
    availableExtent -= isVertical ? thumb->size().height() : thumb->size().width();
    LayoutUnit offset = percentageOffset * availableExtent;
    LayoutPoint thumbLocation = thumb->location();
    if (isVertical)
        thumbLocation.setY(thumbLocation.y() + track->contentHeight() - thumb->size().height() - offset);
    else if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() + offset);
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() - offset);

    // We need one-off invalidation code here because painting of the timeline element does not go through style.
    // Instead it has a custom implementation in C++ code.
    // Therefore the style system cannot understand when it needs to be paint invalidated.
Beispiel #3
MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> abstractView,
                                     int detail, const LayoutPoint& screenLocation, const LayoutPoint& windowLocation,
                                     bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool isSimulated)
    : UIEventWithKeyState(eventType, canBubble, cancelable, abstractView, detail, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
    , m_screenLocation(screenLocation)
    , m_isSimulated(isSimulated)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    Frame* frame = view() ? view()->frame() : 0;
    if (frame && !isSimulated) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->windowToContents(windowLocation);
            float pageZoom = frame->pageZoomFactor();
            if (pageZoom != 1.0f) {
                // Adjust our pageX and pageY to account for the page zoom.
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(1 / pageZoom, 1 / pageZoom);

                // FIXME: Change this to use float math and proper rounding (or
                // better yet, use LayoutPoint::scale).
                scrollPosition.setX(scrollPosition.x() / pageZoom);
                scrollPosition.setY(scrollPosition.y() / pageZoom);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

Beispiel #4
LayoutPoint RenderGrid::findChildLogicalPosition(RenderBox* child, const Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks, const Vector<GridTrack>& rowTracks)
    Length column = child->style()->gridItemColumn();
    Length row = child->style()->gridItemRow();

    // FIXME: What does a non-positive integer mean for a column/row?
    if (!column.isPositive() || !row.isPositive())
        return LayoutPoint();

    // FIXME: Handle other values for grid-{row,column} like ranges or line names.
    if (!column.isFixed() || !row.isFixed())
        return LayoutPoint();

    size_t columnTrack = static_cast<size_t>(column.intValue()) - 1;
    size_t rowTrack = static_cast<size_t>(row.intValue()) - 1;

    LayoutPoint offset;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < columnTrack && i < columnTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setX(offset.x() + columnTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rowTrack && i < rowTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setY(offset.y() + rowTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);

    // FIXME: Handle margins on the grid item.
    return offset;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::localSelectionRect(int startPos, int endPos) const
    int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
    int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);

    if (sPos > ePos)
        return LayoutRect();

    FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;

    LayoutUnit selTop = root().selectionTop();
    LayoutUnit selHeight = root().selectionHeight();
    const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = lineLayoutItem().styleRef(isFirstLineStyle());
    const Font& font = styleToUse.font();

    StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
    bool respectHyphen = ePos == m_len && hasHyphen();
    TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font, respectHyphen ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);

    LayoutPoint startingPoint = LayoutPoint(logicalLeft(), selTop);
    LayoutRect r;
    if (sPos || ePos != static_cast<int>(m_len)) {
        r = LayoutRect(enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(textRun, FloatPoint(startingPoint), selHeight, sPos, ePos)));
    } else { // Avoid computing the font width when the entire line box is selected as an optimization.
        // FIXME: the call to rawValue() below is temporary and should be removed once the transition
        // to LayoutUnit-based types is complete (crbug.com/321237)
        r = LayoutRect(enclosingIntRect(LayoutRect(startingPoint, LayoutSize(m_logicalWidth, selHeight))));

    LayoutUnit logicalWidth = r.width();
    if (r.x() > logicalRight())
        logicalWidth  = 0;
    else if (r.maxX() > logicalRight())
        logicalWidth = logicalRight() - r.x();

    LayoutPoint topPoint;
    LayoutUnit width;
    LayoutUnit height;
    if (isHorizontal()) {
        topPoint = LayoutPoint(r.x(), selTop);
        width = logicalWidth;
        height = selHeight;
        if (hasWrappedSelectionNewline()) {
            if (!isLeftToRightDirection())
                topPoint.setX(topPoint.x() - newlineSpaceWidth());
            width += newlineSpaceWidth();
    } else {
        topPoint = LayoutPoint(selTop, r.x());
        width = selHeight;
        height = logicalWidth;
        // TODO(wkorman): RTL text embedded in top-to-bottom text can create
        // bottom-to-top situations. Add tests and ensure we handle correctly.
        if (hasWrappedSelectionNewline())
            height += newlineSpaceWidth();

    return LayoutRect(topPoint, LayoutSize(width, height));
Beispiel #6
void RenderSliderContainer::layout()
    auto& input = downcast<HTMLInputElement>(*element()->shadowHost());
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    mutableStyle().setFlexDirection(isVertical ? FlowColumn : FlowRow);
    TextDirection oldTextDirection = style().direction();
    if (isVertical) {
        // FIXME: Work around rounding issues in RTL vertical sliders. We want them to
        // render identically to LTR vertical sliders. We can remove this work around when
        // subpixel rendering is enabled on all ports.

    RenderBox* thumb = input.sliderThumbElement() ? input.sliderThumbElement()->renderBox() : nullptr;
    RenderBox* track = input.sliderTrackElement() ? input.sliderTrackElement()->renderBox() : nullptr;
    // Force a layout to reset the position of the thumb so the code below doesn't move the thumb to the wrong place.
    // FIXME: Make a custom Render class for the track and move the thumb positioning code there.
    if (track)


    // These should always exist, unless someone mutates the shadow DOM (e.g., in the inspector).
    if (!thumb || !track)

    double percentageOffset = sliderPosition(input).toDouble();
    LayoutUnit availableExtent = isVertical ? track->contentHeight() : track->contentWidth();
    availableExtent -= isVertical ? thumb->height() : thumb->width();
    LayoutUnit offset = percentageOffset * availableExtent;
    LayoutPoint thumbLocation = thumb->location();
    if (isVertical)
        thumbLocation.setY(thumbLocation.y() + track->contentHeight() - thumb->height() - offset);
    else if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() + offset);
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() - offset);
Beispiel #7
LayoutPoint RenderGrid::findChildLogicalPosition(RenderBox* child, const Vector<GridTrack>& columnTracks, const Vector<GridTrack>& rowTracks)
    size_t columnTrack = resolveGridPosition(child->style()->gridItemColumn());
    size_t rowTrack = resolveGridPosition(child->style()->gridItemRow());

    LayoutPoint offset;
    // FIXME: |columnTrack| and |rowTrack| should be smaller than our column / row count.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < columnTrack && i < columnTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setX(offset.x() + columnTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rowTrack && i < rowTracks.size(); ++i)
        offset.setY(offset.y() + rowTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);

    // FIXME: Handle margins on the grid item.
    return offset;
Beispiel #8
void RenderMultiColumnSet::adjustRegionBoundsFromFlowThreadPortionRect(const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, LayoutRect& regionBounds)
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerOffset.y() : layerOffset.x();
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(startColumn);
    LayoutPoint translationOffset;
    RenderBlockFlow* parentFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
    bool progressionReversed = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsReversed();
    bool progressionIsInline = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsInline();
    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = initialBlockOffsetForPainting();
    LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? startColumn * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
    bool leftToRight = style().isLeftToRightDirection() ^ progressionReversed;
    if (!leftToRight) {
        inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        if (progressionReversed)
            inlineOffset += contentLogicalWidth() - colLogicalWidth;
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
    if (!progressionIsInline) {
        if (!progressionReversed)
            blockOffset = startColumn * colGap;
            blockOffset -= startColumn * (computedColumnHeight() + colGap);
    if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style().writingMode()))
        blockOffset = -blockOffset;
    if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
        translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();

    // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
    // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // The two rectangles passed to this method are physical, except that we pretend that there's
    // only one long column (that's how a flow thread works).
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // fragment.paginationOffset point is the actual physical translation required to get from a
    // location in the flow thread to a location in a given column. The fragment.paginationClip
    // rectangle, on the other hand, is in the same coordinate system as the two rectangles passed
    // to this method (flow thread coordinates).
    // All other rectangles in this method are sized physically, and the inline direction coordinate
    // is physical too, but the block direction coordinate is "logical top". This is the same as
    // e.g. RenderBox::frameRect(). These rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column,
    // i.e. they are for the flow thread.

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a renderer, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;

    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();

    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);

        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
        if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x();
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);

        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (RenderLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
// This method calculates the exitPoint from the startingRect and the entryPoint into the candidate rect.
// The line between those 2 points is the closest distance between the 2 rects.
// Takes care of overlapping rects, defining points so that the distance between them
// is zero where necessary
void entryAndExitPointsForDirection(FocusType type, const LayoutRect& startingRect, const LayoutRect& potentialRect, LayoutPoint& exitPoint, LayoutPoint& entryPoint)
    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
        if (potentialRect.maxX() < startingRect.x())
    case FocusTypeUp:
        if (potentialRect.maxY() < startingRect.y())
    case FocusTypeRight:
        if (potentialRect.x() > startingRect.maxX())
    case FocusTypeDown:
        if (potentialRect.y() > startingRect.maxY())

    switch (type) {
    case FocusTypeLeft:
    case FocusTypeRight:
        if (below(startingRect, potentialRect)) {
            if (potentialRect.maxY() < startingRect.y())
        } else if (below(potentialRect, startingRect)) {
            if (potentialRect.y() > startingRect.maxY())
        } else {
            exitPoint.setY(max(startingRect.y(), potentialRect.y()));
    case FocusTypeUp:
    case FocusTypeDown:
        if (rightOf(startingRect, potentialRect)) {
            if (potentialRect.maxX() < startingRect.x())
        } else if (rightOf(potentialRect, startingRect)) {
            if (potentialRect.x() > startingRect.maxX())
        } else {
            exitPoint.setX(max(startingRect.x(), potentialRect.x()));
void MultiColumnFragmentainerGroup::collectLayerFragments(DeprecatedPaintLayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect) const
    // |layerBoundingBox| is in the flow thread coordinate space, relative to the top/left edge of
    // the flow thread, but note that it has been converted with respect to writing mode (so that
    // it's visual/physical in that sense).
    // |dirtyRect| is visual, relative to the multicol container.
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // fragment.paginationOffset point is the actual visual translation required to get from a
    // location in the flow thread to a location in a given column. The fragment.paginationClip
    // rectangle, on the other hand, is in flow thread coordinates, but otherwise completely
    // physical in terms of writing mode.
    // All other rectangles in this method are sized physically, and the inline direction coordinate
    // is physical too, but the block direction coordinate is "logical top". This is the same as
    // e.g. LayoutBox::frameRect(). These rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column,
    // i.e. they are for the flow thread.

    LayoutMultiColumnFlowThread* flowThread = m_columnSet.multiColumnFlowThread();
    bool isHorizontalWritingMode = m_columnSet.isHorizontalWritingMode();

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a layoutObject, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;

    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column row.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);

    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = m_columnSet.pageLogicalWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = m_columnSet.columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = actualColumnCount();

    bool progressionIsInline = flowThread->progressionIsInline();
    bool leftToRight = m_columnSet.style()->isLeftToRightDirection();

    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = m_columnSet.logicalTop() + logicalTop() - flowThread->logicalTop();

    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);

        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
        if (!leftToRight)
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset;
        if (progressionIsInline) {
            blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
        } else {
            // Column gap can apply in the block direction for page fragmentainers.
            // There is currently no spec which calls for column-gap to apply
            // for page fragmentainers at all, but it's applied here for compatibility
            // with the old multicolumn implementation.
            blockOffset = i * colGap;
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(m_columnSet.style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode)
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);

        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        DeprecatedPaintLayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (DeprecatedPaintLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
Beispiel #12
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(LayerFragments& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // Let's start by introducing the different coordinate systems involved here. They are different
    // in how they deal with writing modes and columns. RenderLayer rectangles tend to be more
    // physical than the rectangles used in RenderObject & co.
    // The two rectangles passed to this method are physical, except that we pretend that there's
    // only one long column (that's the flow thread). They are relative to the top left corner of
    // the flow thread. All rectangles being compared to the dirty rect also need to be in this
    // coordinate system.
    // Then there's the output from this method - the stuff we put into the list of fragments. The
    // translationOffset point is the actual physical translation required to get from a location in
    // the flow thread to a location in some column. The paginationClip rectangle is in the same
    // coordinate system as the two rectangles passed to this method (i.e. physical, in flow thread
    // coordinates, pretending that there's only one long column).
    // All other rectangles in this method are slightly less physical, when it comes to how they are
    // used with different writing modes, but they aren't really logical either. They are just like
    // RenderBox::frameRect(). More precisely, the sizes are physical, and the inline direction
    // coordinate is too, but the block direction coordinate is always "logical top". These
    // rectangles also pretend that there's only one long column, i.e. they are for the flow thread.
    // To sum up: input and output from this method are "physical" RenderLayer-style rectangles and
    // points, while inside this method we mostly use the RenderObject-style rectangles (with the
    // block direction coordinate always being logical top).

    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first. Since we're in
    // a renderer, most rectangles are represented this way.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;
    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    RenderBlockFlow* parentFlow = toRenderBlockFlow(parent());
    bool progressionReversed = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsReversed();
    bool progressionIsInline = parentFlow->multiColumnFlowThread()->progressionIsInline();
    LayoutUnit initialBlockOffset = initialBlockOffsetForPainting();
    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = progressionIsInline ? i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap) : LayoutUnit();
        bool leftToRight = style().isLeftToRightDirection() ^ progressionReversed;
        if (!leftToRight) {
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
            if (progressionReversed)
                inlineOffset += contentLogicalWidth() - colLogicalWidth;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = initialBlockOffset + (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x());
        if (!progressionIsInline) {
            if (!progressionReversed)
                blockOffset = i * colGap;
                blockOffset -= i * (computedColumnHeight() + colGap);
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style().writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRect);
        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundingBox;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;

        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        // Flip it into more a physical (RenderLayer-style) rectangle.
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;
Beispiel #13
void RenderMultiColumnSet::collectLayerFragments(Vector<LayerFragment>& fragments, const LayoutRect& layerBoundingBox, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect)
    // Put the layer bounds into flow thread-local coordinates by flipping it first.
    LayoutRect layerBoundsInFlowThread(layerBoundingBox);

    // Do the same for the dirty rect.
    LayoutRect dirtyRectInFlowThread(dirtyRect);

    // Now we can compare with the flow thread portions owned by each column. First let's
    // see if the rect intersects our flow thread portion at all.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
    // Now we know we intersect at least one column. Let's figure out the logical top and logical
    // bottom of the area we're checking.
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.y() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.x();
    LayoutUnit layerLogicalBottom = (isHorizontalWritingMode() ? layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxY() : layerBoundsInFlowThread.maxX()) - 1;
    // Figure out the start and end columns and only check within that range so that we don't walk the
    // entire column set.
    unsigned startColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalTop);
    unsigned endColumn = columnIndexAtOffset(layerLogicalBottom);
    LayoutUnit colLogicalWidth = computedColumnWidth();
    LayoutUnit colGap = columnGap();
    unsigned colCount = columnCount();
    for (unsigned i = startColumn; i <= endColumn; i++) {
        // Get the portion of the flow thread that corresponds to this column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadPortion = flowThreadPortionRectAt(i);
        // Now get the overflow rect that corresponds to the column.
        LayoutRect flowThreadOverflowPortion = flowThreadPortionOverflowRect(flowThreadPortion, i, colCount, colGap);

        // In order to create a fragment we must intersect the portion painted by this column.
        LayoutRect clippedRect(layerBoundsInFlowThread);
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // We also need to intersect the dirty rect. We have to apply a translation and shift based off
        // our column index.
        LayoutPoint translationOffset;
        LayoutUnit inlineOffset = i * (colLogicalWidth + colGap);
        if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            inlineOffset = -inlineOffset;
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? -flowThreadPortion.y() : -flowThreadPortion.x();
        if (isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(style()->writingMode()))
            blockOffset = -blockOffset;
        if (!isHorizontalWritingMode())
            translationOffset = translationOffset.transposedPoint();
        // FIXME: The translation needs to include the multicolumn set's content offset within the
        // multicolumn block as well. This won't be an issue until we start creating multiple multicolumn sets.

        // Shift the dirty rect to be in flow thread coordinates with this translation applied.
        LayoutRect translatedDirtyRect(dirtyRectInFlowThread);
        // See if we intersect the dirty rect.
        clippedRect = layerBoundsInFlowThread;
        if (clippedRect.isEmpty())
        // Something does need to paint in this column. Make a fragment now and supply the physical translation
        // offset and the clip rect for the column with that offset applied.
        LayerFragment fragment;
        fragment.paginationOffset = translationOffset;
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion(flowThreadOverflowPortion);
        fragment.paginationClip = flippedFlowThreadOverflowPortion;