void GameLightsUpdate::UpdateGameObjectLight(GameObject* gameObject)
	AEAssert(gameObject != nullptr);
	if (gameObject == nullptr)

	if (gameObject->HasLightGOC())
		Light* light = gameObject->GetLightGOC()->GetLight();

		if (light != nullptr && light->IsEnabled())

			if (light->GetLightType() == LightType::Spot || light->GetLightType() == LightType::Directional)
				glm::vec3 direction = gameObject->GetDirection();


	for (auto goIt : *gameObject)
Beispiel #2
void GLSLProgram<real>::SetupLights()
	const std::vector<Light<real>*>* lights = RenderState<real>::Get()->GetLights();

	// Setup enabled lights
	for ( uint i=0 ; i<lights->size() && i<mLightLocations.size() ; ++i )
		Light<real>* light = (*lights)[i];
		glUniform1i( mLightLocations[i].enabled, true );
		glUniform1i( mLightLocations[i].type, light->GetLightType() );
		Vector3<float> position = light->GetLocalToGlobal() * Vector3<real>( 0, 0, 0 );
		glUniform3fv( mLightLocations[i].position, 1, (float*)&position );
		Color<float> intensity = light->GetIntensity();
		glUniform4fv( mLightLocations[i].intensity, 1, (float*)&intensity );
		Color<float> ambient = light->GetAmbient();
		glUniform4fv( mLightLocations[i].ambient, 1, (float*)&ambient );

		// Setup sub-parameters
		switch( light->GetLightType() )
			case Light<real>::TypeDirectional: SetupDirectionalLight( i, light ); break;
			case Light<real>::TypePoint: SetupPointLight( i, light ); break;
			case Light<real>::TypeSpot: SetupSpotLight( i, light ); break;

	// Disabled lights
	for ( uint i=lights->size() ; i<mLightLocations.size() ; ++i )
		glUniform1i( mLightLocations[i].enabled, false );

	// Nb of lights
	glUniform1i( mNbLightsLocation, lights->size() );
AEResult GameLightsUpdate::ShadowDirLightRenderGameObject()
	LightManager* lightManager = m_GameApp->GetLightManager();
	GameObjectManager* gameObjectManager = m_GameApp->GetGameObjectManager();

	if (lightManager->GetNumDirLightsWithShadows() == 0)
		return AEResult::Ok;

	Texture2DArray* shadowTextureArray = lightManager->GetDirLightShadowTextureArray();

	AETODO("Check return");
	RenderTarget* rtsDS[1] = { nullptr };
	m_GraphicDevice->SetRenderTargetsAndDepthStencil(1, rtsDS, m_DirLightShadowTexturesDS);

	for (auto lightIt : *lightManager)
		Light* light = lightIt.second;

		if (light->GetLightType() == LightType::Directional && light->IsShadowEnabled())
			DirectionalLight* dirLight = reinterpret_cast<DirectionalLight*>(light);

			uint32_t idxs[1] = { light->GetShadowTextureIndex() };
			AETODO("Check return");
			m_GraphicDevice->SetRenderTargets(1, idxs, shadowTextureArray);
			m_GraphicDevice->Clear(true, 0, true, true, AEColors::Transparent);

			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < AE_LIGHT_NUM_CASCADE_MAPS; i++)
				AETODO("Check return");

				const LightCascadeInfo& lightCascadeInfo = dirLight->GetLightCascadeInfo();

				for (auto goIt : *gameObjectManager)
					AETODO("Check return");
					ShadowLightRenderGameObject(goIt.second, lightCascadeInfo.m_CascadeViewMatrix[i], lightCascadeInfo.m_CascadeProjectionMatrix[i]);

	AETODO("Check return");

	AETODO("Check return");

	return AEResult::Ok;
Color<real> BlinnPhongShader<real>::GetDiffuseAndSpecular( const Light<real>& light )
    Color<real> finalColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

    //////////////////IFT 3355//////////////////
    //Ici, vous calculerez les composantes
    //diffuse et spéculaire en vous servant des
    //propriétés du matériau.
    //////////////////IFT 3355//////////////////

    Vector3<real> lightPos = light.GetGlobalPosition();
    Vector3<real> lightDir = (lightPos - mIntersection.GetPosition()).Normalized();
    real r2 = (mIntersection.GetPosition() - lightPos).SquaredLength();
    Vector3<real> intersectionShifted = mIntersection.GetPosition() + EPS*mIntersection.GetNormal();

    // Shadow+Diffuse
    bool lightVisible = mRayTracer.IsLightVisible(intersectionShifted, &light);
    if (!lightVisible)
        return finalColor;

    switch (light.GetLightType()) {
    case Light<real>::TypeDirectional:
    case Light<real>::TypeSpot:
    case Light<real>::TypePoint:
        finalColor += mMaterial.GetDiffuse() *
            std::max<real>(0, lightDir * mIntersection.GetNormal()) *

    // Specular
    const Camera<real> *cam = mScene.GetActiveCamera();
    Vector3<real> camDir = cam->GetFrontDirection();
    Vector3<real> H = lightDir + camDir;
    Vector3<real> N = mIntersection.GetNormal();
    real n = mMaterial.GetShininess();
    real cs = (n+2)/2;
    Color<real> ks = mMaterial.GetSpecular();
    Color<real> m = mMaterial.GetMetallic();

    finalColor += cs * ks *
        (m*GetMaterialSurfaceColor() + (Color<real>(1, 1, 1, 1) - m)) *
        pow(N * H, n);

    return finalColor * light.GetIntensity() / (r2 * PI);
Beispiel #5
void LightWidget::InitComponent(Component* pComponent)


	Light* pLight = (Light*)pComponent;
	if(pLight != NULL)

AEResult GameLightsUpdate::ShadowSpotLightRenderGameObject()
	LightManager* lightManager = m_GameApp->GetLightManager();
	GameObjectManager* gameObjectManager = m_GameApp->GetGameObjectManager();

	if (lightManager->GetNumSpotLightsWithShadows() == 0)
		return AEResult::Ok;

	Texture2DArray* shadowTextureArray = lightManager->GetSpotLightShadowTextureArray();
	AETODO("Check return");
	RenderTarget* rtsDS[1] = { nullptr };
	m_GraphicDevice->SetRenderTargetsAndDepthStencil(1, rtsDS, m_SpotLightShadowTexturesDS);

	AETODO("Check return");

	for (auto lightIt : *lightManager)
		Light* light = lightIt.second;

		if (light->GetLightType() == LightType::Spot && light->IsShadowEnabled())
			uint32_t idxs[1] = { light->GetShadowTextureIndex() };
			AETODO("Check return");
			m_GraphicDevice->SetRenderTargets(1, idxs, shadowTextureArray);
			m_GraphicDevice->Clear(true, 0, true, true, AEColors::Transparent);

			for (auto goIt : *gameObjectManager)
				AETODO("Check return");
				ShadowLightRenderGameObject(goIt.second, light->GetViewMatrix(), light->GetProjectionMatrix());

	AETODO("Check return");

	AETODO("Check return");

	return AEResult::Ok;
void GameObjectLightComponentWidget::on_m_FalloffAngleSB_editingFinished()
	if (!m_IsReady)

	Light* light = nullptr;

	// Verify LOC and Get Light Object
	light = GetLight();

	if(light == nullptr)
		AETODO("Add log");


	// Verify that it is Spot Light
	if(light->GetLightType() != LightType::Spot)

	// Get Spot Light
	SpotLight* spotLight = reinterpret_cast<SpotLight*>(light);

	float newFalloffAngle = static_cast<float>(m_GameObjectLightComponentWidgetQtUI.m_FalloffAngleSB->value());

	float angle = spotLight->GetFallOffAngle();

	if (newFalloffAngle < angle)

Beispiel #8
void Batch::Prepare(View* view, bool setModelTransform) const
    if (!vertexShader_ || !pixelShader_)
    Graphics* graphics = view->GetGraphics();
    Renderer* renderer = view->GetRenderer();
    Node* cameraNode = camera_ ? camera_->GetNode() : 0;
    Light* light = lightQueue_ ? lightQueue_->light_ : 0;
    Texture2D* shadowMap = lightQueue_ ? lightQueue_->shadowMap_ : 0;

    // Set pass / material-specific renderstates
    if (pass_ && material_)
        bool isShadowPass = pass_->GetType() == PASS_SHADOW;
        BlendMode blend = pass_->GetBlendMode();
        // Turn additive blending into subtract if the light is negative
        if (light && light->IsNegative())
            if (blend == BLEND_ADD)
                blend = BLEND_SUBTRACT;
            else if (blend == BLEND_ADDALPHA)
                blend = BLEND_SUBTRACTALPHA;
        renderer->SetCullMode(isShadowPass ? material_->GetShadowCullMode() : material_->GetCullMode(), camera_);
        if (!isShadowPass)
            const BiasParameters& depthBias = material_->GetDepthBias();
            graphics->SetDepthBias(depthBias.constantBias_, depthBias.slopeScaledBias_);
    // Set shaders first. The available shader parameters and their register/uniform positions depend on the currently set shaders
    graphics->SetShaders(vertexShader_, pixelShader_);
    // Set global (per-frame) shader parameters
    if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_FRAME, (void*)0))
    // Set camera shader parameters
    unsigned cameraHash = overrideView_ ? (unsigned)(size_t)camera_ + 4 : (unsigned)(size_t)camera_;
    if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_CAMERA, reinterpret_cast<void*>(cameraHash)))
        view->SetCameraShaderParameters(camera_, true, overrideView_);
    // Set viewport shader parameters
    IntVector2 rtSize = graphics->GetRenderTargetDimensions();
    IntRect viewport = graphics->GetViewport();
    unsigned viewportHash = (viewport.left_) | (viewport.top_ << 8) | (viewport.right_ << 16) | (viewport.bottom_ << 24);
    if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_VIEWPORT, reinterpret_cast<void*>(viewportHash)))
        float rtWidth = (float)rtSize.x_;
        float rtHeight = (float)rtSize.y_;
        float widthRange = 0.5f * viewport.Width() / rtWidth;
        float heightRange = 0.5f * viewport.Height() / rtHeight;
        #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL
        Vector4 bufferUVOffset(((float)viewport.left_) / rtWidth + widthRange,
            1.0f - (((float)viewport.top_) / rtHeight + heightRange), widthRange, heightRange);
        Vector4 bufferUVOffset((0.5f + (float)viewport.left_) / rtWidth + widthRange,
            (0.5f + (float)viewport.top_) / rtHeight + heightRange, widthRange, heightRange);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_GBUFFEROFFSETS, bufferUVOffset);
        float sizeX = 1.0f / rtWidth;
        float sizeY = 1.0f / rtHeight;
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_GBUFFERINVSIZE, Vector4(sizeX, sizeY, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    // Set model or skinning transforms
    if (setModelTransform && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_OBJECTTRANSFORM, worldTransform_))
        if (geometryType_ == GEOM_SKINNED)
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_SKINMATRICES, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(worldTransform_), 
                12 * numWorldTransforms_);
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_MODEL, *worldTransform_);
        // Set the orientation for billboards, either from the object itself or from the camera
        if (geometryType_ == GEOM_BILLBOARD)
            if (numWorldTransforms_ > 1)
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_BILLBOARDROT, worldTransform_[1].RotationMatrix());
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_BILLBOARDROT, cameraNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());
    // Set zone-related shader parameters
    BlendMode blend = graphics->GetBlendMode();
    // If the pass is additive, override fog color to black so that shaders do not need a separate additive path
    bool overrideFogColorToBlack = blend == BLEND_ADD || blend == BLEND_ADDALPHA;
    unsigned zoneHash = (unsigned)(size_t)zone_;
    if (overrideFogColorToBlack)
        zoneHash += 0x80000000;
    if (zone_ && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_ZONE, reinterpret_cast<void*>(zoneHash)))
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_AMBIENTSTARTCOLOR, zone_->GetAmbientStartColor());
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_AMBIENTENDCOLOR, zone_->GetAmbientEndColor().ToVector4() - zone_->GetAmbientStartColor().ToVector4());
        const BoundingBox& box = zone_->GetBoundingBox();
        Vector3 boxSize = box.Size();
        Matrix3x4 adjust(Matrix3x4::IDENTITY);
        adjust.SetScale(Vector3(1.0f / boxSize.x_, 1.0f / boxSize.y_, 1.0f / boxSize.z_));
        adjust.SetTranslation(Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
        Matrix3x4 zoneTransform = adjust * zone_->GetInverseWorldTransform();
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_ZONE, zoneTransform);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_AMBIENTCOLOR, zone_->GetAmbientColor());
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_FOGCOLOR, overrideFogColorToBlack ? Color::BLACK : zone_->GetFogColor());
        float farClip = camera_->GetFarClip();
        float fogStart = Min(zone_->GetFogStart(), farClip);
        float fogEnd = Min(zone_->GetFogEnd(), farClip);
        if (fogStart >= fogEnd * (1.0f - M_LARGE_EPSILON))
            fogStart = fogEnd * (1.0f - M_LARGE_EPSILON);
        float fogRange = Max(fogEnd - fogStart, M_EPSILON);
        Vector4 fogParams(fogEnd / farClip, farClip / fogRange, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        Node* zoneNode = zone_->GetNode();
        if (zone_->GetHeightFog() && zoneNode)
            Vector3 worldFogHeightVec = zoneNode->GetWorldTransform() * Vector3(0.0f, zone_->GetFogHeight(), 0.0f);
            fogParams.z_ = worldFogHeightVec.y_;
            fogParams.w_ = zone_->GetFogHeightScale() / Max(zoneNode->GetWorldScale().y_, M_EPSILON);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_FOGPARAMS, fogParams);
    // Set light-related shader parameters
    if (lightQueue_)
        if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_VERTEXLIGHTS, lightQueue_) && graphics->HasShaderParameter(VS, VSP_VERTEXLIGHTS))
            Vector4 vertexLights[MAX_VERTEX_LIGHTS * 3];
            const PODVector<Light*>& lights = lightQueue_->vertexLights_;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < lights.Size(); ++i)
                Light* vertexLight = lights[i];
                Node* vertexLightNode = vertexLight->GetNode();
                LightType type = vertexLight->GetLightType();
                // Attenuation
                float invRange, cutoff, invCutoff;
                if (type == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL)
                    invRange = 0.0f;
                    invRange = 1.0f / Max(vertexLight->GetRange(), M_EPSILON);
                if (type == LIGHT_SPOT)
                    cutoff = Cos(vertexLight->GetFov() * 0.5f);
                    invCutoff = 1.0f / (1.0f - cutoff);
                    cutoff = -1.0f;
                    invCutoff = 1.0f;
                // Color
                float fade = 1.0f;
                float fadeEnd = vertexLight->GetDrawDistance();
                float fadeStart = vertexLight->GetFadeDistance();
                // Do fade calculation for light if both fade & draw distance defined
                if (vertexLight->GetLightType() != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeStart < fadeEnd)
                    fade = Min(1.0f - (vertexLight->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 1.0f);
                Color color = vertexLight->GetEffectiveColor() * fade;
                vertexLights[i * 3] = Vector4(color.r_, color.g_, color.b_, invRange);
                // Direction
                vertexLights[i * 3 + 1] = Vector4(-(vertexLightNode->GetWorldDirection()), cutoff);
                // Position
                vertexLights[i * 3 + 2] = Vector4(vertexLightNode->GetWorldPosition(), invCutoff);
            if (lights.Size())
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VERTEXLIGHTS, vertexLights[0].Data(), lights.Size() * 3 * 4);
    if (light && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_LIGHT, light))
        // Deferred light volume batches operate in a camera-centered space. Detect from material, zone & pass all being null
        bool isLightVolume = !material_ && !pass_ && !zone_;
        Matrix3x4 cameraEffectiveTransform = camera_->GetEffectiveWorldTransform();
        Vector3 cameraEffectivePos = cameraEffectiveTransform.Translation();

        Node* lightNode = light->GetNode();
        Matrix3 lightWorldRotation = lightNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix();
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTDIR, lightWorldRotation * Vector3::BACK);
        float atten = 1.0f / Max(light->GetRange(), M_EPSILON);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTPOS, Vector4(lightNode->GetWorldPosition(), atten));
        if (graphics->HasShaderParameter(VS, VSP_LIGHTMATRICES))
            switch (light->GetLightType())
            case LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL:
                    Matrix4 shadowMatrices[MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS];
                    unsigned numSplits = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size();
                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSplits; ++i)
                        CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[i], lightQueue_, i, renderer, Vector3::ZERO);
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), 16 * numSplits);
            case LIGHT_SPOT:
                    Matrix4 shadowMatrices[2];
                    CalculateSpotMatrix(shadowMatrices[0], light, Vector3::ZERO);
                    bool isShadowed = shadowMap && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_SHADOWMAP);
                    if (isShadowed)
                        CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[1], lightQueue_, 0, renderer, Vector3::ZERO);
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), isShadowed ? 32 : 16);
            case LIGHT_POINT:
                    Matrix4 lightVecRot(lightNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());
                    // HLSL compiler will pack the parameters as if the matrix is only 3x4, so must be careful to not overwrite
                    // the next parameter
                    #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 16);
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 12);
        float fade = 1.0f;
        float fadeEnd = light->GetDrawDistance();
        float fadeStart = light->GetFadeDistance();
        // Do fade calculation for light if both fade & draw distance defined
        if (light->GetLightType() != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeStart < fadeEnd)
            fade = Min(1.0f - (light->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 1.0f);
        // Negative lights will use subtract blending, so write absolute RGB values to the shader parameter
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTCOLOR, Color(light->GetEffectiveColor().Abs(),
            light->GetEffectiveSpecularIntensity()) * fade);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTDIR, lightWorldRotation * Vector3::BACK);
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTPOS, Vector4((isLightVolume ? (lightNode->GetWorldPosition() -
            cameraEffectivePos) : lightNode->GetWorldPosition()), atten));
        if (graphics->HasShaderParameter(PS, PSP_LIGHTMATRICES))
            switch (light->GetLightType())
            case LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL:
                    Matrix4 shadowMatrices[MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS];
                    unsigned numSplits = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size();
                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSplits; ++i)
                        CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[i], lightQueue_, i, renderer, isLightVolume ? cameraEffectivePos :
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), 16 * numSplits);
            case LIGHT_SPOT:
                    Matrix4 shadowMatrices[2];
                    CalculateSpotMatrix(shadowMatrices[0], light, cameraEffectivePos);
                    bool isShadowed = lightQueue_->shadowMap_ != 0;
                    if (isShadowed)
                        CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[1], lightQueue_, 0, renderer, isLightVolume ? cameraEffectivePos :
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), isShadowed ? 32 : 16);
            case LIGHT_POINT:
                    Matrix4 lightVecRot(lightNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());
                    // HLSL compiler will pack the parameters as if the matrix is only 3x4, so must be careful to not overwrite
                    // the next parameter
                    #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 16);
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 12);
        // Set shadow mapping shader parameters
        if (shadowMap)
                // Calculate point light shadow sampling offsets (unrolled cube map)
                unsigned faceWidth = shadowMap->GetWidth() / 2;
                unsigned faceHeight = shadowMap->GetHeight() / 3;
                float width = (float)shadowMap->GetWidth();
                float height = (float)shadowMap->GetHeight();
                #ifdef URHO3D_OPENGL
                    float mulX = (float)(faceWidth - 3) / width;
                    float mulY = (float)(faceHeight - 3) / height;
                    float addX = 1.5f / width;
                    float addY = 1.5f / height;
                    float mulX = (float)(faceWidth - 4) / width;
                    float mulY = (float)(faceHeight - 4) / height;
                    float addX = 2.5f / width;
                    float addY = 2.5f / height;
                // If using 4 shadow samples, offset the position diagonally by half pixel
                if (renderer->GetShadowQuality() & SHADOWQUALITY_HIGH_16BIT)
                    addX -= 0.5f / width;
                    addY -= 0.5f / height;
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWCUBEADJUST, Vector4(mulX, mulY, addX, addY));
                // Calculate shadow camera depth parameters for point light shadows and shadow fade parameters for
                //  directional light shadows, stored in the same uniform
                Camera* shadowCamera = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].shadowCamera_;
                float nearClip = shadowCamera->GetNearClip();
                float farClip = shadowCamera->GetFarClip();
                float q = farClip / (farClip - nearClip);
                float r = -q * nearClip;
                const CascadeParameters& parameters = light->GetShadowCascade();
                float viewFarClip = camera_->GetFarClip();
                float shadowRange = parameters.GetShadowRange();
                float fadeStart = parameters.fadeStart_ * shadowRange / viewFarClip;
                float fadeEnd = shadowRange / viewFarClip;
                float fadeRange = fadeEnd - fadeStart;
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWDEPTHFADE, Vector4(q, r, fadeStart, 1.0f / fadeRange));
                float intensity = light->GetShadowIntensity();
                float fadeStart = light->GetShadowFadeDistance();
                float fadeEnd = light->GetShadowDistance();
                if (fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeEnd > fadeStart)
                    intensity = Lerp(intensity, 1.0f, Clamp((light->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 0.0f, 1.0f));
                float pcfValues = (1.0f - intensity);
                float samples = renderer->GetShadowQuality() >= SHADOWQUALITY_HIGH_16BIT ? 4.0f : 1.0f;

                graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWINTENSITY, Vector4(pcfValues / samples, intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            float sizeX = 1.0f / (float)shadowMap->GetWidth();
            float sizeY = 1.0f / (float)shadowMap->GetHeight();
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWMAPINVSIZE, Vector4(sizeX, sizeY, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            Vector4 lightSplits(M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE);
            if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 1)
                lightSplits.x_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].farSplit_ / camera_->GetFarClip();
            if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 2)
                lightSplits.y_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[1].farSplit_ / camera_->GetFarClip();
            if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 3)
                lightSplits.z_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[2].farSplit_ / camera_->GetFarClip();
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWSPLITS, lightSplits);
    // Set material-specific shader parameters and textures
    if (material_)
        if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_MATERIAL, material_))
            // Update shader parameter animations

            const HashMap<StringHash, MaterialShaderParameter>& parameters = material_->GetShaderParameters();
            for (HashMap<StringHash, MaterialShaderParameter>::ConstIterator i = parameters.Begin(); i != parameters.End(); ++i)
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(i->first_, i->second_.value_);
        const SharedPtr<Texture>* textures = material_->GetTextures();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_MATERIAL_TEXTURE_UNITS; ++i)
            TextureUnit unit = (TextureUnit)i;
            if (textures[i] && graphics->HasTextureUnit(unit))
                graphics->SetTexture(i, textures[i]);
    // Set light-related textures
    if (light)
        if (shadowMap && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_SHADOWMAP))
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_SHADOWMAP, shadowMap);
        if (graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_LIGHTRAMP))
            Texture* rampTexture = light->GetRampTexture();
            if (!rampTexture)
                rampTexture = renderer->GetDefaultLightRamp();
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_LIGHTRAMP, rampTexture);
        if (graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_LIGHTSHAPE))
            Texture* shapeTexture = light->GetShapeTexture();
            if (!shapeTexture && light->GetLightType() == LIGHT_SPOT)
                shapeTexture = renderer->GetDefaultLightSpot();
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_LIGHTSHAPE, shapeTexture);
void GameObjectLightComponentWidget::InitFields()
	Light* light = nullptr;

	// Set Ready to false, so Light cannot change
	// properties while been initialized
	m_IsReady = false;

	// Check Engine Viewer
	AEAssert(m_EngineViewer != nullptr);
	if (m_EngineViewer == nullptr)

	// Verify LOC and Get Light Object
	light = GetLight();

	if(light == nullptr)
		AETODO("Add log");


	// Set Light Type

	// Set Enabled

	// Set Intensity

	// Set Color
	QColor qColor = AEQTHelpers::GetQColorFromColor(light->GetColor());


	// Set Near and Far Attenuation

	// Set Shadow Enabled

	// Enable/Visibility of Angle options
	if(light->GetLightType() == LightType::Spot)


		// Get Spot Light
		SpotLight* spotLight = reinterpret_cast<SpotLight*>(light);

		// Set Angle and Fall out Angle


	// Enable/Visibility of Draw Frustum Cascades
	if (light->GetLightType() == LightType::Directional)

	// Light is Ready to change properties
	m_IsReady = true;
Beispiel #10
void Batch::Prepare(View* view, Camera* camera, bool setModelTransform, bool allowDepthWrite) const
    if (!vertexShader_ || !pixelShader_)

    Graphics* graphics = view->GetGraphics();
    Renderer* renderer = view->GetRenderer();
    Node* cameraNode = camera ? camera->GetNode() : 0;
    Light* light = lightQueue_ ? lightQueue_->light_ : 0;
    Texture2D* shadowMap = lightQueue_ ? lightQueue_->shadowMap_ : 0;

    // Set shaders first. The available shader parameters and their register/uniform positions depend on the currently set shaders
    graphics->SetShaders(vertexShader_, pixelShader_);

    // Set pass / material-specific renderstates
    if (pass_ && material_)
        BlendMode blend = pass_->GetBlendMode();
        // Turn additive blending into subtract if the light is negative
        if (light && light->IsNegative())
            if (blend == BLEND_ADD)
                blend = BLEND_SUBTRACT;
            else if (blend == BLEND_ADDALPHA)
                blend = BLEND_SUBTRACTALPHA;

        bool isShadowPass = pass_->GetIndex() == Technique::shadowPassIndex;
        CullMode effectiveCullMode = pass_->GetCullMode();
        // Get cull mode from material if pass doesn't override it
        if (effectiveCullMode == MAX_CULLMODES)
            effectiveCullMode = isShadowPass ? material_->GetShadowCullMode() : material_->GetCullMode();

        renderer->SetCullMode(effectiveCullMode, camera);
        if (!isShadowPass)
            const BiasParameters& depthBias = material_->GetDepthBias();
            graphics->SetDepthBias(depthBias.constantBias_, depthBias.slopeScaledBias_);

        // Use the "least filled" fill mode combined from camera & material
        graphics->SetFillMode((FillMode)(Max(camera->GetFillMode(), material_->GetFillMode())));
        graphics->SetDepthWrite(pass_->GetDepthWrite() && allowDepthWrite);

    // Set global (per-frame) shader parameters
    if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_FRAME, (void*)0))

    // Set camera & viewport shader parameters
    unsigned cameraHash = (unsigned)(size_t)camera;
    IntRect viewport = graphics->GetViewport();
    IntVector2 viewSize = IntVector2(viewport.Width(), viewport.Height());
    unsigned viewportHash = (unsigned)(viewSize.x_ | (viewSize.y_ << 16));
    if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_CAMERA, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(cameraHash + viewportHash)))
        // During renderpath commands the G-Buffer or viewport texture is assumed to always be viewport-sized
        view->SetGBufferShaderParameters(viewSize, IntRect(0, 0, viewSize.x_, viewSize.y_));

    // Set model or skinning transforms
    if (setModelTransform && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_OBJECT, worldTransform_))
        if (geometryType_ == GEOM_SKINNED)
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_SKINMATRICES, reinterpret_cast<const float*>(worldTransform_),
                12 * numWorldTransforms_);
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_MODEL, *worldTransform_);

        // Set the orientation for billboards, either from the object itself or from the camera
        if (geometryType_ == GEOM_BILLBOARD)
            if (numWorldTransforms_ > 1)
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_BILLBOARDROT, worldTransform_[1].RotationMatrix());
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_BILLBOARDROT, cameraNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());

    // Set zone-related shader parameters
    BlendMode blend = graphics->GetBlendMode();
    // If the pass is additive, override fog color to black so that shaders do not need a separate additive path
    bool overrideFogColorToBlack = blend == BLEND_ADD || blend == BLEND_ADDALPHA;
    unsigned zoneHash = (unsigned)(size_t)zone_;
    if (overrideFogColorToBlack)
        zoneHash += 0x80000000;
    if (zone_ && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_ZONE, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(zoneHash)))
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_AMBIENTSTARTCOLOR, zone_->GetAmbientStartColor());
            zone_->GetAmbientEndColor().ToVector4() - zone_->GetAmbientStartColor().ToVector4());

        const BoundingBox& box = zone_->GetBoundingBox();
        Vector3 boxSize = box.Size();
        Matrix3x4 adjust(Matrix3x4::IDENTITY);
        adjust.SetScale(Vector3(1.0f / boxSize.x_, 1.0f / boxSize.y_, 1.0f / boxSize.z_));
        adjust.SetTranslation(Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
        Matrix3x4 zoneTransform = adjust * zone_->GetInverseWorldTransform();
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_ZONE, zoneTransform);

        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_AMBIENTCOLOR, zone_->GetAmbientColor());
        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_FOGCOLOR, overrideFogColorToBlack ? Color::BLACK : zone_->GetFogColor());

        float farClip = camera->GetFarClip();
        float fogStart = Min(zone_->GetFogStart(), farClip);
        float fogEnd = Min(zone_->GetFogEnd(), farClip);
        if (fogStart >= fogEnd * (1.0f - M_LARGE_EPSILON))
            fogStart = fogEnd * (1.0f - M_LARGE_EPSILON);
        float fogRange = Max(fogEnd - fogStart, M_EPSILON);
        Vector4 fogParams(fogEnd / farClip, farClip / fogRange, 0.0f, 0.0f);

        Node* zoneNode = zone_->GetNode();
        if (zone_->GetHeightFog() && zoneNode)
            Vector3 worldFogHeightVec = zoneNode->GetWorldTransform() * Vector3(0.0f, zone_->GetFogHeight(), 0.0f);
            fogParams.z_ = worldFogHeightVec.y_;
            fogParams.w_ = zone_->GetFogHeightScale() / Max(zoneNode->GetWorldScale().y_, M_EPSILON);

        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_FOGPARAMS, fogParams);

    // Set light-related shader parameters
    if (lightQueue_)
        if (light && graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_LIGHT, lightQueue_))
            Node* lightNode = light->GetNode();
            float atten = 1.0f / Max(light->GetRange(), M_EPSILON);
            Vector3 lightDir(lightNode->GetWorldRotation() * Vector3::BACK);
            Vector4 lightPos(lightNode->GetWorldPosition(), atten);

            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTDIR, lightDir);
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTPOS, lightPos);

            if (graphics->HasShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES))
                switch (light->GetLightType())
                case LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL:
                        Matrix4 shadowMatrices[MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS];
                        unsigned numSplits = Min(MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS, lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size());

                        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSplits; ++i)
                            CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[i], lightQueue_, i, renderer);

                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), 16 * numSplits);

                case LIGHT_SPOT:
                        Matrix4 shadowMatrices[2];

                        CalculateSpotMatrix(shadowMatrices[0], light);
                        bool isShadowed = shadowMap && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_SHADOWMAP);
                        if (isShadowed)
                            CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[1], lightQueue_, 0, renderer);

                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), isShadowed ? 32 : 16);

                case LIGHT_POINT:
                        Matrix4 lightVecRot(lightNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());
                        // HLSL compiler will pack the parameters as if the matrix is only 3x4, so must be careful to not overwrite
                        // the next parameter
                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 16);
                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 12);

            float fade = 1.0f;
            float fadeEnd = light->GetDrawDistance();
            float fadeStart = light->GetFadeDistance();

            // Do fade calculation for light if both fade & draw distance defined
            if (light->GetLightType() != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeStart < fadeEnd)
                fade = Min(1.0f - (light->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 1.0f);

            // Negative lights will use subtract blending, so write absolute RGB values to the shader parameter
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTCOLOR, Color(light->GetEffectiveColor().Abs(),
                light->GetEffectiveSpecularIntensity()) * fade);
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTDIR, lightDir);
            graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTPOS, lightPos);

            if (graphics->HasShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES))
                switch (light->GetLightType())
                case LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL:
                        Matrix4 shadowMatrices[MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS];
                        unsigned numSplits = Min(MAX_CASCADE_SPLITS, lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size());

                        for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSplits; ++i)
                            CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[i], lightQueue_, i, renderer);

                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), 16 * numSplits);

                case LIGHT_SPOT:
                        Matrix4 shadowMatrices[2];

                        CalculateSpotMatrix(shadowMatrices[0], light);
                        bool isShadowed = lightQueue_->shadowMap_ != 0;
                        if (isShadowed)
                            CalculateShadowMatrix(shadowMatrices[1], lightQueue_, 0, renderer);

                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, shadowMatrices[0].Data(), isShadowed ? 32 : 16);

                case LIGHT_POINT:
                        Matrix4 lightVecRot(lightNode->GetWorldRotation().RotationMatrix());
                        // HLSL compiler will pack the parameters as if the matrix is only 3x4, so must be careful to not overwrite
                        // the next parameter
                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 16);
                        graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_LIGHTMATRICES, lightVecRot.Data(), 12);

            // Set shadow mapping shader parameters
            if (shadowMap)
                    // Calculate point light shadow sampling offsets (unrolled cube map)
                    unsigned faceWidth = (unsigned)(shadowMap->GetWidth() / 2);
                    unsigned faceHeight = (unsigned)(shadowMap->GetHeight() / 3);
                    float width = (float)shadowMap->GetWidth();
                    float height = (float)shadowMap->GetHeight();
                    float mulX = (float)(faceWidth - 3) / width;
                    float mulY = (float)(faceHeight - 3) / height;
                    float addX = 1.5f / width;
                    float addY = 1.5f / height;
                    float mulX = (float)(faceWidth - 4) / width;
                    float mulY = (float)(faceHeight - 4) / height;
                    float addX = 2.5f / width;
                    float addY = 2.5f / height;
                    // If using 4 shadow samples, offset the position diagonally by half pixel
                    if (renderer->GetShadowQuality() == SHADOWQUALITY_PCF_16BIT || renderer->GetShadowQuality() == SHADOWQUALITY_PCF_24BIT)
                        addX -= 0.5f / width;
                        addY -= 0.5f / height;
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWCUBEADJUST, Vector4(mulX, mulY, addX, addY));

                    // Calculate shadow camera depth parameters for point light shadows and shadow fade parameters for
                    //  directional light shadows, stored in the same uniform
                    Camera* shadowCamera = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].shadowCamera_;
                    float nearClip = shadowCamera->GetNearClip();
                    float farClip = shadowCamera->GetFarClip();
                    float q = farClip / (farClip - nearClip);
                    float r = -q * nearClip;

                    const CascadeParameters& parameters = light->GetShadowCascade();
                    float viewFarClip = camera->GetFarClip();
                    float shadowRange = parameters.GetShadowRange();
                    float fadeStart = parameters.fadeStart_ * shadowRange / viewFarClip;
                    float fadeEnd = shadowRange / viewFarClip;
                    float fadeRange = fadeEnd - fadeStart;

                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWDEPTHFADE, Vector4(q, r, fadeStart, 1.0f / fadeRange));

                    float intensity = light->GetShadowIntensity();
                    float fadeStart = light->GetShadowFadeDistance();
                    float fadeEnd = light->GetShadowDistance();
                    if (fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeEnd > fadeStart)
                        intensity =
                            Lerp(intensity, 1.0f, Clamp((light->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 0.0f, 1.0f));
                    float pcfValues = (1.0f - intensity);
                    float samples = 1.0f;
                    if (renderer->GetShadowQuality() == SHADOWQUALITY_PCF_16BIT || renderer->GetShadowQuality() == SHADOWQUALITY_PCF_24BIT)
                        samples = 4.0f;
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWINTENSITY, Vector4(pcfValues / samples, intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f));

                float sizeX = 1.0f / (float)shadowMap->GetWidth();
                float sizeY = 1.0f / (float)shadowMap->GetHeight();
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWMAPINVSIZE, Vector2(sizeX, sizeY));

                Vector4 lightSplits(M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE, M_LARGE_VALUE);
                if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 1)
                    lightSplits.x_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].farSplit_ / camera->GetFarClip();
                if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 2)
                    lightSplits.y_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[1].farSplit_ / camera->GetFarClip();
                if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 3)
                    lightSplits.z_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[2].farSplit_ / camera->GetFarClip();

                graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_SHADOWSPLITS, lightSplits);

                if (graphics->HasShaderParameter(PSP_VSMSHADOWPARAMS))
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_VSMSHADOWPARAMS, renderer->GetVSMShadowParameters());

                if (light->GetShadowBias().normalOffset_ > 0.0f)
                    Vector4 normalOffsetScale(Vector4::ZERO);

                    // Scale normal offset strength with the width of the shadow camera view
                    if (light->GetLightType() != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL)
                        Camera* shadowCamera = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].shadowCamera_;
                        normalOffsetScale.x_ = 2.0f * tanf(shadowCamera->GetFov() * M_DEGTORAD * 0.5f) * shadowCamera->GetFarClip();
                        normalOffsetScale.x_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[0].shadowCamera_->GetOrthoSize();
                        if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 1)
                            normalOffsetScale.y_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[1].shadowCamera_->GetOrthoSize();
                        if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 2)
                            normalOffsetScale.z_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[2].shadowCamera_->GetOrthoSize();
                        if (lightQueue_->shadowSplits_.Size() > 3)
                            normalOffsetScale.w_ = lightQueue_->shadowSplits_[3].shadowCamera_->GetOrthoSize();

                    normalOffsetScale *= light->GetShadowBias().normalOffset_;
#ifdef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0
                    normalOffsetScale *= renderer->GetMobileNormalOffsetMul();
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_NORMALOFFSETSCALE, normalOffsetScale);
                    graphics->SetShaderParameter(PSP_NORMALOFFSETSCALE, normalOffsetScale);
        else if (lightQueue_->vertexLights_.Size() && graphics->HasShaderParameter(VSP_VERTEXLIGHTS) &&
                 graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_LIGHT, lightQueue_))
            Vector4 vertexLights[MAX_VERTEX_LIGHTS * 3];
            const PODVector<Light*>& lights = lightQueue_->vertexLights_;

            for (unsigned i = 0; i < lights.Size(); ++i)
                Light* vertexLight = lights[i];
                Node* vertexLightNode = vertexLight->GetNode();
                LightType type = vertexLight->GetLightType();

                // Attenuation
                float invRange, cutoff, invCutoff;
                if (type == LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL)
                    invRange = 0.0f;
                    invRange = 1.0f / Max(vertexLight->GetRange(), M_EPSILON);
                if (type == LIGHT_SPOT)
                    cutoff = Cos(vertexLight->GetFov() * 0.5f);
                    invCutoff = 1.0f / (1.0f - cutoff);
                    cutoff = -1.0f;
                    invCutoff = 1.0f;

                // Color
                float fade = 1.0f;
                float fadeEnd = vertexLight->GetDrawDistance();
                float fadeStart = vertexLight->GetFadeDistance();

                // Do fade calculation for light if both fade & draw distance defined
                if (vertexLight->GetLightType() != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL && fadeEnd > 0.0f && fadeStart > 0.0f && fadeStart < fadeEnd)
                    fade = Min(1.0f - (vertexLight->GetDistance() - fadeStart) / (fadeEnd - fadeStart), 1.0f);

                Color color = vertexLight->GetEffectiveColor() * fade;
                vertexLights[i * 3] = Vector4(color.r_, color.g_, color.b_, invRange);

                // Direction
                vertexLights[i * 3 + 1] = Vector4(-(vertexLightNode->GetWorldDirection()), cutoff);

                // Position
                vertexLights[i * 3 + 2] = Vector4(vertexLightNode->GetWorldPosition(), invCutoff);

            graphics->SetShaderParameter(VSP_VERTEXLIGHTS, vertexLights[0].Data(), lights.Size() * 3 * 4);

    // Set zone texture if necessary
#ifndef GL_ES_VERSION_2_0
    if (zone_ && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_ZONE))
        graphics->SetTexture(TU_ZONE, zone_->GetZoneTexture());
    // On OpenGL ES set the zone texture to the environment unit instead
    if (zone_ && zone_->GetZoneTexture() && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_ENVIRONMENT))
        graphics->SetTexture(TU_ENVIRONMENT, zone_->GetZoneTexture());

    // Set material-specific shader parameters and textures
    if (material_)
        if (graphics->NeedParameterUpdate(SP_MATERIAL, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(material_->GetShaderParameterHash())))
            const HashMap<StringHash, MaterialShaderParameter>& parameters = material_->GetShaderParameters();
            for (HashMap<StringHash, MaterialShaderParameter>::ConstIterator i = parameters.Begin(); i != parameters.End(); ++i)
                graphics->SetShaderParameter(i->first_, i->second_.value_);

        const HashMap<TextureUnit, SharedPtr<Texture> >& textures = material_->GetTextures();
        for (HashMap<TextureUnit, SharedPtr<Texture> >::ConstIterator i = textures.Begin(); i != textures.End(); ++i)
            if (graphics->HasTextureUnit(i->first_))
                graphics->SetTexture(i->first_, i->second_.Get());

    // Set light-related textures
    if (light)
        if (shadowMap && graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_SHADOWMAP))
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_SHADOWMAP, shadowMap);
        if (graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_LIGHTRAMP))
            Texture* rampTexture = light->GetRampTexture();
            if (!rampTexture)
                rampTexture = renderer->GetDefaultLightRamp();
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_LIGHTRAMP, rampTexture);
        if (graphics->HasTextureUnit(TU_LIGHTSHAPE))
            Texture* shapeTexture = light->GetShapeTexture();
            if (!shapeTexture && light->GetLightType() == LIGHT_SPOT)
                shapeTexture = renderer->GetDefaultLightSpot();
            graphics->SetTexture(TU_LIGHTSHAPE, shapeTexture);