Beispiel #1
const double* LinkedObj::getDoublePtr( const QString &nm, int *lt,
              const LinkedObj **targ, int lev  ) const
  static int clt;
  int *plt = lt ? lt : &clt;
  if( nm.isEmpty() ) {
    *plt = LinkNone; return nullptr;
  if( isIgnored() ) {
    *plt = LinkBad;
    return nullptr;
  QString nmf = nm, first, rest;

  int idx;
  NameType nm_type = splitName( nmf, first, rest, idx );
  if( nm_type == badName ) {
    *plt = LinkBad;
    qWarning() << "bad source name " << nmf << NWHE;
    return nullptr;

  HolderData *ho = getObj( first );

  if( !ho ) {
    *plt = LinkBad;
    // qWarning() << "elem" << first << "not found, nmf= " << nmf << NWHE;
    return nullptr;

  if( nm_type == simpleName ) { // -- simple name ----- first only -----
    LinkedObj *ds= qobject_cast<LinkedObj*>(ho);
    if( ds ) {
      return ds->getDoublePtr( QSL("out0"), plt, targ, lev+1 ); // default output

    HolderDouble *hod = qobject_cast<HolderDouble*>(ho);
    if( hod ) {
      *plt = ( lev == 1 ) ? LinkElm : LinkSpec;
      if( targ ) {  *targ = this;   }
      return hod->caddr();

    auto *hoda = qobject_cast<HolderDoubleArray*>(ho); // array special case
    if( hoda ) {
      int na = hoda->arrSize();
      if( idx >= na ) {
        qWarning() << "Bad index " << idx << " while access to " << hoda->getFullName()
                   << " size " << na << NWHE;
        *plt = LinkBad;
        return nullptr;
      *plt = ( lev == 1 ) ? LinkElm : LinkSpec;
      if( targ ) {  *targ = this;   }
      return & ( hoda->operator[](idx) );

    return nullptr;
  } // -------------------- simple name end ----------------------------

  // both part of name exists
  LinkedObj *ds = qobject_cast<LinkedObj*>(ho);
  if( !ds ) {
    *plt = LinkBad;
    qWarning() << "Complex name " << nm << " is given for simple object "
               << ho->getFullName() << NWHE;
    return nullptr;
  return ds->getDoublePtr( rest, plt, targ, lev+1 ); // pass to child
