Beispiel #1
Record *MapTableEmitter::getInstrForColumn(Record *KeyInstr,
                                           ListInit *CurValueCol) {
  ListInit *RowFields = InstrMapDesc.getRowFields();
  std::vector<Init*> KeyValue;

  // Construct KeyValue using KeyInstr's values for RowFields.
  for (Init *RowField : RowFields->getValues()) {
    Init *KeyInstrVal = KeyInstr->getValue(RowField)->getValue();

  // Get all the instructions that share the same KeyValue as the KeyInstr
  // in RowInstrMap. We search through these instructions to find a match
  // for the current column, i.e., the instruction which has the same values
  // as CurValueCol for all the fields in ColFields.
  const std::vector<Record*> &RelatedInstrVec = RowInstrMap[KeyValue];

  ListInit *ColFields = InstrMapDesc.getColFields();
  Record *MatchInstr = nullptr;

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = RelatedInstrVec.size(); i < e; i++) {
    bool MatchFound = true;
    Record *CurInstr = RelatedInstrVec[i];
    for (unsigned j = 0, endCF = ColFields->size();
        (j < endCF) && MatchFound; j++) {
      Init *ColFieldJ = ColFields->getElement(j);
      Init *CurInstrInit = CurInstr->getValue(ColFieldJ)->getValue();
      std::string CurInstrVal = CurInstrInit->getAsUnquotedString();
      Init *ColFieldJVallue = CurValueCol->getElement(j);
      MatchFound = (CurInstrVal == ColFieldJVallue->getAsUnquotedString());

    if (MatchFound) {
      if (MatchInstr) {
        // Already had a match
        // Error if multiple matches are found for a column.
        std::string KeyValueStr;
        for (Init *Value : KeyValue) {
          if (!KeyValueStr.empty())
            KeyValueStr += ", ";
          KeyValueStr += Value->getAsString();

        PrintFatalError("Multiple matches found for `" + KeyInstr->getName() +
              "', for the relation `" + InstrMapDesc.getName() + "', row fields [" +
              KeyValueStr + "], column `" + CurValueCol->getAsString() + "'");
      MatchInstr = CurInstr;
  return MatchInstr;
Beispiel #2
void MapTableEmitter::buildRowInstrMap() {
  for (Record *CurInstr : InstrDefs) {
    std::vector<Init*> KeyValue;
    ListInit *RowFields = InstrMapDesc.getRowFields();
    for (Init *RowField : RowFields->getValues()) {
      Init *CurInstrVal = CurInstr->getValue(RowField)->getValue();

    // Collect key instructions into KeyInstrVec. Later, these instructions are
    // processed to assign column position to the instructions sharing
    // their KeyValue in RowInstrMap.
    if (isKeyColInstr(CurInstr))

Beispiel #3
void MapTableEmitter::emitTablesWithFunc(raw_ostream &OS) {

  // Emit function name and the input parameters : mostly opcode value of the
  // current instruction. However, if a table has multiple columns (more than 2
  // since first column is used for the key instructions), then we also need
  // to pass another input to indicate the column to be selected.

  ListInit *ColFields = InstrMapDesc.getColFields();
  const std::vector<ListInit*> &ValueCols = InstrMapDesc.getValueCols();
  OS << "// "<< InstrMapDesc.getName() << "\nLLVM_READONLY\n";
  OS << "int "<< InstrMapDesc.getName() << "(uint16_t Opcode";
  if (ValueCols.size() > 1) {
    for (Init *CF : ColFields->getValues()) {
      std::string ColName = CF->getAsUnquotedString();
      OS << ", enum " << ColName << " in" << ColName << ") {\n";
  } else { OS << ") {\n"; }

  // Emit map table.
  unsigned TableSize = emitBinSearchTable(OS);

  // Emit rest of the function body.
  emitMapFuncBody(OS, TableSize);