void ConnectedVNInfoEqClasses::Distribute(LiveInterval *LIV[],
                                          MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
  assert(LIV[0] && "LIV[0] must be set");
  LiveInterval &LI = *LIV[0];

  // Rewrite instructions.
  for (MachineRegisterInfo::reg_iterator RI = MRI.reg_begin(LI.reg),
       RE = MRI.reg_end(); RI != RE;) {
    MachineOperand &MO = *RI;
    MachineInstr *MI = RI->getParent();
    // DBG_VALUE instructions don't have slot indexes, so get the index of the
    // instruction before them.
    // Normally, DBG_VALUE instructions are removed before this function is
    // called, but it is not a requirement.
    SlotIndex Idx;
    if (MI->isDebugValue())
      Idx = LIS.getSlotIndexes()->getIndexBefore(MI);
      Idx = LIS.getInstructionIndex(MI);
    LiveQueryResult LRQ = LI.Query(Idx);
    const VNInfo *VNI = MO.readsReg() ? LRQ.valueIn() : LRQ.valueDefined();
    // In the case of an <undef> use that isn't tied to any def, VNI will be
    // NULL. If the use is tied to a def, VNI will be the defined value.
    if (!VNI)

  // Move runs to new intervals.
  LiveInterval::iterator J = LI.begin(), E = LI.end();
  while (J != E && EqClass[J->valno->id] == 0)
  for (LiveInterval::iterator I = J; I != E; ++I) {
    if (unsigned eq = EqClass[I->valno->id]) {
      assert((LIV[eq]->empty() || LIV[eq]->expiredAt(I->start)) &&
             "New intervals should be empty");
    } else
      *J++ = *I;
  LI.segments.erase(J, E);

  // Transfer VNInfos to their new owners and renumber them.
  unsigned j = 0, e = LI.getNumValNums();
  while (j != e && EqClass[j] == 0)
  for (unsigned i = j; i != e; ++i) {
    VNInfo *VNI = LI.getValNumInfo(i);
    if (unsigned eq = EqClass[i]) {
      VNI->id = LIV[eq]->getNumValNums();
    } else {
      VNI->id = j;
      LI.valnos[j++] = VNI;
void LiveIntervals::pruneValue(LiveRange &LR, SlotIndex Kill,
                               SmallVectorImpl<SlotIndex> *EndPoints) {
  LiveQueryResult LRQ = LR.Query(Kill);
  VNInfo *VNI = LRQ.valueOutOrDead();
  if (!VNI)

  MachineBasicBlock *KillMBB = Indexes->getMBBFromIndex(Kill);
  SlotIndex MBBEnd = Indexes->getMBBEndIdx(KillMBB);

  // If VNI isn't live out from KillMBB, the value is trivially pruned.
  if (LRQ.endPoint() < MBBEnd) {
    LR.removeSegment(Kill, LRQ.endPoint());
    if (EndPoints) EndPoints->push_back(LRQ.endPoint());

  // VNI is live out of KillMBB.
  LR.removeSegment(Kill, MBBEnd);
  if (EndPoints) EndPoints->push_back(MBBEnd);

  // Find all blocks that are reachable from KillMBB without leaving VNI's live
  // range. It is possible that KillMBB itself is reachable, so start a DFS
  // from each successor.
  typedef SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*, 9> VisitedTy;
  VisitedTy Visited;
  for (MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator
       SuccI = KillMBB->succ_begin(), SuccE = KillMBB->succ_end();
       SuccI != SuccE; ++SuccI) {
    for (df_ext_iterator<MachineBasicBlock*, VisitedTy>
         I = df_ext_begin(*SuccI, Visited), E = df_ext_end(*SuccI, Visited);
         I != E;) {
      MachineBasicBlock *MBB = *I;

      // Check if VNI is live in to MBB.
      SlotIndex MBBStart, MBBEnd;
      std::tie(MBBStart, MBBEnd) = Indexes->getMBBRange(MBB);
      LiveQueryResult LRQ = LR.Query(MBBStart);
      if (LRQ.valueIn() != VNI) {
        // This block isn't part of the VNI segment. Prune the search.

      // Prune the search if VNI is killed in MBB.
      if (LRQ.endPoint() < MBBEnd) {
        LR.removeSegment(MBBStart, LRQ.endPoint());
        if (EndPoints) EndPoints->push_back(LRQ.endPoint());

      // VNI is live through MBB.
      LR.removeSegment(MBBStart, MBBEnd);
      if (EndPoints) EndPoints->push_back(MBBEnd);
/// shrinkToUses - After removing some uses of a register, shrink its live
/// range to just the remaining uses. This method does not compute reaching
/// defs for new uses, and it doesn't remove dead defs.
bool LiveIntervals::shrinkToUses(LiveInterval *li,
                                 SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr*> *dead) {
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrink: " << *li << '\n');
         && "Can only shrink virtual registers");

  // Shrink subregister live ranges.
  for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : li->subranges()) {
    shrinkToUses(S, li->reg);

  // Find all the values used, including PHI kills.
  ShrinkToUsesWorkList WorkList;

  // Visit all instructions reading li->reg.
  for (MachineRegisterInfo::reg_instr_iterator
       I = MRI->reg_instr_begin(li->reg), E = MRI->reg_instr_end();
       I != E; ) {
    MachineInstr *UseMI = &*(I++);
    if (UseMI->isDebugValue() || !UseMI->readsVirtualRegister(li->reg))
    SlotIndex Idx = getInstructionIndex(UseMI).getRegSlot();
    LiveQueryResult LRQ = li->Query(Idx);
    VNInfo *VNI = LRQ.valueIn();
    if (!VNI) {
      // This shouldn't happen: readsVirtualRegister returns true, but there is
      // no live value. It is likely caused by a target getting <undef> flags
      // wrong.
      DEBUG(dbgs() << Idx << '\t' << *UseMI
                   << "Warning: Instr claims to read non-existent value in "
                    << *li << '\n');
    // Special case: An early-clobber tied operand reads and writes the
    // register one slot early.
    if (VNInfo *DefVNI = LRQ.valueDefined())
      Idx = DefVNI->def;

    WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Idx, VNI));

  // Create new live ranges with only minimal live segments per def.
  LiveRange NewLR;
  createSegmentsForValues(NewLR, make_range(li->vni_begin(), li->vni_end()));
  extendSegmentsToUses(NewLR, *Indexes, WorkList, *li);

  // Move the trimmed segments back.

  // Handle dead values.
  bool CanSeparate = computeDeadValues(*li, dead);
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrunk: " << *li << '\n');
  return CanSeparate;
Beispiel #4
// Check if all values in LI are rematerializable
static bool isRematerializable(const LiveInterval &LI,
                               const LiveIntervals &LIS,
                               VirtRegMap *VRM,
                               const TargetInstrInfo &TII) {
  unsigned Reg = LI.reg;
  unsigned Original = VRM ? VRM->getOriginal(Reg) : 0;
  for (LiveInterval::const_vni_iterator I = LI.vni_begin(), E = LI.vni_end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    const VNInfo *VNI = *I;
    if (VNI->isUnused())
    if (VNI->isPHIDef())
      return false;

    MachineInstr *MI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def);
    assert(MI && "Dead valno in interval");

    // Trace copies introduced by live range splitting.  The inline
    // spiller can rematerialize through these copies, so the spill
    // weight must reflect this.
    if (VRM) {
      while (MI->isFullCopy()) {
        // The copy destination must match the interval register.
        if (MI->getOperand(0).getReg() != Reg)
          return false;

        // Get the source register.
        Reg = MI->getOperand(1).getReg();

        // If the original (pre-splitting) registers match this
        // copy came from a split.
        if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg) ||
            VRM->getOriginal(Reg) != Original)
          return false;

        // Follow the copy live-in value.
        const LiveInterval &SrcLI = LIS.getInterval(Reg);
        LiveQueryResult SrcQ = SrcLI.Query(VNI->def);
        VNI = SrcQ.valueIn();
        assert(VNI && "Copy from non-existing value");
        if (VNI->isPHIDef())
          return false;
        MI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def);
        assert(MI && "Dead valno in interval");

    if (!TII.isTriviallyReMaterializable(*MI, LIS.getAliasAnalysis()))
      return false;
  return true;
Beispiel #5
/// traceSiblingValue - Trace a value that is about to be spilled back to the
/// real defining instructions by looking through sibling copies. Always stay
/// within the range of OrigVNI so the registers are known to carry the same
/// value.
/// Determine if the value is defined by all reloads, so spilling isn't
/// necessary - the value is already in the stack slot.
/// Return a defining instruction that may be a candidate for rematerialization.
MachineInstr *InlineSpiller::traceSiblingValue(unsigned UseReg, VNInfo *UseVNI,
                                               VNInfo *OrigVNI) {
  // Check if a cached value already exists.
  SibValueMap::iterator SVI;
  bool Inserted;
  std::tie(SVI, Inserted) =
    SibValues.insert(std::make_pair(UseVNI, SibValueInfo(UseReg, UseVNI)));
  if (!Inserted) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cached value " << PrintReg(UseReg) << ':'
                 << UseVNI->id << '@' << UseVNI->def << ' ' << SVI->second);
    return SVI->second.DefMI;

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Tracing value " << PrintReg(UseReg) << ':'
               << UseVNI->id << '@' << UseVNI->def << '\n');

  // List of (Reg, VNI) that have been inserted into SibValues, but need to be
  // processed.
  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, VNInfo*>, 8> WorkList;
  WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(UseReg, UseVNI));

  do {
    unsigned Reg;
    VNInfo *VNI;
    std::tie(Reg, VNI) = WorkList.pop_back_val();
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "  " << PrintReg(Reg) << ':' << VNI->id << '@' << VNI->def
                 << ":\t");

    // First check if this value has already been computed.
    SVI = SibValues.find(VNI);
    assert(SVI != SibValues.end() && "Missing SibValues entry");

    // Trace through PHI-defs created by live range splitting.
    if (VNI->isPHIDef()) {
      // Stop at original PHIs.  We don't know the value at the predecessors.
      if (VNI->def == OrigVNI->def) {
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "orig phi value\n");
        SVI->second.DefByOrigPHI = true;
        SVI->second.AllDefsAreReloads = false;

      // This is a PHI inserted by live range splitting.  We could trace the
      // live-out value from predecessor blocks, but that search can be very
      // expensive if there are many predecessors and many more PHIs as
      // generated by tail-dup when it sees an indirectbr.  Instead, look at
      // all the non-PHI defs that have the same value as OrigVNI.  They must
      // jointly dominate VNI->def.  This is not optimal since VNI may actually
      // be jointly dominated by a smaller subset of defs, so there is a change
      // we will miss a AllDefsAreReloads optimization.

      // Separate all values dominated by OrigVNI into PHIs and non-PHIs.
      SmallVector<VNInfo*, 8> PHIs, NonPHIs;
      LiveInterval &LI = LIS.getInterval(Reg);
      LiveInterval &OrigLI = LIS.getInterval(Original);

      for (LiveInterval::vni_iterator VI = LI.vni_begin(), VE = LI.vni_end();
           VI != VE; ++VI) {
        VNInfo *VNI2 = *VI;
        if (VNI2->isUnused())
        if (!OrigLI.containsOneValue() &&
            OrigLI.getVNInfoAt(VNI2->def) != OrigVNI)
        if (VNI2->isPHIDef() && VNI2->def != OrigVNI->def)
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "split phi value, checking " << PHIs.size()
                   << " phi-defs, and " << NonPHIs.size()
                   << " non-phi/orig defs\n");

      // Create entries for all the PHIs.  Don't add them to the worklist, we
      // are processing all of them in one go here.
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = PHIs.size(); i != e; ++i)
        SibValues.insert(std::make_pair(PHIs[i], SibValueInfo(Reg, PHIs[i])));

      // Add every PHI as a dependent of all the non-PHIs.
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = NonPHIs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
        VNInfo *NonPHI = NonPHIs[i];
        // Known value? Try an insertion.
        std::tie(SVI, Inserted) =
          SibValues.insert(std::make_pair(NonPHI, SibValueInfo(Reg, NonPHI)));
        // Add all the PHIs as dependents of NonPHI.
        for (unsigned pi = 0, pe = PHIs.size(); pi != pe; ++pi)
        // This is the first time we see NonPHI, add it to the worklist.
        if (Inserted)
          WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Reg, NonPHI));
          // Propagate to all inserted PHIs, not just VNI.

      // Next work list item.

    MachineInstr *MI = LIS.getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def);
    assert(MI && "Missing def");

    // Trace through sibling copies.
    if (unsigned SrcReg = isFullCopyOf(MI, Reg)) {
      if (isSibling(SrcReg)) {
        LiveInterval &SrcLI = LIS.getInterval(SrcReg);
        LiveQueryResult SrcQ = SrcLI.Query(VNI->def);
        assert(SrcQ.valueIn() && "Copy from non-existing value");
        // Check if this COPY kills its source.
        SVI->second.KillsSource = SrcQ.isKill();
        VNInfo *SrcVNI = SrcQ.valueIn();
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "copy of " << PrintReg(SrcReg) << ':'
                     << SrcVNI->id << '@' << SrcVNI->def
                     << " kill=" << unsigned(SVI->second.KillsSource) << '\n');
        // Known sibling source value? Try an insertion.
        std::tie(SVI, Inserted) = SibValues.insert(
            std::make_pair(SrcVNI, SibValueInfo(SrcReg, SrcVNI)));
        // This is the first time we see Src, add it to the worklist.
        if (Inserted)
          WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(SrcReg, SrcVNI));
        propagateSiblingValue(SVI, VNI);
        // Next work list item.

    // Track reachable reloads.
    SVI->second.DefMI = MI;
    SVI->second.SpillMBB = MI->getParent();
    int FI;
    if (Reg == TII.isLoadFromStackSlot(MI, FI) && FI == StackSlot) {
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "reload\n");
      // Next work list item.

    // Potential remat candidate.
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "def " << *MI);
    SVI->second.AllDefsAreReloads = false;
  } while (!WorkList.empty());

  // Look up the value we were looking for.  We already did this lookup at the
  // top of the function, but SibValues may have been invalidated.
  SVI = SibValues.find(UseVNI);
  assert(SVI != SibValues.end() && "Didn't compute requested info");
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "  traced to:\t" << SVI->second);
  return SVI->second.DefMI;
void LiveIntervals::shrinkToUses(LiveInterval::SubRange &SR, unsigned Reg)
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrink: " << SR << '\n');
         && "Can only shrink virtual registers");
  // Find all the values used, including PHI kills.
  ShrinkToUsesWorkList WorkList;

  // Visit all instructions reading Reg.
  SlotIndex LastIdx;
  for (MachineOperand &MO : MRI->reg_operands(Reg)) {
    MachineInstr *UseMI = MO.getParent();
    if (UseMI->isDebugValue())
    // Maybe the operand is for a subregister we don't care about.
    unsigned SubReg = MO.getSubReg();
    if (SubReg != 0) {
      unsigned SubRegMask = TRI->getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubReg);
      if ((SubRegMask & SR.LaneMask) == 0)
    // We only need to visit each instruction once.
    SlotIndex Idx = getInstructionIndex(UseMI).getRegSlot();
    if (Idx == LastIdx)
    LastIdx = Idx;

    LiveQueryResult LRQ = SR.Query(Idx);
    VNInfo *VNI = LRQ.valueIn();
    // For Subranges it is possible that only undef values are left in that
    // part of the subregister, so there is no real liverange at the use
    if (!VNI)

    // Special case: An early-clobber tied operand reads and writes the
    // register one slot early.
    if (VNInfo *DefVNI = LRQ.valueDefined())
      Idx = DefVNI->def;

    WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Idx, VNI));

  // Create a new live ranges with only minimal live segments per def.
  LiveRange NewLR;
  createSegmentsForValues(NewLR, make_range(SR.vni_begin(), SR.vni_end()));
  extendSegmentsToUses(NewLR, *Indexes, WorkList, SR);

  // Move the trimmed ranges back.

  // Remove dead PHI value numbers
  for (auto VNI : SR.valnos) {
    if (VNI->isUnused())
    const LiveRange::Segment *Segment = SR.getSegmentContaining(VNI->def);
    assert(Segment != nullptr && "Missing segment for VNI");
    if (Segment->end != VNI->def.getDeadSlot())
    if (VNI->isPHIDef()) {
      // This is a dead PHI. Remove it.
      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Dead PHI at " << VNI->def << " may separate interval\n");

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrunk: " << SR << '\n');
Beispiel #7
void ConnectedVNInfoEqClasses::Distribute(LiveInterval &LI, LiveInterval *LIV[],
                                          MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
  // Rewrite instructions.
  for (MachineRegisterInfo::reg_iterator RI = MRI.reg_begin(LI.reg),
       RE = MRI.reg_end(); RI != RE;) {
    MachineOperand &MO = *RI;
    MachineInstr *MI = RI->getParent();
    // DBG_VALUE instructions don't have slot indexes, so get the index of the
    // instruction before them.
    // Normally, DBG_VALUE instructions are removed before this function is
    // called, but it is not a requirement.
    SlotIndex Idx;
    if (MI->isDebugValue())
      Idx = LIS.getSlotIndexes()->getIndexBefore(*MI);
      Idx = LIS.getInstructionIndex(*MI);
    LiveQueryResult LRQ = LI.Query(Idx);
    const VNInfo *VNI = MO.readsReg() ? LRQ.valueIn() : LRQ.valueDefined();
    // In the case of an <undef> use that isn't tied to any def, VNI will be
    // NULL. If the use is tied to a def, VNI will be the defined value.
    if (!VNI)
    if (unsigned EqClass = getEqClass(VNI))

  // Distribute subregister liveranges.
  if (LI.hasSubRanges()) {
    unsigned NumComponents = EqClass.getNumClasses();
    SmallVector<unsigned, 8> VNIMapping;
    SmallVector<LiveInterval::SubRange*, 8> SubRanges;
    BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator = LIS.getVNInfoAllocator();
    for (LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : LI.subranges()) {
      // Create new subranges in the split intervals and construct a mapping
      // for the VNInfos in the subrange.
      unsigned NumValNos = SR.valnos.size();
      SubRanges.resize(NumComponents-1, nullptr);
      for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumValNos; ++I) {
        const VNInfo &VNI = *SR.valnos[I];
        unsigned ComponentNum;
        if (VNI.isUnused()) {
          ComponentNum = 0;
        } else {
          const VNInfo *MainRangeVNI = LI.getVNInfoAt(VNI.def);
          assert(MainRangeVNI != nullptr
                 && "SubRange def must have corresponding main range def");
          ComponentNum = getEqClass(MainRangeVNI);
          if (ComponentNum > 0 && SubRanges[ComponentNum-1] == nullptr) {
              = LIV[ComponentNum-1]->createSubRange(Allocator, SR.LaneMask);
      DistributeRange(SR, SubRanges.data(), VNIMapping);

  // Distribute main liverange.
  DistributeRange(LI, LIV, EqClass);
/// shrinkToUses - After removing some uses of a register, shrink its live
/// range to just the remaining uses. This method does not compute reaching
/// defs for new uses, and it doesn't remove dead defs.
bool LiveIntervals::shrinkToUses(LiveInterval *li,
                                 SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr*> *dead) {
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrink: " << *li << '\n');
           && "Can only shrink virtual registers");
    // Find all the values used, including PHI kills.
    SmallVector<std::pair<SlotIndex, VNInfo*>, 16> WorkList;

    // Blocks that have already been added to WorkList as live-out.
    SmallPtrSet<MachineBasicBlock*, 16> LiveOut;

    // Visit all instructions reading li->reg.
    for (MachineRegisterInfo::reg_instr_iterator
            I = MRI->reg_instr_begin(li->reg), E = MRI->reg_instr_end();
            I != E; ) {
        MachineInstr *UseMI = &*(I++);
        if (UseMI->isDebugValue() || !UseMI->readsVirtualRegister(li->reg))
        SlotIndex Idx = getInstructionIndex(UseMI).getRegSlot();
        LiveQueryResult LRQ = li->Query(Idx);
        VNInfo *VNI = LRQ.valueIn();
        if (!VNI) {
            // This shouldn't happen: readsVirtualRegister returns true, but there is
            // no live value. It is likely caused by a target getting <undef> flags
            // wrong.
            DEBUG(dbgs() << Idx << '\t' << *UseMI
                  << "Warning: Instr claims to read non-existent value in "
                  << *li << '\n');
        // Special case: An early-clobber tied operand reads and writes the
        // register one slot early.
        if (VNInfo *DefVNI = LRQ.valueDefined())
            Idx = DefVNI->def;

        WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Idx, VNI));

    // Create new live ranges with only minimal live segments per def.
    LiveRange NewLR;
    for (LiveInterval::vni_iterator I = li->vni_begin(), E = li->vni_end();
            I != E; ++I) {
        VNInfo *VNI = *I;
        if (VNI->isUnused())
        NewLR.addSegment(LiveRange::Segment(VNI->def, VNI->def.getDeadSlot(), VNI));

    // Keep track of the PHIs that are in use.
    SmallPtrSet<VNInfo*, 8> UsedPHIs;

    // Extend intervals to reach all uses in WorkList.
    while (!WorkList.empty()) {
        SlotIndex Idx = WorkList.back().first;
        VNInfo *VNI = WorkList.back().second;
        const MachineBasicBlock *MBB = getMBBFromIndex(Idx.getPrevSlot());
        SlotIndex BlockStart = getMBBStartIdx(MBB);

        // Extend the live range for VNI to be live at Idx.
        if (VNInfo *ExtVNI = NewLR.extendInBlock(BlockStart, Idx)) {
            assert(ExtVNI == VNI && "Unexpected existing value number");
            // Is this a PHIDef we haven't seen before?
            if (!VNI->isPHIDef() || VNI->def != BlockStart || !UsedPHIs.insert(VNI))
            // The PHI is live, make sure the predecessors are live-out.
            for (MachineBasicBlock::const_pred_iterator PI = MBB->pred_begin(),
                    PE = MBB->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
                if (!LiveOut.insert(*PI))
                SlotIndex Stop = getMBBEndIdx(*PI);
                // A predecessor is not required to have a live-out value for a PHI.
                if (VNInfo *PVNI = li->getVNInfoBefore(Stop))
                    WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Stop, PVNI));

        // VNI is live-in to MBB.
        DEBUG(dbgs() << " live-in at " << BlockStart << '\n');
        NewLR.addSegment(LiveRange::Segment(BlockStart, Idx, VNI));

        // Make sure VNI is live-out from the predecessors.
        for (MachineBasicBlock::const_pred_iterator PI = MBB->pred_begin(),
                PE = MBB->pred_end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
            if (!LiveOut.insert(*PI))
            SlotIndex Stop = getMBBEndIdx(*PI);
            assert(li->getVNInfoBefore(Stop) == VNI &&
                   "Wrong value out of predecessor");
            WorkList.push_back(std::make_pair(Stop, VNI));

    // Handle dead values.
    bool CanSeparate = false;
    for (LiveInterval::vni_iterator I = li->vni_begin(), E = li->vni_end();
            I != E; ++I) {
        VNInfo *VNI = *I;
        if (VNI->isUnused())
        LiveRange::iterator LRI = NewLR.FindSegmentContaining(VNI->def);
        assert(LRI != NewLR.end() && "Missing segment for PHI");
        if (LRI->end != VNI->def.getDeadSlot())
        if (VNI->isPHIDef()) {
            // This is a dead PHI. Remove it.
            NewLR.removeSegment(LRI->start, LRI->end);
            DEBUG(dbgs() << "Dead PHI at " << VNI->def << " may separate interval\n");
            CanSeparate = true;
        } else {
            // This is a dead def. Make sure the instruction knows.
            MachineInstr *MI = getInstructionFromIndex(VNI->def);
            assert(MI && "No instruction defining live value");
            MI->addRegisterDead(li->reg, TRI);
            if (dead && MI->allDefsAreDead()) {
                DEBUG(dbgs() << "All defs dead: " << VNI->def << '\t' << *MI);

    // Move the trimmed segments back.
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Shrunk: " << *li << '\n');
    return CanSeparate;