  *  MatrixPower:
  *  Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power n.
  *  arguments:
  *  info[0]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) represent the numjs.Matrix object to be "powered".
  *           Must be square, i.e. M.rows == M.cols.
  *  info[1]: Number represent the number of rows of the matrix.
  *  info[2]: Number represent the number of columns of the matrix.
  *  info[3]: Number m represent the exponent. Can be any integer or long integer, positive, negative, or zero.
  *  info[4]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) for return value(M**m).
              If the exponent is positive or zero then the type of the elements is the same as those of M.
              If the exponent is negative the elements are floating-point.
void MatrixPower(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info){
    using CMd = Eigen::Map <const Eigen::MatrixXd >;
    using Md = Eigen::Map <Eigen::MatrixXd >;

    if (info.Length() < 5) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong number of arguments");

    if (!info[1]->IsNumber() || !info[2]->IsNumber() || !info[3]->IsNumber()) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments");

    Local<Object> matrixBuffer = info[0].As<Object>();
    if (matrixBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
        double *refMatrixData = static_cast<double*>(matrixBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
        size_t rowsMatrix(info[1]->Uint32Value());
        size_t colsMatrix(info[2]->Uint32Value());
        double expParam(info[3]->NumberValue());
        Md inputMat(refMatrixData, rowsMatrix, colsMatrix);

        Local<Object> resBuffer = info[4].As<Object>();
        if (resBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
            double *refResData = static_cast<double*>(resBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
            Md res(refResData, rowsMatrix, colsMatrix);

            if(expParam == 0){
                res = inputMat.Identity(rowsMatrix, colsMatrix);
                res = inputMat;
                if(expParam < 0){
                    res = res.inverse();

                for (int i=1; i< abs(expParam); i++)
                    res *= inputMat;

            Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(true);
            Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments2");
            Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(false);
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments3");
        Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(false);
  *  Rank:
  *  Return matrix rank of array using SVD method
  *  Rank of the array is the number of SVD singular values of the array that are greater than threshold(info[3]).
  *  arguments:
  *  info[0]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) represent the numjs.Matrix object to be inverted.
  *           Must be square, i.e. M.rows == M.cols.
  *  info[1]: Number represent the number of rows of the matrix.
  *  info[2]: Number represent the number of columns of the matrix.
  *  info[3]: Optional - Number represent the threshold which SVD values are considered zero.
  *                     If this arg is not given, and S is an array with singular values for M,
  *                     and eps is the epsilon value for datatype of S, then tol is set to S.max() * max(M.shape) * eps
  *  Return value: a Number represent the matrix rank of the given matrix .
void Rank(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info){
    using CMd = Eigen::Map <const Eigen::MatrixXd >;
    using Md = Eigen::Map <Eigen::MatrixXd >;

    if (info.Length() < 3) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong number of arguments");

    if (!info[1]->IsNumber() || !info[2]->IsNumber()) {
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments");

    Local<Object> matrixBuffer = info[0].As<Object>();
    if (matrixBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
        double *refMatrixData = static_cast<double*>(matrixBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
        size_t rowsMatrix(info[1]->Uint32Value());
        size_t colsMatrix(info[2]->Uint32Value());

        Md inputMat(refMatrixData, rowsMatrix, colsMatrix);
        Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svd(inputMat);
        if (info.Length() == 4 && info[3]->IsNumber()){

        v8::Local<v8::Number> num = Nan::New((int)svd.rank());
        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments");
        Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(false);
void* JsVlcPlayer::onFrameSetup( const I420VideoFrame& videoFrame )
    using namespace v8;

    if( 0 == videoFrame.width() || 0 == videoFrame.height() ||
        0 == videoFrame.uPlaneOffset() || 0 == videoFrame.vPlaneOffset() ||
        0 == videoFrame.size() )
        assert( false );
        return nullptr;

    Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
    HandleScope scope( isolate );

    Local<Object> global = isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global();

    Local<Value> abv =
            String::NewFromUtf8( isolate,
                                 v8::String::kInternalizedString ) );
    Local<Value> argv[] =
        { Integer::NewFromUnsigned( isolate, videoFrame.size() ) };
    Local<Uint8Array> jsArray =
        Handle<Uint8Array>::Cast( Handle<Function>::Cast( abv )->NewInstance( 1, argv ) );

    Local<Integer> jsWidth = Integer::New( isolate, videoFrame.width() );
    Local<Integer> jsHeight = Integer::New( isolate, videoFrame.height() );
    Local<Integer> jsPixelFormat = Integer::New( isolate, static_cast<int>( PixelFormat::I420 ) );

    jsArray->ForceSet( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "width", v8::String::kInternalizedString ),
                       static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( ReadOnly | DontDelete ) );
    jsArray->ForceSet( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "height", v8::String::kInternalizedString ),
                       static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( ReadOnly | DontDelete ) );
    jsArray->ForceSet( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "pixelFormat", v8::String::kInternalizedString ),
                       static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( ReadOnly | DontDelete ) );
    jsArray->ForceSet( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "uOffset", v8::String::kInternalizedString ),
                       Integer::New( isolate, videoFrame.uPlaneOffset() ),
                       static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( ReadOnly | DontDelete ) );
    jsArray->ForceSet( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "vOffset", v8::String::kInternalizedString ),
                       Integer::New( isolate, videoFrame.vPlaneOffset() ),
                       static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>( ReadOnly | DontDelete ) );

    _jsFrameBuffer.Reset( isolate, jsArray );

    callCallback( CB_FrameSetup, { jsWidth, jsHeight, jsPixelFormat, jsArray } );

    return jsArray->Buffer()->GetContents().Data();
    return jsArray->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData();
static Handle<Value>
gum_script_file_on_file_write (const Arguments & args)
  FILE * file = static_cast<FILE *> (
      args.Holder ()->GetPointerFromInternalField (0));

  gboolean argument_valid = FALSE;
  const gchar * data = NULL;
  gint data_length = 0;

  Local<Value> data_val = args[0];
  if (data_val->IsString ())
    argument_valid = TRUE;
  else if (data_val->IsObject () && !data_val->IsNull ())
    Local<Object> array = data_val->ToObject ();
    if (array->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData () &&
        array->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataType ()
        == kExternalUnsignedByteArray)
      argument_valid = TRUE;
      data = static_cast<gchar *> (
          array->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData ());
      data_length = array->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength ();

  if (!argument_valid)
    ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
        "File.write: argument must be a string or raw byte array")));
    return Undefined ();

  if (file != NULL)
    if (data == NULL)
      String::Utf8Value utf_val (data_val);
      fwrite (*utf_val, utf_val.length (), 1, file);
      fwrite (data, data_length, 1, file);
    ThrowException (Exception::TypeError (String::New (
        "File.write: file is closed")));

  return Undefined ();
Beispiel #5
Type* getArrayData(Local<Value> arg, int* len = NULL, int *element_size = NULL) {
    Type *data=NULL;
    if(len) *len=0;
    if (element_size) *element_size = 0;

    if(!arg->IsNull()) {
        if(arg->IsArray()) {
            Local<Array> arr = Array::Cast(*arg);
            if(len) *len=arr->Length();
            if (element_size) *element_size = sizeOfArrayElementForType(arr->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataType());
            data = reinterpret_cast<Type*>(arr->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
        else if(arg->IsObject()) {
            if(len) *len= arg->ToObject()->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataLength();
            if(element_size) *element_size = sizeOfArrayElementForType(arg->ToObject()->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayDataType());
            data = reinterpret_cast<Type*>(arg->ToObject()->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
            ThrowException(String::New("Bad array argument"));
    return data;
  *  Dot:
  *  Dot product of two arrays.
  *  For 2-D arrays it is equivalent to matrix multiplication, and for 1-D arrays to inner product of vectors
  * (without complex conjugation).
  *  arguments:
  *  info[0]: Number represent the number of rows of the left matrix.
  *  info[1]: Number represent the number of columns of the left matrix.
  *  info[2]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) represent the left numjs.Matrix object .
  *  info[3]: Number represent the number of rows of the right matrix.
  *  info[4]: Number represent the number of columns of the right matrix.
  *  info[5]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) represent the right numjs.Matrix object .
  *  info[6]: Buffer(object created by smalloc) for return value, which is the dot product of
  *           left matrix and right matrix.
void Dot(const Nan::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info){
    using CMd = Eigen::Map <const Eigen::MatrixXd >;
    using Md = Eigen::Map <Eigen::MatrixXd >;

	if (info.Length() < 7) {
		Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong number of arguments");

    if (!info[0]->IsUint32() || !info[1]->IsUint32() ||
    	!info[3]->IsUint32() || !info[4]->IsUint32()) {
    	Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong arguments");

	if (info[2]->IsNumber()) {
	    double leftParam(info[2]->NumberValue());

            Local<Object> rightBuffer = info[5].As<Object>();

            if (rightBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
                double *refRightData = static_cast<double*>(rightBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
                size_t rowsRight(info[3]->Uint32Value());
                size_t colsRight(info[4]->Uint32Value());
                CMd rightMat(refRightData, rowsRight, colsRight);

                Local<Object> resBuffer = info[6].As<Object>();
                if (resBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
                    double *refResData = static_cast<double*>(resBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
                    Md res(refResData, rowsRight, colsRight);
                    res = leftParam * rightMat;

                    Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(true);
	    Local<Object> leftBuffer = info[2].As<Object>();
	    if (leftBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
	        double *refLeftData = static_cast<double*>(leftBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
	        size_t rowsLeft(info[0]->Uint32Value());
            size_t colsLeft(info[1]->Uint32Value());
            CMd leftMat(refLeftData, rowsLeft, colsLeft);

                double rightParam(info[5]->NumberValue());
                Local<Object> resBuffer = info[6].As<Object>();
                if (resBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
                    double *refResData = static_cast<double*>(resBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
                    Md res(refResData, rowsLeft, colsLeft);
                    res = leftMat * rightParam;
                    Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(true);
                Local<Object> rightBuffer = info[5].As<Object>();
                if (rightBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
                    double *refRightData = static_cast<double*>(rightBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
                	size_t rowsRight(info[3]->Uint32Value());
                    size_t colsRight(info[4]->Uint32Value());
                    CMd rightMat(refRightData, rowsRight, colsRight);

                    Local<Object> resBuffer = info[6].As<Object>();
                    if (resBuffer->HasIndexedPropertiesInExternalArrayData()) {
                        double *refResData = static_cast<double*>(resBuffer->GetIndexedPropertiesExternalArrayData());
                        Md res(refResData, rowsLeft, colsRight);
                         res = leftMat * rightMat;
                        Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(true);
	        Nan::ThrowTypeError("Wrong type of the first argument");

	    Local<Boolean> b = Nan::New(false);