Beispiel #1
void CopyCFGPointsEdges(BlockCFG *old_cfg, BlockCFG *new_cfg)
    // duplicate the CFG's points list.
    for (size_t pind = 0; pind < old_cfg->GetPointCount(); pind++) {
        Location *loc = old_cfg->GetPointLocation(pind + 1);

    // set the entry/exit points.

    // duplicate the CFG's loop heads list.
    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < old_cfg->GetLoopHeadCount(); lind++) {
        const LoopHead &head = old_cfg->GetLoopHead(lind);
        if (head.end_location)
        new_cfg->AddLoopHead(head.point, head.end_location);

    // duplicate the CFG's edges list.
    for (size_t eind = 0; eind < old_cfg->GetEdgeCount(); eind++) {
        PEdge *edge = old_cfg->GetEdge(eind);
Beispiel #2
// split a single loop from the existing body. this creates a new CFG
// with cloned points and edges for the loop's execution, and fixes up
// the points and edges in base_cfg to add a Loop() summary edge and remove
// the CFG cycle.
BlockCFG* SplitSingleLoop(PPoint loophead, const Vector<PPoint> &all_loops,
                          BlockCFG *base_cfg)
    // make a temporary name for the loop.
    char loop_name[100];
    snprintf(loop_name, sizeof(loop_name), "scratch#%d", loophead);

    Variable *function_info = base_cfg->GetId()->BaseVar();

    // make an ID for the split loop.
    String *loop_info = String::Make(loop_name);
    BlockId *loop_id = BlockId::Make(B_Loop, function_info, loop_info);

    // make a CFG for the split loop.
    BlockCFG *loop_cfg = BlockCFG::Make(loop_id);
    CopyCFGLocationsVariables(base_cfg, loop_cfg);

    PPointListHash remapping;
    Vector<size_t> old_entry_indexes;
    Vector<size_t> old_exit_indexes;
    Vector<size_t> old_back_indexes;

    CloneLoopBody(base_cfg, loophead, &remapping, loop_cfg,
                  &old_entry_indexes, &old_exit_indexes, &old_back_indexes);

    // fixup the old CFG first. we need to perform the following steps:
    // - create a new point with a Loop() edge going to the head.
    // - add the new point to the body of any loop also containing the head.
    // - change all loop entry edges to go to the new point instead of the head.
    // - delete all backedges on the loop by pointing them to point 0.

    Location *loop_head_loc = base_cfg->GetPointLocation(loophead);

    PPoint summary_point = base_cfg->AddPoint(loop_head_loc);

    PEdge *summary_edge = PEdge::MakeLoop(summary_point, loophead, loop_id);

    // mark the new summary point as being reachable from the entry point.

    // add the new summary point to the body of any other loop which
    // already contains the head of this loop in its body.
    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < all_loops.Size(); lind++) {
        if (body_table->Lookup(PPointPair(all_loops[lind], loophead))) {
            body_table->Insert(PPointPair(all_loops[lind], summary_point));
            body_list_table->Insert(all_loops[lind], summary_point);

    for (size_t oind = 0; oind < old_entry_indexes.Size(); oind++) {
        size_t entry_index = old_entry_indexes[oind];
        PEdge *old_edge = base_cfg->GetEdge(entry_index);

        PPoint source = old_edge->GetSource();
        Assert(old_edge->GetTarget() == loophead);

        PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(old_edge, source, summary_point);
        base_cfg->SetEdge(entry_index, new_edge);

    for (size_t oind = 0; oind < old_back_indexes.Size(); oind++) {
        size_t back_index = old_back_indexes[oind];
        PEdge *old_edge = base_cfg->GetEdge(back_index);

        PPoint source = old_edge->GetSource();
        Assert(old_edge->GetTarget() == loophead);

        PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(old_edge, source, 0);
        base_cfg->SetEdge(back_index, new_edge);

    // fixup the new CFG second. we need to perform the following steps:
    // - mark the cloned head as the entry point.
    // - create a new point as the exit point.
    // - for each backedge in the original loop, redirect to the exit point.

    PPoint split_entry = remapping.LookupSingle(loophead);

    // find the exit location associated with this loop head, if there is one.
    size_t headind = 0;
    for (; headind < base_cfg->GetLoopHeadCount(); headind++) {
        if (base_cfg->GetLoopHead(headind).point == loophead)
    Assert(headind < base_cfg->GetLoopHeadCount());
    Location *end_location = base_cfg->GetLoopHead(headind).end_location;

    // if there isn't an end location (goto loop in the original source),
    // just use the location of the loop head itself.
    if (!end_location)
        end_location = loop_head_loc;

    PPoint split_exit = loop_cfg->AddPoint(end_location);

    for (size_t oind = 0; oind < old_back_indexes.Size(); oind++) {
        size_t back_index = old_back_indexes[oind];
        PEdge *old_edge = base_cfg->GetEdge(back_index);

        PPoint source = old_edge->GetSource();

        // we should have already dropped the target of this edge.
        Assert(old_edge->GetTarget() == 0);

        PPoint new_source = remapping.LookupSingle(source);
        PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(old_edge, new_source, split_exit);

    // set the entry/exit points of the loop CFG.

    // trim any unreachable portions of the loop CFG, collapse skips
    // and sort the points.
    TrimUnreachable(loop_cfg, true);

    // set the end location of the loop to the point in the body with the
    // highest line number. the GCC frontend does not have information
    // about the end location of loop bodies.
    Location *highest = end_location;
    for (PPoint point = 1; point <= loop_cfg->GetPointCount(); point++) {
        Location *loc = loop_cfg->GetPointLocation(point);
        if (loc->FileName() == highest->FileName() && loc->Line() > highest->Line())
            highest = loc;
    loop_cfg->SetPointLocation(loop_cfg->GetExitPoint(), highest);

    return loop_cfg;
Beispiel #3
void TopoSortCFG(BlockCFG *cfg)
    // can't topo sort a CFG that might have loops.
    Assert(cfg->GetLoopHeadCount() == 0);

    // map from old CFG points to the new points in the topo order. we can only
    // add a new point once we've added all its predecessors.
    PPointListHash remapping;

    // points in the remappping, in the order to add them to the CFG.
    Vector<Location*> new_points;

    // map from new points back to original CFG points.
    Vector<PPoint> old_points;

    // worklist items are the points where the sources of incoming edges have
    // already been added to the remapping, the point itself has not.
    Vector<PPoint> worklist;

    PPoint entry_point = cfg->GetEntryPoint();
    PPoint exit_point = cfg->GetExitPoint();

    // seed the worklist.

    while (!worklist.Empty()) {
        // pick the point from the worklist with the minimum line number.
        // if there is code like:
        //   if (x)
        //     a;
        //   else
        //     b;
        // we could add either a or b to the remapping first, but we want to add
        // a first. the ordering of points is used for naming loops, and we want
        // this ordering to be deterministic and map back to the code predictably.

        size_t best_index = 0;
        size_t best_line = cfg->GetPointLocation(worklist[0])->Line();

        for (size_t ind = 1; ind < worklist.Size(); ind++) {
            size_t new_line = cfg->GetPointLocation(worklist[ind])->Line();
            if (new_line < best_line) {
                best_index = ind;
                best_line = new_line;

        PPoint point = worklist[best_index];
        worklist[best_index] = worklist.Back();

        Assert(!remapping.Lookup(point, false));

        Location *loc = cfg->GetPointLocation(point);

        remapping.Insert(point, new_points.Size());

        const Vector<PEdge*> &outgoing = cfg->GetOutgoingEdges(point);
        for (size_t oind = 0; oind < outgoing.Size(); oind++) {
            PEdge *edge = outgoing[oind];
            PPoint target = edge->GetTarget();

            // this can happen if there are multiple edges from the worklist point
            // to the target, e.g. 'if (x) {}'. not going to happen much.
            if (worklist.Contains(target))

            Assert(!remapping.Lookup(target, false));

            // we can add the target to the worklist if it has no incoming edges
            // from points not in the remapping.
            bool missing_incoming = false;

            const Vector<PEdge*> &incoming = cfg->GetIncomingEdges(target);
            for (size_t iind = 0; iind < incoming.Size(); iind++) {
                PEdge *edge = incoming[iind];
                PPoint source = edge->GetSource();
                if (!remapping.Lookup(source, false)) {
                    missing_incoming = true;

            if (!missing_incoming)

    // this assert will fail if either the CFG contains cycles, or if there are
    // nodes unreachable from the start. neither of these cases should be
    // possible here.
    Assert(new_points.Size() == cfg->GetPointCount());
    Assert(old_points.Size() == cfg->GetPointCount());

    // remap all the edges. this is also done so that the edges will be
    // in topological order according to their source points.
    Vector<PEdge*> new_edges;

    for (size_t pind = 0; pind < old_points.Size(); pind++) {
        const Vector<PEdge*> &edges = cfg->GetOutgoingEdges(old_points[pind]);

        for (size_t eind = 0; eind < edges.Size(); eind++) {
            PEdge *edge = edges[eind];

            PPoint new_source = remapping.LookupSingle(edge->GetSource());
            PPoint new_target = remapping.LookupSingle(edge->GetTarget());

            PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(edge, new_source, new_target);

    // clear out the initial CFG.

    // add the new points, edges, annotations.
    for (size_t pind = 0; pind < new_points.Size(); pind++)
    for (size_t eind = 0; eind < new_edges.Size(); eind++)

    // set the new entry point. this had better be the first point in the order.
    PPoint new_entry_point = remapping.LookupSingle(entry_point);
    Assert(new_entry_point == 1);

    if (exit_point) {
        // set the new exit point. this had better be the last point in the order.
        PPoint new_exit_point = remapping.LookupSingle(exit_point);
        Assert(new_exit_point == new_points.Size());
Beispiel #4
void TrimUnreachable(BlockCFG *cfg, bool flatten_skips)
    // can't flatten skips if there might be loops in the CFG.
    Assert(!flatten_skips || cfg->GetLoopHeadCount() == 0);

    // receives the locations of the new points and edges of the CFG. we will
    // fill these in, then replace wholesale the old points/edges on the CFG.
    Vector<Location*> new_points;
    Vector<PEdge*> new_edges;
    Vector<LoopHead> new_loop_heads;

    Vector<PPoint> worklist;

    // get the set of points reachable from CFG entry.
    // worklist items are points in entry_reachable whose outgoing edges
    // have not been examined.
    PPointHash entry_reachable;

    PPoint entry = cfg->GetEntryPoint();

    while (!worklist.Empty()) {
        PPoint back = worklist.Back();

        const Vector<PEdge*> &outgoing = cfg->GetOutgoingEdges(back);
        for (size_t oind = 0; oind < outgoing.Size(); oind++) {
            PEdge *edge = outgoing[oind];
            PPoint next = edge->GetTarget();

            if (!entry_reachable.Lookup(next)) {

    // get the set of points which reach the CFG exit.
    // worklist items are points in exit_reaches whose incoming edges
    // have not been examined.
    PPointHash exit_reaches;

    PPoint exit = cfg->GetExitPoint();

    while (!worklist.Empty()) {
        PPoint back = worklist.Back();

        const Vector<PEdge*> &incoming = cfg->GetIncomingEdges(back);
        for (size_t iind = 0; iind < incoming.Size(); iind++) {
            PEdge *edge = incoming[iind];
            PPoint prev = edge->GetSource();

            if (!exit_reaches.Lookup(prev)) {

    // make sure we include the entry regardless of whether the function
    // has a path from entry to exit.
    if (flatten_skips)
        exit_reaches.Insert(FollowSkipEdges(cfg, entry));

    // map from old points to corresponding new points. only defined for
    // points that are in both entry_reachable and exit_reaches,
    // and that do not have outgoing skip edges (if flatten_skips is set).
    PPointListHash remapping;

    // map from some old p0 to another old p1 where p0 connects to p1 by
    // skip edges and p1 has no outgoing skips. empty if flatten_skips is
    // not set. only defined if remapping is defined for p1.
    PPointListHash skip_remapping;

    for (PPoint point = 1; point <= cfg->GetPointCount(); point++) {
        if (entry_reachable.Lookup(point) && exit_reaches.Lookup(point)) {

            // if this is just the source of some skip edges flatten them out.
            // the target of the skips will be defined by remapping since
            // there can be only one outgoing skip edge from a point and
            // thus all paths from point pass through target_point; if point
            // reaches the exit then so does target_point.
            if (flatten_skips) {
                PPoint target_point = FollowSkipEdges(cfg, point);
                if (target_point != point) {
                    skip_remapping.Insert(point, target_point);

                    // don't add anything to remapping for point

            Location *loc = cfg->GetPointLocation(point);
            PPoint new_point = new_points.Size();

            remapping.Insert(point, new_point);

    for (size_t eind = 0; eind < cfg->GetEdgeCount(); eind++) {
        PEdge *edge = cfg->GetEdge(eind);

        PPoint source = edge->GetSource();
        PPoint target = edge->GetTarget();

        if (skip_remapping.Lookup(source, false))

        // flatten any skips after the target point
        Vector<PPoint> *skip_target_list = skip_remapping.Lookup(target, false);
        if (skip_target_list) {
            Assert(skip_target_list->Size() == 1);
            target = skip_target_list->At(0);

        Vector<PPoint> *new_source_list = remapping.Lookup(source, false);
        Vector<PPoint> *new_target_list = remapping.Lookup(target, false);

        if (new_source_list && new_target_list) {
            Assert(new_source_list->Size() == 1);
            Assert(new_target_list->Size() == 1);

            PPoint new_source = new_source_list->At(0);
            PPoint new_target = new_target_list->At(0);

            PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(edge, new_source, new_target);

    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < cfg->GetLoopHeadCount(); lind++) {
        const LoopHead &head = cfg->GetLoopHead(lind);

        // don't check skip_remapping because we don't allow skip flattening
        // when the CFG still has loops in it

        Vector<PPoint> *new_point_list = remapping.Lookup(head.point, false);
        if (new_point_list) {
            Assert(new_point_list->Size() == 1);
            LoopHead new_head(new_point_list->At(0), head.end_location);

            if (head.end_location)


    // clear out the initial CFG.

    // add the new points, edges, loop heads.
    for (size_t pind = 0; pind < new_points.Size(); pind++)
    for (size_t eind = 0; eind < new_edges.Size(); eind++)
    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < new_loop_heads.Size(); lind++)

    // set the new entry and exit points of the CFG.

    // the entry may be connected to skip edges
    Vector<PPoint> *skip_entry_list = skip_remapping.Lookup(entry, false);
    if (skip_entry_list) {
        Assert(skip_entry_list->Size() == 1);
        entry = skip_entry_list->At(0);

    PPoint new_entry = remapping.LookupSingle(entry);
    PPoint new_exit = 0;

    Vector<PPoint> *new_exit_list = remapping.Lookup(exit, false);
    if (new_exit_list) {
        Assert(new_exit_list->Size() == 1);
        new_exit = new_exit_list->At(0);

Beispiel #5
// clone a loop body, mapping each point in the body of loophead
// to a new point in receive_cfg. receive_cfg will receive new points
// for the cloned body, and new edges for any non-backedge whose source
// and target are both in loophead's body. for other edges involving loophead,
// old_entry/exit/backedge_indexes will be filled in with indexes into
// the edges list of base_cfg. it may be that base_cfg == receive_cfg.
void CloneLoopBody(BlockCFG *base_cfg, PPoint loophead,
                   PPointListHash *remapping,
                   BlockCFG *receive_cfg,
                   Vector<size_t> *old_entry_indexes,
                   Vector<size_t> *old_exit_indexes,
                   Vector<size_t> *old_back_indexes)

    Vector<PPoint> *body_list = body_list_table->Lookup(loophead, true);

    // allow for base_cfg == receive_cfg, so keep track of how many points and
    // edges were originally in base_cfg before modifying receive_cfg.
    size_t init_points_size = base_cfg->GetPointCount();
    size_t init_edges_size = base_cfg->GetEdgeCount();

    // copy all points in the loop body to the new CFG.
    for (size_t bind = 0; bind < body_list->Size(); bind++) {
        PPoint body_point = body_list->At(bind);
        Assert(remapping->Lookup(body_point, false) == NULL);

        Assert(0 < body_point && body_point <= init_points_size);
        Location *loc = base_cfg->GetPointLocation(body_point);

        PPoint new_point = receive_cfg->AddPoint(loc);
        remapping->Insert(body_point, new_point);

    // copy all edges between points in the body to the new CFG.
    for (size_t eind = 0; eind < init_edges_size; eind++) {
        PEdge *edge = base_cfg->GetEdge(eind);
        PPoint source = edge->GetSource();
        PPoint target = edge->GetTarget();

        if (!entry_reach_table->Lookup(source))

        PPoint new_source = 0;
        if (body_table->Lookup(PPointPair(loophead, source)))
            new_source = remapping->LookupSingle(source);

        PPoint new_target = 0;
        if (body_table->Lookup(PPointPair(loophead, target)))
            new_target = remapping->LookupSingle(target);

        if (!new_source && !new_target) {
            // edge is not involved with this loop. leave it alone
        else if (!new_source && new_target) {
            // entry edge. leave it alone
        else if (new_source && !new_target) {
            // exit edge. leave it alone
        else {
            Assert(new_source && new_target);

            if (target == loophead) {
                // back edge. leave it alone
            else {
                // inner edge. clone the edge for the new source and target
                PEdge *new_edge = PEdge::ChangeEdge(edge, new_source, new_target);
Beispiel #6
void SplitLoops(BlockCFG *base_cfg, Vector<BlockCFG*> *result_cfg_list)
    // get the CFG which will eventually become the loop-free outer function CFG.
    BlockCFG *func_cfg;
    if (base_cfg->GetId()->Kind() == B_FunctionWhole) {
        // make an ID for the outer function body.
        Variable *function_info = base_cfg->GetId()->BaseVar();
        BlockId *outer_id = BlockId::Make(B_Function, function_info);

        // make the function CFG by cloning the base CFG with the new ID.
        func_cfg = BlockCFG::Make(outer_id);
        CopyCFGLocationsVariables(base_cfg, func_cfg);
        CopyCFGPointsEdges(base_cfg, func_cfg);
    else if (base_cfg->GetId()->Kind() == B_Function) {
        // this call came from a recursive invocation of SplitLoops after we
        // removed an irreducible loop from the function.
        func_cfg = base_cfg;
    else {
        // just destructively update the original CFG.
        func_cfg = base_cfg;

    // add a new entry point with a skip edge to the original entry point.
    // loop splitting breaks if the entry point is marked as a loop head.

    PPoint entry = func_cfg->GetEntryPoint();
    Location *loc = func_cfg->GetPointLocation(entry);
    PPoint new_entry = func_cfg->AddPoint(loc);

    PEdge *skip_edge = PEdge::MakeSkip(new_entry, entry);

    // setup the tables we need to do loop splitting.

    // compute the points reachable from the entry point.

    // the real loops in the program with back edges.
    Vector<PPoint> loops;

    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < func_cfg->GetLoopHeadCount(); lind++) {
        PPoint head = func_cfg->GetLoopHead(lind).point;
        if (GetLoopBackedges(func_cfg, head))

    // compute reachability and check for irreducible loops.
    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < func_cfg->GetLoopHeadCount(); lind++) {
        const LoopHead &head = func_cfg->GetLoopHead(lind);

        if (GetLoopReachable(func_cfg, head.point)) {
            // loop is irreducible.

            // get the loop's irreducible edges.
            Vector<PEdge*> irreducible_edges;
            GetLoopBody(func_cfg, head.point, &irreducible_edges);

            // clone the loop's body and remove the irreducible edges.
            ReduceLoop(func_cfg, head.point, irreducible_edges);

            // try again on the modified CFG.
            SplitLoops(func_cfg, result_cfg_list);

    // there are no irreducible loops at this point so this should
    // never have any entries added.
    Vector<PEdge*> irreducible_edges;

    // compute loop bodies.
    for (size_t lind = 0; lind < loops.Size(); lind++) {
        PPoint head = loops[lind];
        GetLoopBody(func_cfg, head, &irreducible_edges);

    // construct a tree of all the loops. loop A contains loop B
    // if A != B and the head of B is in the body of A.
    PPointListHash loop_tree;

    // split off all the loops in the CFG. make sure we split inner loops
    // before outer, so that the Loop edges on inner loops will appear in
    // the split body for outer loops.
    while (!loops.Empty()) {

        // find a candidate loop to split. this is one whose loop children
        // have already been split off and are no longer in the loops list.
        PPoint loophead = 0;
        for (size_t lind = 0; lind < loops.Size(); lind++) {

            bool is_viable = true;
            for (size_t xlind = 0; xlind < loops.Size(); xlind++) {
                if (xlind == lind)
                Assert(loops[lind] != loops[xlind]);

                if (body_table->Lookup(PPointPair(loops[lind], loops[xlind]))) {
                    is_viable = false;

            if (is_viable) {
                loophead = loops[lind];
                loops[lind] = loops.Back();

        BlockCFG *loop_cfg = SplitSingleLoop(loophead, loops, func_cfg);

    // clear out the loopheads, we don't want them around anymore.

    // trim unreachable points in the function CFG (i.e. bodies of loops that
    // now redirect to point zero), collapse skips and topo sort.
    TrimUnreachable(func_cfg, true);


    // fill in any loop parents for the inner loop CFGs, and make sure the
    // result CFGs are ordered correctly, with inner loops before outer loops
    // and the outer function.
    for (size_t cind = 0; cind < result_cfg_list->Size(); cind++) {
        BlockCFG *cfg = result_cfg_list->At(cind);

        for (size_t eind = 0; eind < cfg->GetEdgeCount(); eind++) {
            if (PEdgeLoop *edge = cfg->GetEdge(eind)->IfLoop()) {
                BlockId *target_id = edge->GetLoopId();

                bool found_target = false;
                for (size_t xcind = 0; xcind < cind; xcind++) {
                    BlockCFG *xcfg = result_cfg_list->At(xcind);
                    if (xcfg->GetId() == target_id) {
                        found_target = true;

                        BlockPPoint where(cfg->GetId(), edge->GetSource());

                        // mark the isomorphic points in the parent CFG.
                        GetLoopIsomorphicPoints(cfg, edge, xcfg);



    // assign the final names to the various loop CFGs.
    FillLoopNames(func_cfg, "loop", *result_cfg_list);