LocationType* LocationManager::CreateLocationType(iDataConnection* db, const csString &locationName)
    LocationType* locationType = new LocationType(-1,locationName);

        loctypes.Put(locationName, locationType);
        return locationType;

    delete locationType;
    return NULL;
bool LocationManager::RemoveLocationType(const csString &locationName)
    LocationType* locationType = FindLocation(locationName);


        delete locationType;
        return true;

    return false;
bool LocationManager::Load(iEngine* engine, iDataConnection* db)

    Result rs(db->Select("select * from sc_location_type"));

        Error2("Could not load locations from db: %s",db->GetLastError());
        return false;
    for(int i=0; i<(int)rs.Count(); i++)
        LocationType* loctype = new LocationType();

            loctypes.Put(loctype->name, loctype);
            CPrintf(CON_DEBUG, "Added location type '%s'(%d)\n",loctype->name.GetDataSafe(),loctype->id);
            Error2("Could not load location: %s",db->GetLastError());
            delete loctype;
            return false;

    CPrintf(CON_WARNING, "Loaded %d locations \n",rs.Count());

    // Create a cache of all the locations.
    csHash<LocationType*, csString>::GlobalIterator iter(loctypes.GetIterator());
    LocationType* loc;
        loc = iter.Next();
        for(size_t i = 0; i < loc->locs.GetSize(); i++)

    return true;
bool CombatManager::InitializePVP()
    Result rs(db->Select("select * from sc_location_type where name = 'pvp_region'"));

    if (!rs.IsValid())
        Error2("Could not load locations from db: %s",db->GetLastError() );
        return false;

    // no PVP defined
    if (rs.Count() == 0)
      return true;

    if (rs.Count() > 1)
        Error1("More than one pvp_region defined!");
        // return false; // not really fatal

    LocationType *loctype = new LocationType();
    if (loctype->Load(rs[0],NULL,db))
        pvp_region = loctype;
        Error2("Could not load location: %s",db->GetLastError() );            
        delete loctype;
        // return false; // not fatal
    return true;
Beispiel #5
bool GeoTIFFExporter::CreateGeoTIFF(TIFF *pOut)
    if (mpFileDescriptor == NULL)
        return false;

    GTIF* pGtif = GTIFNew(pOut);
    if (pGtif == NULL)
        return false;

    // Get the exported lower left corner location
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = mpFileDescriptor->getRows();
    const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = mpFileDescriptor->getColumns();

    unsigned int startRow = 0;
    if (rows.empty() == false)
        DimensionDescriptor rowDim = rows.front();
        if (rowDim.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
            startRow = rowDim.getActiveNumber();

    unsigned int startColumn = 0;
    if (columns.empty() == false)
        DimensionDescriptor columnDim = columns.front();
        if (columnDim.isActiveNumberValid() == true)
            startColumn = columnDim.getActiveNumber();

    LocationType llPixel(startColumn, startRow);
    LocationType urPixel = llPixel + 1.0;
    LocationType llGeoCoord;
    LocationType lrGeoCoord;
    LocationType ulGeoCoord;
    LocationType urGeoCoord;

    bool bGeocoords = false;

    if (mpRaster->isGeoreferenced())
        // Get the lat/long values from the RasterElement
        LocationType pixel = llPixel;
        LocationType latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        llGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        llGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel.mX = urPixel.mX;
        pixel.mY = llPixel.mY;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        lrGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        lrGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel.mX = llPixel.mX;
        pixel.mY = urPixel.mY;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        ulGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        ulGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        pixel = urPixel;
        latLong = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(pixel);
        urGeoCoord.mY = latLong.mY;
        urGeoCoord.mX = latLong.mX;

        bGeocoords = true;
    bool isOrthoRectified = false;
    DynamicObject* pMetaData = mpRaster->getMetadata();
    bool hasMetaDataTag = false;
    if (pMetaData != NULL)
            isOrthoRectified = dv_cast<bool>(pMetaData->getAttribute("orthorectified"));
            hasMetaDataTag = true;
        catch (bad_cast&)
            // attribute is not present or is not a bool, so calculate isOrthoRectified
    if (!hasMetaDataTag)
        // calculate the value of isOrthoRectified
        if (mpRaster->isGeoreferenced() && !rows.empty() && !columns.empty())
            int endRow(-1);
            int endColumn(-1);
            for (vector<DimensionDescriptor>::const_reverse_iterator rowIt = rows.rbegin(); rowIt != rows.rend(); ++rowIt)
                if (rowIt->isActiveNumberValid())
                    endRow = rowIt->getActiveNumber();
            for (vector<DimensionDescriptor>::const_reverse_iterator colIt = columns.rbegin();
                    colIt != columns.rend(); ++colIt)
                if (colIt->isActiveNumberValid())
                    endColumn = colIt->getActiveNumber();

            if (endRow != -1 && endColumn != -1 &&
                    static_cast<unsigned int>(endRow) > startRow && static_cast<unsigned int>(endColumn) > startColumn)
                // the chip's (0,0)
                LocationType startPixel = llPixel;
                LocationType startGeo = llGeoCoord;

                // the chip's (0,max)
                LocationType rowMax(startPixel.mX, endRow);
                LocationType rowMaxGeo = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(rowMax);

                // the chip's (max,0)
                LocationType colMax(endColumn, startPixel.mY);
                LocationType colMaxGeo = mpRaster->convertPixelToGeocoord(colMax);

                LocationType rowMaxCheckGeo(rowMaxGeo.mX, startGeo.mY);
                LocationType rowMaxCheck = mpRaster->convertGeocoordToPixel(rowMaxCheckGeo);
                LocationType colMaxCheckGeo(startGeo.mX, colMaxGeo.mY);
                LocationType colMaxCheck = mpRaster->convertGeocoordToPixel(colMaxCheckGeo);

                LocationType deltaRowMax = rowMaxCheck - rowMax;
                LocationType deltaColMax = colMaxCheck - colMax;

                isOrthoRectified = (deltaRowMax.length() < 0.5) && (deltaColMax.length() < 0.5);

    if (bGeocoords == false)
        return false;

    LocationType geoCoordCenter((llGeoCoord.mX + lrGeoCoord.mX + ulGeoCoord.mX + urGeoCoord.mX) / 4.0,
                                (llGeoCoord.mY + lrGeoCoord.mY + ulGeoCoord.mY + urGeoCoord.mY) / 4.0);

    // if the data is orthorectified, write out the appropriate tags
    if (isOrthoRectified)
        double pTiepoints[6] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, llGeoCoord.mY, llGeoCoord.mX, 0.0};
        TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_GEOTIEPOINTS, 6, pTiepoints);
          The following calculation can result in a negative scale for the latitude and/or longitude. This is correct
          and is explicitly called out in the GeoTIFF spec (GeoTIFF Format Specification version 1.8.1, section 2.6.1)
          as the proper way to handle flipping of the image. A negative latitude scale corresponds to an image with
          its origin in the lower left or lower right corner, while a positive latitude scale corresponds to an image
          with its origin in the upper left or upper right corner. Similarly for longitude scale.
        double pPixelSize[3] = {urGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY, llGeoCoord.mX - urGeoCoord.mX, 0.0};
        TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_GEOPIXELSCALE, 3, pPixelSize);
        //compute transformation Matrix values
        double a = lrGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY;
        double b = ulGeoCoord.mY - llGeoCoord.mY;
        double d = llGeoCoord.mY;
        double e = lrGeoCoord.mX - llGeoCoord.mX;
        double f = ulGeoCoord.mX - llGeoCoord.mX;
        double h = llGeoCoord.mX;
        double k = 1.0;
        double p = 1.0;

        double tMatrix[16] = {a, b, 0.0, d,
                              e, f, 0.0, h,
                              0.0, 0.0, k, 0.0,
                              0.0, 0.0, 0.0, p

        TIFFSetField(pOut, GTIFF_TRANSMATRIX, 16, tMatrix);

    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GTModelTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, ModelGeographic);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GTRasterTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, RasterPixelIsArea);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, Angular_Degree);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, Linear_Meter);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, GeographicTypeGeoKey, TYPE_SHORT, 1, GCS_WGS_84);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, ProjCenterLongGeoKey, TYPE_DOUBLE, 1, geoCoordCenter.mY);
    GTIFKeySet(pGtif, ProjCenterLatGeoKey, TYPE_DOUBLE, 1, geoCoordCenter.mX);

    ///* Here we violate the GTIF abstraction to retarget on another file.
    //   We should just have a function for copying tags from one GTIF object
    //   to another.
    pGtif->gt_tif = pOut;
    pGtif->gt_flags |= FLAG_FILE_MODIFIED;

    //* Install keys and tags

    return true;