Beispiel #1
void SaveMD::doSaveEvents(typename MDEventWorkspace<MDE, nd>::sptr ws) {
  std::string filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");
  bool update = getProperty("UpdateFileBackEnd");
  bool MakeFileBacked = getProperty("MakeFileBacked");

  bool wsIsFileBacked = ws->isFileBacked();
  if (update && MakeFileBacked)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "Please choose either UpdateFileBackEnd or MakeFileBacked, not both.");

  if (MakeFileBacked && wsIsFileBacked)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "You picked MakeFileBacked but the workspace is already file-backed!");

  BoxController_sptr bc = ws->getBoxController();

  if (!wsIsFileBacked) { // Erase the file if it exists
    Poco::File oldFile(filename);
    if (oldFile.exists())

  auto prog = new Progress(this, 0.0, 0.05, 1);
  if (update) // workspace has its own file and ignores any changes to the
              // algorithm parameters
    if (!ws->isFileBacked())
      throw std::runtime_error(" attempt to update non-file backed workspace");
    filename = bc->getFileIO()->getFileName();

  // create or open WS group and put there additional information about WS and
  // its dimensions
  int nDims = static_cast<int>(nd);
  bool data_exist;
  auto file = file_holder_type(MDBoxFlatTree::createOrOpenMDWSgroup(
      filename, nDims, MDE::getTypeName(), false, data_exist));

  // Save each NEW ExperimentInfo to a spot in the file
  MDBoxFlatTree::saveExperimentInfos(file.get(), ws);
  if (!update || !data_exist) {
    MDBoxFlatTree::saveWSGenericInfo(file.get(), ws);

  MDBoxFlatTree BoxFlatStruct;
  if (update) // the workspace is already file backed;
    // remove all boxes from the DiskBuffer. DB will calculate boxes positions
    // on HDD.
    // flatten the box structure; this will remember boxes file positions in the
    // box structure
    BoxFlatStruct.initFlatStructure(ws, filename);
  } else // not file backed;
    // the boxes file positions are unknown and we need to calculate it.
    BoxFlatStruct.initFlatStructure(ws, filename);
    // create saver class
    auto Saver = boost::shared_ptr<API::IBoxControllerIO>(
        new DataObjects::BoxControllerNeXusIO(bc.get()));
    Saver->setDataType(sizeof(coord_t), MDE::getTypeName());
    if (MakeFileBacked) {
      // store saver with box controller
      bc->setFileBacked(Saver, filename);
      // get access to boxes array
      std::vector<API::IMDNode *> &boxes = BoxFlatStruct.getBoxes();
      // calculate the position of the boxes on file, indicating to make them
      // saveable and that the boxes were not saved.
      prog->resetNumSteps(boxes.size(), 0.06, 0.90);
      for (auto &boxe : boxes) {
        auto saveableTag = boxe->getISaveable();
        if (saveableTag) // only boxes can be saveable
          // do not spend time on empty boxes
          if (boxe->getDataInMemorySize() == 0)
          // save boxes directly using the boxes file postion, precalculated in
          // boxFlatStructure.
          // remove boxes data from memory. This will actually correctly set the
          // tag indicatin that data were not loaded.
          // put boxes into write buffer wich will save them when necessary
          // Saver->toWrite(saveTag);
          prog->report("Saving Box");
      // remove everything from diskBuffer;  (not sure if it really necessary
      // but just in case , should not make any harm)
      // drop NeXus on HDD (not sure if it really necessary but just in case )
    } else // just save data, and finish with it
      Saver->openFile(filename, "w");
      std::vector<API::IMDNode *> &boxes = BoxFlatStruct.getBoxes();
      std::vector<uint64_t> &eventIndex = BoxFlatStruct.getEventIndex();
      prog->resetNumSteps(boxes.size(), 0.06, 0.90);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) {
        if (eventIndex[2 * i + 1] == 0)
        boxes[i]->saveAt(Saver.get(), eventIndex[2 * i]);
        prog->report("Saving Box");

  // -------------- Save Box Structure  -------------------------------------
  // OK, we've filled these big arrays of data representing flat box structrre.
  // Save them.
  progress(0.91, "Writing Box Data");
  prog->resetNumSteps(8, 0.92, 1.00);

  // Save box structure;

  delete prog;
