Beispiel #1
static int PreAnalise(MMap& map, MMap::iterator it, bool& allsame)
    int currentRuleIndex = it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex();
    int currentRule = it->m_RuleIndex;

    //Faz todos desta regra (até ela mudar)

    if (it == map.end())
        return 0;

    int sub = 0;
    allsame = true;

    while (it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex() == currentRuleIndex)
        if (currentRule != it->m_RuleIndex)
            allsame = false;


        if (it == map.end())

    //retorna quantos tem destra regra
    return sub;
Beispiel #2
void Print(std::wostream& os, MMap& map, Grammar& g)
    for (auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++)
       os << L"[" << it->m_pNotTerminal->GetName() << L", "
       << it->m_pTerminal->GetName()
       << L"]";

        //Print(os, it->m_pTerminal);
        os << L" : " ;
        const Production& production = g.GetProduction(it->m_RuleIndex);
        Print(os , production);
        os << std::endl;
Beispiel #3
MMap BuildMTable(const FirstSets& first,
                 const FollowSets& follow,
                 Grammar& g)
    MMap M;
    std::wcout << L"\n Building M table \n";

    for (int k = 0; k < g.GetNumOfProductions(); k++)
        //Para cada producao da gramatica A = alfa
        const Production& production = g.GetProduction(k);
        Print(std::wcout, production);
        //Aqui o first tem que ser em relacao a "alfa" e não a "A"
        // pois o A engloba todos os "firsts" e aqui se quer o first especifico
        // desta producao
        // Entao o FirstSets& first é o "pior caso" o first de qualquer "A"
        // No aho novo parece que tem um defeito de escrita e que o first deveria
        // ser first alfa no dois (esta so no segundo)
        //Nao testei se o follow teria que ter algo assim
        std::set<const GrammarSymbol*> f = GetFirstSet(first, g, production);

        //Regra 1
        //auto f = first.Get(production.GetLeftSymbol());
        for (auto it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); ++it)
            // Para cada terminal a em primeiro(A)
            const GrammarSymbol* pgs = (*it);

            if (pgs->IsTerminal() && pgs != g.epsilon())
                //M[A, a] = alfa
                std::wcout << L"[" << production.GetLeftSymbol()->GetName() << L"," <<
                           pgs->GetName() << L"] = " ;
                Print(std::wcout, production);

                /*if (M.find(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), pgs)) != M.end())
                    std::wcout << L"<-- duplicated" << std::endl;
                    throw std::exception("multiple entries");
                auto MTableIt = M.find(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), pgs, k));
                if (MTableIt != M.end())
                  if (MTableIt->m_pNotTerminal->GetName() !=
                    //if (MTableIt->)
                    //M.insert(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), pgs, k));
                    std::string strError;
                    strError = "Multiple entries ";
                    strError += to_utf8_string(production.GetLeftSymbol()->GetName());
                    strError += " -> ";
                    strError += to_utf8_string(pgs->GetName());
                    throw std::exception(strError.c_str());
                    //ja existe a regra igual
                    //std::string strError;
                    //strError = "Multiple entries ";
                    //strError += to_utf8_string(production.GetLeftSymbol()->GetName());
                    //strError += " -> ";
                    //strError += to_utf8_string(pgs->GetName());
                    //throw std::exception(strError.c_str());
                  //criar a regra
                  std::wcout << std::endl;
                  M.insert(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), pgs, k));

                //M[MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), pgs)] = k;
            else if (pgs == g.epsilon())
                // Nao existe epsilon o input stream
                // entao vou fazer para cada follow
                auto fo = follow.Get(production.GetLeftSymbol());
                //se esta em folow

                for (auto it = fo.begin(); it != fo.end(); ++it)
                    const GrammarSymbol* b = (*it);

                    if (b->IsTerminal() && b != g.epsilon())  //ou $ que da no mesmo
                        std::wcout << L"[" << production.GetLeftSymbol()->GetName() << L"," <<
                                   b->GetName() << L"] = " ;
                        Print(std::wcout, production);

                        auto MTableIt = M.find(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), b, k));
                        if (MTableIt != M.end())
                          if (MTableIt->m_pNotTerminal->GetName() !=
                            std::wcout << L"<-- duplicated" << std::endl;
                            throw std::exception("multiple entries");
                            //std::wcout << L"<-- duplicated" << std::endl;
                            //throw std::exception("multiple entries");
                          std::wcout << std::endl;
                          M.insert(MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), b, k));
                        //M[MKey(production.GetLeftSymbol(), b)] = k;

    return M;
Beispiel #4
void TriMesh::rebuildTopology(Float maxAngle) {
	typedef std::multimap<Vertex, TopoData, vertex_key_order> MMap;
	typedef std::pair<Vertex, TopoData> MPair;
	const Float dpThresh = std::cos(degToRad(maxAngle));

	if (m_normals) {
		delete[] m_normals;
		m_normals = NULL;

	if (m_tangents) {
		delete[] m_tangents;
		m_tangents = NULL;

	Log(EInfo, "Rebuilding the topology of \"%s\" (" SIZE_T_FMT 
			" triangles, " SIZE_T_FMT " vertices, max. angle = %f)", 
			m_name.c_str(), m_triangleCount, m_vertexCount, maxAngle);
	ref<Timer> timer = new Timer();

	MMap vertexToFace;
	std::vector<Point> newPositions;
	std::vector<Point2> newTexcoords;
	std::vector<Spectrum> newColors;
	std::vector<Normal> faceNormals(m_triangleCount);
	Triangle *newTriangles = new Triangle[m_triangleCount];

	if (m_texcoords != NULL)
	if (m_colors != NULL)

	/* Create an associative list and precompute a few things */
	for (size_t i=0; i<m_triangleCount; ++i) {
		const Triangle &tri = m_triangles[i];
		Vertex v;
		for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
			v.p = m_positions[tri.idx[j]];
			if (m_texcoords)
				v.uv = m_texcoords[tri.idx[j]];
			if (m_colors)
				v.col = m_colors[tri.idx[j]];
			vertexToFace.insert(MPair(v, TopoData(i, false)));
		Point v0 = m_positions[tri.idx[0]];
		Point v1 = m_positions[tri.idx[1]];
		Point v2 = m_positions[tri.idx[2]];
		faceNormals[i] = Normal(normalize(cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)));
		for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
			newTriangles[i].idx[j] = 0xFFFFFFFFU;

	/* Under the reasonable assumption that the vertex degree is
	   bounded by a constant, the following runs in O(n) */
	for (MMap::iterator it = vertexToFace.begin(); it != vertexToFace.end();) {
		MMap::iterator start = vertexToFace.lower_bound(it->first);
		MMap::iterator end = vertexToFace.upper_bound(it->first);

		/* Perform a greedy clustering of normals */
		for (MMap::iterator it2 = start; it2 != end; it2++) {
			const Vertex &v = it2->first;
			const TopoData &t1 = it2->second;
			Normal n1(faceNormals[t1.idx]);
			if (t1.clustered)

			uint32_t vertexIdx = (uint32_t) newPositions.size();
			if (m_texcoords)
			if (m_colors)

			for (MMap::iterator it3 = it2; it3 != end; ++it3) {
				TopoData &t2 = it3->second;
				if (t2.clustered)
				Normal n2(faceNormals[t2.idx]);

				if (n1 == n2 || dot(n1, n2) > dpThresh) {
					const Triangle &tri = m_triangles[t2.idx];
					Triangle &newTri = newTriangles[t2.idx];
					for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
						if (m_positions[tri.idx[i]] == v.p)
							newTri.idx[i] = vertexIdx;
					t2.clustered = true;

		it = end;

	for (size_t i=0; i<m_triangleCount; ++i) 
		for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
			Assert(newTriangles[i].idx[j] != 0xFFFFFFFFU);

	delete[] m_triangles;
	m_triangles = newTriangles;

	delete[] m_positions;
	m_positions = new Point[newPositions.size()];
	memcpy(m_positions, &newPositions[0], sizeof(Point) * newPositions.size());

	if (m_texcoords) {
		delete[] m_texcoords;
		m_texcoords = new Point2[newTexcoords.size()];
		memcpy(m_texcoords, &newTexcoords[0], sizeof(Point2) * newTexcoords.size());

	if (m_colors) {
		delete[] m_colors;
		m_colors = new Spectrum[newColors.size()];
		memcpy(m_colors, &newColors[0], sizeof(Spectrum) * newColors.size());

	m_vertexCount = newPositions.size();

	Log(EInfo, "Done after %i ms (mesh now has " SIZE_T_FMT " vertices)", 
			timer->getMilliseconds(), m_vertexCount);

Beispiel #5
static void GenerateDescRec3(std::wostream& os,
    Grammar& g,
    MMap& map,
    const std::wstring& tokenPrefix)
    if (map.empty())


    os << L"#pragma once\n";
    os << L"\n";
    os << L"#include <string.h>\n";

    os << L"#include \"" << g.GetModuleName() << L"Lex.h\"\n";
    os << L"\n";
    os << L"\n";

    //PrintOutputClass(os, g);
    PrintFowardDeclarations(os, g, map);
    int i = 0;
    int sub = 0;
    int currentRuleIndex = -1;
    auto it = map.begin();

    for (; it != map.end();)
        int currentRuleIndex = it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex();
        //Faz todos desta regra (até ela mudar)
        os << TAB_1 << L"int " << GetFunctionName(g, it->m_pNotTerminal->GetName()) << L"( " << g.GetLanguageName() << L"_Context* ctx)\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"{\n";
        int sub = 0;
        bool allsame = false;
        bool firstPrinted = false;

        if (PreAnalise(map, it, allsame) == 1)
            //se so tem um nao precisa testar pelo token pois sempre haver um teste
            //a seguir de qualquer forma
            const Production& production = g.GetProduction(it->m_RuleIndex);
            os << TAB__2 << L"//";
            Print(os, production);
            os << L"\n";
            PrintProduction(os, production, g, tokenPrefix, TAB__2);
            while (it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex() == currentRuleIndex)
                //se todos forem iguais nao testa pelo token
                //e so imprimi o primeiro que eh igual aos outros
                if (!allsame)
                    if (sub == 0)
                        os << TAB__2 << L"if (IsToken(ctx, " << tokenPrefix << it->m_pTerminal->GetName() << L"))\n";
                        os << TAB__2 << L"else if (IsToken(ctx, " << tokenPrefix << it->m_pTerminal->GetName() << L"))\n";

                const Production& production = g.GetProduction(it->m_RuleIndex);

                if (!allsame)
                    os << TAB__2 << L"{\n";

                if (!allsame || (allsame && !firstPrinted))
                    os << (!allsame ? TAB___3 : TAB__2);
                    os << L"/*";
                    Print(os, production);
                    os << L"*/\n";
                    PrintProduction(os, production, g, tokenPrefix, !allsame ? TAB___3 : TAB__2);

                    if (!allsame)
                        os << TAB__2 << L"}\n";


                if (it == map.end())

                firstPrinted = true;

        os << TAB_1 << L"}\n\n";

Beispiel #6
void GenerateDescRecC(std::wostream& os,
    Grammar& g,
    MMap& map,
    const std::wstring& tokenPrefix,
    const std::wstring& parserFileSuffix)
    if (map.empty())


    os << L"\n";
    os << L"#include \"stdafx.h\"\n";
    os << L"#include <assert.h>\n";
    os << L"\n";
    os << L"#include \"" << g.GetModuleName() << L"Lex.h\"\n";
    os << L"#include \"" << g.GetModuleName() << parserFileSuffix << L".h\"\n";
    os << L"\n";
    os << L"\n";
    //os << L"#include \"sstream.h\"\n";
    //os << L"#include \"errors.h\"\n";
    os << L"\n";
    os << L"\n";
    PrintActionsNames(os, g, false);
    //PrintActions(os, g, false);
    os << L"\n";


    PrintFowardDeclarations(os, g, map);

    std::wstring ws(SourceCode);
    find_replace(ws, L"{GRAMMAR}", g.GetLanguageName());
    find_replace(ws, L"{MODULE}", g.GetLanguageName());

    os << ws;

    int i = 0;
    int currentRuleIndex = -1;
    auto it = map.begin();
    int rulecount = 0;

    for (; it != map.end();)
        int currentRuleIndex = it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex();
        //Faz todos desta regra (até ela mudar)
        os << L"Result " << GetFunctionName(g, it->m_pNotTerminal->GetName()) << L"( " << g.GetLanguageName() + L"_Context* ctx)\n";
        os << L"{\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"Result result = RESULT_OK;\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"" << g.GetLanguageName() << L"_Tokens token = ctx->token; \n";
        os << L"\n";

        int sub = 0;
        rulecount = 0;

        while (it->m_pNotTerminal->GetIndex() == currentRuleIndex)
            int currentResultIndex = it->m_RuleIndex;
            //faz todos que resultam na mesma producao
            int count = 0;

            while (currentResultIndex == it->m_RuleIndex)
                if (count == 0)
                    os << TAB_1;

                    if (rulecount > 0)
                        os << L"else ";

                    os << L"if (token == " << tokenPrefix << it->m_pTerminal->GetName();
                    os << L" ||\n";
                    os << TAB_1 << L"    token == " << tokenPrefix << it->m_pTerminal->GetName();

                auto itcopy = it;

                if (it == map.end() ||
                    currentResultIndex != it->m_RuleIndex)
                    os << L")\n"; //fecha if
                    const Production& production = g.GetProduction(itcopy->m_RuleIndex);
                    os << TAB_1 << L"{\n";
                    os << TAB__2;
                    os << L"/*";
                    Print(os, production);
                    os << L"*/\n";
                    PrintProduction(os, production, g, tokenPrefix, TAB__2);
                    os << TAB_1 << L"}\n";

                if (it == map.end())

            /*   if (it != map.end())
            if (it == map.end())

        } //regra

        os << TAB_1 << L"else\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"{\n";
        os << TAB__2 << g.GetLanguageName() << L"_OnAction(ctx, " << g.GetLanguageName() << L"_OnError); \n";
        os << TAB__2 << L"return RESULT_FAIL;\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"}\n";
        os << L"\n";
        os << TAB_1 << L"return result;\n";
        os << L"}\n\n";
