void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateOnPlayChange(Boolean reverseToPreviousVSH)
    if (fTrickPlaySource == NULL)
        // We were in regular (1x) play. Use the index file to look up the
        // index record number and npt from the current transport number:
        fIndexFile->lookupPCRFromTSPacketNum(fTSRecordNum, reverseToPreviousVSH, fNPT, fIxRecordNum);
        // We were in trick mode, and so already have the index record number.
        // Get the transport record number and npt from this:
        fIxRecordNum = fTrickModeFilter->nextIndexRecordNum();
        if ((long)fIxRecordNum < 0) fIxRecordNum = 0; // we were at the start of the file
        unsigned long transportRecordNum;
        float pcr;
        u_int8_t offset, size, recordType; // all dummy
        if (fIndexFile->readIndexRecordValues(fIxRecordNum, transportRecordNum,
                                              offset, size, pcr, recordType))
            fTSRecordNum = transportRecordNum;
            fNPT = pcr;
void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateOnScaleChange()
    fScale = fNextScale;

    // Change our source objects to reflect the change in scale:
    // First, close the existing trick play source (if any):
    if (fTrickPlaySource != NULL)
        // so that the underlying Transport Stream source doesn't get deleted by:
        fTrickPlaySource = NULL;
        fTrickModeFilter = NULL;
    if (fNextScale != 1.0f)
        // Create a new trick play filter from the original Transport Stream source:
        UsageEnvironment &env = fIndexFile->envir(); // alias
        fTrickModeFilter = MPEG2TransportStreamTrickModeFilter
                           ::createNew(env, fOriginalTransportStreamSource, fIndexFile, int(fNextScale));
        fTrickModeFilter->seekTo(fTSRecordNum, fIxRecordNum);

        // And generate a Transport Stream from this:
        fTrickPlaySource = MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::createNew(env);
        fTrickPlaySource->addNewVideoSource(fTrickModeFilter, fIndexFile->mpegVersion());

        // Switch back to the original Transport Stream source:
MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile* MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* indexFileName) {
  if (indexFileName == NULL) return NULL;
  MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile* indexFile
    = new MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile(env, indexFileName);

  // Reject empty or non-existent index files:
  if (indexFile->getPlayingDuration() == 0.0f) {
    delete indexFile;
    indexFile = NULL;

  return indexFile;
void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateFromNPT(double npt, double streamDuration)
    fNPT = (float)npt;
    // Map "fNPT" to the corresponding Transport Stream and Index record numbers:
    unsigned long tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum;
    fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(fNPT, tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum);

    if (tsRecordNum != fTSRecordNum)
        fTSRecordNum = tsRecordNum;
        fIxRecordNum = ixRecordNum;

        // Seek the source to the new record number:
        // Note: We assume that we're asked to seek only in normal
        // (i.e., non trick play) mode, so we don't seek within the trick
        // play source (if any).


    unsigned long numTSRecordsToStream = 0;
    if (streamDuration > 0.0)
        // Use the index file to figure out how many Transport Packets we get to stream:
        unsigned long toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum;
        float toNPT = (float)(fNPT + streamDuration);
        fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(toNPT, toTSRecordNum, toIxRecordNum);
        if (toTSRecordNum > tsRecordNum)   // sanity check
            numTSRecordsToStream = toTSRecordNum - tsRecordNum;
void ClientTrickPlayState::updateStateFromNPT(double npt) {
  fNPT = (float)npt;
  // Map "fNPT" to the corresponding Transport Stream and Index record numbers:
  unsigned long tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum;
  fIndexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(fNPT, tsRecordNum, ixRecordNum);

  if (tsRecordNum != fTSRecordNum) {
    fTSRecordNum = tsRecordNum;
    fIxRecordNum = ixRecordNum;

    // Seek the source to the new record number:
    // Note: We assume that we're asked to seek only in normal
    // (i.e., non trick play) mode, so we don't seek within the trick
    // play source (if any).

int main(int argc, char const** argv) {
  // Begin by setting up our usage environment:
  TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
  env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

  // Parse the command line:
  programName = argv[0];
  if (argc != 5) usage();

  char const* inputFileName = argv[1];
  // Check whether the input file name ends with ".ts":
  int len = strlen(inputFileName);
  if (len < 4 || strcmp(&inputFileName[len-3], ".ts") != 0) {
    *env << "ERROR: input file name \"" << inputFileName
	 << "\" does not end with \".ts\"\n";

  // Parse the <start-time> and <scale> parameters:
  float startTime;
  if (sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &startTime) != 1 || startTime < 0.0f) usage();

  int scale;
  if (sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &scale) != 1 || scale == 0) usage();

  // Open the input file (as a 'byte stream file source'):
  FramedSource* input
    = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(*env, inputFileName, TRANSPORT_PACKET_SIZE);
  if (input == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to open input file \"" << inputFileName << "\" (does it exist?)\n";

  // Check whether the corresponding index file exists.
  // The index file name is the same as the input file name, except with suffix ".tsx":
  char* indexFileName = new char[len+2]; // allow for trailing x\0
  sprintf(indexFileName, "%sx", inputFileName);
  MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile* indexFile
    = MPEG2TransportStreamIndexFile::createNew(*env, indexFileName);
  if (indexFile == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to open index file \"" << indexFileName << "\" (does it exist?)\n";

  // Create a filter that generates trick mode data from the input and index files:
  MPEG2TransportStreamTrickModeFilter* trickModeFilter
    = MPEG2TransportStreamTrickModeFilter::createNew(*env, input, indexFile, scale);

  if (startTime > 0.0f) {
    // Seek the input Transport Stream and Index files to the specified start time:
    unsigned long tsRecordNumber, indexRecordNumber;
    indexFile->lookupTSPacketNumFromNPT(startTime, tsRecordNumber, indexRecordNumber);
    if (!trickModeFilter->seekTo(tsRecordNumber, indexRecordNumber)) { // TARFU!
      *env << "Failed to seek trick mode filter to ts #" << (unsigned)tsRecordNumber
	   << ", ix #" << (unsigned)indexRecordNumber
	   << "(for time " << startTime << ")\n";

  // Generate a new Transport Stream from the Trick Mode filter:
  MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource* newTransportStream
    = MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::createNew(*env);
  newTransportStream->addNewVideoSource(trickModeFilter, indexFile->mpegVersion());

  // Open the output file (for writing), as a 'file sink':
  char const* outputFileName = argv[4];
  MediaSink* output = FileSink::createNew(*env, outputFileName);
  if (output == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to open output file \"" << outputFileName << "\"\n";

  // Start playing, to generate the output file:
  *env << "Writing output file \"" << outputFileName
       << "\" (start time " << startTime
       << ", scale " << scale
       << ")...";
  output->startPlaying(*newTransportStream, afterPlaying, NULL);

  env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return

  return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning