    MPlug DagHelper::getChildPlug ( const MPlug& parent, const MString& name, MStatus* rc )
        MStatus st;
        uint childCount = parent.numChildren ( &st );
        if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
            if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
            return parent;

        // Check shortNames first
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
                return parent;

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.shortName();
            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;
                return child;

        // Check longNames second, use shortNames!
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            if ( st != MStatus::kSuccess )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = st;
                return parent;

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.name();
            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;
                return child;

        if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kNotFound;
        return parent;
        virtual void onString(MPlug & plug, const MString & name, const MString & value) override
			MStatus status;

			MObject attr = plug.attribute(&status);
			if (!status) return;

			if (value.length() == 0)

			bool isUsedAsFilename = MFnAttribute(attr).isUsedAsFilename(&status);
			if (!status) return;

			// Filename are treated as texture filenames.
			if (isUsedAsFilename)
				// Export texture
				// Export string
				ScopedElement string(mShaderFXExporter.mStreamWriter, PARAM_TYPE_STRING);
Beispiel #3
ATTR_TYPE getPlugAttrType(const char *plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn)
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )

	MObject attObj = plug.attribute(&stat);
	MFnAttribute att(attObj);
	if( !stat )

	if( attObj.apiType() == MFn::kNumericAttribute)
		MFnNumericAttribute na(attObj, &stat);
		if( !stat )
		if( na.unitType() == MFnNumericData::Type::kFloat )
MStatus simpleFluidEmitter::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
//	Description:
//		Fluid emitters do not perform emission in their compute() method.
//		Instead, each fluid to which the emitter is connected will call the
//		fluidEmitter() method once per frame, to allow the emitter to emit
//		directly into the fluid.
//		It is ESSENTIAL that the compute routine return MS::kUnknownParameter
//		when the "emissionFunction" attribute is being evaluated.  Doing so
//		will trigger the base class default compute() method, which will
//		register this node's "fluidEmitter" function with the fluid.  The
//		mechanisms for doing this are not exposed through the API, so it is
//		important to let the default code handle this case.
//		For all other attributes, users can override the compute() method.
	if( plug.attribute() == mEmissionFunction )
		//	ESSENTIAL!  Let the base class default compute method handle this
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;
		//	can add custom handling for other attributes here
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;
			virtual bool onBeforePlug(MPlug & plug) override
				MStatus status;

				MObject attr = plug.attribute(&status);
				if (!status) return false;

                MFnAttribute fnAttr(attr, &status);
                if (!status) return false;

                MString attrName = fnAttr.name(&status);
                if (!status) return false;

                bool isDynamic = fnAttr.isDynamic(&status);
                if (!status) return false;

                if (!isDynamic)
                    return false;

                bool isHidden = fnAttr.isHidden(&status);
                if (!status) return false;

                if (isHidden)
                    return false;

                return true;
void NuiMayaDeviceGrabber::attrChangedCB(MNodeMessage::AttributeMessage msg, MPlug & plug, MPlug & otherPlug, void* clientData)
	NuiMayaDeviceGrabber *wrapper = static_cast<NuiMayaDeviceGrabber *>(clientData);

	MStatus stat;
	MObject attr = plug.attribute(&stat);
	MFnAttribute fnAttr(attr);

	if (fnAttr.name() == "deviceOn" ||
		fnAttr.name() == "deviceMode" ) {
	else if (fnAttr.name() == "nearMode") {
	else if (fnAttr.name() == "elevationAngle") {
	else if (fnAttr.name() == "previewerOn") {
	else if (fnAttr.name() == "fusionOn") {
MStatus ColorSplineParameterHandler<S>::doUpdate( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	assert( parameter );

	typename IECore::TypedParameter< S >::ConstPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::TypedParameter< S > >( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnCompoundAttribute fnCAttr( attribute );
	if( !fnCAttr.hasObj( attribute ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MRampAttribute fnRAttr( plug );
	if( !fnRAttr.isColorRamp() )
		return MS::kFailure;

	return finishUpdating( parameter, plug );
Beispiel #8
    const MPlug& plg,
    const UsdPrim& usdPrim,
    const std::string &attrName,
    bool custom)
    MObject attrObj(plg.attribute());

    TfToken usdAttrName(attrName);
    if (usdAttrName.IsEmpty()) {
        printf("Invalid attrName '%s' for %s\n",
        return UsdAttribute();

    // See if usdAttr already exists.  If so, return.
    UsdAttribute usdAttr = usdPrim.GetAttribute(usdAttrName);
    if (usdAttr) {
        return usdAttr;

    SdfValueTypeName attrType = PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetUsdTypeName(plg);

    // ---------------------
    // CreateAttribute on USD Prim if specified above
    if (attrType) {
        usdAttr = usdPrim.CreateAttribute(usdAttrName, attrType, custom);
    else {
        // Skipping.  Unsupported type.
    return usdAttr;
MStatus ClassParameterHandler::storeClass( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug )
	IECorePython::ScopedGILLock gilLock;
		boost::python::object pythonParameter( IECore::constPointerCast<IECore::Parameter>( parameter ) );
		boost::python::object classInfo = pythonParameter.attr( "getClass" )( true );
		std::string className = boost::python::extract<std::string>( classInfo[1] );
		int classVersion = boost::python::extract<int>( classInfo[2] );
		std::string searchPathEnvVar = boost::python::extract<std::string>( classInfo[3] );
		MString storedClassName;
		int storedClassVersion;
		MString storedSearchPathEnvVar;
		currentClass( plug, storedClassName, storedClassVersion, storedSearchPathEnvVar );
		// only set the plug values if the new value is genuinely different, as otherwise
		// we end up generating unwanted reference edits.
		if ( storedClassName != className.c_str() || storedClassVersion != classVersion || storedSearchPathEnvVar != searchPathEnvVar.c_str() )
			MStringArray updatedClassInfo;
			updatedClassInfo.append( className.c_str() );
			MString classVersionStr;
			classVersionStr.set( classVersion, 0 );
			updatedClassInfo.append( classVersionStr );
			updatedClassInfo.append( searchPathEnvVar.c_str() );
			MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
			MFnTypedAttribute fnTAttr( attribute );
			if ( fnTAttr.attrType() == MFnData::kStringArray )
				MObject data = MFnStringArrayData().create( updatedClassInfo );
				plug.setValue( data );
				// compatibility for the deprecated compound plug behaviour. keeping this code
				// so we can still read old scenes. creation of these plugs has been removed.
				/// \todo: find all such notes and remove the unnecessary code for Cortex 9.
				plug.child( 0 ).setString( className.c_str() );
				plug.child( 1 ).setInt( classVersion );
				plug.child( 2 ).setString( searchPathEnvVar.c_str() );
	catch( boost::python::error_already_set )
		return MS::kFailure;
	catch( const std::exception &e )
		MGlobal::displayError( MString( "ClassParameterHandler::setClass : " ) + e.what() );
		return MS::kFailure;
	return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus ObjectParameterHandler::doSetValue( const MPlug &plug, IECore::ParameterPtr parameter ) const
	IECore::ObjectParameterPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<IECore::ObjectParameter>( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	/// Keep trying all the available handlers until we find one that works
	for (IECore::ObjectParameter::TypeIdSet::const_iterator it = p->validTypes().begin(); it != p->validTypes().end(); ++it)
		ConstParameterHandlerPtr h = ParameterHandler::create( *it );
		if (h)
			if ( h->doSetValue( plug, parameter ) )
				return MS::kSuccess;

	MStatus s;
	MObject plugData;
	s = plug.getValue( plugData );
	if (!s)
		// We might be here as the attribute isn't storable, 
		// in that case we set the parameter to its default value.
		// If it is storable, then something has gone awry.
		MFnAttribute fnA( plug.attribute() );
		bool isStorable = fnA.isStorable( &s );
		if( s && !isStorable )
			parameter->setValue( parameter->defaultValue()->copy() );
			return MS::kSuccess;
			return MS::kFailure;

	MFnPluginData fnData( plugData, &s );
	if (!s)
		return MS::kFailure;

	ObjectData *data = dynamic_cast<ObjectData *>( fnData.data( &s ) );
	if (!data || !s)
		return MS::kFailure;

	parameter->setValue( data->getObject() );

	return MS::kSuccess;
    int DagHelper::getChildPlugIndex ( const MPlug& parent, const MString& name, MStatus* rc )
        MStatus st;
        uint childCount = parent.numChildren ( &st );
        CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

        // Check shortNames first
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.shortName();

            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;

                return i;

        // Check longNames second, use shortNames!
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MPlug child = parent.child ( i, &st );
            CHECK_STATUS_AND_RETURN ( st, -1 );

            MFnAttribute attributeFn ( child.attribute() );
            MString n = attributeFn.name();

            if ( n == name )
                if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kSuccess;

                return i;

        if ( rc != NULL ) *rc = MStatus::kNotFound;

        return -1;
Beispiel #12
/* static */
UsdAttribute PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreateUsdRiAttribute(
        const MPlug& attrPlug,
        const UsdPrim& usdPrim,
        const std::string& attrName,
        const std::string& nameSpace,
        const bool translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision)
    UsdAttribute usdAttr;

    if (!usdPrim) {
        return usdAttr;

    MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute());

    TfToken riAttrNameToken(attrName);
    if (riAttrNameToken.IsEmpty()) {
            TfStringPrintf("Invalid UsdRi attribute name '%s' for Maya plug '%s'",
        return usdAttr;

    UsdRiStatements riStatements(usdPrim);
    if (!riStatements) {
        return usdAttr;

    // See if a UsdRi attribute with this name already exists. If so, return it.
    // XXX: There isn't currently API for looking for a specific UsdRi attribute
    // by name, so we have to get them all and then see if one matches.
    const std::vector<UsdProperty>& riAttrs = riStatements.GetRiAttributes(nameSpace);
    TF_FOR_ALL(iter, riAttrs) {
        if (iter->GetBaseName() == riAttrNameToken) {
            // Re-get the attribute from the prim so we can return it as a
            // UsdAttribute rather than a UsdProperty.
            return usdPrim.GetAttribute(iter->GetName());

    const SdfValueTypeName& typeName =
    if (typeName) {
        usdAttr = riStatements.CreateRiAttribute(riAttrNameToken,

    return usdAttr;
// Name: isEnumDataType
// Desc: 
bool BreakdownCommand::isEnumDataType(const MPlug &connection)
    MObject attrObj;

    bool isEnum = false;

    attrObj = connection.attribute( &status );
    if( attrObj.apiType() == MFn::kEnumAttribute ) {
        isEnum = true;

    return isEnum;
FxInternal::GetValuePlug(MPlug& plug)
	MFnDependencyNode depNode(GetSite());

	MObject oAttribute = plug.attribute();

	MFnAttribute fnAttribute(oAttribute);

	MString name = fnAttribute.name() + MString("Value");

	oAttribute= depNode.attribute(name);

	return plug.child(oAttribute);
Beispiel #15
MStatus ParameterisedHolder<B>::shouldSave( const MPlug &plug, bool &isSaving )
	ParameterPtr parameter = plugParameter( plug );
	if( parameter )
		// For parameters we found in the parameter map, we always handle
		// them ourselves, setting isSaving to either true or false,
		// and returning kSuccess, which means "Ignore the default behaviour"
		// There is no particular reason not use the standard behaviour
		// of calling the parent shouldSave, but instead we set isSaving
		// to always true and store our parm_ attributes even when they
		// are at default values.  This is because it used to work that way
		// for all parms, and Lucio is concerned that changing this
		// could break something
		isSaving = true;

		/// Maya 8.5 and 2009 crash when saving a GenericAttribute (such as that
		/// created by the MeshParameterHandler) containing an "empty" mesh.
		/// This only applies to ASCII files, saving to binary works. Here
		/// we prevent Maya saving the value.
		MFnGenericAttribute fnGA;
		if( fnGA.hasObj( plug.attribute() ) )
			MObject value = plug.asMObject();
			MFnMesh fnMesh( value );
			if( fnMesh.hasObj( value ) && fnMesh.numPolygons()==0 )
				isSaving = false;

		return MS::kSuccess;
		// For parameters that aren't special, use the default behaviour of
		// the base class.
		// NOTE: This is not very clear in the documentation, but for most
		// parameters, the default behaviour is to not touch isSaving,
		// and return kUnknownParameter, which Maya interprets as meaning
		// that we're not doing anything special, so use the default 
		// behaviour.  Maya then checks whether the plug has changed from
		// default, and exports it if it has
		return B::shouldSave( plug, isSaving );
// Name: isBooleanDataType
// Desc: 
bool BreakdownCommand::isBooleanDataType( const MPlug &connection )
    MFnNumericAttribute fnNumAttr;
    MObject attrObj;

    bool isBool = false;

    attrObj = connection.attribute( &status );
    if( attrObj.apiType() == MFn::kNumericAttribute ) {

        status = fnNumAttr.setObject( attrObj );
        if( fnNumAttr.unitType() == MFnNumericData::kBoolean )
            isBool = true;

    return isBool;
Beispiel #17
/* static */
UsdGeomPrimvar PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreatePrimvar(
        const MPlug& attrPlug,
        UsdGeomImageable& imageable,
        const std::string& primvarName,
        const TfToken& interpolation,
        const int elementSize,
        const bool custom,
        const bool translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision)
    UsdGeomPrimvar primvar;

    if (!imageable) {
        return primvar;

    MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute());

    TfToken primvarNameToken(primvarName);
    if (primvarNameToken.IsEmpty()) {
            TfStringPrintf("Invalid primvar name '%s' for Maya plug '%s'",
        return primvar;

    // See if the primvar already exists. If so, return it.
    primvar = imageable.GetPrimvar(primvarNameToken);
    if (primvar) {
        return primvar;

    const SdfValueTypeName& typeName =
    if (typeName) {
        primvar = imageable.CreatePrimvar(primvarNameToken,

    return primvar;
Beispiel #18

        const MPlug& attrPlug,
        MFnNumericData::Type& numericDataType,
        MFnData::Type& typedDataType,
        MFnUnitAttribute::Type& unitDataType)
    numericDataType = MFnNumericData::kInvalid;
    typedDataType = MFnData::kInvalid;
    unitDataType = MFnUnitAttribute::kInvalid;

    MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute());
    if (attrObj.isNull()) {
        return false;

    if (attrObj.hasFn(MFn::kNumericAttribute)) {
        MFnNumericAttribute numericAttrFn(attrObj);
        numericDataType = numericAttrFn.unitType();
    } else if (attrObj.hasFn(MFn::kTypedAttribute)) {
        MFnTypedAttribute typedAttrFn(attrObj);
        typedDataType = typedAttrFn.attrType();

        if (typedDataType == MFnData::kNumeric) {
            // Inspect the type of the data itself to find the actual type.
            MObject plugObj = attrPlug.asMObject();
            if (plugObj.hasFn(MFn::kNumericData)) {
                MFnNumericData numericDataFn(plugObj);
                numericDataType = numericDataFn.numericType();
    } else if (attrObj.hasFn(MFn::kUnitAttribute)) {
        MFnUnitAttribute unitAttrFn(attrObj);
        unitDataType = unitAttrFn.unitType();

    return true;
Beispiel #19
bool getEnum(MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn, int& id, MString& value)
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	bool result = false;
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return false;
	id = plug.asShort(ctx, &stat);
		return false;
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr(plug.attribute(&stat));
		return false;
	value = eAttr.fieldName(id, &stat);
		return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #20
MString getEnumString(MString plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn)
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	bool result = false;
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return "";
	int id = plug.asShort(ctx, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return "";
	MFnEnumAttribute eAttr(plug.attribute(&stat));
	if (!stat)
		return "";
	MString value = eAttr.fieldName(id, &stat);
	if (!stat)
		return "";
	return value;
		virtual void onString(MPlug & plug, const MString & name, const MString & value) override
			MStatus status;

			if (value.length() == 0)

			MObject attr = plug.attribute(&status);
			if (!status) return;

			bool isUsedAsFilename = MFnAttribute(attr).isUsedAsFilename(&status);
			if (!status) return;

			// Filename are treated as texture filenames.
			if (!isUsedAsFilename)

    bool DagHelper::getPlugValue(const MPlug& plug, int& enumValue, MString& enumName)
        MStatus status;

        MObject attr;
        attr = plug.attribute(&status);
        if (!status) return false;

        MFnEnumAttribute fnEnum(attr, &status);
        if (!status) return false;

        status = plug.getValue(enumValue);
        if (!status) return false;

        enumName = fnEnum.fieldName(enumValue, &status);
        if (!status) return status;

        return true;
Beispiel #23
/* static */
        const MPlug& attrPlug,
        const UsdPrim& usdPrim,
        const std::string& attrName,
        const bool custom,
        const bool translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision)
    UsdAttribute usdAttr;

    if (!usdPrim) {
        return usdAttr;

    MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute());

    TfToken usdAttrNameToken(attrName);
    if (usdAttrNameToken.IsEmpty()) {
            TfStringPrintf("Invalid USD attribute name '%s' for Maya plug '%s'",
        return usdAttr;

    // See if the USD attribute already exists. If so, return it.
    usdAttr = usdPrim.GetAttribute(usdAttrNameToken);
    if (usdAttr) {
        return usdAttr;

    const SdfValueTypeName& typeName =
    if (typeName) {
        usdAttr = usdPrim.CreateAttribute(usdAttrNameToken, typeName, custom);

    return usdAttr;
MStatus DateTimeParameterHandler::doUpdate( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	IECore::ConstDateTimeParameterPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::DateTimeParameter>( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();

	// we'd like to be setting the default value here, but as maya doesn't save the default value
	// for dynamic string attributes in scene files, it'll be lost when the scene is reloaded. it's
	// best therefore that we don't set the default at all, so that the default is "", which is what
	// it'll be when we reload the scene - this ensures that any values set in the attribute later
	// will be saved correctly (if we set the default to "X" and the value was "X", maya won't save the
	// default or the value at all, and we end up with a value of "" on scene reload).

	MFnTypedAttribute fnTAttr( attribute );
	if( !fnTAttr.hasObj( attribute ) || fnTAttr.attrType() != MFnData::kString )
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Should this fail if getPlugValue fails?
	MString v = "";
	if( plug.getValue( v ) )
			boost::posix_time::from_iso_string( v.asChar() );
		catch ( boost::bad_lexical_cast )
			return MS::kFailure;

	return finishUpdating( parameter, plug );
void ClassParameterHandler::currentClass( const MPlug &plug, MString &className, int &classVersion, MString &searchPathEnvVar )
	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnTypedAttribute fnTAttr( attribute );
	if ( !fnTAttr.hasObj( attribute ) || fnTAttr.attrType() != MFnData::kStringArray )
		// compatibility for the deprecated compound plug behaviour
		className = plug.child( 0 ).asString();
		classVersion = plug.child( 1 ).asInt();
		searchPathEnvVar = plug.child( 2 ).asString();
	MFnStringArrayData fnSAD( plug.asMObject() );
	if ( fnSAD.length() == 0 )
		className = "";
		classVersion = 0;
		searchPathEnvVar = "";
	if ( fnSAD.length() != 3 )
		throw( IECore::InvalidArgumentException( ( plug.name() + " has more than 3 values. Expected name, version, searchPath only." ).asChar() ) );

	MStringArray storedClassInfo = fnSAD.array();
	if ( !storedClassInfo[1].isInt() )
		throw( IECore::InvalidArgumentException( ( "Second value of " + plug.name() + " must represent an integer" ).asChar() ) );
	className = storedClassInfo[0];
	classVersion = storedClassInfo[1].asInt();
	searchPathEnvVar = storedClassInfo[2];
MStatus ObjectParameterHandler::doUpdate( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	IECore::ConstObjectParameterPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::ObjectParameter>( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnGenericAttribute fnGAttr( attribute );
	if( !fnGAttr.hasObj( attribute ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	fnGAttr.addAccept( ObjectData::id );
	// maya has an odd behaviour whereby a generic attribute with only one accepted datatype will
	// transform itself into a typed attribute after file save and load. here we add an accept
	// for a second dummy datatype to ensure that the attribute will still be a generic attribute
	// when saved and loaded.
	fnGAttr.addAccept( DummyDataId );

	for (IECore::ObjectParameter::TypeIdSet::const_iterator it = p->validTypes().begin(); it != p->validTypes().end(); ++it)
		ConstParameterHandlerPtr h = ParameterHandler::create( *it );
		if (h)
			if ( !h->doUpdate( parameter, plug ) )
				return MS::kFailure;

	return finishUpdating( parameter, plug );
MStatus MeshParameterHandler::doUpdate( IECore::ConstParameterPtr parameter, MPlug &plug ) const
	IECore::ConstObjectParameterPtr p = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::ObjectParameter>( parameter );
	if( !p )
		return MS::kFailure;

	MObject attribute = plug.attribute();
	MFnGenericAttribute fnGAttr( attribute );
	if( !fnGAttr.hasObj( attribute ) )
		return MS::kFailure;

	fnGAttr.addAccept( MFnData::kMesh );
	// maya has an odd behaviour whereby a generic attribute with only one accepted datatype will
	// transform itself into a typed attribute after file save and load. here we add an accept
	// for a second dummy datatype to ensure that the attribute will still be a generic attribute
	// when saved and loaded.
	fnGAttr.addAccept( DummyDataId );

	return finishUpdating( parameter, plug );
Beispiel #28
//for this attribute on this node add the following layer nodes and plugs it's associated with
void atomNodeWithAnimLayers::addPlugWithLayer(MPlug &attrPlug, MObjectArray &layers, MPlugArray &plugs)
	if(plugs.length() == layers.length())
		MObject attrObj = attrPlug.attribute();
		MFnAttribute fnLeafAttr (attrObj);
		std::string attrStd(std::string(fnLeafAttr.name().asChar()));
		PlugsAndLayers plugsAndLayers;
		for(unsigned int i =0; i < layers.length(); ++i)
			if(plugs[i].isNull()==false) //it's possible to not have a plug for the specified layer
				if(layers[i].hasFn (MFn::kDependencyNode))
					MFnDependencyNode fnNode (layers[i]);
					MString layerName = fnNode.name();
					fAttrLayers[attrStd] = plugsAndLayers;
Beispiel #29
MStatus sseDeformer::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
    MStatus status;
    if (plug.attribute() != outputGeom) {
        printf("Ignoring requested plug\n");
        return status;
    unsigned int index = plug.logicalIndex();
    MObject thisNode = this->thisMObject();

    // get input value
    MPlug inPlug(thisNode,input);
    MDataHandle hInput = data.inputValue(inPlug, &status);
    MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR getting input mesh\n");

    // get the input geometry
    MDataHandle inputData = hInput.child(inputGeom);
    if (inputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
        printf("Incorrect input geometry type\n");
        return MStatus::kFailure;

    MObject iSurf = inputData.asMesh() ;
    MFnMesh inMesh;
    inMesh.setObject( iSurf ) ;

    MDataHandle outputData = data.outputValue(plug);
    if (outputData.type() != MFnData::kMesh) {
        printf("Incorrect output mesh type\n");
        return MStatus::kFailure;

    MObject oSurf = outputData.asMesh() ;
    if(oSurf.isNull()) {
        printf("Output surface is NULL\n");
        return MStatus::kFailure;

    MFnMesh outMesh;
    outMesh.setObject( oSurf ) ;
    MCheckStatus(status, "ERROR setting points\n");

    // get all points at once for demo purposes. Really should get points from the current group using iterator
    MFloatPointArray pts;

    int nPoints = pts.length();

    MDataHandle envData = data.inputValue(envelope, &status);
    float env = envData.asFloat();

    MDataHandle sseData = data.inputValue(sseEnabled, &status);
    bool sseEnabled = (bool) sseData.asBool();

    // NOTE: Using MTimer and possibly other classes disables
    // autovectorization with Intel <=10.1 compiler on OSX and Linux!!
    // Must compile this function with -fno-exceptions on OSX and
    // Linux to guarantee autovectorization is done. Use -fvec_report2
    // to check for vectorization status messages with Intel compiler.
    MTimer timer;

    if(sseEnabled) {

        // Innter loop will autovectorize. Around 3x faster than the
        // loop below it. It would be faster if first element was
        // guaranteed to be aligned on 16 byte boundary.
        for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            float* ptPtr = &pts[i].x;
            for(int j=0; j<4; j++) {
                ptPtr[j] = env * (cosf(ptPtr[j]) * sinf(ptPtr[j]) * tanf(ptPtr[j]));

    } else {

        // This inner loop will not autovectorize.
        for(int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
            MFloatPoint& pt = pts[i];
            for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
                pt[j] = env * (cosf(pt[j]) * sinf(pt[j]) * tanf(pt[j]));


    if(sseEnabled) {
        printf("SSE enabled, runtime %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());
    } else {
        printf("SSE disabled, runtime %f\n", timer.elapsedTime());


    return status;
Beispiel #30
// does this cover all cases?
bool util::isAnimated(MObject & object, bool checkParent)
    MStatus stat;
    MItDependencyGraph iter(object, MFn::kInvalid,

    if (stat!= MS::kSuccess)
        MGlobal::displayError("Unable to create DG iterator ");

    // MAnimUtil::isAnimated(node) will search the history of the node
    // for any animation curve nodes. It will return true for those nodes
    // that have animation curve in their history.
    // The average time complexity is O(n^2) where n is the number of history
    // nodes. But we can improve the best case by split the loop into two.

    std::vector<NodesToCheckStruct> nodesToCheckAnimCurve;

	NodesToCheckStruct nodeStruct;
    for (; !iter.isDone(); iter.next())
        MObject node = iter.thisNode();

        if (node.hasFn(MFn::kPluginDependNode) ||
                node.hasFn( MFn::kConstraint ) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kPointConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kAimConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kOrientConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kScaleConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kGeometryConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kNormalConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kTangentConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kParentConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kPoleVectorConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kParentConstraint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kTime) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kJoint) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kGeometryFilt) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kTweak) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kPolyTweak) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kSubdTweak) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kCluster) ||
                node.hasFn(MFn::kFluid) ||
            return true;

        if (node.hasFn(MFn::kExpression))
            MFnExpression fn(node, &stat);
            if (stat == MS::kSuccess && fn.isAnimated())
                return true;

		MPlug plug = iter.thisPlug();
		MFnAttribute attr(plug.attribute(), &stat);
		bool checkNodeParent = false;
		if (stat == MS::kSuccess && attr.isWorldSpace())
			checkNodeParent = true;

		nodeStruct.node = node;
		nodeStruct.checkParent = checkNodeParent;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodesToCheckAnimCurve.size(); ++i)
        if (MAnimUtil::isAnimated(nodesToCheckAnimCurve[i].node, nodesToCheckAnimCurve[i].checkParent))
            return true;

    return false;