Beispiel #1
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvsuperGetFrame(int32_t n, int32_t activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
	MVSuperData *d = reinterpret_cast<MVSuperData *>(*instanceData);
	if (activationReason == arInitial) {
		vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
		if (d->usePelClip)
			vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->pelclip, frameCtx);
	else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
		const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
		const uint8_t *pSrc[3] = { nullptr };
		uint8_t *pDst[3] = { nullptr };
		const uint8_t *pSrcPel[3] = { nullptr };
		int32_t nSrcPitch[3] = { 0 };
		int32_t nDstPitch[3] = { 0 };
		int32_t nSrcPelPitch[3] = { 0 };
		const VSFrameRef *srcPel = nullptr;
		if (d->usePelClip)
			srcPel = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->pelclip, frameCtx);
		VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi.format, d->vi.width, d->vi.height, src, core);
		for (int32_t plane = 0; plane < d->vi.format->numPlanes; ++plane) {
			pSrc[plane] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, plane);
			nSrcPitch[plane] = vsapi->getStride(src, plane);
			pDst[plane] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, plane);
			nDstPitch[plane] = vsapi->getStride(dst, plane);
			memset(pDst[plane], 0, nDstPitch[plane] * vsapi->getFrameHeight(dst, plane));
		MVGroupOfFrames *pSrcGOF = new MVGroupOfFrames(d->nLevels, d->nWidth, d->nHeight, d->nPel, d->nHPad, d->nVPad, d->nModeYUV, d->xRatioUV, d->yRatioUV);
		pSrcGOF->Update(d->nModeYUV, pDst[0], nDstPitch[0], pDst[1], nDstPitch[1], pDst[2], nDstPitch[2]);
		MVPlaneSet planes[3] = { YPLANE, UPLANE, VPLANE };
		for (int32_t plane = 0; plane < d->vi.format->numPlanes; ++plane)
			pSrcGOF->SetPlane(pSrc[plane], nSrcPitch[plane], planes[plane]);
		pSrcGOF->Reduce(d->nModeYUV, d->rfilter);
		if (d->usePelClip) {
			MVFrame *srcFrames = pSrcGOF->GetFrame(0);
			for (int32_t plane = 0; plane < d->vi.format->numPlanes; ++plane) {
				pSrcPel[plane] = vsapi->getReadPtr(srcPel, plane);
				nSrcPelPitch[plane] = vsapi->getStride(srcPel, plane);
				MVPlane *srcPlane = srcFrames->GetPlane(planes[plane]);
				if (d->nModeYUV & planes[plane])
					srcPlane->RefineExt(pSrcPel[plane], nSrcPelPitch[plane], d->isPelClipPadded);
			pSrcGOF->Refine(d->nModeYUV, d->sharp);
		if (d->usePelClip)
		delete pSrcGOF;
		if (n == 0) {
			VSMap *props = vsapi->getFramePropsRW(dst);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_height", d->nHeight, paReplace);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_hpad", d->nHPad, paReplace);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_vpad", d->nVPad, paReplace);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_pel", d->nPel, paReplace);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_modeyuv", d->nModeYUV, paReplace);
			vsapi->propSetInt(props, "Super_levels", d->nLevels, paReplace);
		return dst;
	return nullptr;
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvrecalculateGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
    MVRecalculateData *d = (MVRecalculateData *) * instanceData;

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);

        int offset = ( d->analysisData.isBackward ) ? d->analysisData.nDeltaFrame : -d->analysisData.nDeltaFrame;
        int nref = n + offset;

        if (nref >= 0 && (nref < d->vi->numFrames || !d->vi->numFrames)) {
            if (n < nref) {
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nref, d->node, frameCtx);
            } else {
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nref, d->node, frameCtx);
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
        } else { // too close to beginning/end of clip
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {

        GroupOfPlanes *vectorFields = new GroupOfPlanes(d->analysisData.nBlkSizeX, d->analysisData.nBlkSizeY, d->analysisData.nLvCount, d->analysisData.nPel, d->analysisData.nMotionFlags, d->analysisData.nCPUFlags, d->analysisData.nOverlapX, d->analysisData.nOverlapY, d->analysisData.nBlkX, d->analysisData.nBlkY, d->analysisData.xRatioUV, d->analysisData.yRatioUV, d->divideExtra, d->supervi->format->bitsPerSample);

        const uint8_t *pSrc[3];
        const uint8_t *pRef[3];
        uint8_t *pDst;
        int nSrcPitch[3];
        int nRefPitch[3];

        int offset = ( d->analysisData.isBackward ) ? d->analysisData.nDeltaFrame : -d->analysisData.nDeltaFrame;
        int nref = n + offset;

        const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
        const VSMap *srcprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(src);
        int err;

        bool srctff = !!vsapi->propGetInt(srcprops, "_Field", 0, &err);
        if (err && d->fields && !d->tffexists) {
            vsapi->setFilterError("Recalculate: _Field property not found in input frame. Therefore, you must pass tff argument.", frameCtx);
            delete vectorFields;
            return NULL;

        // if tff was passed, it overrides _Field.
        if (d->tffexists)
            srctff = d->tff && (n % 2 == 0); //child->GetParity(n); // bool tff;

        for (int plane = 0; plane < d->supervi->format->numPlanes; plane++) {
            pSrc[plane] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, plane);
            nSrcPitch[plane] = vsapi->getStride(src, plane);

        int dst_height = 1;
        int dst_width = d->headerSize / sizeof(int) + vectorFields->GetArraySize(); //v1.8.1
        // In Avisynth the frame was packed BGR32, which has 4 bytes per pixel.
        // It's GRAY8 here.
        dst_width *= 4;
        VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi->format, dst_width, dst_height, src, core);

        pDst = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, 0);

        // write analysis parameters as a header to frame
        memcpy(pDst, &d->headerSize, sizeof(int));

        if (d->divideExtra)
            memcpy(pDst+sizeof(int), &d->analysisDataDivided, sizeof(d->analysisData));
            memcpy(pDst+sizeof(int), &d->analysisData, sizeof(d->analysisData));

        pDst += d->headerSize;

        const VSFrameRef *mvn = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);
        MVClipBalls balls(d->mvClip, vsapi);

        if (balls.IsUsable() && nref >= 0 && (nref < d->vi->numFrames || !d->vi->numFrames))
            const VSFrameRef *ref = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nref, d->node, frameCtx);
            const VSMap *refprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(ref);

            bool reftff = !!vsapi->propGetInt(refprops, "_Field", 0, &err);
            if (err && d->fields && !d->tffexists) {
                vsapi->setFilterError("Recalculate: _Field property not found in input frame. Therefore, you must pass tff argument.", frameCtx);
                delete vectorFields;
                return NULL;

            // if tff was passed, it overrides _Field.
            if (d->tffexists)
                reftff = d->tff && (nref % 2 == 0); //child->GetParity(n); // bool tff;

            int fieldShift = 0;
            if (d->fields && d->analysisData.nPel > 1 && (d->analysisData.nDeltaFrame % 2))
                fieldShift = (srctff && !reftff) ? d->analysisData.nPel/2 : ( (reftff && !srctff) ? -(d->analysisData.nPel/2) : 0);
                // vertical shift of fields for fieldbased video at finest level pel2

            for (int plane = 0; plane < d->supervi->format->numPlanes; plane++) {
                pRef[plane] = vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, plane);
                nRefPitch[plane] = vsapi->getStride(ref, plane);

            MVGroupOfFrames *pSrcGOF = new MVGroupOfFrames(d->nSuperLevels, d->analysisData.nWidth, d->analysisData.nHeight, d->nSuperPel, d->nSuperHPad, d->nSuperVPad, d->nSuperModeYUV, d->isse, d->analysisData.xRatioUV, d->analysisData.yRatioUV, d->supervi->format->bitsPerSample);
            MVGroupOfFrames *pRefGOF = new MVGroupOfFrames(d->nSuperLevels, d->analysisData.nWidth, d->analysisData.nHeight, d->nSuperPel, d->nSuperHPad, d->nSuperVPad, d->nSuperModeYUV, d->isse, d->analysisData.xRatioUV, d->analysisData.yRatioUV, d->supervi->format->bitsPerSample);

            // cast away the const, because why not.
            pSrcGOF->Update(d->nModeYUV, (uint8_t *)pSrc[0], nSrcPitch[0], (uint8_t *)pSrc[1], nSrcPitch[1], (uint8_t *)pSrc[2], nSrcPitch[2]); // v2.0
            pRefGOF->Update(d->nModeYUV, (uint8_t *)pRef[0], nRefPitch[0], (uint8_t *)pRef[1], nRefPitch[1], (uint8_t *)pRef[2], nRefPitch[2]); // v2.0

            DCTClass *DCTc = NULL;
            if (d->dctmode != 0) {
                // FIXME: deal with this inline asm shit
                if (d->isse && (d->blksize == 8) && d->blksizev == 8)
                DCTc = new DCTINT(d->blksize, d->blksizev, d->dctmode);
                DCTc = new DCTFFTW(d->blksize, d->blksizev, d->dctmode, d->vi->format->bitsPerSample);

            vectorFields->RecalculateMVs(balls, pSrcGOF, pRefGOF, d->searchType, d->nSearchParam, d->nLambda, d->pnew, reinterpret_cast<int*>(pDst), NULL, fieldShift, d->thSAD, DCTc, d->smooth, d->meander);

            if (d->divideExtra) {
                // make extra level with divided sublocks with median (not estimated) motion

            delete vectorFields;
            if (DCTc)
                delete DCTc;
            delete pSrcGOF;
            delete pRefGOF;
        else // too close to the beginning or end to do anything
            delete vectorFields;

        // FIXME: Get rid of all mmx shit.


        return dst;

    return 0;