virtual void createVertexStream(
        const MDagPath &dagPath, 
              MVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer,
        const MComponentDataIndexing &targetIndexing,
        const MComponentDataIndexing &,
        const MVertexBufferArray &) const
    virtual void createVertexStream(
        const MDagPath &dagPath, MVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer,
        const MComponentDataIndexing &targetIndexing) const
        const MVertexBufferDescriptor &desc = vertexBuffer.descriptor();

        MFnMesh meshFn(dagPath);
        int nVertices = meshFn.numVertices();

#if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 201350
        float *buffer = static_cast<float*>(vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices, true));
        float *buffer = static_cast<float*>(vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices));
        float *dst = buffer;
        if (_normal) {
            MFloatVectorArray normals;
            meshFn.getVertexNormals(true, normals);
            for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
                *dst++ = normals[i].x;
                *dst++ = normals[i].y;
                *dst++ = normals[i].z;
        } else {
            MFloatPointArray points;
            for (int i = 0; i < nVertices; ++i) {
                *dst++ = points[i].x;
                *dst++ = points[i].y;
                *dst++ = points[i].z;

    static MPxVertexBufferGenerator *positionBufferCreator()
        return new OsdBufferGenerator(/*normal = */false);
    static MPxVertexBufferGenerator *normalBufferCreator()
        return new OsdBufferGenerator(/*normal = */true);
    virtual void createVertexStream(const MObject& object,
        MVertexBuffer& vertexBuffer, const MComponentDataIndexing& targetIndexing, const MComponentDataIndexing& /*sharedIndexing*/, const MVertexBufferArray& /*sourceStreams*/) const
        // get the descriptor from the vertex buffer.  
        // It describes the format and layout of the stream.
        const MVertexBufferDescriptor& descriptor = vertexBuffer.descriptor();
        // we are expecting a float stream.
        if (descriptor.dataType() != MGeometry::kFloat) 

        // we are expecting a float2
        if (descriptor.dimension() != 2)

        // we are expecting a texture channel
        if (descriptor.semantic() != MGeometry::kTexture)

        // get the mesh from the current path
        // if it is not a mesh we do nothing.
        MStatus status;
        MFnMesh mesh(object, &status);
        if (!status) return; // failed

        const MUintArray& indices = targetIndexing.indices();

        unsigned int vertexCount = indices.length();
        if (vertexCount <= 0)

        // acquire the buffer to fill with data.
        float* buffer = (float*)vertexBuffer.acquire(vertexCount, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/);
        float* start = buffer;

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
            // Here we are embedding some custom data into the stream.
            // The included effects (vertexBufferGeneratorGL.cgfx and
            // vertexBufferGeneratorDX11.fx) will alternate 
            // red, green, and blue vertex colored triangles based on this input.
            *(buffer++) = 1.0f;
            *(buffer++) = (float)indices[i]; // color index

        // commit the buffer to signal completion.
                                    const MVertexBufferArray &) const 
    virtual void createVertexStream(const MDagPath &dagPath, MVertexBuffer &vertexBuffer,
                                    const MComponentDataIndexing &targetIndexing) const 
            const MVertexBufferDescriptor &desc = vertexBuffer.descriptor();

            MFnMesh meshFn(dagPath);
            int nVertices = meshFn.numVertices();
            if (!_normal) {
                MFloatPointArray points;
#ifdef MAYA2013_PREVIEW
                float *buffer = (float*)vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices, true);
                float *buffer = (float*)vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices);
                float *dst = buffer;
                for(int i=0; i < nVertices; ++i){
                    *dst++ = points[i].x;
                    *dst++ = points[i].y;
                    *dst++ = points[i].z;
            } else {
                MFloatVectorArray normals;
                meshFn.getVertexNormals(true, normals);

#ifdef MAYA2013_PREVIEW
                float *buffer = (float*)vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices, true);
                float *buffer = (float*)vertexBuffer.acquire(nVertices);
                float *dst = buffer;
                for(int i=0; i < nVertices; ++i){
                    *dst++ = normals[i].x;
                    *dst++ = normals[i].y;
                    *dst++ = normals[i].z;
	virtual void createVertexStream(const MObject& object,
        MVertexBuffer& vertexBuffer, const MComponentDataIndexing& targetIndexing, const MComponentDataIndexing& /*sourceIndexing*/, const MVertexBufferArray& sourceStreams) const
		// get the descriptor from the vertex buffer.  
		// It describes the format and layout of the stream.
		const MVertexBufferDescriptor& descriptor = vertexBuffer.descriptor();
		// we are expecting a float or int stream.
		MGeometry::DataType dataType = descriptor.dataType();
		if (dataType != MGeometry::kFloat && dataType != MGeometry::kInt32) 

		// we are expecting a dimension of 3 or 4
		int dimension = descriptor.dimension();
		if (dimension != 4 && dimension != 3)

		// we are expecting a texture channel
		if (descriptor.semantic() != MGeometry::kTexture)

		// get the mesh from the current path
		// if it is not a mesh we do nothing.
		MStatus status;
		MFnMesh mesh(object, &status);
		if (!status) return; // failed

        const MUintArray& indices = targetIndexing.indices();

        unsigned int vertexCount = indices.length();
        if (vertexCount <= 0)

		MVertexBuffer *positionStream = sourceStreams.getBuffer( "Position" );
		if(positionStream == NULL || positionStream->descriptor().dataType() != MGeometry::kFloat)
		int positionDimension = positionStream->descriptor().dimension();
		if(positionDimension != 3 && positionDimension != 4)

		MVertexBuffer *normalStream = sourceStreams.getBuffer( "Normal" );
		if(normalStream == NULL || normalStream->descriptor().dataType() != MGeometry::kFloat)
		int normalDimension = normalStream->descriptor().dimension();
		if(normalDimension != 3 && normalDimension != 4)

		float* positionBuffer = (float*)positionStream->map();
			float* normalBuffer = (float*)normalStream->map();
				void* compositeBuffer = vertexBuffer.acquire(vertexCount, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/);
					void* compositeBufferStart = compositeBuffer;
					float* compositeBufferAsFloat = (float*)compositeBuffer;
					int* compositeBufferAsInt = (int*)compositeBuffer;

					for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
						if(dataType == MGeometry::kFloat)
							*(compositeBufferAsFloat++) = *(positionBuffer + 1);	// store position.y 
							*(compositeBufferAsFloat++) = *(positionBuffer + 2);	// store position.z 
							*(compositeBufferAsFloat++) = *(normalBuffer);			// store normal.x
							if(dimension == 4)
								*(compositeBufferAsFloat++) = *(normalBuffer + 2);	// store normal.z
						else if(dataType == MGeometry::kInt32)
							*(compositeBufferAsInt++) = (int)(*(positionBuffer + 1) * 255);		// store position.y 
							*(compositeBufferAsInt++) = (int)(*(positionBuffer + 2) * 255);		// store position.z 
							*(compositeBufferAsInt++) = (int)(*(normalBuffer) * 255);			// store normal.x
							if(dimension == 4)
								*(compositeBufferAsInt++) = (int)(*(normalBuffer + 2) * 255);	// store normal.z
						positionBuffer += positionDimension;
						normalBuffer += normalDimension;


