void ServerEnvironment::step(float dtime)
	//TimeTaker timer("ServerEnv step");

	// Get some settings
	bool footprints = g_settings.getBool("footprints");

		Increment game time
		m_game_time_fraction_counter += dtime;
		u32 inc_i = (u32)m_game_time_fraction_counter;
		m_game_time += inc_i;
		m_game_time_fraction_counter -= (float)inc_i;
		Handle players
	for(core::list<Player*>::Iterator i = m_players.begin();
			i != m_players.end(); i++)
		Player *player = *i;
		// Ignore disconnected players
		if(player->peer_id == 0)

		v3f playerpos = player->getPosition();
		// Move
		player->move(dtime, *m_map, 100*BS);
			Add footsteps to grass
			// Get node that is at BS/4 under player
			v3s16 bottompos = floatToInt(playerpos + v3f(0,-BS/4,0), BS);
				MapNode n = m_map->getNode(bottompos);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_GRASS)
					m_map->setNode(bottompos, n);
			catch(InvalidPositionException &e)

		Manage active block list
	if(m_active_blocks_management_interval.step(dtime, 2.0))
			Get player block positions
		core::list<v3s16> players_blockpos;
				i = m_players.begin();
				i != m_players.end(); i++)
			Player *player = *i;
			// Ignore disconnected players
			if(player->peer_id == 0)
			v3s16 blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(
					floatToInt(player->getPosition(), BS));
			Update list of active blocks, collecting changes
		const s16 active_block_range = 5;
		core::map<v3s16, bool> blocks_removed;
		core::map<v3s16, bool> blocks_added;
		m_active_blocks.update(players_blockpos, active_block_range,
				blocks_removed, blocks_added);

			Handle removed blocks

		// Convert active objects that are no more in active blocks to static
		for(core::map<v3s16, bool>::Iterator
				i = blocks_removed.getIterator();
				i.atEnd()==false; i++)
			v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey();

			/*dstream<<"Server: Block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z
					<<") became inactive"<<std::endl;*/
			MapBlock *block = m_map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);
			// Set current time as timestamp (and let it set ChangedFlag)

			Handle added blocks

		for(core::map<v3s16, bool>::Iterator
				i = blocks_added.getIterator();
				i.atEnd()==false; i++)
			v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey();
			/*dstream<<"Server: Block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z
					<<") became active"<<std::endl;*/

			MapBlock *block = m_map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);


		Mess around in active blocks
	if(m_active_blocks_nodemetadata_interval.step(dtime, 1.0))
		float dtime = 1.0;

		for(core::map<v3s16, bool>::Iterator
				i = m_active_blocks.m_list.getIterator();
				i.atEnd()==false; i++)
			v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey();
			/*dstream<<"Server: Block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z
					<<") being handled"<<std::endl;*/

			MapBlock *block = m_map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);

			// Reset block usage timer
			// Set current time as timestamp

			// Run node metadata
			bool changed = block->m_node_metadata.step(dtime);
				MapEditEvent event;
				event.p = p;

	if(m_active_blocks_test_interval.step(dtime, 10.0))
		//float dtime = 10.0;
		for(core::map<v3s16, bool>::Iterator
				i = m_active_blocks.m_list.getIterator();
				i.atEnd()==false; i++)
			v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey();
			/*dstream<<"Server: Block ("<<p.X<<","<<p.Y<<","<<p.Z
					<<") being handled"<<std::endl;*/

			MapBlock *block = m_map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);
			// Set current time as timestamp

				Do stuff!

				Note that map modifications should be done using the event-
				making map methods so that the server gets information
				about them.

				Reading can be done quickly directly from the block.

				Everything should bind to inside this single content
				searching loop to keep things fast.
			// TODO: Implement usage of ActiveBlockModifier
			// Find out how many objects the block contains
			u32 active_object_count = block->m_static_objects.m_active.size();
			// Find out how many objects this and all the neighbors contain
			u32 active_object_count_wider = 0;
			for(s16 x=-1; x<=1; x++)
			for(s16 y=-1; y<=1; y++)
			for(s16 z=-1; z<=1; z++)
				MapBlock *block = m_map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p+v3s16(x,y,z));
				active_object_count_wider +=

			v3s16 p0;
			for(p0.X=0; p0.X<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; p0.X++)
			for(p0.Y=0; p0.Y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; p0.Y++)
			for(p0.Z=0; p0.Z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; p0.Z++)
				v3s16 p = p0 + block->getPosRelative();
				MapNode n = block->getNodeNoEx(p0);

					Test something:
					Convert mud under proper lighting to grass
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_MUD)
					if(myrand()%20 == 0)
						MapNode n_top = m_map->getNodeNoEx(p+v3s16(0,1,0));
						if(content_features(n_top).air_equivalent &&
								n_top.getLightBlend(getDayNightRatio()) >= 13)
							m_map->addNodeWithEvent(p, n);
					Convert grass into mud if under something else than air
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_GRASS)
					//if(myrand()%20 == 0)
						MapNode n_top = m_map->getNodeNoEx(p+v3s16(0,1,0));
						if(content_features(n_top).air_equivalent == false)
							m_map->addNodeWithEvent(p, n);
					Rats spawn around regular trees
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_TREE ||
						n.getContent() == CONTENT_JUNGLETREE)
   					if(myrand()%200 == 0 && active_object_count_wider == 0)
						v3s16 p1 = p + v3s16(myrand_range(-2, 2),
								0, myrand_range(-2, 2));
						MapNode n1 = m_map->getNodeNoEx(p1);
						MapNode n1b = m_map->getNodeNoEx(p1+v3s16(0,-1,0));
						if(n1b.getContent() == CONTENT_GRASS &&
								n1.getContent() == CONTENT_AIR)
							v3f pos = intToFloat(p1, BS);
							ServerActiveObject *obj = new RatSAO(this, 0, pos);
		Step active objects
		//TimeTaker timer("Step active objects");
		// This helps the objects to send data at the same time
		bool send_recommended = false;
		m_send_recommended_timer += dtime;
		if(m_send_recommended_timer > 0.15)
			m_send_recommended_timer = 0;
			send_recommended = true;

		for(core::map<u16, ServerActiveObject*>::Iterator
				i = m_active_objects.getIterator();
				i.atEnd()==false; i++)
			ServerActiveObject* obj = i.getNode()->getValue();
			// Don't step if is to be removed or stored statically
			if(obj->m_removed || obj->m_pending_deactivation)
			// Step object
			obj->step(dtime, send_recommended);
			// Read messages from object
			while(obj->m_messages_out.size() > 0)
		Manage active objects
	if(m_object_management_interval.step(dtime, 0.5))
			Remove objects that satisfy (m_removed && m_known_by_count==0)


#if 1
	m_random_spawn_timer -= dtime;
	if(m_random_spawn_timer < 0)
		//m_random_spawn_timer += myrand_range(2.0, 20.0);
		//m_random_spawn_timer += 2.0;
		m_random_spawn_timer += 200.0;

			Find some position

		/*v2s16 p2d(myrand_range(-5,5), myrand_range(-5,5));
		s16 y = 1 + getServerMap().findGroundLevel(p2d);
		v3f pos(p2d.X*BS,y*BS,p2d.Y*BS);*/
		Player *player = getRandomConnectedPlayer();
		v3f pos(0,0,0);
			pos = player->getPosition();
		pos += v3f(

			Create a ServerActiveObject

		//TestSAO *obj = new TestSAO(this, 0, pos);
		//ServerActiveObject *obj = new ItemSAO(this, 0, pos, "CraftItem Stick 1");
		//ServerActiveObject *obj = new RatSAO(this, 0, pos);
		//ServerActiveObject *obj = new Oerkki1SAO(this, 0, pos);
		ServerActiveObject *obj = new FireflySAO(this, 0, pos);

	} // enable_experimental
Beispiel #2
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	for(std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator
			i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i)
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);
	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;
	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;

	for(std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator
			si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si)
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();
		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| sp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		std::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks;
			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;
		std::list< MapBlock * >::iterator i;
		for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++)
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->mesh == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;


		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if(blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Beispiel #3
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	for (std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) {
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 p_blocks_min;
	v3s16 p_blocks_max;
	getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max);

	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	for (std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si) {
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();

		if (m_control.range_all == false) {
			if (sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X ||
					sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		MapBlockVect sectorblocks;

			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;

		for (MapBlockVect::iterator i = sectorblocks.begin();
				i != sectorblocks.end(); ++i) {
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display

			if (block->mesh != NULL)

			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if (m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if (!isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d))

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)


				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//MutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if (block->mesh == NULL) {

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
			if (g_settings->getBool("free_move")) {
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			cpn += v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2, MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2);
			float step = BS * 1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS * 1;
			// The occlusion search of 'isOccluded()' must stop short of the target
			// point by distance 'endoff' (end offset) to not enter the target mapblock.
			// For the 8 mapblock corners 'endoff' must therefore be the maximum diagonal
			// of a mapblock, because we must consider all view angles.
			// sqrt(1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2) = 1.732
			float endoff = -BS * MAP_BLOCKSIZE * 1.732050807569;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes;
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE / 2 + 1;
			// to reduce the likelihood of falsely occluded blocks
			// require at least two solid blocks
			// this is a HACK, we should think of a more precise algorithm
			u32 needed_count = 2;
			if (occlusion_culling_enabled &&
					// For the central point of the mapblock 'endoff' can be halved
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn,
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff / 2.0f, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
					isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
						step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)) {

			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if (blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks &&
					!m_control.range_all &&
					d > m_control.wanted_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if (d / BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d / BS;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if (sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if (blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
				(float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh / blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Beispiel #4
void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks (
		ServerEnvironment *env,
		EmergeManager * emerge,
		float dtime,
		std::vector<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest)

	// Increment timers
	m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime;
	m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime;

	if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0)

	RemotePlayer *player = env->getPlayer(peer_id);
	// This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync.
	if (!player)

	PlayerSAO *sao = player->getPlayerSAO();
	if (!sao)

	// Won't send anything if already sending
	if(m_blocks_sending.size() >= g_settings->getU16
		//infostream<<"Not sending any blocks, Queue full."<<std::endl;

	v3f playerpos = sao->getBasePosition();
	const v3f &playerspeed = player->getSpeed();
	v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0);
	if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS)
		playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength();
	// Predict to next block
	v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS;

	v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS);

	v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos);

	// Camera position and direction
	v3f camera_pos = sao->getEyePosition();
	v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1);


		Get the starting value of the block finder radius.

	if(m_last_center != center)
		m_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_last_center = center;


	// Reset periodically to workaround for some bugs or stuff
	if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 20.0)
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		//infostream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d for "
		//		<<server->getPlayerName(peer_id)<<std::endl;

	//s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d;
	s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d;


	u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings->getU16
	u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting;

		Check the time from last addNode/removeNode.

		Decrease send rate if player is building stuff.
	m_time_from_building += dtime;
	if(m_time_from_building < g_settings->getFloat(

		Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending
	u32 num_blocks_selected = m_blocks_sending.size();

		next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest
		unsent block was found this time.

		This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this
		time are actually sent.
	s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1;

	// get view range and camera fov from the client
	s16 wanted_range = sao->getWantedRange();
	float camera_fov = sao->getFov();
	// if FOV, wanted_range are not available (old client), fall back to old default
	if (wanted_range <= 0) wanted_range = 1000;
	if (camera_fov <= 0) camera_fov = (72.0*M_PI/180) * 4./3.;

	const s16 full_d_max = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance"), wanted_range);
	const s16 d_opt = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("block_send_optimize_distance"), wanted_range);
	const s16 d_blocks_in_sight = full_d_max * BS * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	//infostream << "Fov from client " << camera_fov << " full_d_max " << full_d_max << std::endl;

	s16 d_max = full_d_max;
	s16 d_max_gen = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance"), wanted_range);

	// Don't loop very much at a time
	s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 2;
	if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time)
		d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time;

	s32 nearest_emerged_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_emergefull_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_sent_d = -1;
	//bool queue_is_full = false;

	const v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_pos, BS);
	const bool occ_cull = g_settings->getBool("server_side_occlusion_culling");

	s16 d;
	for(d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++) {
			Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused"
		std::vector<v3s16> list = FacePositionCache::getFacePositions(d);

		std::vector<v3s16>::iterator li;
		for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); ++li) {
			v3s16 p = *li + center;

				Send throttling
				- Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers
				- EXCEPT when the blocks are very close

				Also, don't send blocks that are already flying.

			// Start with the usual maximum
			u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually;

			// If block is very close, allow full maximum
				max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting;

			// Don't select too many blocks for sending
			if (num_blocks_selected >= max_simul_dynamic) {
				//queue_is_full = true;
				goto queue_full_break;

			// Don't send blocks that are currently being transferred
			if (m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end())

				Do not go over max mapgen limit
			if (blockpos_over_max_limit(p))

			// If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch
			bool generate = d <= d_max_gen;

				Don't generate or send if not in sight
				FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough
				FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine.

			f32 dist;
			if (!isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, d_blocks_in_sight, &dist)) {

				Don't send already sent blocks
				if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end())

				Check if map has this block
			MapBlock *block = env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);

			bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false;
			bool block_is_invalid = false;
			if (block) {
				// Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future.

				// Block is dummy if data doesn't exist.
				// It means it has been not found from disk and not generated
				if (block->isDummy()) {
					surely_not_found_on_disk = true;

				if (!block->isGenerated())
					block_is_invalid = true;

					If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near
					ground level.

					Block is near ground level if night-time mesh
					differs from day-time mesh.
				if (d >= d_opt) {
					if (!block->getDayNightDiff())

				if (occ_cull && !block_is_invalid &&
						env->getMap().isBlockOccluded(block, cam_pos_nodes)) {

				If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy)
				and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block.
			if (!generate && surely_not_found_on_disk) {
				// get next one.

				Add inexistent block to emerge queue.
			if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid)
				if (emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) {
					if (nearest_emerged_d == -1)
						nearest_emerged_d = d;
				} else {
					if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1)
						nearest_emergefull_d = d;
					goto queue_full_break;

				// get next one.

			if(nearest_sent_d == -1)
				nearest_sent_d = d;

				Add block to send queue
			PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)dist, p, peer_id);


			num_blocks_selected += 1;

	// If nothing was found for sending and nothing was queued for
	// emerging, continue next time browsing from here
	if(nearest_emerged_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emerged_d;
	} else if(nearest_emergefull_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emergefull_d;
	} else {
		if(d > full_d_max){
			new_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
			m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0;
		} else {
			if(nearest_sent_d != -1)
				new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_sent_d;
				new_nearest_unsent_d = d;

	if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1)
		m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d;
Beispiel #5
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	for (std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::iterator i = m_drawlist.begin();
			i != m_drawlist.end(); ++i) {
		MapBlock *block = i->second;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 p_blocks_min;
	v3s16 p_blocks_max;
	getBlocksInViewRange(cam_pos_nodes, &p_blocks_min, &p_blocks_max);

	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
	// inside ground
	bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
	if (g_settings->getBool("free_move")) {
		MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
		if (n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
				m_nodedef->get(n).solidness == 2)
			occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

	for (std::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::iterator si = m_sectors.begin();
			si != m_sectors.end(); ++si) {
		MapSector *sector = si->second;
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();

		if (m_control.range_all == false) {
			if (sp.X < p_blocks_min.X || sp.X > p_blocks_max.X ||
					sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z || sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		MapBlockVect sectorblocks;

			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;

		for (MapBlockVect::iterator i = sectorblocks.begin();
				i != sectorblocks.end(); ++i) {
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display

			if (block->mesh)

			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if (!m_control.range_all)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if (!isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov, range, &d))


				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
			if (!block->mesh) {

				Occlusion culling
			if (occlusion_culling_enabled && isBlockOccluded(block, cam_pos_nodes)) {

			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if (blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks &&
					!m_control.range_all &&
					d > m_control.wanted_range * BS)

			// Add to set
			m_drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if (d / BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d / BS;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if (sector_blocks_drawn != 0)

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if (blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
				(float)blocks_in_range_without_mesh / blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);
Beispiel #6
int RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks(
		ServerEnvironment *env,
		EmergeManager * emerge,
		float dtime,
		double m_uptime,
		std::vector<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest)

	// Increment timers
	m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime;
	m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime;

	if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0)
		return 0;

	Player *player = env->getPlayer(peer_id);
	// This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync.
	if(player == NULL)
		return 0;

	v3f playerpos = player->getPosition();
	v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed();
	if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1000.0*BS) //cheater or bug, ignore him
		return 0;
	v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0);
	if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS)
		playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength();
	// Predict to next block
	v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS;

	v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS);

	v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos);

	// Camera position and direction
	v3f camera_pos = player->getEyePosition();
	v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1);


		Get the starting value of the block finder radius.

	if(m_last_center != center)
		m_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_last_center = center;


	// Reset periodically to workaround for some bugs or stuff
	if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 120.0)
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_nearest = 0;
		//infostream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d for "<<peer_id<<std::endl;

	//s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d;
	s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d;


	u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings->getU16
	u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting;

		Check the time from last addNode/removeNode.

		Decrease send rate if player is building stuff.
	m_time_from_building += dtime;
	if(m_time_from_building < g_settings->getFloat(

		Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending
	u32 num_blocks_selected = 0;
	u32 num_blocks_sending = 0;

		next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest
		unsent block was found this time.

		This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this
		time are actually sent.
	s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1;

	s16 full_d_max = g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance");
	if (wanted_range) {
		s16 wanted_blocks = wanted_range / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1;
		if (wanted_blocks < full_d_max)
			full_d_max = wanted_blocks;

	s16 d_max = full_d_max;
	s16 d_max_gen = g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance");

	// Don't loop very much at a time
	s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 5;
	if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time)
		d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time;
	/*if(d_max_gen > d_start+2)
		d_max_gen = d_start+2;*/

	//infostream<<"Starting from "<<d_start<<std::endl;

	s32 nearest_emerged_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_emergefull_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_sent_d = -1;
	bool queue_is_full = false;

	f32 speed_in_blocks = (playerspeed/(MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS)).getLength();

	s16 d;
	for(d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++)
		/*errorstream<<"checking d="<<d<<" for "
		//infostream<<"RemoteClient::SendBlocks(): d="<<d<<" d_start="<<d_start<<" d_max="<<d_max<<" d_max_gen="<<d_max_gen<<std::endl;

			If m_nearest_unsent_d was changed by the EmergeThread
			(it can change it to 0 through SetBlockNotSent),
			update our d to it.
			Else update m_nearest_unsent_d
		/*if(m_nearest_unsent_d != last_nearest_unsent_d)
			d = m_nearest_unsent_d;
			last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d;

		std::list<v3s16> list;
		bool can_skip = d > 1;
		// Fast fall/move optimize. speed_in_blocks now limited to 6.4
		if (speed_in_blocks>0.8 && d <= 2) {
			can_skip = false;
			if (d == 0) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*2; ++addn)
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1));
			} else if (d == 1) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*1.5; ++addn) {
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( 0,  0,  1)); // back
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( -1, 0,  0)); // left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( 1,  0,  0)); // right
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( 0,  0, -1)); // front
			} else if (d == 2) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*1.5; ++addn) {
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( -1, 0,  1)); // back left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( 1,  0,  1)); // left right
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( -1, 0, -1)); // right left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3s16( 1,  0, -1)); // front right
		} else {
			Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused"
			getFacePositions(list, d);

		std::list<v3s16>::iterator li;
		for(li=list.begin(); li!=list.end(); ++li)
			v3s16 p = *li + center;

				Send throttling
				- Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers
				- EXCEPT when the blocks are very close

				Also, don't send blocks that are already flying.

			// Start with the usual maximum
			u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually;

			// If block is very close, allow full maximum
				max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting;

			// Don't select too many blocks for sending
			if(num_blocks_selected+num_blocks_sending >= max_simul_dynamic)
				queue_is_full = true;
				goto queue_full_break;

				Do not go over-limit

			// If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch
			bool generate = d <= d_max_gen;

				/*// Limit the generating area vertically to 2/3
				if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3)
					generate = false;*/

				/* maybe good idea (if not use block culling) but brokes far (25+) area generate by flooding emergequeue with no generate blocks
				// Limit the send area vertically to 1/2
				if(can_skip && abs(p.Y - center.Y) > full_d_max / 2)
					generate = false;

				Don't generate or send if not in sight
				FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough
				FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine.

			float camera_fov = (80.0*M_PI/180) * 4./3.;
			if(can_skip && isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, 10000*BS) == false)

				Don't send already sent blocks
				if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end() && m_blocks_sent[p] > 0 && m_blocks_sent[p] + (d <= 2 ? 1 : d*d*d) > m_uptime) {

				Check if map has this block
			MapBlock *block = env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);

			bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false;
			bool block_is_invalid = false;
			if(block != NULL)

				if (m_blocks_sent[p] > 0 && m_blocks_sent[p] >= block->m_changed_timestamp) {

				// Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future.

				// Block is dummy if data doesn't exist.
				// It means it has been not found from disk and not generated
					surely_not_found_on_disk = true;

				if (block->getLightingExpired()) {
				// Block is valid if lighting is up-to-date and data exists
				if(block->isValid() == false)
					block_is_invalid = true;

				if(block->isGenerated() == false)

					If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near
					ground level.

					Block is near ground level if night-time mesh
					differs from day-time mesh.
				if(d >= 4)
					if(block->getDayNightDiff() == false)

				If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy)
				and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block.
			if(generate == false && surely_not_found_on_disk == true)
				// get next one.

				Add inexistent block to emerge queue.
			if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid)
				//infostream<<"start gen d="<<d<<" p="<<p<<" notfound="<<surely_not_found_on_disk<<" invalid="<< block_is_invalid<<" block="<<block<<" generate="<<generate<<std::endl;

				if (emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) {
					if (nearest_emerged_d == -1)
						nearest_emerged_d = d;
				} else {
					if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1)
						nearest_emergefull_d = d;
					goto queue_full_break;

				// get next one.

			if(nearest_sent_d == -1)
				nearest_sent_d = d;

				Add block to send queue

			PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)d, p, peer_id);


			num_blocks_selected += 1;

	//infostream<<"Stopped at "<<d<<" d_start="<<d_start<< " d_max="<<d_max<<" nearest_emerged_d="<<nearest_emerged_d<<" nearest_emergefull_d="<<nearest_emergefull_d<< " new_nearest_unsent_d="<<new_nearest_unsent_d<< " sel="<<num_blocks_selected<< "+"<<num_blocks_sending <<std::endl;
	num_blocks_selected += num_blocks_sending;
	if(!num_blocks_selected && d_start == d) {
		//new_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 1.0;

	// If nothing was found for sending and nothing was queued for
	// emerging, continue next time browsing from here
	if(nearest_emerged_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emerged_d;
	} else if(nearest_emergefull_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emergefull_d;
	} else {
		if(d > full_d_max){
			new_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
			m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0;
		} else {
			if(nearest_sent_d != -1)
				new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_sent_d;
				new_nearest_unsent_d = d;

	if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1)
		m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d;
	return num_blocks_selected - num_blocks_sending;
Beispiel #7
void ClientMap::renderMap(video::IVideoDriver* driver, s32 pass)
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	//m_dout<<DTIME<<"Rendering map..."<<std::endl;

	bool is_transparent_pass = pass == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT;
	std::string prefix;
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID)
		prefix = "CM: solid: ";
		prefix = "CM: transparent: ";

		This is called two times per frame, reset on the non-transparent one
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID)

		Get time for measuring timeout.
		Measuring time is very useful for long delays when the
		machine is swapping a lot.
	int time1 = time(0);

		Get animation parameters
	float animation_time = m_client->getAnimationTime();
	int crack = m_client->getCrackLevel();
	u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio();

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;

		Get all blocks and draw all visible ones

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);

	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;

	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	u32 vertex_count = 0;
	u32 meshbuffer_count = 0;
	// For limiting number of mesh animations per frame
	u32 mesh_animate_count = 0;
	u32 mesh_animate_count_far = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;

		Collect a set of blocks for drawing
	core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> drawset;

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"collecting blocks for drawing", SPT_AVG);

	for(core::map<v2s16, MapSector*>::Iterator
			si = m_sectors.getIterator();
			si.atEnd() == false; si++)
		MapSector *sector = si.getNode()->getValue();
		v2s16 sp = sector->getPos();
		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(sp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| sp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| sp.Y < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| sp.Y > p_blocks_max.Z)

		core::list< MapBlock * > sectorblocks;
			Loop through blocks in sector

		u32 sector_blocks_drawn = 0;
		core::list< MapBlock * >::Iterator i;
		for(i=sectorblocks.begin(); i!=sectorblocks.end(); i++)
			MapBlock *block = *i;

				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->mesh == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			// Mesh animation
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);
				MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh;
				// Pretty random but this should work somewhat nicely
				bool faraway = d >= BS*50;
				//bool faraway = d >= m_control.wanted_range * BS;
				if(mapBlockMesh->isAnimationForced() ||
						!faraway ||
						mesh_animate_count_far < (m_control.range_all ? 200 : 50))
					bool animated = mapBlockMesh->animate(
					if(animated && faraway)

			// Add to set
			drawset[block->getPos()] = block;

		} // foreach sectorblocks

		if(sector_blocks_drawn != 0)
			m_last_drawn_sectors[sp] = true;
	} // ScopeProfiler
		Draw the selected MapBlocks

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, prefix+"drawing blocks", SPT_AVG);

	int timecheck_counter = 0;
	for(core::map<v3s16, MapBlock*>::Iterator
			i = drawset.getIterator();
			i.atEnd() == false; i++)
			if(timecheck_counter > 50)
				timecheck_counter = 0;
				int time2 = time(0);
				if(time2 > time1 + 4)
					infostream<<"ClientMap::renderMap(): "
						"Rendering takes ages, returning."
		MapBlock *block = i.getNode()->getValue();

			Draw the faces of the block
			//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

			MapBlockMesh *mapBlockMesh = block->mesh;

			scene::SMesh *mesh = mapBlockMesh->getMesh();

			u32 c = mesh->getMeshBufferCount();
			bool stuff_actually_drawn = false;
			for(u32 i=0; i<c; i++)
				scene::IMeshBuffer *buf = mesh->getMeshBuffer(i);
				const video::SMaterial& material = buf->getMaterial();
				video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd =
				bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent());
				// Render transparent on transparent pass and likewise.
				if(transparent == is_transparent_pass)
					if(buf->getVertexCount() == 0)
						errorstream<<"Block ["<<analyze_block(block)
								<<"] contains an empty meshbuf"<<std::endl;
						This *shouldn't* hurt too much because Irrlicht
						doesn't change opengl textures if the old
						material has the same texture.
					vertex_count += buf->getVertexCount();
					stuff_actually_drawn = true;
	} // ScopeProfiler
	// Log only on solid pass because values are the same
	if(pass == scene::ESNRP_SOLID){
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
		if(blocks_in_range != 0)
			g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes", mesh_animate_count);
		g_profiler->avg("CM: animated meshes (far)", mesh_animate_count_far);
	g_profiler->avg(prefix+"vertices drawn", vertex_count);
	if(blocks_had_pass_meshbuf != 0)
		g_profiler->avg(prefix+"meshbuffers per block",
				(float)meshbuffer_count / (float)blocks_had_pass_meshbuf);
	if(blocks_drawn != 0)
		g_profiler->avg(prefix+"empty blocks (frac)",
				(float)blocks_without_stuff / blocks_drawn);

	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;

	/*infostream<<"renderMap(): is_transparent_pass="******", rendered "<<vertex_count<<" vertices."<<std::endl;*/
Beispiel #8
int RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks (
		ServerEnvironment *env,
		EmergeManager * emerge,
		float dtime,
		double m_uptime,
		std::vector<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest)

	auto lock = lock_unique_rec();
	if (!lock->owns_lock())
		return 0;

	// Increment timers
	m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime;
	m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime;
	m_time_from_building += dtime;

	if (m_nearest_unsent_reset) {
		m_nearest_unsent_reset = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 999;
		m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 0;
		m_time_from_building = 999;

	if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0)
		return 0;

	Player *player = env->getPlayer(peer_id);
	// This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync.
	if(player == NULL)
		return 0;

	v3f playerpos = player->getPosition();
	v3f playerspeed = player->getSpeed();
	if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1000.0*BS) //cheater or bug, ignore him
		return 0;
	v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0);
	if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS)
		playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength();
	// Predict to next block
	v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS;

	v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS);

	v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos);

	// Camera position and direction
	v3f camera_pos = player->getEyePosition();
	v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1);

	//infostream<<"camera_dir=("<<camera_dir<<")"<< " camera_pos="<<camera_pos<<std::endl;

		Get the starting value of the block finder radius.

	if(m_last_center != center)
		m_last_center = center;
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 999;

	if (m_last_direction.getDistanceFrom(camera_dir)>0.4) { // 1 = 90deg
		m_last_direction = camera_dir;
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 999;


	// Reset periodically to workaround for some bugs or stuff
	if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 120.0)
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_nearest_unsent_reset = 0;
		//infostream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d for "<<peer_id<<std::endl;

	//s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d;
	s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d;


	static const u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings->getU16
	static const u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting;

		Check the time from last addNode/removeNode.

		Decrease send rate if player is building stuff.
	static const auto full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building = g_settings->getFloat("full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building");
	if(m_time_from_building < full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building)
		m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 999; //magical number more than ^ other number 120 - need to reset d on next iteration

		Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending
	u32 num_blocks_selected = 0;
	u32 num_blocks_sending = 0;

		next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest
		unsent block was found this time.

		This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this
		time are actually sent.
	s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1;

	static const auto max_block_send_distance = g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance");
	s16 full_d_max = max_block_send_distance;
	if (wanted_range) {
		s16 wanted_blocks = wanted_range / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1;
		if (wanted_blocks < full_d_max)
			full_d_max = wanted_blocks;

	s16 d_max = full_d_max;
	static const s16 d_max_gen = g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance");

	// Don't loop very much at a time
	s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 10;
	if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time)
		d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time;
	/*if(d_max_gen > d_start+2)
		d_max_gen = d_start+2;*/

	//infostream<<"Starting from "<<d_start<<std::endl;

	s32 nearest_emerged_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_emergefull_d = -1;
	s32 nearest_sent_d = -1;
	//bool queue_is_full = false;

	f32 speed_in_blocks = (playerspeed/(MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS)).getLength();

	int blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	static const bool server_occlusion = g_settings->getBool("server_occlusion");
	bool occlusion_culling_enabled = server_occlusion;

	auto cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(playerpos, BS);

	auto nodemgr = env->getGameDef()->getNodeDefManager();
	MapNode n;
		auto lock = env->getServerMap().m_nothread_locker.lock_shared_rec();
		n = env->getMap().getNodeTry(cam_pos_nodes);

	if(n && nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
		occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

	unordered_map_v3POS<bool> occlude_cache;

	s16 d;
	for(d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++) {
		/*errorstream<<"checking d="<<d<<" for "
		//infostream<<"RemoteClient::SendBlocks(): d="<<d<<" d_start="<<d_start<<" d_max="<<d_max<<" d_max_gen="<<d_max_gen<<std::endl;

		std::vector<v3POS> list;
		if (d > 2 && d == d_start && m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer != 999) { // oops, again magic number from up ^

		bool can_skip = d > 1;
		// Fast fall/move optimize. speed_in_blocks now limited to 6.4
		if (speed_in_blocks>0.8 && d <= 2) {
			can_skip = false;
			if (d == 0) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*2; ++addn)
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1));
			} else if (d == 1) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*1.5; ++addn) {
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( 0,  0,  1)); // back
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( -1, 0,  0)); // left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( 1,  0,  0)); // right
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( 0,  0, -1)); // front
			} else if (d == 2) {
				for(s16 addn = 0; addn < (speed_in_blocks+1)*1.5; ++addn) {
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( -1, 0,  1)); // back left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( 1,  0,  1)); // left right
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( -1, 0, -1)); // right left
					list.push_back(floatToInt(playerspeeddir*addn, 1) + v3POS( 1,  0, -1)); // front right
		} else {
			Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused"
			list = FacePositionCache::getFacePositions(d);

		for(auto li=list.begin(); li!=list.end(); ++li)
			v3POS p = *li + center;

				Send throttling
				- Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers
				- EXCEPT when the blocks are very close

				Also, don't send blocks that are already flying.

			// Start with the usual maximum
			u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually;

			// If block is very close, allow full maximum
				max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting;

			// Don't select too many blocks for sending
			if (num_blocks_selected + num_blocks_sending >= max_simul_dynamic) {
				//queue_is_full = true;
				goto queue_full_break;

				Do not go over-limit
			if (blockpos_over_limit(p))

			// If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch
			bool generate = d <= d_max_gen;

				/*// Limit the generating area vertically to 2/3
				if(abs(p.Y - center.Y) > d_max_gen - d_max_gen / 3)
					generate = false;*/

				/* maybe good idea (if not use block culling) but brokes far (25+) area generate by flooding emergequeue with no generate blocks
				// Limit the send area vertically to 1/2
				if(can_skip && abs(p.Y - center.Y) > full_d_max / 2)
					generate = false;

				Don't generate or send if not in sight
				FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough
				FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine.

			float camera_fov = ((fov+5)*M_PI/180) * 4./3.;
			if(can_skip && isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, 10000*BS) == false)

				Don't send already sent blocks
			unsigned int block_sent = 0;
				auto lock = m_blocks_sent.lock_shared_rec();
				block_sent = m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end() ? m_blocks_sent.get(p) : 0;
			if(block_sent > 0 && (/* (block_overflow && d>1) || */ block_sent + (d <= 2 ? 1 : d*d*d) > m_uptime)) {

				Check if map has this block

			MapBlock *block;
			auto lock = env->getServerMap().m_nothread_locker.lock_shared_rec();

			block = env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p);

			bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false;
			bool block_is_invalid = false;
			if(block != NULL)

				if (d > 3 && block->content_only == CONTENT_AIR) {

				if (block_sent > 0 && block_sent >= block->m_changed_timestamp) {

		if (occlusion_culling_enabled) {
			ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "SMap: Occusion calls");
			//Occlusion culling
			auto cpn = p*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground

			float step = 1;
			float stepfac = 1.3;
			float startoff = 5;
			float endoff = -MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
			v3POS spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3POS(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
			auto lock = env->getServerMap().m_nothread_locker.lock_shared_rec();
			//VERY BAD COPYPASTE FROM clientmap.cpp!
			if( d >= 1 &&
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache) &&
				isOccluded(&env->getMap(), spn, cpn + v3POS(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr, occlude_cache)
				//infostream<<" occlusion player="<<cam_pos_nodes<<" d="<<d<<" block="<<cpn<<" total="<<blocks_occlusion_culled<<"/"<<num_blocks_selected<<std::endl;
				g_profiler->add("SMap: Occlusion skip", 1);

				// Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future.

				if (block->getLightingExpired()) {
					//env->getServerMap().lighting_modified_blocks.set(p, nullptr);
					env->getServerMap().lighting_modified_add(p, d);

				if (block->lighting_broken > 0 && (block_sent || d > 0))

				// Block is valid if lighting is up-to-date and data exists
				if(block->isValid() == false)
					block_is_invalid = true;

				if(block->isGenerated() == false)

					If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near
					ground level.

					Block is near ground level if night-time mesh
					differs from day-time mesh.
				if(d >= 4)
					if(block->getDayNightDiff() == false)

				If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy)
				and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block.
			if(generate == false && surely_not_found_on_disk == true)
				// get next one.

				Add inexistent block to emerge queue.
			if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid)
				//infostream<<"start gen d="<<d<<" p="<<p<<" notfound="<<surely_not_found_on_disk<<" invalid="<< block_is_invalid<<" block="<<block<<" generate="<<generate<<std::endl;

				if (emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) {
					if (nearest_emerged_d == -1)
						nearest_emerged_d = d;
				} else {
					if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1)
						nearest_emergefull_d = d;
					goto queue_full_break;

				// get next one.

			if(nearest_sent_d == -1)
				nearest_sent_d = d;

				Add block to send queue

			PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)d, p, peer_id);


			num_blocks_selected += 1;

	//infostream<<"Stopped at "<<d<<" d_start="<<d_start<< " d_max="<<d_max<<" nearest_emerged_d="<<nearest_emerged_d<<" nearest_emergefull_d="<<nearest_emergefull_d<< " new_nearest_unsent_d="<<new_nearest_unsent_d<< " sel="<<num_blocks_selected<< "+"<<num_blocks_sending << " culled=" << blocks_occlusion_culled <<" cEN="<<occlusion_culling_enabled<<std::endl;
	num_blocks_selected += num_blocks_sending;
	if(!num_blocks_selected && d_start <= d) {
		//new_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
		m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 1.0;

	// If nothing was found for sending and nothing was queued for
	// emerging, continue next time browsing from here
	if(nearest_emerged_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emerged_d;
	} else if(nearest_emergefull_d != -1){
		new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emergefull_d;
	} else {
		if(d > full_d_max){
			new_nearest_unsent_d = 0;
			m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 1.0;
		} else {
			if(nearest_sent_d != -1)
				new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_sent_d;
				new_nearest_unsent_d = d;

	if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1)
		m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d;
	return num_blocks_selected - num_blocks_sending;
Beispiel #9
void ClientMap::updateDrawList(video::IVideoDriver* driver, float dtime)
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "CM::updateDrawList()", SPT_AVG);
	//g_profiler->add("CM::updateDrawList() count", 1);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	if (!m_drawlist_last)
		m_drawlist_current = !m_drawlist_current;
	auto & drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? m_drawlist_1 : m_drawlist_0;

	float max_cycle_ms = 0.1/getControl().fps_wanted;
	u32 n = 0, calls = 0, end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms;

	v3f camera_position = m_camera_position;
	v3f camera_direction = m_camera_direction;
	f32 camera_fov = m_camera_fov;
	v3s16 camera_offset = m_camera_offset;

	// Use a higher fov to accomodate faster camera movements.
	// Blocks are cropped better when they are drawn.
	// Or maybe they aren't? Well whatever.
	camera_fov *= 1.2;

	v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_position, BS);
	v3s16 box_nodes_d = m_control.wanted_range * v3s16(1,1,1);
	v3s16 p_nodes_min = cam_pos_nodes - box_nodes_d;
	v3s16 p_nodes_max = cam_pos_nodes + box_nodes_d;
	// Take a fair amount as we will be dropping more out later
	// Umm... these additions are a bit strange but they are needed.
	v3s16 p_blocks_min(
			p_nodes_min.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3,
			p_nodes_min.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 3);
	v3s16 p_blocks_max(
			p_nodes_max.X / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Y / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1,
			p_nodes_max.Z / MAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	// Number of blocks in rendering range
	u32 blocks_in_range = 0;
	// Number of blocks occlusion culled
	u32 blocks_occlusion_culled = 0;
	// Number of blocks in rendering range but don't have a mesh
	u32 blocks_in_range_without_mesh = 0;
	// Blocks that had mesh that would have been drawn according to
	// rendering range (if max blocks limit didn't kick in)
	u32 blocks_would_have_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks that were drawn and had a mesh
	u32 blocks_drawn = 0;
	// Blocks which had a corresponding meshbuffer for this pass
	//u32 blocks_had_pass_meshbuf = 0;
	// Blocks from which stuff was actually drawn
	//u32 blocks_without_stuff = 0;
	// Distance to farthest drawn block
	float farthest_drawn = 0;

	auto lock = m_blocks.lock_shared_rec();
	for(auto & ir : m_blocks) {

		if (n++ < m_drawlist_last)
			m_drawlist_last = 0;

		MapBlock *block = ir.second;
		auto bp = block->getPos();

		if(m_control.range_all == false)
			if(bp.X < p_blocks_min.X
			|| bp.X > p_blocks_max.X
			|| bp.Z > p_blocks_max.Z
			|| bp.Z < p_blocks_min.Z
			|| bp.Y < p_blocks_min.Y
			|| bp.Y > p_blocks_max.Y)

			int mesh_step = getFarmeshStep(m_control, getNodeBlockPos(cam_pos_nodes).getDistanceFrom(block->getPos()));
				Compare block position to camera position, skip
				if not seen on display
			if (block->getMesh(mesh_step) != NULL)
			float range = 100000 * BS;
			if(m_control.range_all == false)
				range = m_control.wanted_range * BS;

			float d = 0.0;
			if(isBlockInSight(block->getPos(), camera_position,
					camera_direction, camera_fov,
					range, &d) == false)

			// This is ugly (spherical distance limit?)
			/*if(m_control.range_all == false &&
					d - 0.5*BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE > range)

				Ignore if mesh doesn't exist
				//JMutexAutoLock lock(block->mesh_mutex);

				if(block->getMesh(mesh_step) == NULL){

				Occlusion culling

			// No occlusion culling when free_move is on and camera is
			// inside ground
			bool occlusion_culling_enabled = true;
				MapNode n = getNodeNoEx(cam_pos_nodes);
				if(n.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ||
						nodemgr->get(n).solidness == 2)
					occlusion_culling_enabled = false;

			v3s16 cpn = block->getPos() * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

			float step = BS*1;
			float stepfac = 1.1;
			float startoff = BS*1;
			float endoff = -BS*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*1.42*1.42;
			v3s16 spn = cam_pos_nodes + v3s16(0,0,0);
			s16 bs2 = MAP_BLOCKSIZE/2 + 1;
			u32 needed_count = 1;
				occlusion_culling_enabled &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(0,0,0),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr) &&
				isOccluded(this, spn, cpn + v3s16(-bs2,-bs2,-bs2),
					step, stepfac, startoff, endoff, needed_count, nodemgr)
			// This block is in range. Reset usage timer.

			// Limit block count in case of a sudden increase
			if(blocks_drawn >= m_control.wanted_max_blocks
					&& m_control.range_all == false
					&& d > m_control.wanted_min_range * BS)

			if (m_control.farmesh && mesh_step != block->getMesh(mesh_step)->step) { //&& !block->mesh->transparent
				m_client->addUpdateMeshTask(block->getPos(), false, mesh_step == 1);


			// Add to set
			drawlist[block->getPos()] = block;

			if(d/BS > farthest_drawn)
				farthest_drawn = d/BS;

		if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) {
			m_drawlist_last = n;
	if (!calls)
		m_drawlist_last = 0;

	if (m_drawlist_last)

	for (auto & ir : *m_drawlist)

	m_drawlist = m_drawlist_current ? &m_drawlist_1 : &m_drawlist_0;

	m_control.blocks_would_have_drawn = blocks_would_have_drawn;
	m_control.blocks_drawn = blocks_drawn;
	m_control.farthest_drawn = farthest_drawn;

	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range", blocks_in_range);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks occlusion culled", blocks_occlusion_culled);
	if(blocks_in_range != 0)
		g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks in range without mesh (frac)",
	g_profiler->avg("CM: blocks drawn", blocks_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: farthest drawn", farthest_drawn);
	g_profiler->avg("CM: wanted max blocks", m_control.wanted_max_blocks);