  const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData,
  const SolutionOptions& solnOpts,
  ElemDataRequests& dataPreReqs)
  : Kernel(),
  const stk::mesh::MetaData& metaData = bulkData.mesh_meta_data();
  ScalarFieldType *temperature = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "temperature");

  temperatureNp1_ = &(temperature->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1));
  coordinates_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, solnOpts.get_coordinates_name());
  const std::vector<double>& solnOptsGravity = solnOpts.get_gravity_vector(AlgTraits::nDim_);
  for (int i = 0; i < AlgTraits::nDim_; i++)
    gravity_(i) = solnOptsGravity[i];

  tRef_ = solnOpts.referenceTemperature_;
  rhoRef_ = solnOpts.referenceDensity_;
  beta_ = solnOpts.thermalExpansionCoeff_;

  MasterElement* meSCV = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_volume_master_element(AlgTraits::topo_);
  get_scv_shape_fn_data<AlgTraits>([&](double* ptr){meSCV->shape_fcn(ptr);}, v_shape_function_);

  // add master elements

  // fields and data
  dataPreReqs.add_coordinates_field(*coordinates_, AlgTraits::nDim_, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*temperatureNp1_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCV_VOLUME, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
Beispiel #2
void ShapeFunction::precompute(const MasterElement &master) {
  // Use the virtual functions that evaluate the shapefunction at
  // arbitrary points to store its values at the Gauss points.

  // loop over integration orders (sets of gauss points)
  for(int ord=0; ord<master.ngauss_sets(); ord++) {

    const GaussPtTable &gptable = master.gptable(ord);

    sftable[ord] = new ShapeFunctionTable(gptable.size(), nfunctions);
    std::vector<DoubleVec> &f_table = sftable[ord]->f_table;
    std::vector<std::vector<DoubleVec> > &df_table =

    // loop over gausspoints
    for(std::vector<GaussPtData>::size_type g=0; g<gptable.size(); g++) {
      MasterCoord mpos = gptable[g].position;
      for(ShapeFunctionIndex n=0; n<nfunctions; ++n) { // loop over sf's
	f_table[g][n] = value(n, mpos);
	DoubleVec &dftemp = df_table[g][n];
	for(SpaceIndex j=0; j<DIM; ++j) // loop over spatial dimensions
	  dftemp[j] = masterderiv(n, j, mpos);
Beispiel #3
  const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData,
  const SolutionOptions& solnOpts,
  VectorFieldType* ,
  GenericFieldType* Gju,
  const double fourthFac,
  ElemDataRequests& dataPreReqs)
  : Kernel(),
  const stk::mesh::MetaData& metaData = bulkData.mesh_meta_data();
  velocityNp1_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "velocity");
  densityNp1_ = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "density");
  pressure_ = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "pressure");

  if (solnOpts.does_mesh_move())
    velocityRTM_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
      stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "velocity_rtm");
    velocityRTM_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
      stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "velocity");

  pressure_ = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "pressure");

  coordinates_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, solnOpts.get_coordinates_name());

  Gjp_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "dpdx");

  MasterElement *meSCS = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(AlgTraits::topo_);
  get_scs_shape_fn_data<AlgTraits>([&](double* ptr){meSCS->shape_fcn(ptr);}, v_shape_function_);

  // add master elements

  // fields
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*Gju_, AlgTraits::nDim_, AlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_coordinates_field(*coordinates_, AlgTraits::nDim_, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*velocityNp1_, AlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*velocityRTM_, AlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*Gjp_, AlgTraits::nDim_);

  // master element data
  dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_AREAV, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  if ( shiftedGradOp_ )
    dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_SHIFTED_GRAD_OP, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
    dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_GRAD_OP, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_GIJ, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
Beispiel #4
ShapeFunction::ShapeFunction(int nsf, const MasterElement &master)
  : sftable(master.ngauss_sets()),
  for(int i=0; i<master.ngauss_sets(); i++) {
    sftable[i] = new ShapeFunctionTable(master.ngauss(i), nsf);
    sfcache[i] = new ShapeFunctionCache(master.ngauss(i), nsf);
   Realm &realm,
   ElemDataRequests& dataPreReqs,
   const bool lumpedMass)
  : SupplementalAlgorithm(realm),
  // save off fields; shove state N into Nm1 if this is BE
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();
  ScalarFieldType *density = meta_data.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "density");
  densityNm1_ = realm_.number_of_states() == 2 ? &(density->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateN)) : &(density->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNM1));
  densityN_ = &(density->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateN));
  densityNp1_ = &(density->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1));
  coordinates_ = meta_data.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, realm_.get_coordinates_name());

  MasterElement *meSCV = realm.get_volume_master_element(AlgTraits::topo_);

  // compute shape function
  if ( lumpedMass_ )

  // add master elements

  // fields and data
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*coordinates_, AlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*densityNm1_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*densityN_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*densityNp1_, 1);
  const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData,
  const SolutionOptions& solnOpts,
  ElemDataRequests& dataPreReqs)
  : Kernel(),
  const stk::mesh::MetaData& metaData = bulkData.mesh_meta_data();
  VectorFieldType *velocity = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "velocity");
  velocityNp1_ = &(velocity->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1));
  bcVelocity_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "wall_velocity_bc");
  density_ = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "density");
  viscosity_ = metaData.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "viscosity");
  exposedAreaVec_ = metaData.get_field<GenericFieldType>(metaData.side_rank(), "exposed_area_vector");
  wallFrictionVelocityBip_ = metaData.get_field<GenericFieldType>(metaData.side_rank(), "wall_friction_velocity_bip");
  wallNormalDistanceBip_ = metaData.get_field<GenericFieldType>(metaData.side_rank(), "wall_normal_distance_bip");
  VectorFieldType *coordinates = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, solnOpts.get_coordinates_name());
  MasterElement *meFC = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(BcAlgTraits::topo_);
  // compute and save shape function
  get_face_shape_fn_data<BcAlgTraits>([&](double* ptr){meFC->shape_fcn(ptr);}, vf_shape_function_);

  // add master elements
  // fields and data; mdot not gathered as element data
  dataPreReqs.add_coordinates_field(*coordinates, BcAlgTraits::nDim_, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*velocityNp1_, BcAlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*bcVelocity_, BcAlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*density_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*viscosity_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_face_field(*exposedAreaVec_, BcAlgTraits::numFaceIp_, BcAlgTraits::nDim_);
  dataPreReqs.add_face_field(*wallFrictionVelocityBip_, BcAlgTraits::numFaceIp_);
  dataPreReqs.add_face_field(*wallNormalDistanceBip_, BcAlgTraits::numFaceIp_);
Beispiel #7
  const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData,
  const SolutionOptions& solnOpts,
  ScalarFieldType* scalarQ,
  ScalarFieldType* diffFluxCoeff,
  ElemDataRequests& dataPreReqs)
  : Kernel(),
  // Save of required fields
  const stk::mesh::MetaData& metaData = bulkData.mesh_meta_data();
  coordinates_ = metaData.get_field<VectorFieldType>(
    stk::topology::NODE_RANK, solnOpts.get_coordinates_name());
  massFlowRate_ = metaData.get_field<GenericFieldType>(
    stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, "mass_flow_rate_scs");

  MasterElement *meSCS = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(AlgTraits::topo_);

  get_scs_shape_fn_data<AlgTraits>([&](double* ptr){meSCS->shape_fcn(ptr);}, v_shape_function_);
  const bool skewSymmetric = solnOpts.get_skew_symmetric(scalarQ->name());
  get_scs_shape_fn_data<AlgTraits>([&](double* ptr){skewSymmetric ? meSCS->shifted_shape_fcn(ptr) : meSCS->shape_fcn(ptr);}, 


  // fields and data
  dataPreReqs.add_coordinates_field(*coordinates_, AlgTraits::nDim_, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*scalarQ_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_gathered_nodal_field(*diffFluxCoeff_, 1);
  dataPreReqs.add_element_field(*massFlowRate_, AlgTraits::numScsIp_);
  dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_AREAV, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
  if ( shiftedGradOp_ )
    dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_SHIFTED_GRAD_OP, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
    dataPreReqs.add_master_element_call(SCS_GRAD_OP, CURRENT_COORDINATES);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();
  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // space for LHS/RHS (nodesPerElem+1)*(nodesPerElem+1); nodesPerElem+1
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &scalarQNp1 = scalarQ_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // space for interpolated right state (halo)
  double qNp1R;
  double diffFluxCoeffR;
  std::vector<double> dqdxR(nDim);

  // interpolate nodal values to point-in-elem
  const int sizeOfScalarField = 1;
  const int sizeOfVectorField = nDim;
  // parallel communicate ghosted entities
  if ( NULL != realm_.contactManager_->contactGhosting_ )
    stk::mesh::communicate_field_data(*(realm_.contactManager_->contactGhosting_), ghostFieldVec_);
  // iterate contactInfoVec_
  std::vector<ContactInfo *>::iterator ii;
  for( ii=realm_.contactManager_->contactInfoVec_.begin();
       ii!=realm_.contactManager_->contactInfoVec_.end(); ++ii ) {
    // get master element type for this contactInfo
    MasterElement *meSCS  = (*ii)->meSCS_;
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    std::vector <double > elemNodalQ(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector <double > elemNodalDiffFluxCoeff(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector <double > elemNodalCoords(nDim*nodesPerElement);
    std::vector <double > elemNodalDqdx(nDim*nodesPerElement);
    std::vector <double > shpfc(nodesPerElement);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int npePlusOne = nodesPerElement+1;
    const int lhsSize = npePlusOne*npePlusOne;
    const int rhsSize = npePlusOne;

    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];

    // iterate halo face nodes
    std::map<uint64_t, HaloInfo *>::iterator iterHalo;
    for (iterHalo  = (*ii)->haloInfoMap_.begin();
         iterHalo != (*ii)->haloInfoMap_.end();
         ++iterHalo) {

      // halo info object of interest
      HaloInfo * infoObject = (*iterHalo).second;

      // zeroing of lhs/rhs
      for ( int k = 0; k < lhsSize; ++k ) {
        p_lhs[k] = 0.0;
      for ( int k = 0; k < rhsSize; ++k ) {
        p_rhs[k] = 0.0;

      // pointer to edge area vector
      const double *p_areaVec = &infoObject->haloEdgeAreaVec_[0];

      // extract element mesh object and global id for face node
      stk::mesh::Entity elem  = infoObject->owningElement_;

      stk::mesh::Entity const* elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(elem);
      const int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(elem);

      // now load the elemental values for future interpolation; fill in connected nodes
      connected_nodes[0] = infoObject->faceNode_;
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        connected_nodes[ni+1] = node;

        elemNodalQ[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*scalarQ_, node);
        elemNodalDiffFluxCoeff[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, node);

        // load up vectors
        const double * Gjq = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, node );
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const int offSet = j*nodesPerElement +ni;
          elemNodalDqdx[offSet] = Gjq[j];
          elemNodalCoords[offSet] = coords[j];

      // extract nodal fields; right state is Halo and requires inperpolation
      const double *coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, infoObject->faceNode_);
      const double *coordR = &infoObject->haloNodalCoords_[0];

      const double qNp1L = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, infoObject->faceNode_);

      // possible Hermite polynomial interpolation
      if (NULL != hermite_) {
        double qNp1H = 0;
        hermite_->do_hermite(&elemNodalQ[0], &elemNodalCoords[0], &elemNodalDqdx[0], &coordR[0], qNp1H);
        qNp1R = qNp1H;

      const double diffFluxCoeffL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, infoObject->faceNode_);

      // deal with nodal dqdx
      const double *dqdxL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, infoObject->faceNode_);

      // ip props
      const double viscIp = 0.5*(diffFluxCoeffL + diffFluxCoeffR);

      // compute geometry
      double axdx = 0.0;
      double asq = 0.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        axdx += axj*dxj;
        asq += axj*axj;

      const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;

      // NOC
      double nonOrth = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        // now non-orth (over-relaxed procedure of Jasek)
        const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj;
        const double GjIp = 0.5*(dqdxL[j] + dqdxR[j]);
        nonOrth += -viscIp*kxj*GjIp;

      // iterate owning element nodes and form pair
      meSCS->general_shape_fcn(1, &(infoObject->isoParCoords_[0]), &shpfc[0]);

      const double lhsFac = -viscIp*asq*inv_axdx;
      const double diffFlux = lhsFac*(qNp1R-qNp1L) + nonOrth;

      // setup for LHS; row left is easy - simply zero

      // left node (face)
      p_rhs[0] = -diffFlux;
      p_lhs[0] = -lhsFac;

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        p_lhs[ni+1] = lhsFac*shpfc[ni];

      // apply to linear system
      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();
  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // extract user advection options (allow to potentially change over time)
  const std::string dofName = scalarQ_->name();
  const double hybridFactor = realm_.get_hybrid_factor(dofName);
  const double alpha = realm_.get_alpha_factor(dofName);
  const double alphaUpw = realm_.get_alpha_upw_factor(dofName);
  const double hoUpwind = realm_.get_upw_factor(dofName);
  const bool useLimiter = realm_.primitive_uses_limiter(dofName);

  // one minus flavor..
  const double om_alpha = 1.0-alpha;
  const double om_alphaUpw = 1.0-alphaUpw;

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nodesPerElem* and nodesPerElem
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // supplemental algorithm size and setup
  const size_t supplementalAlgSize = supplementalAlg_.size();
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_velocityNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_meshVelocity;
  std::vector<double> ws_vrtm;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_scalarQNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_dqdx;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_diffFluxCoeff;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_scs_areav;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_deriv;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // ip values

  // pointers
  double *p_coordIp = &coordIp[0];

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &scalarQNp1   = scalarQ_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement;

    // algorithm related

    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_velocityNp1 = &ws_velocityNp1[0];
    double *p_meshVelocity = &ws_meshVelocity[0];
    double *p_vrtm = &ws_vrtm[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_dqdx = &ws_dqdx[0];
    double *p_scalarQNp1 = &ws_scalarQNp1[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_diffFluxCoeff = &ws_diffFluxCoeff[0];
    double *p_scs_areav = &ws_scs_areav[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    // extract shape function

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {
      // get elem
      stk::mesh::Entity elem = b[k];

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // ip data for this element; scs and scv
      const double *mdot = stk::mesh::field_data(*massFlowRate_, elem );

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const * node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(elem);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(elem);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // pointers to real data
        const double * uNp1   = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, node );
        const double * vNp1   = stk::mesh::field_data(*meshVelocity_, node);
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        const double * dq     = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, node );

        // gather scalars
        p_scalarQNp1[ni]    = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, node );
        p_density[ni]       = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node );
        p_diffFluxCoeff[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, node );

        // gather vectors
        const int niNdim = ni*nDim;
        for ( int i=0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_velocityNp1[niNdim+i] = uNp1[i];
          p_vrtm[niNdim+i] = uNp1[i];
          p_meshVelocity[niNdim+i] = vNp1[i];
          p_coordinates[niNdim+i] = coords[i];
          p_dqdx[niNdim+i] = dq[i];

      // compute geometry
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);

      // compute dndx
      meSCS->grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      // manage velocity relative to mesh
      if ( meshMotion_ ) {
        const int kSize = num_nodes*nDim;
        for ( int k = 0; k < kSize; ++k ) {
          p_vrtm[k] -= p_meshVelocity[k];

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        // corresponding matrix rows
        const int rowL = il*nodesPerElement;
        const int rowR = ir*nodesPerElement;

        // save off mdot
        const double tmdot = mdot[ip];

        // zero out values of interest for this ip
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordIp[j] = 0.0;

        // save off ip values; offset to Shape Function
        double rhoIp = 0.0;
        double muIp = 0.0;
        double qIp = 0.0;
        const int offSetSF = ip*nodesPerElement;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSetSF+ic];
          rhoIp += r*p_density[ic];
          muIp += r*p_diffFluxCoeff[ic];
          qIp += r*p_scalarQNp1[ic];
          // compute scs point values
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            p_coordIp[i] += r*p_coordinates[ic*nDim+i];

        // Peclet factor; along the edge
        const double diffIp = 0.5*(p_diffFluxCoeff[il]/p_density[il]
                                   + p_diffFluxCoeff[ir]/p_density[ir]);
        double udotx = 0.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxj = p_coordinates[ir*nDim+j]-p_coordinates[il*nDim+j];
          const double uj = 0.5*(p_vrtm[il*nDim+j] + p_vrtm[ir*nDim+j]);
          udotx += uj*dxj;
        double pecfac = hybridFactor*udotx/(diffIp+small);
        pecfac = pecfac*pecfac/(5.0 + pecfac*pecfac);
        const double om_pecfac = 1.0-pecfac;

        // left and right extrapolation
        double dqL = 0.0;
        double dqR = 0.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxjL = p_coordIp[j] - p_coordinates[il*nDim+j];
          const double dxjR = p_coordinates[ir*nDim+j] - p_coordIp[j];
          dqL += dxjL*p_dqdx[nDim*il+j];
          dqR += dxjR*p_dqdx[nDim*ir+j];

        // add limiter if appropriate
        double limitL = 1.0;
        double limitR = 1.0;
        if ( useLimiter ) {
          const double dq = p_scalarQNp1[ir] - p_scalarQNp1[il];
          const double dqMl = 2.0*2.0*dqL - dq;
          const double dqMr = 2.0*2.0*dqR - dq;
          limitL = van_leer(dqMl, dq, small);
          limitR = van_leer(dqMr, dq, small);
        // extrapolated; for now limit (along edge is fine)
        const double qIpL = p_scalarQNp1[il] + dqL*hoUpwind*limitL;
        const double qIpR = p_scalarQNp1[ir] - dqR*hoUpwind*limitR;

        // assemble advection; rhs and upwind contributions

        // 2nd order central; simply qIp from above

        // upwind
        const double qUpwind = (tmdot > 0) ? alphaUpw*qIpL + om_alphaUpw*qIp
            : alphaUpw*qIpR + om_alphaUpw*qIp;

        // generalized central (2nd and 4th order)
        const double qHatL = alpha*qIpL + om_alpha*qIp;
        const double qHatR = alpha*qIpR + om_alpha*qIp;
        const double qCds = 0.5*(qHatL + qHatR);

        // total advection
        const double aflux = tmdot*(pecfac*qUpwind + om_pecfac*qCds);

        // right hand side; L and R
        p_rhs[il] -= aflux;
        p_rhs[ir] += aflux;

        // advection operator sens; all but central

        // upwind advection (includes 4th); left node
        const double alhsfacL = 0.5*(tmdot+std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
          + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
        p_lhs[rowL+il] += alhsfacL;
        p_lhs[rowR+il] -= alhsfacL;

        // upwind advection; right node
        const double alhsfacR = 0.5*(tmdot-std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
          + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
        p_lhs[rowR+ir] -= alhsfacR;
        p_lhs[rowL+ir] += alhsfacR;

        double qDiff = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {

          // shape function
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSetSF+ic];

          // upwind (il/ir) handled above; collect terms on alpha and alphaUpw
          const double lhsfacAdv = r*tmdot*(pecfac*om_alphaUpw + om_pecfac*om_alpha);

          // advection operator lhs; rhs handled above
          // lhs; il then ir
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += lhsfacAdv;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= lhsfacAdv;

          // diffusion
          double lhsfacDiff = 0.0;
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            lhsfacDiff += -muIp*p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j]*p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j];

          qDiff += lhsfacDiff*p_scalarQNp1[ic];

          // lhs; il then ir
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += lhsfacDiff;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= lhsfacDiff;

        // rhs; il then ir
        p_rhs[il] -= qDiff;
        p_rhs[ir] += qDiff;


      // call supplemental
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )
        supplementalAlg_[i]->elem_execute( nodesPerElement, numScsIp, &lhs[0], &rhs[0], elem);

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double sigma = realm_.get_stefan_boltzmann();

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerFace*nodesPerFace and nodesPerFace
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_irradiation;
  std::vector<double> ws_emissivity;
  std::vector<double> ws_temperature;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // setup for buckets; union parts and ask for locally owned
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );

  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract master element specifics
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meFC->numIntPoints_;

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerFace*nodesPerFace;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerFace;

    // algorithm related

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_irradiation = &ws_irradiation[0];
    double *p_emissivity = &ws_emissivity[0];
    double *p_temperature = &ws_temperature[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    if ( useShifted_ )

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();
    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // face data
      double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // face node relations for nodal gather
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {

        // get the node and form connected_node
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // gather scalar
        p_irradiation[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*irradiation_, node);
        p_emissivity[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*emissivity_, node);
        p_temperature[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, node);

      // start the assembly
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {
        double magA = 0.0;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          magA += areaVec[ip*nDim+j]*areaVec[ip*nDim+j];
        magA = std::sqrt(magA);
        const int nn = ip;
        const int offSet = ip*nodesPerFace;
        // form boundary ip values
        double irradiationBip = 0.0;
        double emissivityBip = 0.0;
        double tBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          irradiationBip += r*p_irradiation[ic];
          emissivityBip += r*p_emissivity[ic];
          tBip += r*p_temperature[ic];

        // form rhs contribution
        const double radiation = emissivityBip*(irradiationBip - sigma*std::pow(tBip,4))*magA;
        p_rhs[nn] += radiation;
        // sensitivities
        const int rowR = nn*nodesPerFace;
        const double lhsFac = 4.0*sigma*emissivityBip*magA*std::pow(tBip,3);
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] += r*lhsFac;
      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];
    MasterElement *meSCS = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);

    // size some things that are useful
    const int num_face_nodes = b.topology().num_nodes();

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = b.begin_elements(k);
      ThrowAssert( b.num_elements(k) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinals
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = b.begin_element_ordinals(k)[0];
      const int *face_node_ordinals = meSCS->side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal);

      // get the relations
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];

        // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // extract nodal fields
        const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL );
        const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR );

        const double tempL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, nodeL );
        const double tempR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, nodeR );

        // nearest nodes; gathered and to-be-scattered
        const double * dhdxR    =  stk::mesh::field_data(*dhdx_, nodeR );
        const double densityR   = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, nodeR );
        const double thermalCondR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*thermalCond_, nodeR );
        const double specificHeatR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*specificHeat_, nodeR );
        double *assembledWallArea = stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledWallArea_, nodeR);
        double *referenceTemperature = stk::mesh::field_data(*referenceTemperature_, nodeR);
        double *heatTransferCoefficient = stk::mesh::field_data(*heatTransferCoefficient_, nodeR);
        double *normalHeatFlux = stk::mesh::field_data(*normalHeatFlux_, nodeR);
        double *robinCouplingParameter = stk::mesh::field_data(*robinCouplingParameter_, nodeR);

        // offset for bip area vector
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;

        // compute geometry
        double axdx = 0.0;
        double asq = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
          asq += axj*axj;
          axdx += axj*dxj;

        const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;
        const double aMag = std::sqrt(asq);
        const double edgeLen = axdx/aMag;

        // NOC; convert dhdx to dTdx
        double nonOrth = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
          const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj;
          const double GjT = dhdxR[j]/specificHeatR;
          nonOrth += -thermalCondR*kxj*GjT;

        // compute coupling parameter
        const double chi = densityR * specificHeatR * edgeLen * edgeLen
          / (2 * thermalCondR * dt);
        const double alpha = compute_coupling_parameter(thermalCondR, edgeLen, chi);

        // assemble the nodal quantities; group NOC on reference temp
        // if NOC is < 0; Too will be greater than Tphyscial
        // if NOC is > 0; Too will be less than Tphysical
        // grouping NOC on H reverses the above, however, who knows which is best..
        *assembledWallArea += aMag;
        *referenceTemperature += thermalCondR*tempL*asq*inv_axdx - nonOrth;
        *heatTransferCoefficient += -thermalCondR*tempR*asq*inv_axdx;
        *normalHeatFlux += thermalCondR*(tempL-tempR)*asq*inv_axdx - nonOrth;
        *robinCouplingParameter += alpha*aMag;
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  // check to see if this is a valid step to process output file
  const int timeStepCount = realm_.get_time_step_count();
  const bool processMe = (timeStepCount % frequency_) == 0 ? true : false;

  // do not waste time here
  if ( !processMe )

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // set min and max values
  double yplusMin = 1.0e8;
  double yplusMax = -1.0e8;

  // bip values
  std::vector<double> uBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> uBcBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> unitNormal(nDim);

  // tangential work array
  std::vector<double> uiTangential(nDim);
  std::vector<double> uiBcTangential(nDim);

  // pointers to fixed values
  double *p_uBip = &uBip[0];
  double *p_uBcBip = &uBcBip[0];
  double *p_unitNormal= &unitNormal[0];
  double *p_uiTangential = &uiTangential[0];
  double *p_uiBcTangential = &uiBcTangential[0];

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_velocityNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_bcVelocity;
  std::vector<double> ws_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_viscosity;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  const double currentTime = realm_.get_current_time();

  // local force and MomentWallFunction; i.e., to be assembled
  double l_force_moment[9] = {};

  // work force, MomentWallFunction and radius; i.e., to be pused to cross_product()
  double ws_p_force[3] = {};
  double ws_v_force[3] = {};
  double ws_t_force[3] = {};
  double ws_moment[3] = {};
  double ws_radius[3] = {};

  // centroid
  double centroid[3] = {};
  for ( size_t k = 0; k < parameters_.size(); ++k)
    centroid[k] = parameters_[k];

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_velocityNp1 = &ws_velocityNp1[0];
    double *p_bcVelocity = &ws_bcVelocity[0];
    double *p_pressure = &ws_pressure[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_viscosity = &ws_viscosity[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // shape functions
    if ( useShifted_ )

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // face node relations
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);

      // gather nodal data off of face
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < nodesPerFace; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

        // gather scalars
        p_pressure[ni]    = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, node);
        p_density[ni]    = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node);
        p_viscosity[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);

        // gather vectors
        double * uNp1 = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, node);
        double * uBc = stk::mesh::field_data(*bcVelocity_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_velocityNp1[offSet+j] = uNp1[j];
          p_bcVelocity[offSet+j] = uBc[j];

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, face);
      const double *wallNormalDistanceBip = stk::mesh::field_data(*wallNormalDistanceBip_, face);
      const double *wallFrictionVelocityBip = stk::mesh::field_data(*wallFrictionVelocityBip_, face);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < nodesPerFace; ++ip ) {

        // offsets
        const int offSetAveraVec = ip*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // zero out vector quantities; squeeze in aMag
        double aMag = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_uBip[j] = 0.0;
          p_uBcBip[j] = 0.0;
          const double axj = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j];
          aMag += axj*axj;
        aMag = std::sqrt(aMag);

        // interpolate to bip
        double pBip = 0.0;
        double rhoBip = 0.0;
        double muBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          pBip += r*p_pressure[ic];
          rhoBip += r*p_density[ic];
          muBip += r*p_viscosity[ic];
          const int offSetFN = ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            p_uBip[j] += r*p_velocityNp1[offSetFN+j];
            p_uBcBip[j] += r*p_bcVelocity[offSetFN+j];

        // form unit normal
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_unitNormal[j] = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j]/aMag;

        // determine tangential velocity
        double uTangential = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          double uiTan = 0.0;
          double uiBcTan = 0.0;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double ninj = p_unitNormal[i]*p_unitNormal[j];
            if ( i==j ) {
              const double om_nini = 1.0 - ninj;
              uiTan += om_nini*p_uBip[j];
              uiBcTan += om_nini*p_uBcBip[j];
            else {
              uiTan -= ninj*p_uBip[j];
              uiBcTan -= ninj*p_uBcBip[j];
          // save off tangential components and augment magnitude
          p_uiTangential[i] = uiTan;
          p_uiBcTangential[i] = uiBcTan;
          uTangential += (uiTan-uiBcTan)*(uiTan-uiBcTan);
        uTangential = std::sqrt(uTangential);

        // extract bip data
        const double yp = wallNormalDistanceBip[ip];
        const double utau= wallFrictionVelocityBip[ip];

        // determine yplus
        const double yplusBip = rhoBip*yp*utau/muBip;

        // min and max
        yplusMin = std::min(yplusMin, yplusBip);
        yplusMax = std::max(yplusMax, yplusBip);

        double lambda = muBip/yp*aMag;
        if ( yplusBip > yplusCrit_)
          lambda = rhoBip*kappa_*utau/std::log(elog_*yplusBip)*aMag;

        // extract nodal fields
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ip];
        const double * coord = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        double *pressureForce = stk::mesh::field_data(*pressureForce_, node );
        double *tauWall = stk::mesh::field_data(*tauWall_, node );
        double *yplus = stk::mesh::field_data(*yplus_, node );
        const double assembledArea = *stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledArea_, node );

        // load radius; assemble force -sigma_ij*njdS
        double uParallel = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double ai = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+i];
          ws_radius[i] = coord[i] - centroid[i];
          const double uDiff = p_uiTangential[i] - p_uiBcTangential[i];
          ws_p_force[i] = pBip*ai;
          ws_v_force[i] = lambda*uDiff;
          ws_t_force[i] = ws_p_force[i] + ws_v_force[i];
          pressureForce[i] += ws_p_force[i];;
          uParallel += uDiff*uDiff;

        cross_product(&ws_t_force[0], &ws_moment[0], &ws_radius[0]);

        // assemble for and moment
        for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
          l_force_moment[j] += ws_p_force[j];
          l_force_moment[j+3] += ws_v_force[j];
          l_force_moment[j+6] += ws_moment[j];

        // assemble tauWall; area weighting is hiding in lambda/assembledArea
        *tauWall += lambda*std::sqrt(uParallel)/assembledArea;

        // deal with yplus
        *yplus += yplusBip*aMag/assembledArea;


  if ( processMe ) {
    // parallel assemble and output
    double g_force_moment[9] = {};
    stk::ParallelMachine comm = NaluEnv::self().parallel_comm();

    // Parallel assembly of L2
    stk::all_reduce_sum(comm, &l_force_moment[0], &g_force_moment[0], 9);

    // min/max
    double g_yplusMin = 0.0, g_yplusMax = 0.0;
    stk::all_reduce_min(comm, &yplusMin, &g_yplusMin, 1);
    stk::all_reduce_max(comm, &yplusMax, &g_yplusMax, 1);

    // deal with file name and banner
    if ( NaluEnv::self().parallel_rank() == 0 ) {
      std::ofstream myfile;, std::ios_base::app);
      myfile << std::setprecision(6) 
             << std::setw(w_) 
             << currentTime << std::setw(w_) 
             << g_force_moment[0] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[1] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[2] << std::setw(w_)
             << g_force_moment[3] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[4] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[5] <<  std::setw(w_)
             << g_force_moment[6] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[7] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[8] <<  std::setw(w_)
             << g_yplusMin << std::setw(w_) << g_yplusMax << std::endl;

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

   // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nDim*nodesPerElem*nDim and nodesPerElem*nDim
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_face_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_bcScalarQ;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

    // volume master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinal_vec(nodesPerFace);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim*nodesPerElement*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim;

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_face_coordinates = &ws_face_coordinates[0];
    double *p_bcScalarQ = &ws_bcScalarQ[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // shape functions
    if (use_shifted_integration_)

    const size_t length   = b.size();

    for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data .begin_nodes(face);
      int num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

        p_bcScalarQ[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*bcScalarQ_, node);

        // gather vectors
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int i=0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_face_coordinates[offSet+i] = coords[i];

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      const stk::mesh::Entity* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinal_vec
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinal_vec.begin());

      // gather nodal data off of element; n/a
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

      // pointer to face data
      double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, face);

      // loop over face nodes
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinal_vec[ip];

        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // interpolate to bip
        double fluxBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          fluxBip += r*p_bcScalarQ[ic];

        // assemble for each of the ith component
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const int indexR = nearestNode*nDim + i;
          p_rhs[indexR] -= fluxBip*areaVec[ip*nDim+i];
          // RHS only, no need to populate LHS (is zeroed out)

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nDim*nodesPerElem*nDim and nodesPerElem*nDim
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_displacementNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_modelCoordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_mu;
  std::vector<double> ws_lambda;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_scs_areav;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_deriv;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &displacementNp1 = meshDisplacement_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = sierra::nalu::MasterElementRepo::get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim*nodesPerElement*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim;

    // algorithm related

    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_displacementNp1 = &ws_displacementNp1[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_modelCoordinates = &ws_modelCoordinates[0];
    double *p_mu = &ws_mu[0];
    double *p_lambda = &ws_lambda[0];
    double *p_scs_areav = &ws_scs_areav[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    // extract shape function

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const * node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // pointers to real data
        const double * dxNp1  =  stk::mesh::field_data(displacementNp1, node);
        const double * coords =  stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const double * modelCoords =  stk::mesh::field_data(*modelCoordinates_, node);
        const double mu = *stk::mesh::field_data(*mu_, node);
        const double lambda = *stk::mesh::field_data(*lambda_, node);

        // gather scalars
        p_mu[ni] = mu;
        p_lambda[ni] = lambda;

        // gather vectors
        const int niNdim = ni*nDim;
        for ( int i=0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_displacementNp1[niNdim+i] = dxNp1[i];
          p_coordinates[niNdim+i] = coords[i];
          p_modelCoordinates[niNdim+i] = modelCoords[i];


      // compute geometry
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);

      // compute dndx; model coords or displaced?
      if ( deformWrtModelCoords_ ) {
        meSCS->grad_op(1, &p_modelCoordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);
      else {
        meSCS->grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        const int ipNdim = ip*nDim;

        const int offSetSF = ip*nodesPerElement;

        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        // save off some offsets
        const int ilNdim = il*nDim;
        const int irNdim = ir*nDim;

        // compute scs point values; offset to Shape Function; sneak in divU
        double muIp = 0.0;
        double lambdaIp = 0.0;
        double divDx = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSetSF+ic];
          muIp += r*p_mu[ic];
          lambdaIp += r*p_lambda[ic];
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double dxj = p_displacementNp1[ic*nDim+j];
            divDx += dxj*p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];

        // assemble divDx term (explicit)
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          // divU stress term
          const double divTerm = -lambdaIp*divDx*p_scs_areav[ipNdim+i];
          const int indexL = ilNdim + i;
          const int indexR = irNdim + i;
          // right hand side; L and R
          p_rhs[indexL] -= divTerm;
          p_rhs[indexR] += divTerm;

        // stress
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {

          const int icNdim = ic*nDim;

          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

            const int indexL = ilNdim + i;
            const int indexR = irNdim + i;

            const int rowL = indexL*nodesPerElement*nDim;
            const int rowR = indexR*nodesPerElement*nDim;

            const int rLiC_i = rowL+icNdim+i;
            const int rRiC_i = rowR+icNdim+i;

            // viscous stress
            const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + icNdim;
            double lhs_riC_i = 0.0;
            for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {

              const double axj = p_scs_areav[ipNdim+j];
              const double dxj = p_displacementNp1[icNdim+j];

              // -mu*dxi/dxj*A_j; fixed i over j loop; see below..
              const double lhsfacDiff_i = -muIp*p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j]*axj;
              // lhs; il then ir
              lhs_riC_i += lhsfacDiff_i;

              // -mu*dxj/dxi*A_j
              const double lhsfacDiff_j = -muIp*p_dndx[offSetDnDx+i]*axj;
              // lhs; il then ir
              p_lhs[rowL+icNdim+j] += lhsfacDiff_j;
              p_lhs[rowR+icNdim+j] -= lhsfacDiff_j;

              // rhs; il then ir
              p_rhs[indexL] -= lhsfacDiff_j*dxj;
              p_rhs[indexR] += lhsfacDiff_j*dxj;

            // deal with accumulated lhs and flux for -mu*dxi/dxj*Aj
            p_lhs[rLiC_i] += lhs_riC_i;
            p_lhs[rRiC_i] -= lhs_riC_i;
            const double dxi = p_displacementNp1[icNdim+i];
            p_rhs[indexL] -= lhs_riC_i*dxi;
            p_rhs[indexR] += lhs_riC_i*dxi;


      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nDim*nodesPerElem*nDim and nodesPerElem*nDim
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // vectors
  std::vector<double> nx(nDim);

  // pointers to fixed values
  double *p_nx = &nx[0];

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_velocityNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_viscosity;
  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

    // volume master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsBip = meFC->numIntPoints_;

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim*nodesPerElement*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim;

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_velocityNp1 = &ws_velocityNp1[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_viscosity = &ws_viscosity[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];

    // shape function

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);
      int num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_viscosity[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, face);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const stk::mesh::ConnectivityOrdinal* face_elem_ords = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face);
      const int face_ordinal = face_elem_ords[0];

      // mapping from ip to nodes for this ordinal
      const int *ipNodeMap = meSCS->ipNodeMap(face_ordinal);

      // gather nodal data off of element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;
        // gather vectors
        double * uNp1 = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, node);
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_velocityNp1[offSet+j] = uNp1[j];
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];

      // compute dndx
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->face_grad_op(1, face_ordinal, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      // loop over boundary ips
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsBip; ++ip ) {

        const int nearestNode = ipNodeMap[ip];

        // offset for bip area vector and types of shape function
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // form unit normal
        double asq = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          asq += axj*axj;
        const double amag = std::sqrt(asq);
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_nx[i] = areaVec[faceOffSet+i]/amag;

        // interpolate to bip
        double viscBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          viscBip += r*p_viscosity[ic];

        // diffusion second
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {

          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;

          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {

            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            const double dndxj = p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            const double uxj = p_velocityNp1[ic*nDim+j];

            const double divUstress = 2.0/3.0*viscBip*dndxj*uxj*axj*includeDivU_;

            for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

              // matrix entries
              int indexR = nearestNode*nDim + i;
              int rowR = indexR*nodesPerElement*nDim;

              const double dndxi = p_dndx[offSetDnDx+i];
              const double uxi = p_velocityNp1[ic*nDim+i];
              const double nxi = p_nx[i];
              const double nxinxi = nxi*nxi;

              // -mu*dui/dxj*Aj*ni*ni; sneak in divU (explicit)
              double lhsfac = - viscBip*dndxj*axj*nxinxi;
              p_lhs[rowR+ic*nDim+i] += lhsfac;
              p_rhs[indexR] -= lhsfac*uxi + divUstress*nxinxi;

              // -mu*duj/dxi*Aj*ni*ni
              lhsfac = - viscBip*dndxi*axj*nxinxi;
              p_lhs[rowR+ic*nDim+j] += lhsfac;
              p_rhs[indexR] -= lhsfac*uxj;

              // now we need the +nx*ny*Fy + nx*nz*Fz part

              for ( int l = 0; l < nDim; ++l ) {

                if ( i != l ) {
                  const double nxinxl = nxi*p_nx[l];
                  const double uxl = p_velocityNp1[ic*nDim+l];
                  const double dndxl = p_dndx[offSetDnDx+l];

                  // -ni*nl*mu*dul/dxj*Aj; sneak in divU (explict)
                  lhsfac = -viscBip*dndxj*axj*nxinxl;
                  p_lhs[rowR+ic*nDim+l] += lhsfac;
                  p_rhs[indexR] -= lhsfac*uxl + divUstress*nxinxl;

                  // -ni*nl*mu*duj/dxl*Aj
                  lhsfac = -viscBip*dndxl*axj*nxinxl;
                  p_lhs[rowR+ic*nDim+j] += lhsfac;
                  p_rhs[indexR] -= lhsfac*uxj;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // extract user advection options (allow to potentially change over time)
  const std::string dofName = scalarQ_->name();
  const double alphaUpw = realm_.get_alpha_upw_factor(dofName);
  const double hoUpwind = realm_.get_upw_factor(dofName);

  // one minus flavor..
  const double om_alphaUpw = 1.0-alphaUpw;

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement and nodesPerElement
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // ip values; only boundary
  std::vector<double> coordBip(nDim);

  // pointers to fixed values
  double *p_coordBip = &coordBip[0];

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_face_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_scalarQNp1;
  std::vector<double> ws_bcScalarQ;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &scalarQNp1 = scalarQ_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

    // volume master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsBip = meFC->numIntPoints_;
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinal_vec(nodesPerFace);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement;

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_face_coordinates = &ws_face_coordinates[0];
    double *p_scalarQNp1 = &ws_scalarQNp1[0];
    double *p_bcScalarQ = &ws_bcScalarQ[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // shape functions

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // pointer to face data
      const double * mdot = stk::mesh::field_data(*openMassFlowRate_, face);

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);
      int num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

        // gather scalars
        p_scalarQNp1[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, node);
        p_bcScalarQ[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*bcScalarQ_, node);

        // gather vectors
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int i=0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_face_coordinates[offSet+i] = coords[i];

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      const stk::mesh::Entity* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinal_vec
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinal_vec.begin());

      // mapping from ip to nodes for this ordinal
      const int *ipNodeMap = meSCS->ipNodeMap(face_ordinal);

      // gather nodal data off of element; n/a
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = elem_node_rels[ni];

      // loop over face nodes
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsBip; ++ip ) {

        const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);
        const int nearestNode = ipNodeMap[ip];

        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // zero out vector quantities
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j )
          p_coordBip[j] = 0.0;

        // interpolate to bip
        double qIp = 0.0;
        double qIpEntrain = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          qIp += r*p_scalarQNp1[ic];
          qIpEntrain += r*p_bcScalarQ[ic];
          const int offSetFN = ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            p_coordBip[j] += r*p_face_coordinates[offSetFN+j];

        // Peclet factor; along the edge is fine
        const double densL       = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeL);
        const double densR       = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, nodeR);
        const double diffCoeffL  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, nodeL);
        const double diffCoeffR  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*diffFluxCoeff_, nodeR);
        const double scalarQNp1R = *stk::mesh::field_data(scalarQNp1, nodeR);
        const double *vrtmL      =  stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeL);
        const double *vrtmR      =  stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, nodeR);
        const double *coordL     =  stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL);
        const double *coordR     =  stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR);
        const double *dqdxR      =  stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeR);

        double udotx = 0.0;
        double dqR = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double dxi = coordR[i]  - coordL[i];
          udotx += 0.5*dxi*(vrtmL[i] + vrtmR[i]);
          // extrapolation
          const double dx_bip = coordBip[i] - coordR[i];
          dqR += dx_bip*dqdxR[i]*hoUpwind;
        const double qIpUpw = scalarQNp1R + dqR;

        const double diffIp = 0.5*(diffCoeffL/densL + diffCoeffR/densR);
        const double pecfac = pecletFunction_->execute(std::abs(udotx)/(diffIp+small));
        const double om_pecfac = 1.0-pecfac;

        // advection first (and only)
        const double tmdot = mdot[ip];

        const int rowR = nearestNode*nodesPerElement;

        // advection; leaving the domain
        if ( tmdot > 0.0 ) {

          // central; is simply qIp

          // upwind
          const double qUpwind = alphaUpw*qIpUpw + (om_alphaUpw)*qIp;

          // total advection
          const double aflux = tmdot*(pecfac*qUpwind+om_pecfac*qIp);

          p_rhs[nearestNode] -= aflux;

          // upwind lhs
          p_lhs[rowR+nearestNode] += tmdot*pecfac*alphaUpw;

          // central part
          const double fac = tmdot*(pecfac*om_alphaUpw+om_pecfac);
          for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
            const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
            const int nn = face_node_ordinal_vec[ic];
            p_lhs[rowR+nn] += r*fac;
        else {

          // extrainment; advect in from specified value
          const double aflux = tmdot*qIpEntrain;
          p_rhs[nearestNode] -= aflux;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();
  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // extract user advection options (allow to potentially change over time)
  const std::string dofName = "velocity";
  const double alpha = realm_.get_alpha_factor(dofName);
  const double alphaUpw = realm_.get_alpha_upw_factor(dofName);
  const double hoUpwind = realm_.get_upw_factor(dofName);

  const bool useLimiter = realm_.primitive_uses_limiter(dofName);
  // one minus flavor
  const double om_alpha = 1.0-alpha;
  const double om_alphaUpw = 1.0-alphaUpw;

  // space for LHS/RHS; (nodesPerElem+1)*nDim*(nodesPerElem+1)*nDim; (nodesPerElem+1)*nDim
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // space for dui/dxj. This variable is the modifed gradient with NOC
  std::vector<double> duidxj(nDim*nDim);
  // extrapolated value from the L/R direction 
  std::vector<double> uIpL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> uIpR(nDim);
  // limiter values from the L/R direction, 0:1
  std::vector<double> limitL(nDim,1.0); 
  std::vector<double> limitR(nDim,1.0);
  // extrapolated gradient from L/R direction
  std::vector<double> duL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> duR(nDim);
  // pointers for fast access
  double *p_duidxj = &duidxj[0];
  double *p_uIpL = &uIpL[0];
  double *p_uIpR = &uIpR[0];
  double *p_limitL = &limitL[0];
  double *p_limitR = &limitR[0];
  double *p_duL = &duL[0];
  double *p_duR = &duR[0];

  // space for interpolated right state (halo)
  double densityR;
  double viscosityR;
  std::vector<double> uNp1R(nDim);
  std::vector<double> dudxR(nDim*nDim);

  // interpolate nodal values to point-in-elem
  const int sizeOfScalarField = 1;
  const int sizeOfVectorField = nDim;
  const int sizeOfTensorField = nDim*nDim;
  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // mesh motion
  std::vector<double> vrtmL(nDim);
  std::vector<double> vrtmR(nDim);
  double * p_vrtmL = &vrtmL[0];
  double * p_vrtmR = &vrtmR[0];

  // parallel communicate ghosted entities
  if ( NULL != realm_.contactManager_->contactGhosting_ )
    stk::mesh::communicate_field_data(*(realm_.contactManager_->contactGhosting_), ghostFieldVec_);
  // iterate contactInfoVec_
  std::vector<ContactInfo *>::iterator ii;
  for( ii=realm_.contactManager_->contactInfoVec_.begin();
       ii!=realm_.contactManager_->contactInfoVec_.end(); ++ii ) {
    // get master element type for this contactInfo
    MasterElement *meSCS  = (*ii)->meSCS_;
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    std::vector<double> elemNodalP(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> elemNodalUnp1(nDim*nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> elemNodalVisc(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> elemNodalRho(nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> elemNodalDudx(nDim*nDim*nodesPerElement);
    std::vector<double> shpfc(nodesPerElement);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int npePlusOne = nodesPerElement+1;
    const int lhsSize = npePlusOne*nDim*npePlusOne*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = npePlusOne*nDim;

    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];

    // scaling for lhs
    const double inv_nodesPerElement = 1.0/double(nodesPerElement);

    // iterate halo face nodes
    std::map<uint64_t, HaloInfo *>::iterator iterHalo;
    for (iterHalo  = (*ii)->haloInfoMap_.begin();
         iterHalo != (*ii)->haloInfoMap_.end();
         ++iterHalo) {

      // halo info object of interest
      HaloInfo * infoObject = (*iterHalo).second;

      // zeroing of lhs/rhs
      for ( int k = 0; k < lhsSize; ++k ) {
        p_lhs[k] = 0.0;
      for ( int k = 0; k < rhsSize; ++k ) {
        p_rhs[k] = 0.0;

      // pointer to edge area vector and mdot
      const double *p_areaVec = &infoObject->haloEdgeAreaVec_[0];
      const double tmdot = *stk::mesh::field_data(*haloMdot_, infoObject->faceNode_);

      // extract element mesh object and global id for face node
      stk::mesh::Entity elem  = infoObject->owningElement_;

      stk::mesh::Entity const* elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(elem);
      const int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(elem);

      // now load the elemental values for future interpolation; fill in connected nodes
      connected_nodes[0] = infoObject->faceNode_;
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        connected_nodes[ni+1] = node;

        elemNodalRho[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node);
        elemNodalVisc[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);

        // load up vectors/tensor
        const double *uNp1 = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, node );
        const double *dudx = stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, node );
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const int offSet = i*nodesPerElement + ni;
          elemNodalUnp1[offSet] = uNp1[i];

          const int rowI = i*nDim;
          const int offSetT = i*nodesPerElement*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            elemNodalDudx[offSetT+j*nodesPerElement+ni] = dudx[rowI+j];

      // extract nodal fields; right state is Halo and requires inperpolation
      const double *coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, infoObject->faceNode_);
      const double *coordR = &infoObject->haloNodalCoords_[0];

      const double *dudxL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, infoObject->faceNode_);

      const double *uNp1L = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, infoObject->faceNode_);

      const double densityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, infoObject->faceNode_);

      const double viscosityL = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, infoObject->faceNode_);

      // copy to velocity relative to mesh; squeeze in extrapolated values
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
        p_vrtmL[i] = uNp1L[i];
        p_vrtmR[i] = uNp1R[i];	
        // extrapolated du
        p_duL[i] = 0.0;
        p_duR[i] = 0.0;
        const int offSet = nDim*i;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxj = 0.5*(coordR[j] - coordL[j]);
          p_duL[i] += dxj*dudxL[offSet+j];
          p_duR[i] += dxj*dudxR[offSet+j];

      // deal with mesh motion
      if ( meshMotion_ ) {
        const double * meshVelocityL = stk::mesh::field_data(*meshVelocity_, infoObject->faceNode_);
        const double * meshVelocityR = &(infoObject->haloMeshVelocity_[0]);
        for (int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_vrtmL[j] -= meshVelocityL[j];
          p_vrtmR[j] -= meshVelocityR[j];

      // compute geometry
      double axdx = 0.0;
      double asq = 0.0;
      double udotx = 0.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
        const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
        const double dxj = coordR[j] - coordL[j];
        axdx += axj*dxj;
        asq += axj*axj;
        udotx += 0.5*dxj*(p_vrtmL[j] + p_vrtmR[j]);

      const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;

      // ip props
      const double viscIp = 0.5*(viscosityL + viscosityR);
      const double diffIp = 0.5*(viscosityL/densityL + viscosityR/densityR);

      // Peclet factor
      const double pecfac = pecletFunction_->execute(std::abs(udotx)/(diffIp+small));
      const double om_pecfac = 1.0-pecfac;

      // determine limiter if applicable
      if ( useLimiter ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double dq = uNp1R[i] - uNp1L[i];
          const double dqMl = 2.0*2.0*p_duL[i] - dq;
          const double dqMr = 2.0*2.0*p_duR[i] - dq;
          p_limitL[i] = van_leer(dqMl, dq, small);
          p_limitR[i] = van_leer(dqMr, dq, small);

      // final upwind extrapolation; with limiter
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
        p_uIpL[i] = uNp1L[i] + p_duL[i]*hoUpwind*p_limitL[i];
        p_uIpR[i] = uNp1R[i] - p_duR[i]*hoUpwind*p_limitR[i];
        form duidxj with over-relaxed procedure of Jasak:

        dui/dxj = GjUi +[(uiR - uiL) - GlUi*dxl]*Aj/AxDx
        where Gp is the interpolated pth nodal gradient for ui
      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

        // difference between R and L nodes for component i
        const double uidiff = uNp1R[i] - uNp1L[i];

        // offset into all forms of dudx
        const int offSetI = nDim*i;

        // start sum for NOC contribution
        double GlUidxl = 0.0;
        for ( int l = 0; l< nDim; ++l ) {
          const int offSetIL = offSetI+l;
          const double dxl = coordR[l] - coordL[l];
          const double GlUi = 0.5*(dudxL[offSetIL] + dudxR[offSetIL]);
          GlUidxl += GlUi*dxl;

        // form full tensor dui/dxj with NOC
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const int offSetIJ = offSetI+j;
          const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
          const double GjUi = 0.5*(dudxL[offSetIJ] + dudxR[offSetIJ]);
          p_duidxj[offSetIJ] = GjUi + (uidiff - GlUidxl)*axj*inv_axdx;

      // divU
      double divU = 0.0;
      for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j)
        divU += p_duidxj[j*nDim+j];

      // lhs diffusion; only -mu*dui/dxj*Aj contribution for now
      const double dlhsfac = -viscIp*asq*inv_axdx;

      for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

        // 2nd order central
        const double uiIp = 0.5*(uNp1R[i] + uNp1L[i]);

        // upwind
        const double uiUpwind = (tmdot > 0) ? alphaUpw*p_uIpL[i] + om_alphaUpw*uiIp
          : alphaUpw*p_uIpR[i] + om_alphaUpw*uiIp;

        // generalized central (2nd and 4th order)
        const double uiHatL = alpha*p_uIpL[i] + om_alpha*uiIp;
        const double uiHatR = alpha*p_uIpR[i] + om_alpha*uiIp;
        const double uiCds  = 0.5*(uiHatL + uiHatR);

        // total advection; pressure contribution in time term expression
        const double aflux = tmdot*(pecfac*uiUpwind + om_pecfac*uiCds);

        // diffusive flux; viscous tensor doted with area vector
        double dflux = 2.0/3.0*viscIp*divU*p_areaVec[i]*includeDivU_;
        const int offSetI = nDim*i;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const int offSetTrans = nDim*j+i;
          const double axj = p_areaVec[j];
          dflux += -viscIp*(p_duidxj[offSetI+j] + p_duidxj[offSetTrans])*axj;

        // residal for total flux
        meSCS->general_shape_fcn(1, &(infoObject->isoParCoords_[0]), &shpfc[0]);

        const double tflux = aflux + dflux;
        const int indexL = i;

        // setup for LHS; row left is easy
        const int rowL = indexL * npePlusOne * nDim;
        const int rLiL = rowL+indexL;

        // total flux left
        p_rhs[indexL] -= tflux;

        // for ease of reading, scale left node by nodesPerElement
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {

          const int indexR = i + nDim*(ni+1);
          const int rLiR = rowL+indexR;

          // advection first

          // upwind advection (includes 4th); left node
          double alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot+std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
            + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
          p_lhs[rLiL] += alhsfac*inv_nodesPerElement;

          // upwind advection (incldues 4th); right node
          alhsfac = 0.5*(tmdot-std::abs(tmdot))*pecfac*alphaUpw
            + 0.5*alpha*om_pecfac*tmdot;
          p_lhs[rLiR] += alhsfac*shpfc[ni];

          // central; left; collect terms on alpha and alphaUpw
          alhsfac = 0.5*tmdot*(pecfac*om_alphaUpw + om_pecfac*om_alpha);
          p_lhs[rLiL] += alhsfac*inv_nodesPerElement;
          p_lhs[rLiR] += alhsfac*shpfc[ni];
          // central; right n/a

          // diffusion second
          const double axi = p_areaVec[i];

          //diffusion; row IL
          p_lhs[rLiL] -= dlhsfac*inv_nodesPerElement;
          p_lhs[rLiR] += dlhsfac*shpfc[ni];

          // diffusion; row IR; n/a

          // more diffusion; see theory manual
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double lhsfacNS = -viscIp*axi*p_areaVec[j]*inv_axdx;

            const int colL = j;
            const int colR = j + nDim*(ni+1);

            // first left; IL,IL; IL,IR
            p_lhs[rowL + colL] -= lhsfacNS*inv_nodesPerElement;
            p_lhs[rowL + colR] += lhsfacNS*shpfc[ni];

            // now right, IR,IL; IR,IR; n/a

      // apply to linear system
      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_temperature;
  std::vector<double> ws_thermalCond;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_specificHeat;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  // array for face nodes and nodes off face
  std::vector<double> ws_nodesOnFace;
  std::vector<double> ws_nodesOffFace;

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;

    // size some things that are useful
    int num_face_nodes = b.topology().num_nodes();
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinals(num_face_nodes);

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_temperature = &ws_temperature[0];
    double *p_thermalCond = &ws_thermalCond[0];
    double *p_density     = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_specificHeat = &ws_specificHeat[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_nodesOnFace = &ws_nodesOnFace[0];
    double *p_nodesOffFace = &ws_nodesOffFace[0];

    // shape function

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);
      num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, node);
        const double mu = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);
        const double Cp = *stk::mesh::field_data(*specificHeat_, node);
        p_specificHeat[ni] = Cp;
        p_thermalCond[ni] = mu*Cp/Pr_;

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = b.begin_elements(k);
      ThrowAssert( b.num_elements(k) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinals
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = b.begin_element_ordinals(k)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinals.begin());

      // gather nodal data off of element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        // sneak in nodesOn/offFace
        p_nodesOnFace[ni] = 0.0;
        p_nodesOffFace[ni] = 1.0;
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_temperature[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*temperature_, node);
        // gather vectors
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];

      // process on/off while looping over face nodes
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];
        p_nodesOnFace[nearestNode] = 1.0;
        p_nodesOffFace[nearestNode] = 0.0;

      // compute dndx
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->face_grad_op(1, face_ordinal, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // pointers to nearest node data
        double *assembledWallArea = stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledWallArea_, nodeR);
        double *referenceTemperature = stk::mesh::field_data(*referenceTemperature_, nodeR);
        double *heatTransferCoefficient = stk::mesh::field_data(*heatTransferCoefficient_, nodeR);
        double *normalHeatFlux = stk::mesh::field_data(*normalHeatFlux_, nodeR);
        double *robinCouplingParameter = stk::mesh::field_data(*robinCouplingParameter_, nodeR);

        // offset for bip area vector and types of shape function
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // interpolate to bip
        double thermalCondBip = 0.0;
        double densityBip = 0.0;
        double specificHeatBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          thermalCondBip += r*p_thermalCond[ic];
          densityBip += r*p_density[ic];
          specificHeatBip += r*p_specificHeat[ic];

        // handle flux due to on and off face in a single loop (on/off provided above)
        double dndx    = 0.0;
        double dndxOn  = 0.0;
        double dndxOff = 0.0;
        double invEltLen = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          const double nodesOnFace = p_nodesOnFace[ic];
          const double nodesOffFace = p_nodesOffFace[ic];
          const double tempIC = p_temperature[ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            const double dndxj = p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            const double dTdA = dndxj*axj*tempIC;
            dndx    += dTdA;
            dndxOn  += dTdA*nodesOnFace;
            dndxOff += dTdA*nodesOffFace;
            invEltLen += dndxj*axj*nodesOnFace;

        // compute assembled area
        double aMag = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          aMag += axj*axj;
        aMag = std::sqrt(aMag);
        double eltLen = aMag/invEltLen;

        // compute coupling parameter
        const double chi = densityBip * specificHeatBip * eltLen * eltLen 
          / (2 * thermalCondBip * dt);
        const double alpha = compute_coupling_parameter(thermalCondBip, eltLen, chi);

        // assemble the nodal quantities
        *assembledWallArea += aMag;
        *normalHeatFlux -= thermalCondBip*dndx;
        *referenceTemperature -= thermalCondBip*dndxOff;
        *heatTransferCoefficient -= thermalCondBip*dndxOn;
        *robinCouplingParameter += alpha*aMag;
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // extract fields
  GenericFieldType *exposedAreaVec = meta_data.get_field<GenericFieldType>(meta_data.side_rank(), "exposed_area_vector");
  ScalarFieldType *dualNodalVolume = meta_data.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "dual_nodal_volume");

  // nodal fields to gather; gather everything other than what we are assembling
  std::vector<double> ws_vectorQ;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // ip data

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meFC->numIntPoints_;

    // algorithm related

    // pointers
    double *p_vectorQ = &ws_vectorQ[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    if ( useShifted_ )

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // face data
      double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec, b, k);

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerFace );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

        // pointers to real data
        double * vectorQ = stk::mesh::field_data(*vectorQ_, node );

        // gather vectors
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_vectorQ[offSet+j] = vectorQ[j];

      // start assembly
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        // nearest node
        const int nn = ip;

        stk::mesh::Entity nodeNN = face_node_rels[nn];

        // pointer to fields to assemble
        double *gradQNN = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeNN );

        // suplemental
        double volNN = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dualNodalVolume, nodeNN);

        // interpolate to scs point; operate on saved off ws_field
        for (int j =0; j < nDim; ++j )
          qIp[j] = 0.0;

        const int offSet = ip*nodesPerFace;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            qIp[j] += r*p_vectorQ[ic*nDim+j];

        // nearest node volume
        double inv_volNN = 1.0/volNN;

        // assemble to nearest node
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const int row_gradQ = i*nDim;
          double qip = qIp[i];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            double fac = qip*areaVec[ip*nDim+j];
            gradQNN[row_gradQ+j] += fac*inv_volNN;
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // extract fields
  ScalarFieldType *dualNodalVolume = meta_data.get_field<ScalarFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "dual_nodal_volume");
  VectorFieldType *coordinates = meta_data.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, realm_.get_coordinates_name());

  // nodal fields to gather; gather everything other than what we are assembling
  std::vector<double> ws_vectorQ;
  std::vector<double> ws_dualVolume;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_scs_areav;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // ip data

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // algorithm related

    // pointers.
    double *p_vectorQ = &ws_vectorQ[0];
    double *p_dualVolume = &ws_dualVolume[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_scs_areav = &ws_scs_areav[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    if ( useShifted_ )

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const * node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      // note: we absolutely need to gather coords since it
      // is required to compute the area vector. however,
      // ws_scalarQ and ws_dualVolume are choices to avoid
      // field data call for interpolation

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // pointers to real data
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates, node);
        double * vectorQ = stk::mesh::field_data(*vectorQ_, node);

        // gather scalars
        p_dualVolume[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dualNodalVolume, node);

        // gather vectors
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];
          p_vectorQ[offSet+j] = vectorQ[j];

      // compute geometry
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);

      // start assembly
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = node_rels[il];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = node_rels[ir];

        // pointer to fields to assemble
        double *gradQL = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeL);
        double *gradQR = stk::mesh::field_data(*dqdx_, nodeR);

        // interpolate to scs point; operate on saved off ws_field
        for (int j=0; j < nDim; ++j )
          qIp[j] = 0.0;

        const int offSet = ip*nodesPerElement;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            qIp[j] += r*p_vectorQ[ic*nDim+j];

        // left and right volume
        double inv_volL = 1.0/p_dualVolume[il];
        double inv_volR = 1.0/p_dualVolume[ir];

        // assemble to il/ir
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const int row_gradQ = i*nDim;
          const double qip = qIp[i];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            double fac = qip*p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j];
            gradQL[row_gradQ+j] += fac*inv_volL;
            gradQR[row_gradQ+j] -= fac*inv_volR;
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------
  // first thing to do is to zero out the row (lhs and rhs)

  // extract the rank
  const int theRank = NaluEnv::self().parallel_rank();

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulkData = realm_.bulk_data();

  // space for LHS/RHS (nodesPerElem+1)*numDof*(nodesPerElem+1)*numDof; (nodesPerElem+1)*numDof
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // master element data
  std::vector <double > ws_general_shape_function;
  // interpolate nodal values to point-in-elem
  const int sizeOfDof = eqSystem_->linsys_->numDof();
  // size interpolated value
  std::vector<double> qNp1Orphan(sizeOfDof, 0.0);

  // Parallel communication of ghosted entities has been already handled in
  // EquationSystems::pre_iter_work

  // iterate oversetInfoVec_
  std::vector<OversetInfo *>::iterator ii;
  for( ii=realm_.oversetManager_->oversetInfoVec_.begin();
       ii!=realm_.oversetManager_->oversetInfoVec_.end(); ++ii ) {

    // overset info object of interest
    OversetInfo * infoObject = (*ii);

    // extract element and node mesh object
    stk::mesh::Entity owningElement = infoObject->owningElement_;
    stk::mesh::Entity orphanNode = infoObject->orphanNode_;

    // extract the owning rank for this node
    const int nodeRank = bulkData.parallel_owner_rank(orphanNode);
    // check to see if this node is locally owned by this rank; we only want to process locally owned nodes, not shared
    if ( theRank != nodeRank )

    // get master element type for this contactInfo
    MasterElement *meSCS  = infoObject->meSCS_;
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    std::vector <double > elemNodalQ(nodesPerElement*sizeOfDof);
    std::vector <double > shpfc(nodesPerElement);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int npePlusOne = nodesPerElement+1;
    const int lhsSize = npePlusOne*sizeOfDof*npePlusOne*sizeOfDof;
    const int rhsSize = npePlusOne*sizeOfDof;

    // algorithm related; element 
    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    // zeroing of lhs/rhs
    for ( int k = 0; k < lhsSize; ++k ) {
      p_lhs[k] = 0.0;
    for ( int k = 0; k < rhsSize; ++k ) {
      p_rhs[k] = 0.0;
    // extract nodal value for scalarQ
    const double *qNp1Nodal = (double *)stk::mesh::field_data(*fieldQ_, orphanNode);
    stk::mesh::Entity const* elem_node_rels = bulkData.begin_nodes(owningElement);
    const int num_nodes = bulkData.num_nodes(owningElement);

    // now load the elemental values for future interpolation; fill in connected nodes; first connected node is orhpan
    connected_nodes[0] = orphanNode;
    for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
      stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];
      connected_nodes[ni+1] = node;

      const double *qNp1 = (double *)stk::mesh::field_data(*fieldQ_, node );
      for ( int i = 0; i < sizeOfDof; ++i ) {
        elemNodalQ[i*nodesPerElement + ni] = qNp1[i];

    // interpolate dof to elemental ips (assigns qNp1)
    // lhs; extract general shape function
    meSCS->general_shape_fcn(1, &(infoObject->isoParCoords_[0]), &ws_general_shape_function[0]);

    // rhs; orphan node is defined to be the zeroth connected node
    for ( int i = 0; i < sizeOfDof; ++i) {
      const int rowOi = i * npePlusOne * sizeOfDof;
      const double residual = qNp1Nodal[i] - qNp1Orphan[i];
      p_rhs[i] = -residual;

      // row is zero by design (first connected node is the orphan node); assign it fully
      p_lhs[rowOi+i] += 1.0;

      for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
        const int indexR = i + sizeOfDof*(ic+1);
        const int rOiR = rowOi+indexR;
        p_lhs[rOiR] -= ws_general_shape_function[ic];

    // apply to linear system
    apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerFace*nDim*nodesPerFace*nDim and nodesPerFace*nDim
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_scalarQ;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsBip = meFC->numIntPoints_;
    const int *faceIpNodeMap = meFC->ipNodeMap();

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerFace*nDim*nodesPerFace*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerFace*nDim;

    // algorithm related; element
    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_scalarQ = &ws_scalarQ[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // zero lhs; always zero
    for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
      p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
    // shape function

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero rhs only since LHS never contributes, never touched
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_face_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        // get the node and form connected_node
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;
        // gather scalars
        p_scalarQ[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*scalarQ_, node);

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);

      // start the assembly
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsBip; ++ip ) {
        // nearest node to ip
        const int localFaceNode = faceIpNodeMap[ip];

        // save off some offsets for this ip
        const int nnNdim = localFaceNode*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // interpolate to bip
        double scalarQBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          scalarQBip += r*p_scalarQ[ic];

        // assemble to RHS; rhs -= a negative contribution => +=
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_rhs[nnNdim+i] += scalarQBip*areaVec[ip*nDim+i];
      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  const double dt = realm_.timeIntegrator_->get_time_step();
  const double small = 1.0e-16;

  // nodal fields to gather; gather everything other than what we are assembling
  std::vector<double> ws_vrtm;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_viscosity;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // set courant/reynolds number to something small
  double maxCR[2] = {-1.0, -1.0};

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // algorithm related

    // pointers.
    double *p_vrtm = &ws_vrtm[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_viscosity = &ws_viscosity[0];

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get elem
      stk::mesh::Entity elem = b[k];

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const * node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(elem);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(elem);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // pointers to real data
        double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        double * vrtm = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, node );

        // gather scalars
        p_density[ni]   = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node);
        p_viscosity[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);

        // gather vectors
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];
          p_vrtm[offSet+j] = vrtm[j];

      // compute cfl and Re along each edge
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        double udotx = 0.0;
        double dxSq = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          double ujIp = 0.5*(p_vrtm[il*nDim+j]+p_vrtm[il*nDim+j]);
          double dxj = p_coordinates[ir*nDim+j] - p_coordinates[il*nDim+j];
          udotx += dxj*ujIp;
          dxSq += dxj*dxj;

        udotx = std::abs(udotx);
        maxCR[0] = std::max(maxCR[0], std::abs(udotx*dt/dxSq));

        double diffIp = 0.5*( p_viscosity[il]/p_density[il] + p_viscosity[ir]/p_density[ir] );
        maxCR[1] = std::max(maxCR[1], udotx/(diffIp+small));

  // parallel max
  double g_maxCR[2]  = {};
  stk::ParallelMachine comm = NaluEnv::self().parallel_comm();
  stk::all_reduce_max(comm, maxCR, g_maxCR, 2);

  // sent to realm
  realm_.maxCourant_ = g_maxCR[0];
  realm_.maxReynolds_ = g_maxCR[1];

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();
  // extract noc
  const std::string dofName = "pressure";
  const double includeNOC 
    = (realm_.get_noc_usage(dofName) == true) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nodesPerElem and nodesPerElem
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // ip values; both boundary and opposing surface
  std::vector<double> uBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> rho_uBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> GpdxBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> coordBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> coordScs(nDim);

  // pointers to fixed values
  double *p_uBip = &uBip[0];
  double *p_rho_uBip = &rho_uBip[0];
  double *p_GpdxBip = &GpdxBip[0];
  double *p_coordBip = &coordBip[0];
  double *p_coordScs = &coordScs[0];

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_vrtm;
  std::vector<double> ws_Gpdx;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_bcPressure;
  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function_lhs;
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // time step
  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();
  const double gamma1 = realm_.get_gamma1();
  const double projTimeScale = dt/gamma1;

  // deal with interpolation procedure
  const double interpTogether = realm_.get_mdot_interp();
  const double om_interpTogether = 1.0-interpTogether;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

    // volume master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = b.topology().num_nodes();
    const int numScsBip = meFC->numIntPoints_;
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinal_vec(nodesPerFace);

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement;

    // algorithm related; element

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_pressure = &ws_pressure[0];
    double *p_vrtm = &ws_vrtm[0];
    double *p_Gpdx = &ws_Gpdx[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_bcPressure = &ws_bcPressure[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];
    double *p_shape_function_lhs = shiftPoisson_ ? &ws_shape_function[0] : reducedSensitivities_ ? &ws_shape_function_lhs[0] : &ws_shape_function[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // shape functions; interior
    if ( shiftPoisson_ )

    if ( !shiftPoisson_ && reducedSensitivities_ )

    // shape functions; boundary
    if ( shiftMdot_ )

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // gather nodal data off of face
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);
      int num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_face_nodes == nodesPerFace );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];

        // gather scalars
        p_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node);
        p_bcPressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressureBc_, node);

        // gather vectors
        const double * vrtm = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, node);
        const double * Gjp = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gpdx_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_vrtm[offSet+j] = vrtm[j];
          p_Gpdx[offSet+j] = Gjp[j];

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, face);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      const stk::mesh::Entity* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinal_vec
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const stk::mesh::ConnectivityOrdinal* face_elem_ords = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face);
      const int face_ordinal = face_elem_ords[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinal_vec.begin());

      // mapping from ip to nodes for this ordinal
      const int *ipNodeMap = meSCS->ipNodeMap(face_ordinal);

      // gather nodal data off of element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = elem_node_rels[ni];

        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // gather scalars
        p_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, node);

        // gather vectors
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];

      // loop over boundary ips
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsBip; ++ip ) {

        const int nearestNode = ipNodeMap[ip];
        const int opposingScsIp = meSCS->opposingFace(face_ordinal,ip);

        // zero out vector quantities
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_uBip[j] = 0.0;
          p_rho_uBip[j] = 0.0;
          p_GpdxBip[j] = 0.0;
          p_coordBip[j] = 0.0;
          p_coordScs[j] = 0.0;
        double rhoBip = 0.0;

        // interpolate to bip
        double pBip = 0.0;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const int fn = face_node_ordinal_vec[ic];
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          const double rhoIC = p_density[ic];
          rhoBip += r*rhoIC;
          pBip += r*p_bcPressure[ic];
          const int offSetFN = ic*nDim;
          const int offSetEN = fn*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            p_uBip[j] += r*p_vrtm[offSetFN+j];
            p_rho_uBip[j] += r*rhoIC*p_vrtm[offSetFN+j];
            p_GpdxBip[j] += r*p_Gpdx[offSetFN+j];
            p_coordBip[j] += r*p_coordinates[offSetEN+j];

        // data at interior opposing face
        double pScs = 0.0;
        const int offSetSF_elem = opposingScsIp*nodesPerElement;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSetSF_elem+ic];
          pScs += r*p_pressure[ic];
          const int offSet = ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            p_coordScs[j] += r*p_coordinates[offSet+j];

        // form axdx, asq and mdot (without dp/dn or noc)
        double asq = 0.0;
        double axdx = 0.0;
        double mdot = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxj = p_coordBip[j] - p_coordScs[j];
          const double axj = areaVec[ip*nDim+j];
          asq += axj*axj;
          axdx += axj*dxj;
          mdot += (interpTogether*p_rho_uBip[j] + om_interpTogether*rhoBip*p_uBip[j] 
                   + projTimeScale*p_GpdxBip[j])*axj;
        const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;
        // deal with noc
        double noc = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double dxj = p_coordBip[j] - p_coordScs[j];
          const double axj = areaVec[ip*nDim+j];
          const double kxj = axj - asq*inv_axdx*dxj; // NOC
          noc += kxj*p_GpdxBip[j];

        // lhs for pressure system
        int rowR = nearestNode*nodesPerElement;

        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function_lhs[offSetSF_elem+ic];
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] += r*asq*inv_axdx;

        // final mdot
        mdot += -projTimeScale*((pBip-pScs)*asq*inv_axdx + noc*includeNOC);

        // residual
        p_rhs[nearestNode] -= mdot/projTimeScale;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- clip_min_distance_to_wall ---------------------------------------
  // if this is a restart, then min distance has already been clipped
  if (realm_.restarted_simulation())

  // okay, no restart: proceed with clipping of minimum wall distance
  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // extract fields required
  GenericFieldType *exposedAreaVec = meta_data.get_field<GenericFieldType>(meta_data.side_rank(), "exposed_area_vector");
  VectorFieldType *coordinates = meta_data.get_field<VectorFieldType>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, realm_.get_coordinates_name());

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // selector
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

   stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
     realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
   for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
         ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
     stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

     // extract connected element topology
     b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
     ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
     stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

     // extract master element
     MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);

     // face master element
     const int nodesPerFace = b.topology().num_nodes();
     std::vector<int> face_node_ordinal_vec(nodesPerFace);

     const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

     for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

       // get face
       stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];
       int num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(face);

       // pointer to face data
       const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec, face);

       // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
       const stk::mesh::Entity* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
       ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

       // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinal_vec
       stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
       const int face_ordinal = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face)[0];
       theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinal_vec.begin());

       // get the relations off of element
       stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);

       // loop over face nodes
       for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

         const int offSetAveraVec = ip*nDim;

         const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);
         const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinal_vec[ip];

         // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
         stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
         stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

         // extract nodal fields
         const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates, nodeL );
         const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates, nodeR );

         double aMag = 0.0;
         for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
           const double axj = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j];
           aMag += axj*axj;
         aMag = std::sqrt(aMag);

         // form unit normal and determine yp (approximated by 1/4 distance along edge)
         double ypbip = 0.0;
         for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
           const double nj = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j]/aMag;
           const double ej = 0.25*(coordR[j] - coordL[j]);
           ypbip += nj*ej*nj*ej;
         ypbip = std::sqrt(ypbip);

         // assemble to nodal quantities
         double *minD = stk::mesh::field_data(*minDistanceToWall_, nodeR );

         *minD = std::max(*minD, ypbip);
//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // use edge-based length scale
  const bool useEdgeH = true;

  // extract current ordinate direction
  std::vector<double> Sk(nDim,0.0);
  const double *p_Sk = &Sk[0];
  intensity_ = radEqSystem_->get_intensity();
  const double invPi = 1.0/(std::acos(-1.0));

   // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nodesPerElem and nodesPerElem
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_intensity;
  std::vector<double> ws_absorption;
  std::vector<double> ws_scattering;
  std::vector<double> ws_scalarFlux;
  std::vector<double> ws_radiationSource;
  std::vector<double> ws_dualVolume;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_scs_areav;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_deriv;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const size_t length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement;

    // algorithm related

     // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_intensity = &ws_intensity[0];
    double *p_absorption = &ws_absorption[0];
    double *p_scattering = &ws_scattering[0];
    double *p_scalarFlux = &ws_scalarFlux[0];
    double *p_radiationSource = &ws_radiationSource[0];
    double *p_dualVolume = &ws_dualVolume[0];
    double *p_scs_areav = &ws_scs_areav[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];


    for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

        // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // get elem and its node relations
      unsigned elem_offset = k;

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const *  node_rels = b.begin_nodes(elem_offset);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(elem_offset);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // pointers to real data
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);

        // gather scalars
        p_intensity[ni]   = *stk::mesh::field_data(*intensity_, node);
        p_absorption[ni]  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*absorption_, node );
        p_scattering[ni]  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*scattering_, node );
        p_scalarFlux[ni]  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*scalarFlux_, node );
        p_radiationSource[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*radiationSource_, node );
        p_dualVolume[ni]  = *stk::mesh::field_data(*dualNodalVolume_, node );

        // gather vectors
        const int offSet = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_coordinates[offSet+j] = coords[j];

      // compute geometry
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);

      // compute dndx
      meSCS->grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {
        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        // corresponding matrix rows
        int rowL = il*nodesPerElement;
        int rowR = ir*nodesPerElement;

        // form sj*njdS (part of the lhs for central term; I*sj*njdS)
        double sjaj = 0.0;
        double asq = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double aj = p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j];
          sjaj += p_Sk[j]*aj;
          asq += aj*aj;
        const double aMag = std::sqrt(asq);

        // integration point interpolation
        double Iscs = 0.0;
        double extCoeffscs = 0.0;
        double ePscs = 0.0;
        double isotropicScatterscs = 0.0;
        double dualNodalVscs = 0.0;
        const int offSet = ip*nodesPerElement;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          // save of some variables
          const double I = p_intensity[ic];
          const double mua = p_absorption[ic];
          const double mus = p_scattering[ic];

          // interpolation to scs
          Iscs += r*I;
          extCoeffscs += r*(mua+mus);
          ePscs += r*p_radiationSource[ic];
          isotropicScatterscs += r*mus*p_scalarFlux[ic]/4.0*invPi;
          dualNodalVscs += r*p_dualVolume[ic];

          // assemble I*sj*njdS to lhs; left/right
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += sjaj*r;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= sjaj*r;

        // rhs residual for I*sj*njdS
        p_rhs[il] -= Iscs*sjaj;
        p_rhs[ir] += Iscs*sjaj;

        // now work on SUCV stabilization terms; needed tau, hence second ic loop
        double h_edge = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double nj = p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j]/aMag;
          const double dxj = p_coordinates[ir*nDim+j]-p_coordinates[il*nDim+j];
          h_edge += nj*dxj;

        // alternative h
        const double h_vol = std::pow(dualNodalVscs, 1.0/(double)nDim);

        // form tau
        const double h = (useEdgeH) ? h_edge : h_vol;
        const double tau = std::sqrt(1.0/((2.0/h)*(2.0/h) + extCoeffscs*extCoeffscs));
        double sidIdxi = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];

          // save of some variables
          const double I = p_intensity[ic];
          // SUCV -tau*sj*aj*(mua+mus)*I term; left/right (residual below)
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += -tau*sjaj*r*extCoeffscs;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= -tau*sjaj*r*extCoeffscs;
          // SUCV diffusion-like term; -tau*si*dI/dxi*sjaj (residual below)
          double lhsfac = 0.0;
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double sjdNj = p_Sk[j]*p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            sidIdxi += sjdNj*I;
            lhsfac += -sjdNj;
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += tau*sjaj*lhsfac;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= tau*sjaj*lhsfac;
        // full sucv residual
	const double residual = -tau*sjaj*(sidIdxi + extCoeffscs*Iscs - ePscs - isotropicScatterscs);
        // residual; left and right
        p_rhs[il] -= residual;
        p_rhs[ir] += residual;

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // time step
  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();
  const double gamma1 = realm_.get_gamma1();
  const double projTimeScale = dt/gamma1;

  // deal with interpolation procedure
  const double interpTogether = realm_.get_mdot_interp();
  const double om_interpTogether = 1.0-interpTogether;

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nodesPerElem and nodesPerElem
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;

  // supplemental algorithm setup
  const size_t supplementalAlgSize = supplementalAlg_.size();
  for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_vrtm;
  std::vector<double> ws_Gpdx;
  std::vector<double> ws_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;

  // geometry related to populate
  std::vector<double> ws_scs_areav;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_dndx_lhs;
  std::vector<double> ws_deriv;
  std::vector<double> ws_det_j;
  std::vector<double> ws_shape_function;

  // integration point data that depends on size
  std::vector<double> uIp(nDim);
  std::vector<double> rho_uIp(nDim);
  std::vector<double> GpdxIp(nDim);
  std::vector<double> dpdxIp(nDim);

  // pointers to everyone...
  double *p_uIp = &uIp[0];
  double *p_rho_uIp = &rho_uIp[0];
  double *p_GpdxIp = &GpdxIp[0];
  double *p_dpdxIp = &dpdxIp[0];

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()
    & stk::mesh::selectUnion(partVec_) 
    & !(realm_.get_inactive_selector());

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& elem_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = elem_buckets.begin();
        ib != elem_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;
    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    // extract master element
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    MasterElement *meSCV = realm_.get_volume_master_element(b.topology());

    // extract master element specifics
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;
    const int numScsIp = meSCS->numIntPoints_;
    const int *lrscv = meSCS->adjacentNodes();

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nodesPerElement;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement;

    // algorithm related

    // pointers
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
    double *p_vrtm = &ws_vrtm[0];
    double *p_Gpdx = &ws_Gpdx[0];
    double *p_coordinates = &ws_coordinates[0];
    double *p_pressure = &ws_pressure[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_scs_areav = &ws_scs_areav[0];
    double *p_dndx = &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_dndx_lhs = reducedSensitivities_ ? &ws_dndx_lhs[0] : &ws_dndx[0];
    double *p_shape_function = &ws_shape_function[0];

    if ( shiftMdot_)

    // resize possible supplemental element alg
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )
      supplementalAlg_[i]->elem_resize(meSCS, meSCV);

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get elem
      stk::mesh::Entity elem = b[k];

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // gather nodal data; this is how we do it now..
      stk::mesh::Entity const *  node_rels = b.begin_nodes(k);
      int num_nodes = b.num_nodes(k);

      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );

      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = node_rels[ni];

        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = node;

        // pointers to real data
        const double * Gjp    = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gpdx_, node );
        const double * coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        const double * vrtm   = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityRTM_, node );

        // gather scalars
        p_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, node );
        p_density[ni]  = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node );

        // gather vectors
        const int niNdim = ni*nDim;
        for ( int j=0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_vrtm[niNdim+j] = vrtm[j];
          p_Gpdx[niNdim+j] = Gjp[j];
          p_coordinates[niNdim+j] = coords[j];

      // compute geometry
      double scs_error = 0.0;
      meSCS->determinant(1, &p_coordinates[0], &p_scs_areav[0], &scs_error);

      // compute dndx for residual
      if ( shiftPoisson_ )
        meSCS->shifted_grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &ws_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);
        meSCS->grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &ws_dndx[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);
      // compute dndx for LHS
      if ( reducedSensitivities_ )
        meSCS->shifted_grad_op(1, &p_coordinates[0], &ws_dndx_lhs[0], &ws_deriv[0], &ws_det_j[0], &scs_error);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < numScsIp; ++ip ) {

        // left and right nodes for this ip
        const int il = lrscv[2*ip];
        const int ir = lrscv[2*ip+1];

        // corresponding matrix rows
        int rowL = il*nodesPerElement;
        int rowR = ir*nodesPerElement;

        // setup for ip values; sneak in geometry for possible reduced sens
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          p_uIp[j] = 0.0;
          p_rho_uIp[j] = 0.0;
          p_GpdxIp[j] = 0.0;
          p_dpdxIp[j] = 0.0;
        double rhoIp = 0.0;

        const int offSet = ip*nodesPerElement;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerElement; ++ic ) {

          const double r = p_shape_function[offSet+ic];
          const double nodalPressure = p_pressure[ic];
          const double nodalRho = p_density[ic];

          rhoIp += r*nodalRho;

          double lhsfac = 0.0;
          const int offSetDnDx = nDim*nodesPerElement*ip + ic*nDim;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            p_GpdxIp[j] += r*p_Gpdx[nDim*ic+j];
            p_uIp[j] += r*p_vrtm[nDim*ic+j];
            p_rho_uIp[j] += r*nodalRho*p_vrtm[nDim*ic+j];
            p_dpdxIp[j] += p_dndx[offSetDnDx+j]*nodalPressure;
            lhsfac += -p_dndx_lhs[offSetDnDx+j]*p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j];

          // assemble to lhs; left
          p_lhs[rowL+ic] += lhsfac;

          // assemble to lhs; right
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] -= lhsfac;


        // assemble mdot
        double mdot = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          mdot += (interpTogether*p_rho_uIp[j] + om_interpTogether*rhoIp*p_uIp[j] 
                   - projTimeScale*(p_dpdxIp[j] - p_GpdxIp[j]))*p_scs_areav[ip*nDim+j];

        // residual; left and right
        p_rhs[il] -= mdot/projTimeScale;
        p_rhs[ir] += mdot/projTimeScale;

      // call supplemental
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < supplementalAlgSize; ++i )
        supplementalAlg_[i]->elem_execute( &lhs[0], &rhs[0], elem, meSCS, meSCV);

      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------
  // check to see if this is a valid step to process output file
  const int timeStepCount = realm_.get_time_step_count();
  const bool processMe = (timeStepCount % frequency_) == 0 ? true : false;

  // do not waste time here
  if ( !processMe )

  // common
  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();
  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // set min and max values
  double yplusMin = 1.0e8;
  double yplusMax = -1.0e8;

  // nodal fields to gather
  std::vector<double> ws_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_viscosity;

  // master element
  std::vector<double> ws_face_shape_function;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &densityNp1 = density_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define vector of parent topos; should always be UNITY in size
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  const double currentTime = realm_.get_current_time();

  // local force and moment; i.e., to be assembled
  double l_force_moment[9] = {};

  // work force, moment and radius; i.e., to be pushed to cross_product()
  double ws_p_force[3] = {};
  double ws_v_force[3] = {};
  double ws_t_force[3] = {};
  double ws_tau[3] = {};
  double ws_moment[3] = {};
  double ws_radius[3] = {};

  // will need surface normal
  double ws_normal[3] = {};

  // centroid
  double centroid[3] = {};
  for ( size_t k = 0; k < parameters_.size(); ++k)
    centroid[k] = parameters_[k];

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // face master element
    MasterElement *meFC = realm_.get_surface_master_element(b.topology());
    const int nodesPerFace = meFC->nodesPerElement_;
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinal_vec(nodesPerFace);

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];

    // extract master element for this element topo
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);

    // algorithm related; element
    // pointers
    double *p_pressure = &ws_pressure[0];
    double *p_density = &ws_density[0];
    double *p_viscosity = &ws_viscosity[0];
    double *p_face_shape_function = &ws_face_shape_function[0];

    // shape functions
    if ( useShifted_ )

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length   = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // get face
      stk::mesh::Entity face = b[k];

      // face node relations
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(face);

      // gather nodal data off of face
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < nodesPerFace; ++ni ) {
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ni];
        // gather scalars
        p_pressure[ni]    = *stk::mesh::field_data(*pressure_, node);
        p_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(densityNp1, node);
        p_viscosity[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, node);

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, face);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      const stk::mesh::Entity* face_elem_rels = bulk_data.begin_elements(face);
      ThrowAssert( bulk_data.num_elements(face) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinal_vec
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = bulk_data.begin_element_ordinals(face)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinal_vec.begin());

      // get the relations off of element
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);

      for ( int ip = 0; ip < nodesPerFace; ++ip ) {

        // offsets
        const int offSetAveraVec = ip*nDim;
        const int offSetSF_face = ip*nodesPerFace;

        // interpolate to bip
        double pBip = 0.0;
        double rhoBip = 0.0;
        double muBip = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < nodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const double r = p_face_shape_function[offSetSF_face+ic];
          pBip += r*p_pressure[ic];
          rhoBip += r*p_density[ic];
          muBip += r*p_viscosity[ic];

        // extract nodal fields
        stk::mesh::Entity node = face_node_rels[ip];
        const double * coord = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node );
        const double *duidxj = stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, node );
        double *pressureForce = stk::mesh::field_data(*pressureForce_, node );
        double *tauWall = stk::mesh::field_data(*tauWall_, node );
        double *yplus = stk::mesh::field_data(*yplus_, node );
        const double assembledArea = *stk::mesh::field_data(*assembledArea_, node );

        // divU and aMag
        double divU = 0.0;
        double aMag = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j) {
          divU += duidxj[j*nDim+j];
          aMag += areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j]*areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j];
        aMag = std::sqrt(aMag);

        // normal
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double ai = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+i];
          ws_normal[i] = ai/aMag;

        // load radius; assemble force -sigma_ij*njdS and compute tau_ij njDs
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double ai = areaVec[offSetAveraVec+i];
          ws_radius[i] = coord[i] - centroid[i];
          // set forces
          ws_v_force[i] = 2.0/3.0*muBip*divU*includeDivU_*ai;
          ws_p_force[i] = pBip*ai;
          pressureForce[i] += pBip*ai;
          double dflux = 0.0;
          double tauijNj = 0.0;
          const int offSetI = nDim*i;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const int offSetTrans = nDim*j+i;
            dflux += -muBip*(duidxj[offSetI+j] + duidxj[offSetTrans])*areaVec[offSetAveraVec+j];
            tauijNj += -muBip*(duidxj[offSetI+j] + duidxj[offSetTrans])*ws_normal[j];
          // accumulate viscous force and set tau for component i
          ws_v_force[i] += dflux;
          ws_tau[i] = tauijNj;

        // compute total force and tangential tau
        double tauTangential = 0.0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          ws_t_force[i] = ws_p_force[i] + ws_v_force[i];
          double tauiTangential = (1.0-ws_normal[i]*ws_normal[i])*ws_tau[i];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            if ( i != j )
              tauiTangential -= ws_normal[i]*ws_normal[j]*ws_tau[j];
          tauTangential += tauiTangential*tauiTangential;

        // assemble nodal quantities; scaled by area for L2 lumped nodal projection
        const double areaFac = aMag/assembledArea;
        *tauWall += std::sqrt(tauTangential)*areaFac;

        cross_product(&ws_t_force[0], &ws_moment[0], &ws_radius[0]);

        // assemble force and moment
        for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
          l_force_moment[j] += ws_p_force[j];
          l_force_moment[j+3] += ws_v_force[j];
          l_force_moment[j+6] += ws_moment[j];

        // deal with yplus
        const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinal_vec[ip];

        // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // extract nodal fields
        const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL );
        const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR );

        // determine yp (approximated by 1/4 distance along edge)
        double ypBip = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double nj = ws_normal[j];
          const double ej = 0.25*(coordR[j] - coordL[j]);
          ypBip += nj*ej*nj*ej;
        ypBip = std::sqrt(ypBip);

        const double tauW = std::sqrt(tauTangential);
        const double uTau = std::sqrt(tauW/rhoBip);
        const double yplusBip = rhoBip*ypBip/muBip*uTau;

        // nodal field
        *yplus += yplusBip*areaFac;

        // min and max
        yplusMin = std::min(yplusMin, yplusBip);
        yplusMax = std::max(yplusMax, yplusBip);


  if ( processMe ) {
    // parallel assemble and output
    double g_force_moment[9] = {};
    stk::ParallelMachine comm = NaluEnv::self().parallel_comm();

    // Parallel assembly of L2
    stk::all_reduce_sum(comm, &l_force_moment[0], &g_force_moment[0], 9);

    // min/max
    double g_yplusMin = 0.0, g_yplusMax = 0.0;
    stk::all_reduce_min(comm, &yplusMin, &g_yplusMin, 1);
    stk::all_reduce_max(comm, &yplusMax, &g_yplusMax, 1);

    // deal with file name and banner
    if ( NaluEnv::self().parallel_rank() == 0 ) {
      std::ofstream myfile;, std::ios_base::app);
      myfile << std::setprecision(6) 
             << std::setw(w_) 
             << currentTime << std::setw(w_) 
             << g_force_moment[0] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[1] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[2] << std::setw(w_)
             << g_force_moment[3] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[4] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[5] <<  std::setw(w_)
             << g_force_moment[6] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[7] << std::setw(w_) << g_force_moment[8] <<  std::setw(w_)
             << g_yplusMin << std::setw(w_) << g_yplusMax << std::endl;

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // nearest face entrainment
  const double nfEntrain = realm_.solutionOptions_->nearestFaceEntrain_;
  const double om_nfEntrain = 1.0-nfEntrain;

  // space for dui/dxj; the modified gradient with NOC
  std::vector<double> duidxj(nDim*nDim);

  // lhs/rhs space
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<double> lhs;

  std::vector<double> nx(nDim);
  std::vector<double> fx(nDim);

  // pointers
  double *p_duidxj = &duidxj[0];
  double *p_nx = &nx[0];
  double *p_fx = &fx[0];

  // deal with state
  VectorFieldType &velocityNp1 = velocity_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // define vector of parent topos
  std::vector<stk::topology> parentTopo;

  // define some common selectors
  stk::mesh::Selector s_locally_owned_union = meta_data.locally_owned_part()

  stk::mesh::BucketVector const& face_buckets =
    realm_.get_buckets( meta_data.side_rank(), s_locally_owned_union );
  for ( stk::mesh::BucketVector::const_iterator ib = face_buckets.begin();
        ib != face_buckets.end() ; ++ib ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & b = **ib ;

    // extract connected element topology
    b.parent_topology(stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK, parentTopo);
    ThrowAssert ( parentTopo.size() == 1 );
    stk::topology theElemTopo = parentTopo[0];
    MasterElement *meSCS = realm_.get_surface_master_element(theElemTopo);
    const int nodesPerElement = meSCS->nodesPerElement_;

    // resize some things; matrix related
    const int lhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim*nodesPerElement*nDim;
    const int rhsSize = nodesPerElement*nDim;

    // pointer to lhs/rhs
    double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
    double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];

    // size some things that are useful
    const int num_face_nodes = b.topology().num_nodes();
    std::vector<int> face_node_ordinals(num_face_nodes);

    const stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type length = b.size();

    for ( stk::mesh::Bucket::size_type k = 0 ; k < length ; ++k ) {

      // zero lhs/rhs
      for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
        p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
      for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
        p_rhs[p] = 0.0;

      // pointer to face data
      const double * areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, b, k);
      const double * mdot    = stk::mesh::field_data(*openMassFlowRate_, b, k);

      // extract the connected element to this exposed face; should be single in size!
      stk::mesh::Entity const * face_elem_rels = b.begin_elements(k);
      ThrowAssert( b.num_elements(k) == 1 );

      // get element; its face ordinal number and populate face_node_ordinals
      stk::mesh::Entity element = face_elem_rels[0];
      const int face_ordinal = b.begin_element_ordinals(k)[0];
      theElemTopo.side_node_ordinals(face_ordinal, face_node_ordinals.begin());

      // get the relations; populate connected nodes
      stk::mesh::Entity const * elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(element);
      int num_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(element);
      // sanity check on num nodes
      ThrowAssert( num_nodes == nodesPerElement );
      for ( int ni = 0; ni < num_nodes; ++ni ) {
        // set connected nodes
        connected_nodes[ni] = elem_node_rels[ni];

      // loop over face nodes (maps directly to ips)
      for ( int ip = 0; ip < num_face_nodes; ++ip ) {

        const int opposingNode = meSCS->opposingNodes(face_ordinal,ip);  // "Left"
        const int nearestNode = face_node_ordinals[ip];  // "Right"

        // left and right nodes; right is on the face; left is the opposing node
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeL = elem_node_rels[opposingNode];
        stk::mesh::Entity nodeR = elem_node_rels[nearestNode];

        // extract nodal fields
        const double * coordL = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeL );
        const double * coordR = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, nodeR );

        const double * uNp1L = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeL );
        const double * uNp1R = stk::mesh::field_data(velocityNp1, nodeR );

        const double viscosityR = *stk::mesh::field_data(*viscosity_, nodeR );
        const double viscBip = viscosityR;

        // a few only required (or even defined) on nodeR
        const double *bcVelocity =  stk::mesh::field_data(*velocityBc_, nodeR );
        const double * dudxR     =  stk::mesh::field_data(*dudx_, nodeR );

        // offset for bip area vector
        const int faceOffSet = ip*nDim;

        // compute geometry
        double axdx = 0.0;
        double asq = 0.0;
        double udotx = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
          const double dxj = coordR[j]  - coordL[j];
          asq += axj*axj;
          axdx += axj*dxj;
          udotx += 0.5*dxj*(uNp1L[j] + uNp1R[j]);

        const double inv_axdx = 1.0/axdx;
        const double amag = std::sqrt(asq);

        // form duidxj with over-relaxed procedure of Jasak:
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

          // difference between R and L nodes for component i
          const double uidiff = uNp1R[i] - uNp1L[i];

          // offset into all forms of dudx
          const int offSetI = nDim*i;

          // start sum for NOC contribution
          double GlUidxl = 0.0;
          for ( int l = 0; l< nDim; ++l ) {
            const int offSetIL = offSetI+l;
            const double dxl = coordR[l] - coordL[l];
            const double GlUi = dudxR[offSetIL];
            GlUidxl += GlUi*dxl;

          // form full tensor dui/dxj with NOC
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const int offSetIJ = offSetI+j;
            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            const double GjUi = dudxR[offSetIJ];
            p_duidxj[offSetIJ] = GjUi + (uidiff - GlUidxl)*axj*inv_axdx;

        // divU
        double divU = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j)
          divU += p_duidxj[j*nDim+j];

        double fxnx = 0.0;
        double uxnx = 0.0;
        double uxnxip = 0.0;
        double uspecxnx = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          const double axi = areaVec[faceOffSet+i];
          double fxi = 2.0/3.0*viscBip*divU*axi*includeDivU_;
          const int offSetI = nDim*i;
          const double nxi = axi/amag;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const int offSetTrans = nDim*j+i;
            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            fxi += -viscBip*(p_duidxj[offSetI+j] + p_duidxj[offSetTrans])*axj;

          fxnx += nxi*fxi;
          uxnx += nxi*uNp1R[i];
          uxnxip += 0.5*nxi*(uNp1L[i]+uNp1R[i]);
          uspecxnx += nxi*bcVelocity[i];

          // save off normal and force for each component i
          p_nx[i] = nxi;
          p_fx[i] = fxi;

        // full stress, sigma_ij
        for (int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

          // setup for matrix contribution assembly
          const int indexL = opposingNode*nDim + i;
          const int indexR = nearestNode*nDim + i;
          const int rowR = indexR*nodesPerElement*nDim;

          const int rRiL_i = rowR+indexL;
          const int rRiR_i = rowR+indexR;

          // subtract normal component
          const double diffFlux = p_fx[i] - p_nx[i]*fxnx;

          const double om_nxinxi = 1.0-p_nx[i]*p_nx[i];

          p_rhs[indexR] -= diffFlux;
          double lhsFac = -viscBip*asq*inv_axdx*om_nxinxi;
          p_lhs[rRiL_i] -= lhsFac;
          p_lhs[rRiR_i] += lhsFac;

          const double axi = areaVec[faceOffSet+i];

          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double axj = areaVec[faceOffSet+j];
            lhsFac = -viscBip*axi*axj*inv_axdx*om_nxinxi;

            const int colL = opposingNode*nDim + j;
            const int colR = nearestNode*nDim + j;

            const int rRiL_j = rowR+colL;
            const int rRiR_j = rowR+colR;

            p_lhs[rRiL_j] -= lhsFac;
            p_lhs[rRiR_j] += lhsFac;

            if ( i == j ) {
              // nothing
            else {
	      const double nxinxj = p_nx[i]*p_nx[j];

              lhsFac = viscBip*asq*inv_axdx*nxinxj;
              p_lhs[rRiL_j] -= lhsFac;
              p_lhs[rRiR_j] += lhsFac;

              lhsFac = viscBip*axj*axj*inv_axdx*nxinxj;
              p_lhs[rRiL_j] -= lhsFac;
              p_lhs[rRiR_j] += lhsFac;

              lhsFac = viscBip*axj*axi*inv_axdx*nxinxj;
              p_lhs[rRiL_i] -= lhsFac;
              p_lhs[rRiR_i] += lhsFac;

        // advection
        const double tmdot = mdot[ip];
        if ( tmdot > 0 ) {
          // leaving the domain
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            // setup for matrix contribution assembly
            const int indexR = nearestNode*nDim + i;
            const int rowR = indexR*nodesPerElement*nDim;
            const int rRiR = rowR+indexR;

            p_rhs[indexR] -= tmdot*uNp1R[i];
            p_lhs[rRiR] += tmdot;
        else {
          // entraining; constrain to be normal
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {

            // setup for matrix contribution assembly
            const int indexR = nearestNode*nDim + i;
            const int rowR = indexR*nodesPerElement*nDim;

            // constrain to be normal
            p_rhs[indexR] -= tmdot*(nfEntrain*uxnx + om_nfEntrain*uxnxip)*p_nx[i];

            // user spec entrainment (tangential)
            p_rhs[indexR] -= tmdot*(bcVelocity[i]-uspecxnx*p_nx[i]);

            for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {

              const int colL = opposingNode*nDim + j;
              const int colR = nearestNode*nDim + j;

              p_lhs[rowR+colR] +=  tmdot*(nfEntrain + om_nfEntrain*0.5)*p_nx[i]*p_nx[j];
              p_lhs[rowR+colL] +=  tmdot*om_nfEntrain*0.5*p_nx[i]*p_nx[j];



      apply_coeff(connected_nodes, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);

//-------- execute ---------------------------------------------------------

  stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk_data = realm_.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = realm_.meta_data();

  const int nDim = meta_data.spatial_dimension();

  // continuity equation scales by projection time scale
  const double dt = realm_.get_time_step();
  const double gamma1 = realm_.get_gamma1();
  const double projTimeScale = dt/gamma1;
  // deal with interpolation procedure
  const double interpTogether = realm_.get_mdot_interp();
  const double om_interpTogether = 1.0-interpTogether;

  // space for LHS/RHS; nodesPerElem*nodesPerElem and nodesPerElem
  std::vector<double> lhs;
  std::vector<double> rhs;
  std::vector<int> scratchIds;
  std::vector<double> scratchVals;
  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> connected_nodes;
  // ip values; both boundary and opposing surface
  std::vector<double> currentIsoParCoords(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingIsoParCoords(nDim);
  std::vector<double> cNx(nDim);
  std::vector<double> oNx(nDim);
  std::vector<double> currentVelocityBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingVelocityBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> currentRhoVelocityBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingRhoVelocityBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> currentMeshVelocityBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> currentRhoMeshVelocityBip(nDim);

  // pressure stabilization
  std::vector<double> currentGjpBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingGjpBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> currentDpdxBip(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingDpdxBip(nDim);

  // mapping for -1:1 -> -0.5:0.5 volume element
  std::vector<double> currentElementIsoParCoords(nDim);
  std::vector<double> opposingElementIsoParCoords(nDim);

  // interpolate nodal values to point-in-elem
  const int sizeOfScalarField = 1;
  const int sizeOfVectorField = nDim;
  // pointers to fixed values
  double *p_cNx = &cNx[0];
  double *p_oNx = &oNx[0];

  // nodal fields to gather; face
  std::vector<double> ws_c_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_c_Gjp;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_Gjp;
  std::vector<double> ws_c_velocity;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_velocity;
  std::vector<double> ws_c_meshVelocity; // only require current
  std::vector<double> ws_c_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_density;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_coordinates; // only require opposing

  // element
  std::vector<double> ws_c_elem_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_elem_pressure;
  std::vector<double> ws_c_elem_coordinates;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_elem_coordinates;

  // master element data
  std::vector<double> ws_c_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_dndx;
  std::vector<double> ws_c_det_j;
  std::vector<double> ws_o_det_j;
  std::vector <double > ws_c_general_shape_function;
  std::vector <double > ws_o_general_shape_function;

  // deal with state
  ScalarFieldType &pressureNp1 = pressure_->field_of_state(stk::mesh::StateNP1);

  // parallel communicate ghosted entities
  if ( NULL != realm_.nonConformalManager_->nonConformalGhosting_ )
    stk::mesh::communicate_field_data(*(realm_.nonConformalManager_->nonConformalGhosting_), ghostFieldVec_);

  // iterate nonConformalManager's dgInfoVec
  std::vector<NonConformalInfo *>::iterator ii;
  for( ii=realm_.nonConformalManager_->nonConformalInfoVec_.begin();
       ii!=realm_.nonConformalManager_->nonConformalInfoVec_.end(); ++ii ) {

    // extract vector of DgInfo
    std::vector<std::vector<DgInfo *> > &dgInfoVec = (*ii)->dgInfoVec_;
    std::vector<std::vector<DgInfo*> >::iterator idg;
    for( idg=dgInfoVec.begin(); idg!=dgInfoVec.end(); ++idg ) {

      std::vector<DgInfo *> &faceDgInfoVec = (*idg);

      // now loop over all the DgInfo objects on this particular exposed face
      for ( size_t k = 0; k < faceDgInfoVec.size(); ++k ) {

        DgInfo *dgInfo = faceDgInfoVec[k];

        // extract current/opposing face/element
        stk::mesh::Entity currentFace = dgInfo->currentFace_;
        stk::mesh::Entity opposingFace = dgInfo->opposingFace_;
        stk::mesh::Entity currentElement = dgInfo->currentElement_;
        stk::mesh::Entity opposingElement = dgInfo->opposingElement_;
        const int currentFaceOrdinal = dgInfo->currentFaceOrdinal_;
        const int opposingFaceOrdinal = dgInfo->opposingFaceOrdinal_;

        // master element; face and volume
        MasterElement * meFCCurrent = dgInfo->meFCCurrent_; 
        MasterElement * meFCOpposing = dgInfo->meFCOpposing_;
        MasterElement * meSCSCurrent = dgInfo->meSCSCurrent_; 
        MasterElement * meSCSOpposing = dgInfo->meSCSOpposing_;
        // local ip, ordinals, etc
        const int currentGaussPointId = dgInfo->currentGaussPointId_;
        currentIsoParCoords = dgInfo->currentIsoParCoords_;
        opposingIsoParCoords = dgInfo->opposingIsoParCoords_;
        // mapping from ip to nodes for this ordinal
        const int *ipNodeMap = meSCSCurrent->ipNodeMap(currentFaceOrdinal);

        // extract some master element info
        const int currentNodesPerFace = meFCCurrent->nodesPerElement_;
        const int opposingNodesPerFace = meFCOpposing->nodesPerElement_;
        const int currentNodesPerElement = meSCSCurrent->nodesPerElement_;
        const int opposingNodesPerElement = meSCSOpposing->nodesPerElement_;

        // resize some things; matrix related
        const int totalNodes = currentNodesPerElement + opposingNodesPerElement;
        const int lhsSize = totalNodes*totalNodes;
        const int rhsSize = totalNodes;
        // algorithm related; face
        // algorithm related; element; dndx will be at a single gauss point

        // pointers
        double *p_lhs = &lhs[0];
        double *p_rhs = &rhs[0];
        // face
        double *p_c_pressure = &ws_c_pressure[0];
        double *p_o_pressure = &ws_o_pressure[0];
        double *p_c_Gjp = &ws_c_Gjp[0];
        double *p_o_Gjp = &ws_o_Gjp[0];
        double *p_c_velocity = &ws_c_velocity[0];
        double *p_o_velocity= &ws_o_velocity[0];
        double *p_c_meshVelocity = &ws_c_meshVelocity[0];
        double *p_c_density = &ws_c_density[0];
        double *p_o_density = &ws_o_density[0];
        double *p_o_coordinates = &ws_o_coordinates[0];

        // element
        double *p_c_elem_pressure = &ws_c_elem_pressure[0];
        double *p_o_elem_pressure = &ws_o_elem_pressure[0];
        double *p_c_elem_coordinates = &ws_c_elem_coordinates[0];
        double *p_o_elem_coordinates = &ws_o_elem_coordinates[0];

        // me pointers
        double *p_c_general_shape_function = &ws_c_general_shape_function[0];
        double *p_o_general_shape_function = &ws_o_general_shape_function[0];
        double *p_c_dndx = &ws_c_dndx[0];
        double *p_o_dndx = &ws_o_dndx[0];
        // populate current face_node_ordinals
        const int *c_face_node_ordinals = meSCSCurrent->side_node_ordinals(currentFaceOrdinal);

        // gather current face data
        stk::mesh::Entity const* current_face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(currentFace);
        const int current_num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(currentFace);
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < current_num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
          stk::mesh::Entity node = current_face_node_rels[ni];          
          // gather; scalar
          p_c_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(pressureNp1, node);
          p_c_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, node);
          // gather; vector
          const double *velocity = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocity_, node );
          const double *meshVelocity = stk::mesh::field_data(*meshVelocity_, node );
          const double *Gjp = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gjp_, node );
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            const int offSet = i*current_num_face_nodes + ni; 
            p_c_velocity[offSet] = velocity[i];
            p_c_meshVelocity[offSet] = meshVelocity[i];
            p_c_Gjp[offSet] = Gjp[i];
        // populate opposing face_node_ordinals
        const int *o_face_node_ordinals = meSCSOpposing->side_node_ordinals(opposingFaceOrdinal);

        // gather opposing face data
        stk::mesh::Entity const* opposing_face_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(opposingFace);
        const int opposing_num_face_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(opposingFace);
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < opposing_num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
          stk::mesh::Entity node = opposing_face_node_rels[ni];
          // gather; scalar
          p_o_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(pressureNp1, node);
          p_o_density[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(*density_, node);
          // gather; vector
          const double *velocity = stk::mesh::field_data(*velocity_, node );
          const double *Gjp = stk::mesh::field_data(*Gjp_, node );
          const double *coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            const int offSet = i*opposing_num_face_nodes + ni;        
            p_o_velocity[offSet] = velocity[i];
            p_o_Gjp[offSet] = Gjp[i];
            p_o_coordinates[ni*nDim+i] = coords[i];
        // gather current element data
        stk::mesh::Entity const* current_elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(currentElement);
        const int current_num_elem_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(currentElement);
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < current_num_elem_nodes; ++ni ) {
          stk::mesh::Entity node = current_elem_node_rels[ni];          
          // set connected nodes
          connected_nodes[ni] = node;
          // gather; scalar
          p_c_elem_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(pressureNp1, node);
          // gather; vector
          const double *coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
          const int niNdim = ni*nDim;
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            p_c_elem_coordinates[niNdim+i] = coords[i];

        // gather opposing element data; sneak in second connected nodes
        stk::mesh::Entity const* opposing_elem_node_rels = bulk_data.begin_nodes(opposingElement);
        const int opposing_num_elem_nodes = bulk_data.num_nodes(opposingElement);
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < opposing_num_elem_nodes; ++ni ) {
          stk::mesh::Entity node = opposing_elem_node_rels[ni];
          // set connected nodes
          connected_nodes[ni+current_num_elem_nodes] = node;
          // gather; scalar
          p_o_elem_pressure[ni] = *stk::mesh::field_data(pressureNp1, node);
          // gather; vector
          const double *coords = stk::mesh::field_data(*coordinates_, node);
          const int niNdim = ni*nDim;
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            p_o_elem_coordinates[niNdim+i] = coords[i];
        // compute opposing normal through master element call, not using oppoing exposed area
        meFCOpposing->general_normal(&opposingIsoParCoords[0], &p_o_coordinates[0], &p_oNx[0]);
        // pointer to face data
        const double * c_areaVec = stk::mesh::field_data(*exposedAreaVec_, currentFace);
        double c_amag = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double c_axj = c_areaVec[currentGaussPointId*nDim+j];
          c_amag += c_axj*c_axj;
        c_amag = std::sqrt(c_amag);

        // now compute normal
        for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
          p_cNx[i] = c_areaVec[currentGaussPointId*nDim+i]/c_amag;

        // override opposing normal
        if ( useCurrentNormal_ ) {
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i )
            p_oNx[i] = -p_cNx[i];

        // project from side to element; method deals with the -1:1 isInElement range to the proper underlying CVFEM range
        meSCSCurrent->sidePcoords_to_elemPcoords(currentFaceOrdinal, 1, &currentIsoParCoords[0], &currentElementIsoParCoords[0]);
        meSCSOpposing->sidePcoords_to_elemPcoords(opposingFaceOrdinal, 1, &opposingIsoParCoords[0], &opposingElementIsoParCoords[0]);
        // compute dndx
        double scs_error = 0.0;
        meSCSCurrent->general_face_grad_op(currentFaceOrdinal, &currentElementIsoParCoords[0], 
                                           &p_c_elem_coordinates[0], &p_c_dndx[0], &ws_c_det_j[0], &scs_error);
        meSCSOpposing->general_face_grad_op(opposingFaceOrdinal, &opposingElementIsoParCoords[0], 
                                            &p_o_elem_coordinates[0], &p_o_dndx[0], &ws_o_det_j[0], &scs_error);
        // current inverse length scale; can loop over face nodes to avoid "nodesOnFace" array
        double currentInverseLength = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < current_num_face_nodes; ++ic ) {
          const int faceNodeNumber = c_face_node_ordinals[ic];
          const int offSetDnDx = faceNodeNumber*nDim; // single intg. point
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double nxj = p_cNx[j];
            const double dndxj = p_c_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            currentInverseLength += dndxj*nxj;

        // opposing inverse length scale; can loop over face nodes to avoid "nodesOnFace" array
        double opposingInverseLength = 0.0;
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < opposing_num_face_nodes; ++ic ) {
          const int faceNodeNumber = o_face_node_ordinals[ic];
          const int offSetDnDx = faceNodeNumber*nDim; // single intg. point
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double nxj = p_oNx[j];
            const double dndxj = p_o_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            opposingInverseLength += dndxj*nxj;

        // projected nodal gradient; zero out
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          currentDpdxBip[j] = 0.0;
          opposingDpdxBip[j] = 0.0;

        // current pressure gradient
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < currentNodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = ic*nDim; // single intg. point
          const double pNp1 = p_c_elem_pressure[ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double dndxj = p_c_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            currentDpdxBip[j] += dndxj*pNp1;

        // opposing pressure gradient
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < opposingNodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = ic*nDim; // single intg. point
          const double pNp1 = p_o_elem_pressure[ic];
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double dndxj = p_o_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            opposingDpdxBip[j] += dndxj*pNp1;

        // interpolate to boundary ips
        double currentPressureBip = 0.0;
        double opposingPressureBip = 0.0;

        // velocity


        // mesh velocity; only required at current
        // projected nodal gradient

        // density
        double currentDensityBip = 0.0;
        double opposingDensityBip = 0.0;

        // product of density and velocity; current (take over previous nodal value for velocity)
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < current_num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
          const double density = p_c_density[ni];
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            const int offSet = i*current_num_face_nodes + ni;        
            p_c_velocity[offSet] *= density;
            p_c_meshVelocity[offSet] *= density;

        // opposite
        for ( int ni = 0; ni < opposing_num_face_nodes; ++ni ) {
          const double density = p_o_density[ni];
          for ( int i = 0; i < nDim; ++i ) {
            const int offSet = i*opposing_num_face_nodes + ni;        
            p_o_velocity[offSet] *= density;

        // interpolate velocity with density scaling

        // interpolate mesh velocity with density scaling; only current

        // zero lhs/rhs
        for ( int p = 0; p < lhsSize; ++p )
          p_lhs[p] = 0.0;
        for ( int p = 0; p < rhsSize; ++p )
          p_rhs[p] = 0.0;
        const double penaltyIp = projTimeScale*0.5*(currentInverseLength + opposingInverseLength);

        double ncFlux = 0.0;
        double ncPstabFlux = 0.0;
        for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
          const double cRhoVelocity = interpTogether*currentRhoVelocityBip[j] + om_interpTogether*currentDensityBip*currentVelocityBip[j];
          const double oRhoVelocity = interpTogether*opposingRhoVelocityBip[j] + om_interpTogether*opposingDensityBip*opposingVelocityBip[j];
          const double cRhoMeshVelocity = interpTogether*currentRhoMeshVelocityBip[j] + om_interpTogether*currentDensityBip*currentMeshVelocityBip[j];
          ncFlux += 0.5*(cRhoVelocity*p_cNx[j] - oRhoVelocity*p_oNx[j]) - meshMotionFac_*cRhoMeshVelocity*p_cNx[j];
          const double cPstab = currentDpdxBip[j] - currentGjpBip[j];
          const double oPstab = opposingDpdxBip[j] - opposingGjpBip[j];
          ncPstabFlux += 0.5*(cPstab*p_cNx[j] - oPstab*p_oNx[j]);

        const double mdot = (ncFlux - includePstab_*projTimeScale*ncPstabFlux + penaltyIp*(currentPressureBip - opposingPressureBip))*c_amag;
        // form residual
        const int nn = ipNodeMap[currentGaussPointId];
        p_rhs[nn] -= mdot/projTimeScale;

        // set-up row for matrix
        const int rowR = nn*totalNodes;
        double lhsFac = penaltyIp*c_amag/projTimeScale;
        // sensitivities; current face (penalty); use general shape function for this single ip
        meFCCurrent->general_shape_fcn(1, &currentIsoParCoords[0], &ws_c_general_shape_function[0]);
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < currentNodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const int icnn = c_face_node_ordinals[ic];
          const double r = p_c_general_shape_function[ic];
          p_lhs[rowR+icnn] += r*lhsFac;
        // sensitivities; current element (diffusion)
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < currentNodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = ic*nDim; // single intg. point
          double lhscd = 0.0;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double nxj = p_cNx[j];
            const double dndxj = p_c_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            lhscd -= dndxj*nxj;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic] += 0.5*lhscd*c_amag*includePstab_;

        // sensitivities; opposing face (penalty); use general shape function for this single ip
        meFCOpposing->general_shape_fcn(1, &opposingIsoParCoords[0], &ws_o_general_shape_function[0]);
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < opposingNodesPerFace; ++ic ) {
          const int icnn = o_face_node_ordinals[ic];
          const double r = p_o_general_shape_function[ic];
          p_lhs[rowR+icnn+currentNodesPerElement] -= r*lhsFac;
        // sensitivities; opposing element (diffusion)
        for ( int ic = 0; ic < opposingNodesPerElement; ++ic ) {
          const int offSetDnDx = ic*nDim; // single intg. point
          double lhscd = 0.0;
          for ( int j = 0; j < nDim; ++j ) {
            const double nxj = p_oNx[j];
            const double dndxj = p_o_dndx[offSetDnDx+j];
            lhscd -= dndxj*nxj;
          p_lhs[rowR+ic+currentNodesPerElement] -= 0.5*lhscd*c_amag*includePstab_;

        apply_coeff(connected_nodes, scratchIds, scratchVals, rhs, lhs, __FILE__);