void Mat3::RotateZ(const float angle)
	Mat3 tmp;
	(*this) *= tmp;
void Sprite::Transform(const Mat3 &rhs)
	Vector3 topLeft(0 - m_anchor.x, 1 - m_anchor.y);
	Vector3 topRight(1 - m_anchor.x, 1 - m_anchor.y);
	Vector3 bottomLeft(0 - m_anchor.x, 0 - m_anchor.y);
	Vector3 bottomRight(1 - m_anchor.x, 0 - m_anchor.y);

	Mat3 scale = (scale.CreateScale( Vector3( (float)m_width, (float)m_height)));

	topLeft = rhs * (scale * topLeft);
	topRight = rhs * (scale * topRight);
	bottomLeft = rhs * (scale * bottomLeft);
	bottomRight = rhs * (scale * bottomRight);

	topLeft.x = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenWidth()) * topLeft.x) - 1.0f;
	topLeft.y = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenHeight()) * topLeft.y) - 1.0f;
	topRight.x = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenWidth()) * topRight.x) - 1.0f;
	topRight.y = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenHeight()) * topRight.y) - 1.0f;
	bottomLeft.x = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenWidth()) * bottomLeft.x) - 1.0f;
	bottomLeft.y = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenHeight()) * bottomLeft.y) - 1.0f;
	bottomRight.x = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenWidth()) * bottomRight.x) - 1.0f;
	bottomRight.y = ((2.0f / m_game->GetScreenHeight()) * bottomRight.y) - 1.0f;

	m_vertices[0].Positions[0] = topLeft.x;
	m_vertices[0].Positions[1] = topLeft.y;
	m_vertices[1].Positions[0] = topRight.x;
	m_vertices[1].Positions[1] = topRight.y;
	m_vertices[2].Positions[0] = bottomLeft.x;
	m_vertices[2].Positions[1] = bottomLeft.y;
	m_vertices[3].Positions[0] = bottomRight.x;
	m_vertices[3].Positions[1] = bottomRight.y;
Beispiel #3
void calc_projective (const std::vector<double>& frame_ts,
                      const std::vector<Vec4>& gyro_quat,
                      const std::vector<Vec3>& acc_trans,
                      const std::vector<double>& gyro_ts,
                      CalibrationParams calib,
                      std::vector<Mat3>& projective)
    int index0 = 0;
    int index1 = 0;

    size_t frame_count = frame_ts.size();

    for (int fid = 0; fid < frame_count; fid++) {
        const double ts0 = frame_ts[fid] + calib.gyro_delay;
        Quatern quat0 = interp_gyro_quatern(ts0, gyro_quat, gyro_ts, index0) + Quatern(calib.gyro_drift);

        const double ts1 = frame_ts[fid + 1] + calib.gyro_delay;
        Quatern quat1 = interp_gyro_quatern(ts1, gyro_quat, gyro_ts, index1) + Quatern(calib.gyro_drift);

        Mat3 extr0 = calc_extrinsic(quat0);
        Mat3 extr1 = calc_extrinsic(quat1);

        Mat3 intrinsic = calc_intrinsic(calib.fx, calib.fy, calib.cx, calib.cy, calib.skew);

        Mat3 extrinsic0 = rotate_coordinate_system(AXIS_X, AXIS_MINUS_Z) * extr0  * mirror_coordinate_system(AXIS_Y);
        Mat3 extrinsic1 = rotate_coordinate_system(AXIS_X, AXIS_MINUS_Z) * extr1  * mirror_coordinate_system(AXIS_Y);

        projective[fid] = intrinsic * extrinsic0 * extrinsic1.transpose() * intrinsic.inverse();
Beispiel #4
double volume(OpenMesh::Vec3f& pointA, OpenMesh::Vec3f& pointB, OpenMesh::Vec3f& pointC)
	// http://www.ditutor.com/vectors/volume_tetrahedron.html
	Mat3 m = pointsToMat(pointA , pointB, pointC);
	// use minus sign or change the order of the points in above function call 
	return -m.determinant()/6.0;
void SpriteBatch::DrawAgent(Agent* a_agent)

	Vec2 pos = a_agent->m_pos;

	float width		= (float)m_agentWidth;
	float height	= (float)m_agentHeight;

	int xOff = (int)width	/ 2;
	int yOff = (int)height	/ 2;

	Vec2 tl = Vec2(-xOff,			-yOff);
	Vec2 tr = Vec2(xOff ,			-yOff);
	Vec2 br = Vec2(-xOff,			yOff);
	Vec2 bl = Vec2(xOff ,			yOff);	

	float rot = Vec2(0,1).GetAngleBetween(a_agent->m_heading);

	//create matrix for start point
	Mat3 rotMat; 	
	rotMat.Rotate(rot + 3.141592654);

	//set the 4 vert points to correct rotation
	tl = rotMat.TransformPoint(tl);
	tr = rotMat.TransformPoint(tr);
	br = rotMat.TransformPoint(br);
	bl = rotMat.TransformPoint(bl);	

	processSprite(&tl, &tr, &bl, &br, m_agentIBO, m_agentVBO, m_texID_agent, SPRITE_COLOUR_WHITE);
Beispiel #6
void work() {
  PiezoTensor pt = makePiezoTensor(3.655, 2.407, 0.328, 1.894);
  MaterialTensor mt = makeMaterialTensor(19.886e10, 5.467e10, 6.799e10, 0.783e10, 23.418e10, 5.985e10, 7.209e10);

  double rho = 4642.8;
  double eps0 = 8.8542e-12;
  double exx = eps0 * 44.9;
  double ezz = eps0 * 26.7;

  Vec3 n(0, 0, 1);

  Mat3 christ = makePiezoChristoffel(pt, mt, n, exx, ezz);
  Poly3 christPoly = christ.getPoly();
  double g1, g2, g3;
  christPoly.solve(&g1, &g2, &g3);
  double v1 = sqrt(g1 / rho);
  double v2 = sqrt(g2 / rho);
  double v3 = sqrt(g3 / rho);

  cout << "piezo tensor: " << endl << pt << endl;
  cout << "material tensor: " << endl << mt << endl;
  cout << "christoffel matrix: " << endl << christ << endl;
  cout << "polynome " << christPoly << endl;
  cout << "velocities = " << v1 << " " << v2 << " " << v3 << endl;
Beispiel #7
Mat3 mxrox (double& a, Vec3& v)
  // Convert eigenvalue a (eigen angle in radians) and eigenvector v
  // into a corresponding cosine rotation matrix m. 

  double q1, q2, q3, q4, q12, q22, q32, q42;
  Mat3 result;

  // calculate quaternions and their squares 
  q4 = sin ( 0.5 * a);
  q1 = v[0] * q4;
  q2 = v[1] * q4;
  q3 = v[2] * q4;
  q4 = cos (0.5 * a);
  q12 = q1 * q1;
  q22 = q2 * q2;
  q32 = q3 * q3;
  q42 = q4 * q4;

  // now get the matrix elements 
  result.assign ((q12 - q22 - q32 + q42), (2.0 * (q1*q2 + q3*q4)),
                 (2.0 * (q1*q3 - q2*q4)), (2.0 * (q1*q2 - q3*q4)),
                 (-q12 + q22 - q32 + q42),(2.0 * (q2*q3 + q1*q4)),
                 (2.0 * (q1*q3 + q2*q4)), (2.0 * (q2*q3 - q1*q4)),
                 (-q12 - q22 + q32 + q42));

  return result;
void Mat3::Rotate(const Vec3 &axis, const float angle)
	Mat3 tmp;
	tmp.BuildRotate(axis, angle);
	(*this) *= tmp;
Beispiel #9
  // Camera triangulation using the iterated linear method
  Vec3 Triangulation::compute(int iter) const
    const int nviews = int(views.size());

    // Iterative weighted linear least squares
    Mat3 AtA;
    Vec3 Atb, X;
    Vec weights = Vec::Constant(nviews,1.0);
    for (int it=0;it<iter;++it)
      for (int i=0;i<nviews;++i)
        const Mat34& PMat = views[i].first;
        const Vec2 & p = views[i].second;
        const double w = weights[i];

        Vec3 v1, v2;
        for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
          v1[j] = w * ( PMat(0,j) - p(0) * PMat(2,j) );
          v2[j] = w * ( PMat(1,j) - p(1) * PMat(2,j) );
          Atb[j] += w * ( v1[j] * ( p(0) * PMat(2,3) - PMat(0,3) )
                 + v2[j] * ( p(1) * PMat(2,3) - PMat(1,3) ) );

        for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
          for (int j=0;j<=k;j++)
            const double v = v1[j] * v1[k] + v2[j] * v2[k];
            AtA(j,k) += v;
            if (j<k) AtA(k,j) += v;

      X = AtA.inverse() * Atb;

      // Compute reprojection error, min and max depth, and update weights
      zmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
      zmax = - std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
      err = 0.0;
      for (int i=0;i<nviews;++i)
        const Mat34& PMat = views[i].first;
        const Vec2 & p = views[i].second;
        const Vec3 xProj = PMat * X.homogeneous();
        const double z = xProj(2);
        if (z < zmin) zmin = z;
        else if (z > zmax) zmax = z;
        err += (p - xProj.hnormalized()).norm(); // residual error
        weights[i] = 1.0 / z;
    return X;
TEST(Image, Convolution_MeanBoxFilter)
  Image<unsigned char> in(40,40);
  Mat3 meanBoxFilterKernel;
  Image<unsigned char> out;
  ImageConvolution(in, meanBoxFilterKernel, out);
Beispiel #11
		 * \brief	基本的相机坐标系,认为参考点的方向向量为z轴
		 * \param	center	参考点的位置
		 * \param	up	  	视点向上方向的向量.
		 * \return	世界坐标系转相机坐标系的矩阵
		Mat3 LookAt(const Vec3 &center, const Vec3 &up) {
			Vec3 zc = center.normalized();//向量n
			Vec3 xc = up.cross(zc).normalized();//向量u
			Vec3 yc = zc.cross(xc);//向量v
			Mat3 R;
			R.row(0) = xc;
			R.row(1) = yc;
			R.row(2) = zc;
			return R;
Beispiel #12
TEST(TinyMatrix, LookAt) {
  // Simple orthogonality check.
  Vec3 e; e[0]= 1; e[1] = 2; e[2] = 3;
  Mat3 R = LookAt(e);
  Mat3 I = Mat3::Identity();
  Mat3 RRT = R*R.transpose();
  Mat3 RTR = R.transpose()*R;

TEST(TinyMatrix, LookAt) {
  // 简单的正交验证
  Vec3 e; e[0]= 1; e[1] = 2; e[2] = 3;
  Mat3 R = LookAt(e);//这个R是旋转矩阵,则R为正交矩阵,R与R的转置相乘为单位阵
  Mat3 I = Mat3::Identity();
  Mat3 RRT = R*R.transpose();
  Mat3 RTR = R.transpose()*R;

//Draw Line
void SpriteBatch::DrawLine(Vec2 a_start, Vec2 a_end, SPRITE_COLOUR a_col, float a_width)
	//width used to offsetting
	float width;

	if(a_width > 0)
		width = a_width;
		width = (float)m_line_width / 2;	

	//width override for debugging
	//width = 50;

	float size = (a_start - a_end).Length();

	Vec2 origin = Vec2(-width / 2, 0);

	//set the line around the zero point with the pivot
	//at the top center (0,0)
	//oriented for rotation zero along the x axis
	Vec2 tl = Vec2(0,					0) + origin;
	Vec2 tr = Vec2(width,				0) + origin;
	Vec2 br = Vec2(0,				size)  + origin;
	Vec2 bl = Vec2(width,			size)  + origin;

	//get difference normalised
//	Vec2 diff = Vec2(a_end.x - a_start.x, a_end.y - a_start.y).GetNormalised();

	Vec2 diff = (a_start - a_end).GetNormalised();

	float rot = Vec2(0,1).GetAngleBetween(diff);

	//create matrix for start point
	Mat3 rotMat; 	
	rotMat.Rotate(rot + 3.141592654);

	//transform line start point
	tl = rotMat.TransformPoint(tl);
	tr = rotMat.TransformPoint(tr);

	//transform line end point
	br = rotMat.TransformPoint(br);
	bl = rotMat.TransformPoint(bl);

	processSprite(&tl, &tr, &bl, &br, m_lineIBO, m_lineVBO, m_texID_line, a_col);
MatX jointFrame(const Vect3 &loc, const Vect3 &axis_, const Vect3 &ref_)
  Vect3 axis, ref, other;
  Mat3 R;

  ref.displace(ref_, axis, - ref_.dot(axis));  // in case ref & axis not perp
  other.cross(axis, ref);


  return MatX(R, loc);
int rotCode(const Mat3 &R)
#define ALMOST_ONE 0.9  
  int i, j;
  Vect3 axis, ref;
  Vect3 dirs[6] = 
        {Vect3::I, Vect3::I_, Vect3::J, Vect3::J_, Vect3::K , Vect3::K_};

  axis = R.zcol();
  ref  = R.xcol();
  for (i = 0; axis.dot(dirs[i]) < ALMOST_ONE; i++);
  for (j = 0; ref.dot(dirs[((i & ~1) + 2 + j) % 6]) < ALMOST_ONE; j++);
  return i * 4 + j;

Beispiel #17
IGL_INLINE void igl::fit_rotations(
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedS> & S,
  const bool single_precision,
  Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedD> & R)
  using namespace std;
  const int dim = S.cols();
  const int nr = S.rows()/dim;
  assert(nr * dim == S.rows());
  assert(dim == 3);

  // resize output
  R.resize(dim,dim*nr); // hopefully no op (should be already allocated)

  //MatrixXd si(dim,dim);
  Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedS::Scalar,3,3> si;// = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
  // loop over number of rotations we're computing
  for(int r = 0;r<nr;r++)
    // build this covariance matrix
    for(int i = 0;i<dim;i++)
      for(int j = 0;j<dim;j++)
        si(i,j) = S(i*nr+r,j);
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedD::Scalar,3,3> Mat3;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedD::Scalar,3,1> Vec3;
    Mat3 ri;
      polar_svd3x3(si, ri);
      Mat3 ti,ui,vi;
      Vec3 _;
    assert(ri.determinant() >= 0);
    R.block(0,r*dim,dim,dim) = ri.block(0,0,dim,dim).transpose();
   unsigned int w = 0, unsigned int h = 0,
   double focal_length_pix = 0.0,
   double ppx = 0.0, double ppy = 0.0)
   _K << focal_length_pix, 0., ppx, 0., focal_length_pix, ppy, 0., 0., 1.;
   _Kinv = _K.inverse();
Beispiel #19
   const Mat3 & K = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Mat3 & R = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Vec3 & t = Vec3::Zero())
   : _K(K), _R(R), _t(t)
   _C = -R.transpose() * t;
   P_From_KRt(_K, _R, _t, &_P);
Beispiel #20
Mat3 operator*(const Mat3& n, const Mat3& m)
    Mat3 A;

    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
	for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
	    A(i,j) = n[i]*m.col(j);

    return A;
Beispiel #21
Mat3 calc_projective (double* frame_ts,
                      Vec4* gyro_quat,
                      Vec3* acc_trans,
                      double* gyro_ts,
                      CalibrationParams calib)
    double ts0 = frame_ts[0] + calib.gyro_delay;
    Quatern rot0 = Quatern(gyro_quat[0] + calib.gyro_drift);
    double ts1 = frame_ts[1] + calib.gyro_delay;
    Quatern rot1 = Quatern(gyro_quat[1] + calib.gyro_drift);

    Vec3 trans0 = acc_trans[0];
    Vec3 trans1 = acc_trans[1];

    Mat3 extr0 = calc_extrinsic(rot0);
    Mat3 extr1 = calc_extrinsic(rot1);
    Mat3 intrin = calc_intrinsic(calib.fx, calib.fy, calib.cx, calib.cy, calib.skew);

    return intrin * extr0 * extr1.transpose() * intrin.inverse();
bool robustRelativePose(
  const Mat3 & K1, const Mat3 & K2,
  const Mat & x1, const Mat & x2,
  RelativePose_Info & relativePose_info,
  const std::pair<size_t, size_t> & size_ima1,
  const std::pair<size_t, size_t> & size_ima2,
  const size_t max_iteration_count)
  // Use the 5 point solver to estimate E
  typedef openMVG::essential::kernel::FivePointKernel SolverType;
  // Define the AContrario adaptor
  typedef ACKernelAdaptorEssential<

  KernelType kernel(x1, size_ima1.first, size_ima1.second,
                    x2, size_ima2.first, size_ima2.second, K1, K2);

  // Robustly estimation of the Essential matrix and it's precision
  std::pair<double,double> acRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, relativePose_info.vec_inliers,
    max_iteration_count, &relativePose_info.essential_matrix, relativePose_info.initial_residual_tolerance, false);
  relativePose_info.found_residual_precision = acRansacOut.first;

  if (relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() < 2.5 * SolverType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES )
    return false; // no sufficient coverage (the model does not support enough samples)

  // estimation of the relative poses
  Mat3 R;
  Vec3 t;
  if (!estimate_Rt_fromE(
    K1, K2, x1, x2,
    relativePose_info.essential_matrix, relativePose_info.vec_inliers, &R, &t))
    return false; // cannot find a valid [R|t] couple that makes the inliers in front of the camera.

  // Store [R|C] for the second camera, since the first camera is [Id|0]
  relativePose_info.relativePose = geometry::Pose3(R, -R.transpose() * t);
  return true;
Beispiel #23
void for_each(Mat1 mat1, Mat2 mat2, Mat3 mat3, Func func)
    assert(Mat1::FOR_EACH_ABLE == Mat1::FOR_EACH_ABLE);
    assert(Mat2::FOR_EACH_ABLE == Mat2::FOR_EACH_ABLE);
    assert(Mat3::FOR_EACH_ABLE == Mat3::FOR_EACH_ABLE);

	assert(mat1.rows() == mat2.rows() && mat1.cols() == mat2.cols());
	assert(mat1.rows() == mat3.rows() && mat1.cols() == mat3.cols());
	for (int y = 0; y < mat1.rows(); ++y)
		auto p1 = mat1[y];
		auto p2 = mat2[y];
		auto p3 = mat3[y];
		for (int x = 0; x < mat1.cols(); ++x)
			func(*p1, *p2, *p3);
			p1 += 1, p2 += 1, p3 += 1;
  ACKernelAdaptorResection_K(const Mat &x2d, const Mat &x3D, const Mat3 & K)
    : x2d_(x2d.rows(), x2d.cols()), x3D_(x3D),
    logalpha0_(log10(M_PI)), K_(K)
    assert(2 == x2d_.rows());
    assert(3 == x3D_.rows());
    assert(x2d_.cols() == x3D_.cols());

    // Normalize points by inverse(K)
    ApplyTransformationToPoints(x2d, N1_, &x2d_);
Beispiel #25
double residual(const VNVels& vnv) {
  PiezoTensor pt = makePiezoTensor(3.655, 2.407, 0.328, 1.894);
  MaterialTensor mt = makeMaterialTensor(19.886e10, 5.467e10, 6.799e10, 0.783e10, 23.418e10, 5.985e10, 7.209e10);

  double rho = 4642.8;
  double eps0 = 8.8542e-12;
  double exx = eps0 * 44.9;
  double ezz = eps0 * 26.7;
  double ret = 0;
  for(VNVels::const_iterator it = vnv.begin(); it != vnv.end(); ++it) {
    Vec3 n(it -> first);

    Mat3 christ = makePiezoChristoffel(pt, mt, n, exx, ezz);
    Poly3 christPoly = christ.getPoly();
    double g1, g2, g3;
    christPoly.solve(&g1, &g2, &g3);
    double v1 = sqrt(g1 / rho);
    double v2 = sqrt(g2 / rho);
    double v3 = sqrt(g3 / rho);

    double maxv = max(max(v1, v2), v3);
    double minv = min(min(v1, v2), v3);
    double medv = v1 + v2 + v3 - maxv - minv;

    Vec3 tv(minv, medv, maxv);
    Vec3 ex = it -> second;

    double curResidual = (ex - tv).norm();
    ret += curResidual;

    if (curResidual > 30000) {
      cout << "curResidual = " << curResidual << " n = " << it -> first 
	   << " experimental = " << it -> second << " theory = " << tv << endl; 

  return ret;
void SpatialMat::inertiaInvert(const SpatialMat &I)
  Mat3 Binv;
  Mat3 M, N;  /* temp storage */

  M.mult(I._D, Binv);
  N.mult(M, I._A);

  M.mult(_B, I._D);
  _A.mult(M, Binv);

  M.mult(I._A, _A);
  M.xrow().x -= 1.0; 
  M.yrow().y -= 1.0; 
  M.zrow().z -= 1.0;
  _C.mult(Binv, M);
  //Mat3 detI;

  //detI.mult(I._A, I._D);
  //M.mult(I._B, I._C);

  //_A.mult(detI, I._D);
  //_B.mult(detI, I._B);
  //_C.mult(detI, I._C);
  //_D.mult(detI, I._A);

// Generates all necessary inputs and expected outputs for EuclideanResection.
void CreateCameraSystem(const Mat3& KK,
                        const Mat3X& x_image,
                        const Vec& X_distances,
                        const Mat3& R_input,
                        const Vec3& T_input,
                        Mat2X *x_camera,
                        Mat3X *X_world,
                        Mat3  *R_expected,
                        Vec3  *T_expected) {
  int num_points = x_image.cols();

  Mat3X x_unit_cam(3, num_points);
  x_unit_cam = KK.inverse() * x_image;

  // Create normalized camera coordinates to be used as an input to the PnP
  // function, instead of using NormalizeColumnVectors(&x_unit_cam).
  *x_camera = x_unit_cam.block(0, 0, 2, num_points);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i){

  // Create the 3D points in the camera system.
  Mat X_camera(3, num_points);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
    X_camera.col(i) = X_distances(i) * x_unit_cam.col(i);

  // Apply the transformation to the camera 3D points
  Mat translation_matrix(3, num_points);

  *X_world = R_input * X_camera + translation_matrix;

  // Create the expected result for comparison.
  *R_expected = R_input.transpose();
  *T_expected = *R_expected * ( - T_input);
// Check the properties of a fundamental matrix:
//   1. The determinant is 0 (rank deficient)
//   2. The condition x'T*F*x = 0 is satisfied to precision.
bool ExpectFundamentalProperties(const Mat3 &F,
                                 const Mat &ptsA,
                                 const Mat &ptsB,
                                 double precision) {
  bool bOk = true;
  bOk &= F.determinant() < precision;
  assert(ptsA.cols() == ptsB.cols());
  const Mat hptsA = ptsA.colwise().homogeneous();
  const Mat hptsB = ptsB.colwise().homogeneous();
  for (int i = 0; i < ptsA.cols(); ++i) {
    const double residual = hptsB.col(i).dot(F * hptsA.col(i));
    bOk &= residual < precision;
  return bOk;
Beispiel #29
void Sprite::Update(float deltaTime)

	Mat3 translation = (translation.CreateTranslation( Vector3( m_position)));
	Mat3 rotation = (rotation.CreateRotation(m_rotation));

	m_transform = rotation * translation;

	if (m_parent)
		m_worldTransform = m_transform * m_parent->GetWorldTransform();
		m_worldTransform = m_transform;

	for (auto i = m_children.begin(); i != m_children.end(); i++)

   double focal,
   double ppx,
   double ppy,
   const Mat3 & R = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Vec3 & t = Vec3::Zero(),
   double k1 = 0.0,
   double k2 = 0.0,
   double k3 = 0.0)
   : _R(R), _t(t), _f(focal), _ppx(ppx), _ppy(ppy),
   _k1(k1), _k2(k2), _k3(k3)
   _C = -R.transpose() * t;
   _K << _f, 0, _ppx,
         0, _f, _ppy,
         0, 0,  1;
   P_From_KRt(_K, _R, _t, &_P);