Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    ///// CONFIGURATION /////
    constexpr unsigned int nData = 100u;          // Number of uniformly sampled points
    constexpr unsigned int nDataSample = 10000u;  // Number of points used for plotting and l2 norm
    const Interval<float> interval(0.0f,1.0f);

    //generate and plot samples
    FunctionSample<nDataSample, float> samplePlot(interval, F);
    RandomSample<nData, float> sample(interval, F);

    const PlotBox<float>& box = PlotBox<float>(interval.inf,interval.sup,samplePlot.min(),samplePlot.max()).dilate(1.0);
    //build tree with samples (ALLOCATION)
    TreeNode<float> *tree = new IntegerGrid<float>(interval);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nData; i++) {
    //remove bad nodes (check GRP criterion)
    //map wavelets to tree nodes
    DeslaurierDubuc<float,10> db;
    WaveletMapper<float> simpleDDTreeMapper = [&db](unsigned int j, int k)->Wavelet<float>& { return db; };
    unsigned int n = tree->countValidNodes();
    std::cout << n << " samples out of " << nData << " met the GRP criterion !" << std::endl;

    //compute wavelet coefficients
    using Eigen::VectorXf;
    using Eigen::MatrixXf;
    MatrixXf A = MatrixXf::Random(n,n);
    VectorXf b = VectorXf::Random(n);

    VectorXf coefficients = A.partialPivLu().solve(b);
    float epsilon = (A*coefficients -b).maxCoeff();
    std::cout << "Maximum sample error : " << epsilon << std::endl;

    //build wavelet tree with the coefficients
    WaveletTree<float> *waveletTree = WaveletTree<float>::makeTree(tree, simpleDDTreeMapper, coefficients);

    FunctionSample<nDataSample, float> reconstructedSample(interval, *waveletTree);
    float L2_distance = (samplePlot - reconstructedSample).norm();
    std::cout << "l2 norm of the residue ||F' - F|| = " << L2_distance << " !" << std::endl;

    //plot everything
    Gnuplot gp("tee | gnuplot -persist");
    gp << "set term wxt dashed\n";
    gp << "set multiplot\n";
    gp << "set notitle\n";
    samplePlot.plotLine(gp, box);
    sample.plotPoints(gp, box);
    tree->plotValidPoints(gp, box);
    waveletTree->plot(gp, box, nDataSample);

    gp << "unset multiplot\n";
    gp << "set term wxt 1 dashed\n";
    gp << "set multiplot\n";
    gp << "unset label\n";
    tree->plot(gp, box, true, true);
    tree->plotValid(gp, box);

    //gp << "unset multiplot\n";
    //gp << "set term wxt 2\n";
    //gp << "set multiplot\n";
    //gp << "unset label\n";
    //waveletTree->plot(gp, box, nDataSample);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;