OBJMesh::OBJMesh( const std::string & file ) {

	auto Device = static_cast<DXGraphics*>(LVP::Graphics)->Device;

	MeshData* mesh = new MeshData();
	mesh->LoadObj( file );

	// load and organize indices in ranges per drawcall (material)
	std::vector<unsigned> indices;
	size_t i_ofs = 0;

	for ( auto& dc : mesh->drawcalls ) {
		// append the drawcall indices
		for ( auto& tri : dc.tris )
			indices.insert( indices.end(), tri.vi, tri.vi + 3 );

		// create a range
		size_t i_size = dc.tris.size() * 3;
		int mtl_index = dc.mtl_index > -1 ? dc.mtl_index : -1;
		index_ranges.push_back( { i_ofs, i_size, 0, mtl_index } );

		i_ofs = indices.size();

	// vertex array descriptor
	D3D11_BUFFER_DESC vbufferDesc = { 0.0f };
	vbufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
	vbufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	vbufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	vbufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	vbufferDesc.ByteWidth = mesh->vertices.size() * sizeof( vertex_t );
	// data resource
	vdata.pSysMem = &(mesh->vertices)[0];

	// create vertex buffer on device using descriptor & data
	HRESULT vhr = Device->CreateBuffer( &vbufferDesc, &vdata, &VertexBuffer );

	// index array descriptor
	D3D11_BUFFER_DESC ibufferDesc = { 0.0f };
	ibufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
	ibufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	ibufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	ibufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	ibufferDesc.ByteWidth = indices.size() * sizeof( unsigned );
	// data resource
	idata.pSysMem = &indices[0];
	// create index buffer on device using descriptor & data
	HRESULT ihr = Device->CreateBuffer( &ibufferDesc, &idata, &IndexBuffer );

	// copy materials from mesh
	append_materials( mesh->materials );

	// load textures associated with materials to device
	for ( auto& mtl : materials ) {
		std::wstring wstr; // for conversion from string to wstring

		// Kd_map
		if ( mtl.map_Kd.size() ) {
			wstr = std::wstring( mtl.map_Kd.begin(), mtl.map_Kd.end() );
			hr = DirectX::CreateWICTextureFromFile( Device, DeviceContext, wstr.c_str(), &mtl.map_Kd_Tex, &mtl.map_Kd_TexSRV );
			printf( "loading texture %s - %s\n", mtl.map_Kd.c_str(), SUCCEEDED( hr ) ? "OK" : "FAILED" );

		// Ks_map
		if ( mtl.map_Ks.size() ) {
			wstr = std::wstring( mtl.map_Ks.begin(), mtl.map_Ks.end() );
			hr = DirectX::CreateWICTextureFromFile( Device,  DeviceContext, wstr.c_str(), &mtl.map_Ks_Tex, &mtl.map_Ks_TexSRV );
			printf( "loading texture %s - %s\n", mtl.map_Ks.c_str(), SUCCEEDED( hr ) ? "OK" : "FAILED" );

		// Normal_map
		if ( mtl.map_bump.size() ) {
			wstr = std::wstring( mtl.map_bump.begin(), mtl.map_bump.end() );
			hr = DirectX::CreateWICTextureFromFile( Device, DeviceContext, wstr.c_str(), &mtl.map_Normal_Tex, &mtl.map_Normal_TexSRV );
			printf( "loading texture %s - %s\n", mtl.map_bump.c_str(), SUCCEEDED( hr ) ? "OK" : "FAILED" );

		// Mask
		if ( mtl.map_mask.size() ) {
			wstr = std::wstring( mtl.map_mask.begin(), mtl.map_mask.end() );
			hr = DirectX::CreateWICTextureFromFile( Device, DeviceContext, wstr.c_str(), &mtl.map_Mask_Tex, &mtl.map_Mask_TexSRV );
			printf( "loading texture %s - %s\n", mtl.map_mask.c_str(), SUCCEEDED( hr ) ? "OK" : "FAILED" );
		// other maps here...

	SAFE_DELETE( mesh );