Kopete::MetaContact* Account::addContact( const QString &contactId, const QString &displayName , Group *group, AddMode mode  )

	if ( contactId == d->myself->contactId() )
		KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Error,
			i18n("You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place.").arg(contactId,accountId()), i18n("Error Creating Contact")
        return nullptr;
	bool isTemporary = mode == Temporary;

	Contact *c = d->contacts[ contactId ];


	if ( c && c->metaContact() )
		if ( c->metaContact()->isTemporary() && !isTemporary )
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo <<  " You are trying to add an existing temporary contact. Just add it on the list" << endl;

			c->metaContact()->setTemporary(false, group );
			// should we here add the contact to the parentContact if any?
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "Contact already exists" << endl;
		return c->metaContact();

	MetaContact *parentContact = new MetaContact();
		parentContact->setDisplayName( displayName );

	//Set it as a temporary contact if requested
	if ( isTemporary )
		parentContact->setTemporary( true );
		parentContact->addToGroup( group );

	if ( c )
		c->setMetaContact( parentContact );
		if ( mode == ChangeKABC )
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << " changing KABC" << endl;
			KABCPersistence::self()->write( parentContact );
		if ( !createContact( contactId, parentContact ) )
			delete parentContact;
			return 0L;

	ContactList::self()->addMetaContact( parentContact );
	return parentContact;
Kopete::MetaContact* Account::addContact( const QString &contactId, const QString &displayName , Group *group, AddMode mode  )

	if ( !protocol()->canAddMyself() && contactId == d->myself->contactId() )
		if ( isConnected() && d->lastLoginTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) > 30 )
			KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Error,
			                               i18n("You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place.", contactId, accountId()), i18n("Error Creating Contact")
			kWarning(14010) << "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of" << contactId
			                << "to account" << accountId() << "will not take place.";
		return 0;

	bool isTemporary = (mode == Temporary);

	Contact *c = d->contacts.value( contactId );


	if ( c && c->metaContact() )
		if ( c->metaContact()->isTemporary() && !isTemporary )
			kDebug( 14010 ) <<  " You are trying to add an existing temporary contact. Just add it on the list";

			c->metaContact()->setTemporary(false, group );
			// should we here add the contact to the parentContact if any?
			kDebug( 14010 ) << "Contact already exists";
		return c->metaContact();

	MetaContact *parentContact = new MetaContact();
		parentContact->setDisplayName( displayName );

	//Set it as a temporary contact if requested
	if ( isTemporary )
		parentContact->setTemporary( true );
		parentContact->addToGroup( group );

	if ( c )
		c->setMetaContact( parentContact );
		if ( mode == ChangeKABC )
			kDebug( 14010 ) << " changing KABC";
			KABCPersistence::self()->write( parentContact );
		if ( !createContact( contactId, parentContact ) )
			delete parentContact;
			return 0L;

	ContactList::self()->addMetaContact( parentContact );
	return parentContact;