Beispiel #1
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// |						    SunRender										|
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
bool GraphicsClass::SunRender(ModelClass& to_render, D3DXMATRIX scale, 
	D3DXMATRIX translate, D3DXMATRIX rotate)
	D3DXMATRIX scaleMatrix, translationMatrix, rotationMatrix;
	bool result = true;

	// Modify the world matrix as needed.
	worldMatrix = scale * rotate * translate;
	// Put the model vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.
	// Render the model using the light shader.
	result = m_LightShader->Render(m_D3D->GetDeviceContext(), to_render.GetIndexCount(), worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, 
								    m_Light->GetPosition(), D3DXVECTOR4(0.99f,0.99f,0.99f,1.0f), m_Light->GetDiffuseColor(), m_Camera->GetPosition(), 
									m_Light->GetSpecularColor(), m_Light->GetSpecularPower(), to_render.GetTexture());

	return result;
Beispiel #2
bool TerrainShaderClass::RenderShadowsDeferred(ID3D11DeviceContext* pDeviceContext, ObjectClass* pObject, CameraClass* pCamera, PointLightClass* pLights, ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pShadowmap, UINT indexCount, UINT indexStart)
	bool result;
	unsigned int bufferNumber;

	// Set the position of the constant buffer in the vertex shader.
	bufferNumber = 0;

	result = SetShadowConstantBufferParamters(pDeviceContext, pObject, pCamera, pLights);
	if (!result)
		return false;

	ModelClass* pModel = pObject->GetModel();

	pDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &pShadowmap);

	TextureClass* pTexture = pModel->GetDetailMap();

	ID3D11ShaderResourceView** tex = pTexture->GetShaderResourceView();

	// Set shader texture resource in the pixel shader.
	pDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(1, 1, tex);

	pTexture = pModel->GetNormalMap();

	tex = pTexture->GetShaderResourceView();

	// Set shader texture resource in the pixel shader.
	pDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(2, 1, tex);

	pTexture = pModel->GetTexture();

	tex = pTexture->GetShaderResourceView();

	// Set shader texture resource in the pixel shader.
	pDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(3, pTexture->GetTextureCount(), tex);

	pDeviceContext->PSSetSamplers(1, 1, &mPointSampleState);
	// Now render the prepared buffers with the shader.
	pDeviceContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &mSampleState);

	// Set the vertex input layout.

	// Set the vertex and pixel shaders that will be used to render this triangle.
	pDeviceContext->VSSetShader(mShadowDeferredVS, nullptr, 0);
	pDeviceContext->HSSetShader(mHullShader, nullptr, 0);
	pDeviceContext->DSSetShader(mDomainShader, nullptr, 0);
	pDeviceContext->GSSetShader(mShadowDeferredGS, nullptr, 0);
	pDeviceContext->PSSetShader(mShadowDeferredPS, nullptr, 0);

	// Render mesh stored in active buffers
	pDeviceContext->DrawIndexed(indexCount, indexStart, 0);

	return true;