Beispiel #1
KML_Model::parseStyle(xml_node<>* node, KMLContext& cx, Style& style)
    ModelSymbol* model = 0L;
    std::string url = KMLUtils::parseLink(node);
    if ( !url.empty() )
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        model->url()->setLiteral( url );
        model->url()->setURIContext( URIContext(cx._referrer) );


    xml_node<>* scale = node->first_node("scale", 0, false);
    if (scale)
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        //TODO:  Support XYZ scale instead of single value
        model->scale() = as<double>(getValue(scale, "x"), 1.0);

    xml_node<>* orientation = node->first_node("orientation", 0, false);
    if (orientation)
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        double h = as<double>(getValue(orientation, "heading"), 0.0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(h, 0.0) )
            model->heading() = NumericExpression( h );

        double p = as<double>(getValue(orientation, "tilt"), 0.0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(p, 0.0) )
            model->pitch() = NumericExpression( p );

        double r = as<double>(getValue(orientation, "roll"), 0.0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(r, 0.0) )
            model->roll() = NumericExpression( r );

    // Read and store file path aliases from a KML ResourceMap.
    xml_node<>* resource_map = node->first_node("resourcemap", 0, false);
    if ( resource_map )
		for (xml_node<>* n = resource_map->first_node("alias", 0, false); n; n = n->next_sibling("alias", 0, false))
			std::string source = getValue(n, "sourcehref");
            std::string target = getValue(n, "targethref");
            if ( !source.empty() || !target.empty() )
                if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
                model->uriAliasMap()->insert( source, target );

    KML_Geometry::parseStyle(node, cx, style);
Beispiel #2
KML_Model::parseStyle(const Config& conf, KMLContext& cx, Style& style)
    ModelSymbol* model = 0L;
    std::string url = KMLUtils::parseLink(conf);
    if ( !url.empty() )
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        model->url()->setLiteral( url );
        model->url()->setURIContext( URIContext(conf.referrer()) );

    Config scale = conf.child("scale");
    if (!scale.empty())
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        //TODO:  Support XYZ scale instead of single value
        model->scale() = scale.value("x", 1.0);

    Config orientation = conf.child("orientation");
    if (!orientation.empty())
        if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
        double h = orientation.value("heading", 0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(h, 0.0) )
            model->heading() = NumericExpression( h );

        double p = orientation.value("tilt", 0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(p, 0.0) )
            model->pitch() = NumericExpression( p );

        double r = orientation.value("roll", 0);
        if ( !osg::equivalent(r, 0.0) )
            model->roll() = NumericExpression( r );

    // Read and store file path aliases from a KML ResourceMap.
    Config resource_map = conf.child("resourcemap");
    if ( !resource_map.empty() )
        const ConfigSet aliases = resource_map.children("alias");
        for( ConfigSet::const_iterator i = aliases.begin(); i != aliases.end(); ++i )
            std::string source = i->value("sourcehref");
            std::string target = i->value("targethref");
            if ( !source.empty() || !target.empty() )
                if ( !model ) model = style.getOrCreate<ModelSymbol>();
                model->uriAliasMap()->insert( source, target );

    KML_Geometry::parseStyle(conf, cx, style);