void ModuleManager::Initialize(CommandHandler &cmdHandler)
   wxArrayString audacityPathList = wxGetApp().audacityPathList;
   wxArrayString pathList;
   wxArrayString files;
   wxString pathVar;
   size_t i;

   // Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
   pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
   if (pathVar != wxT(""))
      wxGetApp().AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);

   for (i = 0; i < audacityPathList.GetCount(); i++) {
      wxString prefix = audacityPathList[i] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
      wxGetApp().AddUniquePathToPathList(prefix + wxT("modules"),

   #if defined(__WXMSW__)
   wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, files);   
   wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, files);

   for (i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) {
      // As a courtesy to some modules that might be bridges to
      // open other modules, we set the current working
      // directory to be the module's directory.
      wxString saveOldCWD = ::wxGetCwd();
      wxString prefix = ::wxPathOnly(files[i]);

      if( !IsAllowedModule( files[i] ) )  // don't try and check the in-date-ness before this as that means loading the module to call it's GetVersionString, which could do anything.
         wxString ShortName = wxFileName( files[i] ).GetName();
         wxString msg;
         msg.Printf(_("Module \"%s\" found."), ShortName.c_str());
         msg += _("\n\nOnly use modules from trusted sources");
         const wxChar *buttons[] = {_("Yes"), _("No"), NULL};  // could add a button here for 'yes and remember that', and put it into the cfg file.  Needs more thought.
         int action;
         action = ShowMultiDialog(msg, _("Module Loader"), buttons, _("Try and load this module?"), false);
         if(action == 1)   // "No"

      Module *module = new Module(files[i]);
      if (module->Load())   // it will get rejected if there  are version problems
         // We've loaded and initialised OK.
         // So look for special case functions:
         wxLogNull logNo; // Don't show wxWidgets errors if we can't do these. (Was: Fix bug 544.)
         // (a) for scripting.
         if( scriptFn == NULL )
            scriptFn = (tpRegScriptServerFunc)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(scriptFnName)));
         // (b) for hijacking the entire Audacity panel.
         if( pPanelHijack==NULL )
            pPanelHijack = (tPanelFn)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(mainPanelFnName)));
      else {
         delete module;
   // After loading all the modules, we may have a registered scripting function.
Beispiel #2
// static 
void ModuleManager::Initialize(CommandHandler &cmdHandler)
   wxArrayString audacityPathList = wxGetApp().audacityPathList;
   wxArrayString pathList;
   wxArrayString files;
   wxString pathVar;
   size_t i;

   // Code from LoadLadspa that might be useful in load modules.
   pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_MODULES_PATH"));
   if (pathVar != wxT(""))
      wxGetApp().AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, pathList);

   for (i = 0; i < audacityPathList.GetCount(); i++) {
      wxString prefix = audacityPathList[i] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
      wxGetApp().AddUniquePathToPathList(prefix + wxT("modules"),

   #if defined(__WXMSW__)
   wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.dll"), pathList, files);
   wxGetApp().FindFilesInPathList(wxT("*.so"), pathList, files);

   wxString saveOldCWD = ::wxGetCwd();
   for (i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); i++) {
      // As a courtesy to some modules that might be bridges to
      // open other modules, we set the current working
      // directory to be the module's directory.
      wxString prefix = ::wxPathOnly(files[i]);

      int iModuleStatus = ModulePrefs::GetModuleStatus( files[i] );
      if( iModuleStatus == kModuleDisabled )
      if( iModuleStatus == kModuleFailed )
      // New module?  You have to go and explicitly enable it.
      if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
         // To ensure it is noted in config file and so
         // appears on modules page.
         ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleNew);

      if( iModuleStatus == kModuleAsk )
      // JKC: I don't like prompting for the plug-ins individually
      // I think it would be better to show the module prefs page,
      // and let the user decide for each one.
         wxString ShortName = wxFileName( files[i] ).GetName();
         wxString msg;
         msg.Printf(_("Module \"%s\" found."), ShortName.c_str());
         msg += _("\n\nOnly use modules from trusted sources");
         const wxChar *buttons[] = {_("Yes"), _("No"), NULL};  // could add a button here for 'yes and remember that', and put it into the cfg file.  Needs more thought.
         int action;
         action = ShowMultiDialog(msg, _("Audacity Module Loader"), buttons, _("Try and load this module?"), false);
         // If we're not prompting always, accept the answer permanantly
         if( iModuleStatus == kModuleNew ){
            iModuleStatus = (action==1)?kModuleDisabled : kModuleEnabled;
            ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], iModuleStatus );
         if(action == 1){   // "No"
      // Before attempting to load, we set the state to bad.
      // That way, if we crash, we won't try again.
      ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], kModuleFailed );

      Module *module = new Module(files[i]);
      if (module->Load())   // it will get rejected if there  are version problems
         // We've loaded and initialised OK.
         // So look for special case functions:
         wxLogNull logNo; // Don't show wxWidgets errors if we can't do these. (Was: Fix bug 544.)
         // (a) for scripting.
         if( scriptFn == NULL )
            scriptFn = (tpRegScriptServerFunc)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(scriptFnName)));
         // (b) for hijacking the entire Audacity panel.
         if( pPanelHijack==NULL )
            pPanelHijack = (tPanelFn)(module->GetSymbol(wxT(mainPanelFnName)));
         // Loaded successfully, restore the status.
         ModulePrefs::SetModuleStatus( files[i], iModuleStatus);
      else {
         // No need to save status, as we already set kModuleFailed.
         delete module;

   // After loading all the modules, we may have a registered scripting function.