Beispiel #1
// Generate a stub that is called via the internal ABI derived from the
// signature of the import and calls into a compatible JIT function,
// having boxed all the ABI arguments into the JIT stack frame layout.
static bool
GenerateJitExitStub(ModuleGenerator& mg, unsigned importIndex, bool usesHeap,
                    Label* throwLabel, ProfilingOffsets* offsets)
    MacroAssembler& masm = mg.masm();
    const Sig& sig = *mg.import(importIndex).sig;


    // JIT calls use the following stack layout (sp grows to the left):
    //   | retaddr | descriptor | callee | argc | this | arg1..N |
    // After the JIT frame, the global register (if present) is saved since the
    // JIT's ABI does not preserve non-volatile regs. Also, unlike most ABIs,
    // the JIT ABI requires that sp be JitStackAlignment-aligned *after* pushing
    // the return address.
    static_assert(AsmJSStackAlignment >= JitStackAlignment, "subsumes");
    unsigned sizeOfRetAddr = sizeof(void*);
    unsigned jitFrameBytes = 3 * sizeof(void*) + (1 + sig.args().length()) * sizeof(Value);
    unsigned totalJitFrameBytes = sizeOfRetAddr + jitFrameBytes + MaybeSavedGlobalReg;
    unsigned jitFramePushed = StackDecrementForCall(masm, JitStackAlignment, totalJitFrameBytes) -

    GenerateExitPrologue(masm, jitFramePushed, ExitReason::ImportJit, offsets);

    // 1. Descriptor
    size_t argOffset = 0;
    uint32_t descriptor = MakeFrameDescriptor(jitFramePushed, JitFrame_Entry);
    masm.storePtr(ImmWord(uintptr_t(descriptor)), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), argOffset));
    argOffset += sizeof(size_t);

    // 2. Callee
    Register callee = ABIArgGenerator::NonArgReturnReg0;   // live until call
    Register scratch = ABIArgGenerator::NonArgReturnReg1;  // repeatedly clobbered

    // 2.1. Get ExitDatum
    unsigned globalDataOffset = mg.import(importIndex).globalDataOffset;
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X64)
    masm.append(AsmJSGlobalAccess(masm.leaRipRelative(callee), globalDataOffset));
#elif defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86)
    masm.append(AsmJSGlobalAccess(masm.movlWithPatch(Imm32(0), callee), globalDataOffset));
#elif defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) || \
      defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
    masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(GlobalReg, globalDataOffset - AsmJSGlobalRegBias), callee);

    // 2.2. Get callee
    masm.loadPtr(Address(callee, Module::OffsetOfImportExitFun), callee);

    // 2.3. Save callee
    masm.storePtr(callee, Address(masm.getStackPointer(), argOffset));
    argOffset += sizeof(size_t);

    // 2.4. Load callee executable entry point
    masm.loadPtr(Address(callee, JSFunction::offsetOfNativeOrScript()), callee);
    masm.loadBaselineOrIonNoArgCheck(callee, callee, nullptr);

    // 3. Argc
    unsigned argc = sig.args().length();
    masm.storePtr(ImmWord(uintptr_t(argc)), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), argOffset));
    argOffset += sizeof(size_t);

    // 4. |this| value
    masm.storeValue(UndefinedValue(), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), argOffset));
    argOffset += sizeof(Value);

    // 5. Fill the arguments
    unsigned offsetToCallerStackArgs = jitFramePushed + sizeof(AsmJSFrame);
    FillArgumentArray(masm, sig.args(), argOffset, offsetToCallerStackArgs, scratch);
    argOffset += sig.args().length() * sizeof(Value);
    MOZ_ASSERT(argOffset == jitFrameBytes);

    // 6. Jit code will clobber all registers, even non-volatiles. GlobalReg and
    //    HeapReg are removed from the general register set for asm.js code, so
    //    these will not have been saved by the caller like all other registers,
    //    so they must be explicitly preserved. Only save GlobalReg since
    //    HeapReg can be reloaded (from global data) after the call.
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
    static_assert(MaybeSavedGlobalReg == sizeof(void*), "stack frame accounting");
    masm.storePtr(GlobalReg, Address(masm.getStackPointer(), jitFrameBytes));

        // Enable Activation.
        // This sequence requires four registers, and needs to preserve the 'callee'
        // register, so there are five live registers.
        MOZ_ASSERT(callee == AsmJSIonExitRegCallee);
        Register reg0 = AsmJSIonExitRegE0;
        Register reg1 = AsmJSIonExitRegE1;
        Register reg2 = AsmJSIonExitRegE2;
        Register reg3 = AsmJSIonExitRegE3;

        // The following is inlined:
        //   JSContext* cx = activation->cx();
        //   Activation* act = cx->runtime()->activation();
        //   act.active_ = true;
        //   act.prevJitTop_ = cx->runtime()->jitTop;
        //   act.prevJitJSContext_ = cx->runtime()->jitJSContext;
        //   cx->runtime()->jitJSContext = cx;
        //   act.prevJitActivation_ = cx->runtime()->jitActivation;
        //   cx->runtime()->jitActivation = act;
        //   act.prevProfilingActivation_ = cx->runtime()->profilingActivation;
        //   cx->runtime()->profilingActivation_ = act;
        // On the ARM store8() uses the secondScratchReg (lr) as a temp.
        size_t offsetOfActivation = JSRuntime::offsetOfActivation();
        size_t offsetOfJitTop = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitTop);
        size_t offsetOfJitJSContext = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitJSContext);
        size_t offsetOfJitActivation = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitActivation);
        size_t offsetOfProfilingActivation = JSRuntime::offsetOfProfilingActivation();
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, WasmActivation::offsetOfContext()), reg3);
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg3, JSContext::offsetOfRuntime()), reg0);
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfActivation), reg1);

        //   act.active_ = true;
        masm.store8(Imm32(1), Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfActiveUint8()));

        //   act.prevJitTop_ = cx->runtime()->jitTop;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfJitTop), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitTop()));

        //   act.prevJitJSContext_ = cx->runtime()->jitJSContext;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfJitJSContext), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitJSContext()));
        //   cx->runtime()->jitJSContext = cx;
        masm.storePtr(reg3, Address(reg0, offsetOfJitJSContext));

        //   act.prevJitActivation_ = cx->runtime()->jitActivation;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfJitActivation), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitActivation()));
        //   cx->runtime()->jitActivation = act;
        masm.storePtr(reg1, Address(reg0, offsetOfJitActivation));

        //   act.prevProfilingActivation_ = cx->runtime()->profilingActivation;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfProfilingActivation), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg1, Activation::offsetOfPrevProfiling()));
        //   cx->runtime()->profilingActivation_ = act;
        masm.storePtr(reg1, Address(reg0, offsetOfProfilingActivation));

    AssertStackAlignment(masm, JitStackAlignment, sizeOfRetAddr);
    AssertStackAlignment(masm, JitStackAlignment, sizeOfRetAddr);

        // Disable Activation.
        // This sequence needs three registers, and must preserve the JSReturnReg_Data and
        // JSReturnReg_Type, so there are five live registers.
        MOZ_ASSERT(JSReturnReg_Data == AsmJSIonExitRegReturnData);
        MOZ_ASSERT(JSReturnReg_Type == AsmJSIonExitRegReturnType);
        Register reg0 = AsmJSIonExitRegD0;
        Register reg1 = AsmJSIonExitRegD1;
        Register reg2 = AsmJSIonExitRegD2;

        // The following is inlined:
        //   rt->profilingActivation = prevProfilingActivation_;
        //   rt->activation()->active_ = false;
        //   rt->jitTop = prevJitTop_;
        //   rt->jitJSContext = prevJitJSContext_;
        //   rt->jitActivation = prevJitActivation_;
        // On the ARM store8() uses the secondScratchReg (lr) as a temp.
        size_t offsetOfActivation = JSRuntime::offsetOfActivation();
        size_t offsetOfJitTop = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitTop);
        size_t offsetOfJitJSContext = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitJSContext);
        size_t offsetOfJitActivation = offsetof(JSRuntime, jitActivation);
        size_t offsetOfProfilingActivation = JSRuntime::offsetOfProfilingActivation();

        masm.movePtr(SymbolicAddress::Runtime, reg0);
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg0, offsetOfActivation), reg1);

        //   rt->jitTop = prevJitTop_;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitTop()), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg0, offsetOfJitTop));

        //   rt->profilingActivation = rt->activation()->prevProfiling_;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg1, Activation::offsetOfPrevProfiling()), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg0, offsetOfProfilingActivation));

        //   rt->activation()->active_ = false;
        masm.store8(Imm32(0), Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfActiveUint8()));

        //   rt->jitJSContext = prevJitJSContext_;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitJSContext()), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg0, offsetOfJitJSContext));

        //   rt->jitActivation = prevJitActivation_;
        masm.loadPtr(Address(reg1, JitActivation::offsetOfPrevJitActivation()), reg2);
        masm.storePtr(reg2, Address(reg0, offsetOfJitActivation));

    // Reload the global register since JIT code can clobber any register.
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
    static_assert(MaybeSavedGlobalReg == sizeof(void*), "stack frame accounting");
    masm.loadPtr(Address(masm.getStackPointer(), jitFrameBytes), GlobalReg);

    // As explained above, the frame was aligned for the JIT ABI such that
    //   (sp + sizeof(void*)) % JitStackAlignment == 0
    // But now we possibly want to call one of several different C++ functions,
    // so subtract the sizeof(void*) so that sp is aligned for an ABI call.
    static_assert(ABIStackAlignment <= JitStackAlignment, "subsumes");
    unsigned nativeFramePushed = masm.framePushed();
    AssertStackAlignment(masm, ABIStackAlignment);

    masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, JSReturnOperand, throwLabel);

    Label oolConvert;
    switch (sig.ret()) {
      case ExprType::Void:
      case ExprType::I32:
        masm.convertValueToInt32(JSReturnOperand, ReturnDoubleReg, ReturnReg, &oolConvert,
                                 /* -0 check */ false);
      case ExprType::I64:
        MOZ_CRASH("no int64 in asm.js");
      case ExprType::F32:
        MOZ_CRASH("Float shouldn't be returned from an import");
      case ExprType::F64:
        masm.convertValueToDouble(JSReturnOperand, ReturnDoubleReg, &oolConvert);
      case ExprType::I32x4:
      case ExprType::F32x4:
      case ExprType::B32x4:
        MOZ_CRASH("SIMD types shouldn't be returned from an import");

    Label done;

    // Ion code does not respect system callee-saved register conventions so
    // reload the heap register.
    if (usesHeap)

    GenerateExitEpilogue(masm, masm.framePushed(), ExitReason::ImportJit, offsets);

    if (oolConvert.used()) {

        // Coercion calls use the following stack layout (sp grows to the left):
        //   | args | padding | Value argv[1] | padding | exit AsmJSFrame |
        MIRTypeVector coerceArgTypes;
        unsigned offsetToCoerceArgv = AlignBytes(StackArgBytes(coerceArgTypes), sizeof(Value));
        MOZ_ASSERT(nativeFramePushed >= offsetToCoerceArgv + sizeof(Value));
        AssertStackAlignment(masm, ABIStackAlignment);

        // Store return value into argv[0]
        masm.storeValue(JSReturnOperand, Address(masm.getStackPointer(), offsetToCoerceArgv));

        // argument 0: argv
        ABIArgMIRTypeIter i(coerceArgTypes);
        Address argv(masm.getStackPointer(), offsetToCoerceArgv);
        if (i->kind() == ABIArg::GPR) {
            masm.computeEffectiveAddress(argv, i->gpr());
        } else {
            masm.computeEffectiveAddress(argv, scratch);
            masm.storePtr(scratch, Address(masm.getStackPointer(), i->offsetFromArgBase()));

        // Call coercion function
        AssertStackAlignment(masm, ABIStackAlignment);
        switch (sig.ret()) {
          case ExprType::I32:
            masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, throwLabel);
            masm.unboxInt32(Address(masm.getStackPointer(), offsetToCoerceArgv), ReturnReg);
          case ExprType::F64:
            masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, throwLabel);
            masm.loadDouble(Address(masm.getStackPointer(), offsetToCoerceArgv), ReturnDoubleReg);
            MOZ_CRASH("Unsupported convert type");


    MOZ_ASSERT(masm.framePushed() == 0);

    if (masm.oom())
        return false;

    offsets->end = masm.currentOffset();
    return true;
Beispiel #2
// Generate a stub that is called via the internal ABI derived from the
// signature of the import and calls into an appropriate InvokeImport C++
// function, having boxed all the ABI arguments into a homogeneous Value array.
static bool
GenerateInterpExitStub(ModuleGenerator& mg, unsigned importIndex, Label* throwLabel,
                       ProfilingOffsets* offsets)
    MacroAssembler& masm = mg.masm();
    const Sig& sig = *mg.import(importIndex).sig;


    // Argument types for InvokeImport_*:
    static const MIRType typeArray[] = { MIRType_Pointer,   // ImportExit
                                         MIRType_Int32,     // argc
                                         MIRType_Pointer }; // argv
    MIRTypeVector invokeArgTypes;
    MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(invokeArgTypes.append(typeArray, ArrayLength(typeArray)));

    // At the point of the call, the stack layout shall be (sp grows to the left):
    //   | stack args | padding | Value argv[] | padding | retaddr | caller stack args |
    // The padding between stack args and argv ensures that argv is aligned. The
    // padding between argv and retaddr ensures that sp is aligned.
    unsigned argOffset = AlignBytes(StackArgBytes(invokeArgTypes), sizeof(double));
    unsigned argBytes = Max<size_t>(1, sig.args().length()) * sizeof(Value);
    unsigned framePushed = StackDecrementForCall(masm, ABIStackAlignment, argOffset + argBytes);

    GenerateExitPrologue(masm, framePushed, ExitReason::ImportInterp, offsets);

    // Fill the argument array.
    unsigned offsetToCallerStackArgs = sizeof(AsmJSFrame) + masm.framePushed();
    Register scratch = ABIArgGenerator::NonArgReturnReg0;
    FillArgumentArray(masm, sig.args(), argOffset, offsetToCallerStackArgs, scratch);

    // Prepare the arguments for the call to InvokeImport_*.
    ABIArgMIRTypeIter i(invokeArgTypes);

    // argument 0: importIndex
    if (i->kind() == ABIArg::GPR), i->gpr());
        masm.store32(Imm32(importIndex), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), i->offsetFromArgBase()));

    // argument 1: argc
    unsigned argc = sig.args().length();
    if (i->kind() == ABIArg::GPR), i->gpr());
        masm.store32(Imm32(argc), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), i->offsetFromArgBase()));

    // argument 2: argv
    Address argv(masm.getStackPointer(), argOffset);
    if (i->kind() == ABIArg::GPR) {
        masm.computeEffectiveAddress(argv, i->gpr());
    } else {
        masm.computeEffectiveAddress(argv, scratch);
        masm.storePtr(scratch, Address(masm.getStackPointer(), i->offsetFromArgBase()));

    // Make the call, test whether it succeeded, and extract the return value.
    AssertStackAlignment(masm, ABIStackAlignment);
    switch (sig.ret()) {
      case ExprType::Void:;
        masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, throwLabel);
      case ExprType::I32:;
        masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, throwLabel);
        masm.unboxInt32(argv, ReturnReg);
      case ExprType::I64:
        MOZ_CRASH("no int64 in asm.js");
      case ExprType::F32:
        MOZ_CRASH("Float32 shouldn't be returned from a FFI");
      case ExprType::F64:;
        masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, throwLabel);
        masm.loadDouble(argv, ReturnDoubleReg);
      case ExprType::I32x4:
      case ExprType::F32x4:
      case ExprType::B32x4:
        MOZ_CRASH("SIMD types shouldn't be returned from a FFI");

    GenerateExitEpilogue(masm, framePushed, ExitReason::ImportInterp, offsets);

    if (masm.oom())
        return false;

    offsets->end = masm.currentOffset();
    return true;