Beispiel #1
int main() {
	Mortgage first(10000, 5.0, 500) ;	//uses non-default constructor
	Mortgage second ;			//uses default constructor, mortage for $100,000 at 4.5% interest and $2,500 payment ;
	cout << "Current balance after rediting second mortgage 10K: " << second.getPrincipal() << endl ;

	cout << "Amortization schedule for first mortgage:" << endl ;
	first.amortize() ;
Beispiel #2
int main(void) {

	double creditAmount = 10000;

	Mortgage defaultMortgage; //creates default-initialized object
	Mortgage secondMortgage(100000, 5.0, 500); //creates non-default object; //credits account
	cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Current balance after crediting account $" << creditAmount;
	cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << ": $" << secondMortgage.getPrincipal() << endl;
	cout << "Amortization schedule for first mortgage: " << endl;
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(){
	Mortgage first(10000,5.0,500);   //Normal mortgage
	Mortgage second; 		 //Default constructor
	Mortgage bad(10000,-5,12);       //Invalid mortgage (will give error message as soon as the program hits this line.);   //Credits the second mortgage (reduces the total from $100,000 to $90,000
	cout <<"Current balance after crediting second mortgage: "<<second.getPrincipal()<<endl;   //Print this to the user
	cout<<"Amortization schedule for the first mortgage:"<<endl; 
	first.amortize();  //Display the amortization table for the first mortgage.  

Beispiel #4
int main () {
  //create four new mortgages, one using default constructor, two display error message
  Mortgage one(300000,.01,3200);//this one will work
  cout << "Mortgage two: ";
  Mortgage two(100000,.5,200);	//this one has a rate too large for the monthly payment and will display an error message
  cout << "Mortgage three: ";
  Mortgage three(100000,-2,500);//will display negative rate error
  Mortgage four;		//default constructor, will have 100000 with 5% and $500 payment;//This credits the first mortgage $50,000, will reduce initial principle to $250,000

  cout << "Fourth mortgage balance: $" << four.getPrincipal() << endl;
  cout << "Current balance after crediting mortgage one 50K: $" << one.getPrincipal() << endl;
  cout << "Amortization schedule for first mortgage:" << endl;
Beispiel #5
 Function Name: MortgageCalculator::reportMortgageDetails

 Function Description: displays the details of the mortgage the user
                       has input

void MortgageCalculator::reportMortgageDetails()
  // amortize a mortgage and get the monthly payment
  Mortgage mortgage = Mortgage(m_principalAmount, m_interestRate, m_term);
  const double monthlyPayment = mortgage.getMonthlyPayment();

  // display a nice report tot he user
  cout << endl
     << fixed << setprecision(2) // all numbers as fixed-point with 2 digits
     << setw(24) << left << "Term in Years:"
     << " " << setw(7) << right << m_term << endl
     << setw(24) << left << "Interest Rate:"
     << " " << setw(10) << right << m_interestRate << "%" << endl
     << setw(24) << left << "Mortgage Principal:"
     << "$" << setw(10) << right << m_principalAmount << endl
     << setw(24) << left << "Monthly Payment:"
     << "$" << setw(10) << right << monthlyPayment
     << endl << endl;
Beispiel #6
int main(){
    Mortgage myMort;
    double amount;
    double ir;
    int years;
    double term;
    cout << "Enter total loan amount :" << endl;
    cin >> amount;
    cout << "Enter interest rate :" << endl;
    cin >> ir;
    cout << "Enter number of years :" << endl;
    cin >> years;
    term = (1 + ir/12) * pow (12, years);
    cout << "Your monthly payment will be :" << myMort.getmonthlypayment(term);
    cout << "Your total payment will be :" << myMort.getpay();
Beispiel #7
int main()
	Mortgage first;				// using default constructor
	Mortgage second( 10000, 5, 500 );	// using non-default constructor
	cout << "\nError-check on invalid principal: ";
	Mortgage error1( -10000, 5, 500 );	// testing for error from invalid principal amount (negative)
	cout << "Error-check on invalid interest (below 0): ";
	Mortgage error2_1( 10000, -5, 500 );	// testing for error from invalid interest rate (below 0)
	cout << "Error-check on invalid interest (above 100): ";
	Mortgage error2_2( 10000, 105, 500 );	// testing for error from invalid interest rate (above 100)
	cout << "Error-check on invalid payment: ";
	Mortgage error3( 10000, 5, -500 );	// testing for error from invalid payment amount (negative)

	cout << "Error-check on multiple constructing invalidities: ";
	Mortgage error4( -100, -5, -50 );	// testing for multiple invalid inputs

	cout << "\nInitial principal of first mortgage: " << first.getPrincipal() << endl; 10000 );			// credit the first mortgage with a $10000 payment
	cout << "Initial principal of a formerly invalid mortgage: " << error1.getPrincipal() << endl; 1000 );	

	cout << "\nPrincipal of the first mortgage after a $10000 credit: " << first.getPrincipal() << endl;
	cout << "Principal of the formerly invalid mortgage after a $1000 credit: " << error1.getPrincipal() << endl;
	cout << "Error-check on invalid credit: "; -1000 );			// testing for error from invalid credit amount (negative)
	Mortgage error5( 0, 5, 5 );
	cout << "Error-check on paid-off mortgage: "; 100 );			// testing for error when attempting to credit a mortgage that has been paid off

	cout << "\nAmortization table of the second mortgage:" << endl;
Beispiel #8
QDataStream& MtgCalculator::LoadOldVersion(QDataStream& stream) {
	RETURN_WHEN_RUNNING(true, stream)
	qint32 tempInt, TempKey;
	stream >> tempInt;
	stream >> d->m_UseStoredCashFlows;
    stream >> d->m_CPRass;
    stream >> d->m_CDRass;
    stream >> d->m_LSass;
    stream >> d->m_RecoveryLag;
    stream >> d->m_Delinquency;
    stream >> d->m_DelinquencyLag;
    stream >> d->StartDate;
	Mortgage TmpMtg;
    while (tempInt--) {
		stream >> TempKey;
		stream >> TmpMtg;
		SetLoan(TmpMtg, TempKey);
	return TemplAsyncCalculator<MtgCalculatorThread, MtgCashFlow>::LoadOldVersion(stream);
Beispiel #9
 Function Name: MortgageCalculator::reportMortgageDetails

 Function Description: displays the details of the mortgage the user
                       has input

void MortgageCalculator::reportMortgageDetails()
  // amortize a mortgage and get the monthly payment
  Mortgage mortgage = Mortgage(m_interestRate, m_term, m_principalAmount);
  const double monthlyPayment = mortgage.getMonthlyPayment();
  const int numberOfPayments = mortgage.getNumberOfPayments();

  // display a nice report to the user
  cout << endl
       << fixed << setprecision(2) // all numbers as fixed-point with 2 digits
       << setw(24) << left << "Term in Years:"
       << " " << setw(7) << right << m_term << endl
       << setw(24) << left << "Interest Rate:"
       << " " << setw(10) << right << m_interestRate << "%" << endl
       << setw(24) << left << "Mortgage Principal:"
       << "$" << setw(10) << right << m_principalAmount << endl
       << setw(24) << left << "Monthly Payment:"
       << "$" << setw(10) << right << monthlyPayment << endl
       << endl;

  // print a payment breakdown by month
  printBreakdownHeader(1, monthlyPayment);
  for (int month = 1; month <= numberOfPayments; month++)
    const double interestPayment = mortgage.getInterestPayment(month);
    const double principalPayment = mortgage.getPrincipalPayment(month);
    const double remainingBalance = mortgage.getRemainingBalance(month);
    cout << setw(10) << right << month
         << " "
         << "$" << setw(10) << right << interestPayment
         << " "
         << "$" << setw(10) << right << principalPayment
         << " "
         << "$" << setw(10) << right << remainingBalance
         << endl;
    // pause and print a new header every year
    if ((month % Mortgage::MONTHS_IN_YEAR) == 0 && month < numberOfPayments)
      printBreakdownHeader(month / Mortgage::MONTHS_IN_YEAR + 1, monthlyPayment);
Beispiel #10
int main() {
    //Main class
    Mortgage User;
    //Set the Loan
    double loan;
    cout << "What is the current amount of dollars you have on your loan : $";
    while ((!(cin >> loan)) || (loan <= 0)) //If cin does NOT accept input for loan, OR, loan <= 0, then:
        cin.clear(); //Clear any warning
        cin.ignore(); //Ingore everything that is in the buffer
        cout << "ERROR: Loan must be a number greater than 0." << endl;
        cout << "What is the current amount of dollars you have on your loan : $"; //Try again
    cin.ignore(); //This removes any excess i.e. 10h would be accepted as 10, then the next cin would have h. This gets rid of the h.
    //Set the Interest Rate
    double intR;
    cout << "What is your annual interest rate on your loan              : %";
    while ((!(cin >> intR)) || (intR <= 0))
        cout << "ERROR: Interest must be a number greater than 0." << endl;
        cout << "What is your annual interest rate on your loan              : %";
    intR = intR/1200; //Divide rate by months, and divide by 100 to turn into %
    //Set the Years remaining
    double term;
    cout << "How many years do you have left on your loan                : ";
    while ((!(cin >> term)) || (term <= 0)) 
        cout << "ERROR: Years must be a number greater than 0." << endl;
        cout << "How many years do you have left on your loan                : ";
    term = term*12; //Turn years into Months
    //Seperate Input from Output
    cout << endl << "-----------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
    //Get the payment breakdown
    double blnc = loan; //set Balance = loan
    double mPay = User.getPymt(); //MonthlyPayment = getPymt(); this is done once to prevent having to re-calculate this every line.
    double intP, plPd; 
    double totalIntPaid = 0;
    double totalPrnPaid = 0;
    cout << setw(5) << right << "Month" << " : " << setw(8) << "Interest" << " : " << setw(9) << "Principal" << " : " << setw(10) << "Balance" << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); //Used to format the following
    for (int i=1; blnc > 0; i++)
        if ((i % 21) == 0) cin.get();
        intP  = blnc * intR; //InterestPaid = Balance * interestRate
        plPd  = mPay - intP; //PrincipalPaid = MonthlyPayment - InterestPaid
        blnc -= plPd; //Balance = Balance - PrincipalPaid
        totalIntPaid += intP;
        totalPrnPaid += plPd;
        cout << setw(5) << right << i << " : $" << setw(7) << intP << " : $" << setw(8) << plPd << " : $" << setw(9) << blnc << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Total Interest Paid     : $" << totalIntPaid << endl;
    cout << "Total Principal Paid    : $" << totalPrnPaid << endl;
    //Get the monthly payment
    cout << "Your monthly payment is : $" << User.getPymt() << endl;
    //Get the total paid
    cout << "Total amount paid       : $" << User.getTotl() << endl;
    return 0;